ZapperZ's Great Outdoors Photo Contest

  • Thread starter Astronuc
  • Start date
In summary: Those are great! The first one is my favorite-pure snow with a perfect sky.This shot is not of the caliber of many here, but I needed to get out and capture some fall colors today. This is a pair of apple trees at a scenic overlook dedicated to the Old Canada Road.
  • #211
nismaratwork said:
Wait... "shrove" is the past tense of "shrift" right?... How does that turn into pancakes? :smile:
Nope, past tense of "shrive", as in confess your sins to the priest and do your penance. Shrovetide was the old name for the period before the start of Lent.

You also had to eat all the perishable food that was forbidden in the 40 days of fasting in Lent- hence Mardi Gras, pancake day, etc.

Oh... the pubs... Oh, and "when somebody dies"... :bugeye: Good lord...

This isn't a wimpy sport like American Football where the players all wear body armor and there's a medical team to deal with injuries. If you finish up on the ground in the middle of the "hug", you don't expect anybody to blow a whistle to stop play and call an ambulance.

The last fatality was in 2008 IIRC. Actually he didn't die during the game, but in a bar afterwards. Probably a combination of physical exhaustion, mild hypothermia, and alcohol poisoning. Way to go. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #212
AlephZero said:
Nope, past tense of "shrive", as in confess your sins to the priest and do your penance. Shrovetide was the old name for the period before the start of Lent.

You also had to eat all the perishable food that was forbidden in the 40 days of fasting in Lent- hence Mardi Gras, pancake day, etc.

Ahhhhh! (I admit, I was thinking shrive, but I kept going back to "short shrift")... that makes a lot of sense actually.

AlephZero said:
This isn't a wimpy sport like American Football where the players all wear body armor and there's a medical team to deal with injuries. If you finish up on the ground in the middle of the "hug", you don't expect anybody to blow a whistle to stop play and call an ambulance.

The last fatality was in 2008 IIRC. Actually he didn't die during the game, but in a bar afterwards. Probably a combination of physical exhaustion, mild hypothermia, and alcohol poisoning. Way to go. :smile:

Hmmm... only one thing to add to that list that makes it the perfect death! :wink:
  • #213
Andy Resnick said:
and I call this one "Defiance". [PLAIN][/QUOTE]

turbo-1 said:
Ah, forsythias in the snow. A common occurrence here - still a welcome sign of spring.

I thought that too for a second but maybe it could be a Hamamelis instead.

I mean forsythias just start to open here while the season for Hamamelis is almost over, that's a real winter flower.
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  • #214
In the UK there is a lot of variation in the flowering times of forysthias, though different plants are consistent from year to year. Some flower early March, but the one in my garden doesn't start till April, independent of the weather.

I don't know if they are different species or cultivars - they all look the pretty much the same.
  • #215
My mother had forsythia, and hamamelis... I can't say that I could ever tell them apart! I am to botany what the bubonic plague is to lymph nodes; a big ugly and potentially lethal block.

Whatever it is, it reminds me of home, and familiar sights and sounds, smells and crisp (slightly damp) air. I like it.
  • #216
Is it just me, or is there problem with Andy's images, I can see only 403 error images.
  • #217
Borek said:
Is it just me, or is there problem with Andy's images, I can see only 403 error images.

I was able, now I see that message... I'm guessing the host took too many hits on this image.
  • #218
Borek said:
Is it just me, or is there problem with Andy's images, I can see only 403 error images.
It's not you. Same thing in the VOTE PF Photo Contest - Green With Envy thread.
  • #219
Yar, they all be 403's now... *hangs head*, they be with the fishies now, and have mercy on their souls!

  • #220
403 is the Internet equivalent of a milder BSoD.
Both are part of the plot to take over the world.
  • #221
FtlIsAwesome said:
403 is the Internet equivalent of a milder BSoD.
Both are part of the plot to take over the world.

I just love the term, "FORBIDDEN!"

Lets just get real and use the best word for that: ist, "VERBOTEN!"
  • #222
Borek said:
Is it just me, or is there problem with Andy's images, I can see only 403 error images.

nismaratwork said:
I was able, now I see that message... I'm guessing the host took too many hits on this image.

dlgoff said:
It's not you. Same thing in the VOTE PF Photo Contest - Green With Envy thread.

nismaratwork said:
Yar, they all be 403's now... *hangs head*, they be with the fishies now, and have mercy on their souls!


FtlIsAwesome said:
403 is the Internet equivalent of a milder BSoD.
Both are part of the plot to take over the world.

nismaratwork said:
I just love the term, "FORBIDDEN!"

