YouTube Classics: Watch & Learn Kids

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, this conversation covers a wide range of topics, from comedic videos and commercials to impressive talents and performances. Participants share their thoughts and opinions on various videos and also reminisce about childhood memories. Some notable videos mentioned include a hilarious commercial about a kid throwing a tantrum and his mom's unexpected reaction, a funny World of Warcraft funeral crashers video, a brave climber scaling a rock with no ropes, and a clever artist animation of a Mars rover. The conversation also touches on politics and news media with discussions about biased reporting and a zinger from Jon Stewart. Overall, the conversation is filled with humor and interesting content, making for an entertaining read.
  • #1,401
Borg said:
How's the new iPad that we got for you?
In German but, the answer to her question is clear.
That's nothing.

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Physics news on
  • #1,402
CaptFirePanda said:

Thank you Captain Fire Panda. I enjoyed, and have shared this.

(story of my life... =8D )
  • #1,403
I hope this one is not a repeat. This is perhaps the most beautiful video I have ever seen:

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  • #1,404
Tonight I met little Jackie Evancho and then watched her perform. Let there be no doubt about it: She is one very sweet little girl. It was interesting to note the ages of those attending. While there were people of all ages, there was an obvious bias towards people over 50, and girls under 18. An unusual demographic to say the least!

Listening to people talk about Jackie was pretty interesting. I doubt you will find many fans to any star more loyal than Jackie fans. It was clear that many of these folks eat, drink, and sleep Jackie Evancho. One old gent was telling me that a friend of his paid $2000 just to see her perform 3 songs at some big gig in Vegas! [edit: I think it was the gentleman who told me this who also said that he and his wife had driven from Seattle to Sacramento [about a 14-hour drive one-way] just to attend the concert.]

For the concert tonight, even balcony seats were $300 apiece but the place [2400 seats] was packed. If it wasn't sold out it must has been very nearly so. I couldn't see any empty seats from my front-center orchestra pit seat [cool seat :biggrin:]

She had a guest performer named Josh Page, who performed a number of songs solo and then did a duet with Jackie. He is very good but together they're fantastic. The following link doesn't even begin to do the audio justice but it was all I could find. From my seat I could see that these two have some serious chemistry going on. I tend to suspect that Jackie may have a crush.

It was an absolutely wonderful evening - a night to remember.
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  • #1,405
Not a YouTube but still:

  • #1,406
On YouTube as well:

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  • #1,407

200 MPH RC car. I love the sound.
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  • #1,408
I googled Jackie Evancho and Will It Blend?, hoping for a match, but Justin Bieber was the best I could come up with.

CAUTION: Video portrays a rather grapic decapitation, a magical unicorn, really bad hair, and a very disturbing end!

Having met with only limited success (otherwise known as failure), my next project is to find a video featuring both Jackie Evancho and Terry Tate, Office Linebacker.
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  • #1,409
BobG said:
I googled Jackie Evancho and Will It Blend?, hoping for a match, but Justin Bieber was the best I could come up with.

That reminds me of the time I thought I had won the lottery, but it was just a parking ticket.
  • #1,410
Meh, close enough.

Just another ugly incident in the ongoing saga of the NFL's bounty scandal.
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  • #1,411
this is my favorite youtube video ever
  • #1,414
dlgoff said:
Having been in a few bands from about age 12 to well into my 20s, there were times (which I believe is what drives good musicians) when we were all in "complete" sync with each other, our instruments and the audience. It was like your muscles were making the music and you were outside listening. The resulting euphoria is probably similar to other "techniques" that causes this mental detachment. For me at least, I would definitely describe it as JOY. And it appears it can works both ways. i.e. the musician making the music or audience listening to the music.

Ivan Seeking said:
Yes, I know the feeling from playing the piano as a kid. And Foster specifically mentions that it is like she is glued to the track. He loosely compares working with Jackie to working with Whitney Houston [he helped to make Houston's career] in an eleven-year-old's body. She operates at an adult level. Beyond that, she feels the music deeply. She will only do songs that move her emotionally. When I was 11, I was moved emotionally by Puff the Magic Dragon, not Nessun Dorma. :smile:

Her favorite? Lovers.

I asked her why she often giggles at the end of a song. With a bit of a perplexed expression, she looked down and thought about it for a moment, and finally said, "I don't know. I just get this sense of elation".

Me too, thought I.
  • #1,415
11 years old using words that I have to check in dictionary? Sigh.
  • #1,416
Borek said:
11 years old using words that I have to check in dictionary? Sigh.

Heh, don't feel too badly, Borek. She'll be 12 in about a week. :biggrin:
  • #1,417
  • #1,418
Borek said:
Rather hermetic, but for those ever involved in demoscene - fantastic!

Today Junior showed me

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  • #1,420
  • #1,421
Ever want to watch a Star Trek marathon but just didn't have the time?
  • #1,422
Sounds a little bit chaotic, looks quite good.
  • #1,423
Watch this first:

then this:

(when he plays the guitar he shouts to himself "no cheating!")
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  • #1,424
I liked it.
  • #1,425
This is classic! :smile:

Of course what they aren't saying is that the reason immigrants use so much more energy when they move here is that WE use so much more energy per capita then THEY do in their own countries. When THEY get here, THEY become US.
  • #1,426
Ivan Seeking said:
This is classic! :smile:

Of course what they aren't saying is that the reason immigrants use so much more energy when they move here is that WE use so much more energy per capita then THEY do in their own countries. When THEY get here, THEY become US.

Wow, I can't even believe that video is serious. We should extradite these people to stop global warming, you know, because their carbon footprint will be less off U.S. soil.
  • #1,427
QuarkCharmer said:
Wow, I can't even believe that video is serious. We should extradite these people to stop global warming, you know, because their carbon footprint will be less off U.S. soil.

Yes, but they do specify that stopping immigration won't actually stop global warming. :smile: What a bunch of clowns! The worst thing that many people will buy into this, hook, line, and sinker - immigrants are causing global warming!
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  • #1,428
  • #1,429
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  • #1,430
For anyone interested, I think this is suprisingly well done. Not meant to be a prediction of events to come, this semi-animated fictional account of a woman's life takes us through an admittedly worst-case future of catastrophic global climate change, through the year 2100.

Again, this is merely a fictional account of one possible future. It is not being sold as fact.

Below is part one of nine.
  • #1,431
For Om.
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  • #1,432
Evo said:
For Om.

For those who may miss my absence over the next few weeks, do not despair.

I have requested that Evo post the most awesome of commercials that she has recently seen.

The above video is a full, and complete, compilation of all of my posts to PF and facebook over the last week.

Thank you Evo, and Direct TV. I can now take a nap. :zzz:
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  • #1,433
OmCheeto said:
For those who may miss my absence over the next few weeks, do not despair.

I have requested that Evo post the most awesome of commercials that she has recently seen.

The above video is a full, and complete, compilation of all of my posts to PF and facebook over the last week.

Thank you Evo, and Direct TV. I can now take a nap. :zzz:
You do not have permission to take time off!
  • #1,434
I love the Jimmy Fallon Capital One commercials with the baby. And it looks like the baby likes them too.
  • #1,435!

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