Wraparound Universe: Is It Feasible?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of the universe wrapping around in a higher dimension and the implications it would have on the concept of an edge or limit to the universe. It is suggested that this wrapping around could explain the phenomenon of radiation reaching us from opposite directions and potentially being older than expected. The idea of a "recycling" of energy within the universe is also brought up, with the analogy of a bubble bath and a donut-shaped universe being used to explain it.
  • #1
Science Advisor
I remember when i was reading on Einstein's relativity the idea of the universe wrapping around, and not having definite limits. The example given was that of people living on the 2D surface of a sphere. They can move about their universe without ever coming to an "edge of the universe". Given an expanding universe how feasible is this? Our 3D universe could wrap around using a fourth dimension, so we would never see an edge of the universe, but the universe would still have limits, the surface of the sphere mentioned above has a thickness (maybe infinitely small) but there must be a start and end points defining the thickness of that sphere, so we're not getting rid of the question of universe ending somewhere, even if making it a little easier to ignore.
If the universe wraps around, then supposedly radiation beamed off in one direction may meet us from the opposite direction assuming it's not significantly affected by gravity in its course. If the universe wraps around then some of the radiation reaching us may be older than we think. I think that given the age of the universe (depending on the size of course) it's feasible that if we're in a wraparound universe then some light has had the time to go around a few.
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  • #2
Would it not act much to the same as a gravity wave from north to south and vice versa. It cycles, there by never having an end or a begining?? Except to say that it once started, from say the big bang, and now that the energy that was once compressed and now is decompressing it just cycles. That is the image in my mind anyway.
  • #3
I'd thought that too...

...living inside the membrane/bubble skin and the limit of what you can see is like the soccer ball patch analogy where each patch is connected to form a sphere but from inside the thickness of the ball you would only see maybe one patch

only imagine then this bubble being connected to many as foam in a bubble bath...
  • #4
So would there be such a thing a recycle energy in an existing universe. I am thinking that would it not be possable for the universe to constantly expand within itself. In image of this to me would take place in a space shaped much like a dounut. Even though I am unsure of the shape of the center hole, space could constantly expand in return to "0" if you will by pushing energy out to the edge from the center through the core at a zero point and then the energy would move back on the skin of the dounut like the energy wave involved in magnets in a loop fashon...back to the pole and be reintroduced as new energy. This would help explain why space is constantly in expansion.

FAQ: Wraparound Universe: Is It Feasible?

1. What is the Wraparound Universe theory?

The Wraparound Universe theory is a cosmological model proposed by physicist J. Richard Gott III. It suggests that our universe may be finite but unbounded, meaning that it has a finite volume but no edges or boundaries. This would allow for a continuous wraparound effect where objects in the universe would eventually circle back to their starting point.

2. How is this theory different from the traditional Big Bang theory?

The traditional Big Bang theory states that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. The Wraparound Universe theory, on the other hand, suggests that the universe may have a finite volume and does not have a beginning or an end. It also offers an alternative explanation for the observed cosmic microwave background radiation.

3. Is there any evidence to support the Wraparound Universe theory?

At this time, there is no direct evidence to support the Wraparound Universe theory. However, some studies have found that the observed large-scale structure of the universe is consistent with a finite but unbounded universe. Further research and observations will be needed to confirm or refute this theory.

4. How could a Wraparound Universe be feasible?

The feasibility of a Wraparound Universe depends on the validity of the assumptions and mathematical models used in the theory. Some scientists have pointed out potential issues, such as the need for an infinite amount of matter and energy to create a wraparound effect. However, others argue that these issues could be resolved with further research and refinements to the theory.

5. What are the implications of a Wraparound Universe?

If the Wraparound Universe theory is proven to be true, it would completely change our understanding of the universe and its origins. It would also have implications for the study of dark matter and dark energy, as well as the fate of the universe. Additionally, it could open up new possibilities for space travel and exploration.

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