Lets just get real and use the best word for that: ist, "VERBOTEN!"

Doh! I deleted a bunch of images from imageshack (where the photos actually live), not realizing that it would carry over to here. Sorry, folks- won't happen again.
  • #223
Andy Resnick said:
Doh! I deleted a bunch of images from imageshack (where the photos actually live), not realizing that it would carry over to here. Sorry, folks- won't happen again.
Aw, man.
I thought it was a computer uprising due to a y2k error that's been delayed for 11 years.
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  • #224
Andy Resnick said:
Doh! I deleted a bunch of images from imageshack (where the photos actually live), not realizing that it would carry over to here. Sorry, folks- won't happen again.

Oh senor... por que?! POR QUE??! "We try, but our land... it grows nothing!"


Hey, I had a colleauge to accidentally wiped out a backup for a server, then in trying to fix it, corrupted the main drive. You made an hones error, without the boneheaded hell of true destruction.

Besides... it's kind of funny.
  • #225
FtlIsAwesome said:
Aw, man.
I thought it was a computer uprising due to a y2k error that's been delayed for 11 years.

Ahhh.. the future of interactive gaming, "when you get hit with that laser... you get HIT with a laser."

Then again...
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  • #226
nismaratwork said:
Ahhh.. the future of interactive gaming, "when you get hit with that laser... you get HIT with a laser."
You'll be the first test subject for this new technology.

(I'm mean. mwahaha.)
  • #227
nismaratwork said:
Ahhh.. the future of interactive gaming, "when you get hit with that laser... you get HIT with a laser."
Is there any gaming experience more immersive and realistic than this?
  • #228
FtlIsAwesome said:
Is there any gaming experience more immersive and realistic than this?

'Death Race' ... I mean watching the movie, not the premise... I felt real pain and boredom that was visceral. Ugh... last time I go to the movies with that friend, although given the movie I should have known better.

Oh, and at one point there was a "how long can you hold this electrified rod" game at a cinema where I worked a summer job, many many moons ago. I used to built and play with Van De Graff generatora all the time as a kid, so I was REALLY used to shocks. I "beat" that game immidiately, and I have to say, it was pretty mindless. The only upside was that my co-workers thought I was some magicly tough guy... nope.
  • #229
Gokul43201 said:
This announcement is a bit late for some parts of the world, but in any case...

If you enjoy the outdoors, you should look into attending the Banff Mountain Film Festival. It is awesome! The Festival features a collection of the year's coolest outdoor films and documentaries and has showings around the world.

Tour dates for the US are mostly in March-April, though NYC had theirs in Feb, I think, as did most of Canada. Dates in Europe run from Feb through April. See (under Worl Tour) here for more info:

Promo video:


I viewed the embedded video, not expecting much, wow, that was some of the most incredible outdoor adventure shooting I have ever seen, especially the kayak scenes, through a gorge, etc... I will share with friends, and a co-worker who took his family there a few years ago, many thanks...

I love this place, where else will you find stuff and members who find and post stuff like this, nowhere, that's where...

Rhody... :biggrin:
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  • #230
Heh... coming from you Rhody, that means it was probably the least safe thing on the planet, and the most fun. :wink:
  • #231
nismaratwork said:
Heh... coming from you Rhody, that means it was probably the least safe thing on the planet, and the most fun. :wink:

The only more radical thing than shooting that narrow chasm in a kayak in the video would be to do it while chewing on a ghost pepper, now THAT would be radical.

Rhody... :redface:
  • #232
Gokul43201 said:
This announcement is a bit late for some parts of the world, but in any case...

If you enjoy the outdoors, you should look into attending the Banff Mountain Film Festival.

In Poland it took place in Szczyrk, that's about two hours hike from the ridge picture I posted.
  • #233
rhody said:

The only more radical thing than shooting that narrow chasm in a kayak in the video would be to do it while chewing on a ghost pepper, now THAT would be radical.

Rhody... :redface:

Heh... and look, you're almost ready to do THAT! :smile:
  • #234
Borek said:
In Poland it took place in Szczyrk, that's about two hours hike from the ridge picture I posted.

Wow... do you have any pictures?
  • #235
No, I wasn't at the Festival. I just learned that it took place in Szczyrk at the beginning of February, and earlier this week I was in Wisła.
  • #236
Borek said:
No, I wasn't at the Festival. I just learned that it took place in Szczyrk at the beginning of February, and earlier this week I was in Wisła.

