YoYo lab help

  • #1
Homework Statement
Our physics teacher claims that it is possible to determine the rotational inertia of a yoyo without measuring the mass of it. I have no clue how to go about solving this, especially step 4 in the attached problem.
Relevant Equations
torque=I*angular acceleration
No clue


  • DYO_Yoyo_Lab_.pdf
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  • #2
JXC9421 said:
I have no clue how to go about solving this, especially step 4 in the attached problem.
Have you completed steps 1-3? If so, please post your results. These steps are important for figuring out step 4. Also, if this is an actual experiment that you have to design and perform, it needs an equipment list. You know what is available to you, but we do not.

Note that we prefer that you post your work not as a pdf attachment or as a photo but in ##\LaTeX## which makes the equations more legible and easier to refer to. To learn how, please click on the link "LaTeX Guide", lower left above "Attach files." Thank you.

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