WTC Metal Fatigue. How Did Building 7 Fall?

In summary, Building 7 was hit by no aircraft or debris and had several small fires. It amazingly collapsed in symmetrical fashion at free fall speeds, an event that has raised concerns and questions about its structural failure. While some suggest that similar intense fires in Madrid did not result in collapse, it is important to note that WTC 7 did not have working fire suppression systems and had critical structural members on fire. Official reports have been unable to fully explain the collapse and there is little debate on the subject. However, it is important to remember that the unique circumstances of 9/11, including the possibility of 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel feeding the fire, may have played a role. Firefighters who were inside the building
  • #36
Noddy said:
You and the rest of your ilk are the "specialized" idiot class who would believe Noddy and Big Ears flew into those towers because a government "expert" told you so.

I've finished playing with you.

Twas fun.
Fair 'nuff... good riddence.