Z/A in the Chandrasekhar formula

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, a white dwarf is protected from collapse by the pauli exclusion principle, which creates electron degeneracy pressure. Chandrasekhar discovered a formula for the largest mass a white dwarf can support, which is determined by the number of electrons and atomic weight. This formula can be expressed as a pure number or in terms of the proton mass. In natural units, the Chandrasekhar limit simplifies to pi times the square of the electrons per weight number. This limit can also be expressed in terms of the Compton wavelength of the proton.
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A white dwarf---a cooling remnant of a star, no longer fusing---is protected from collapse by the pauli exclusion principle which says that no two electrons can occupy the same state (position and momentum). So crowding electrons together forces them to compensate by having high momenta and a pressure arises called "electron degeneracy pressure" which would exist even if the temperature were zero.

Chandrasekhar discovered a formula for the largest mass which can support itself against gravitational collapse by the pressure of its electrons.

this formula has a term (Z/A)2

how to understand it? well for a given atom Z is the number of electrons! and A is the atomic weight. So Z/A gives a good idea of
how electron-rich it is and how well it will resist collapse. In effect it is an "electrons per weight" number, giving a notion of "pressure per weight" as well.

That's all I have to say about it for now. I tried to understand the formula better today. If anyone has some insight or wants to try to explain it go ahead. Its interesting. The formula is:

0.20 (Z/A)2 (hc/Gmprot2)3/2

which is a pure number expressing the mass as a multiple of the proton mass mprot

In other words, if you want a complete expression for the mass you multiply the number times mprot and get

0.20 (Z/A)2 (hc/Gmprot2)3/2 mprot

That's verbatim from Frank Shu, I use a version rewritten using hbar in place of h.
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There is an important length called the (angular format) Compton wavelength of the proton


and in natural units (c=G=hbar=1) it is simply the
reciprocal of the mass.

the mass of the proton happens to be 1/13E18 and so

Λprot = 13E18

In natural units the Chandrasekhar limit is expressed not in proton masses but in Planck masses and the previous formula
essentially simplifies to

pi (Z/A)2 Λprot2

it gives 1.3E38 for the case Z/A=1/2

If you prefer replace the lamba by the reciprocal of the proton mass, it doesn't make any numerical difference

pi (Z/A)2 (13E18)2

One solar mass is 0.93E38 in natural units, so if you like to express things in solar masses you can work out what 1.3E38 is.

FAQ: Z/A in the Chandrasekhar formula

What is Z/A in the Chandrasekhar formula?

Z/A in the Chandrasekhar formula refers to the ratio of the atomic number (Z) to the atomic mass number (A) of the nucleus of an atom. It is used to calculate the mass of a white dwarf star, which is the remnant of a low to medium mass star after it has exhausted its nuclear fuel.

What is the significance of Z/A in the Chandrasekhar formula?

The value of Z/A in the Chandrasekhar formula is important because it affects the maximum mass that a white dwarf star can have before it collapses into a neutron star or black hole. A higher Z/A value means a higher mass limit for a white dwarf star.

How is Z/A related to the stability of a white dwarf star?

Z/A plays a crucial role in the stability of a white dwarf star. As the star's mass increases, the average Z/A value also increases, causing the electron degeneracy pressure to decrease. This makes the star more susceptible to gravitational collapse, which can lead to a supernova explosion.

Can the Z/A value change in a white dwarf star?

No, the Z/A value in a white dwarf star remains constant throughout its lifetime. This is because the nuclear reactions that occur in the star have already reached equilibrium before it becomes a white dwarf. Therefore, the Z/A value is determined by the composition of the star's core at the end of its nuclear burning phase.

How does the Z/A value affect the luminosity of a white dwarf star?

The Z/A value has a direct impact on the luminosity of a white dwarf star. A higher Z/A value means a higher mass and therefore a higher density, which results in a higher luminosity. This is because more energy is released through nuclear fusion, leading to a brighter white dwarf star.

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