Hmmm... I like where you live and travel Borek.

edit: Did you climb the Stożek Wielki?
  • #237
rhody said:

I viewed the embedded video, not expecting much, wow, that was some of the most incredible outdoor adventure shooting I have ever seen, especially the kayak scenes, through a gorge, etc...
Glad you liked it.

Incidentally, for those interested in paddling, the center of the paddlesport universe this weekend is in Madison, Wisconsin.
March 11 - 13, 2011, Madison

Canoecopia is the largest paddlesport expo in the world. Hosted by Rutabaga, Canoecopia features the best of the best paddlers from around the globe. Visitors will find hundreds of exhibitors, education, inspiration and access to great gear at great prices. Whether you're a paddlesport enthusiast or just curious about the sport, Canoecopia has something to offer everyone.

It was crazy crowded today. Tomorrow may permit a little easier breathing.
  • #238
nismaratwork said:
edit: Did you climb the Stożek Wielki?

I don't remember, but I find it hard to believe I didn't. I was in the area so many times for skiing and hiking, it would be surprising.

Now that I think about it, could be I was there with Marzena around '90. At least I remember the general direction of the hike and that suggests Stożek (Wielki means just "the great", Stożek means "cone"). I would not remember the situation if not for the fact that we were not able to take pictures - it was around -20 deg C (below zero F) and our camera refused to work.
  • #239
Borek said:
I don't remember, but I find it hard to believe I didn't. I was in the area so many times for skiing and hiking, it would be surprising.

Now that I think about it, could be I was there with Marzena around '90. At least I remember the general direction of the hike and that suggests Stożek (Wielki means just "the great", Stożek means "cone"). I would not remember the situation if not for the fact that we were not able to take pictures - it was around -20 deg C (below zero F) and our camera refused to work.

Wow... oh wow... I'm sorry you didn't get pictures to share, but I'm glad that you and Marzena shared that kind of experience. Nothing brings a couple together like absurdly bitter cold on a mountain... maybe not romantic, but together nonetheless.

'Great Cone"... interesting. Thanks for the information Borek, I really do enjoy each bit of it, even if you may think it's esoteric.

If I might ask, what got you started in loving nature? For me, it was my grandfather, and through him my mother... I grew up with it and never grew out of that sheer wonder and pleasure of it all. I'd be intersted to know, if you're willing to share; If not, I completely understand.

@Gokul: You canoe in Madison in March?! That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Are you more of a canoe guy, or kayak... I tend towards the more open canoe, but Kayaking is one hell of a thrill. I found that it can be thrilling in still water if you manage to get upside down... :redface:
  • #240
nismaratwork said:
f I might ask, what got you started in loving nature?

Mostly my Mom, but to some extent both parents. Just that my Mom was more of an active type, go there, hike there, see that, while my Dad loved to go to the country (the further from the city, the better) but not to walk/hike, but to socialize... I guess I am somewhere in between.
  • #241
Borek said:
Mostly my Mom, but to some extent both parents. Just that my Mom was more of an active type, go there, hike there, see that, while my Dad loved to go to the country (the further from the city, the better) but not to walk/hike, but to socialize... I guess I am somewhere in between.

Hmmmm... sounds like a good time, and an intersting contrast. Thanks Borek.
  • #242
nismaratwork said:
@Gokul: You canoe in Madison in March?! That actually sounds like a lot of fun.
Th paddling season won't start until sometime in April. But the serious paddlers (I'm not one) probably already have itchy hands. I'd rather have a few months of snow and ice for skiing and climbing.

Are you more of a canoe guy, or kayak... I tend towards the more open canoe, but Kayaking is one hell of a thrill.
A little bit of both, though I enjoy kayaking more - not seriously into either. But Wisconsin being the paddling haven that it is, I might get more into it.

I found that it can be thrilling in still water if you manage to get upside down... :redface:
A good safety rule, although perhaps a little more on the cautious side than most advocate, is to learn to roll before doing solo kayak trips.
  • #243
Gokul43201 said:
Th paddling season won't start until sometime in April. But the serious paddlers (I'm not one) probably already have itchy hands. I'd rather have a few months of snow and ice for skiing and climbing.

A little bit of both, though I enjoy kayaking more - not seriously into either. But Wisconsin being the paddling haven that it is, I might get more into it.

A good safety rule, although perhaps a little more on the cautious side than most advocate, is to learn to roll before doing solo kayak trips.

Fortunately I did just that... in fact that's why I was upside down in still water. Really, there's no way to learn but to do it, and as you know it's one hell of a thing until you get used to it.

When it comes to Kayaking, Maine is a great place to hit the sea and open water... although something about the cooperation and stately pace of canoeing always found a home in my heart.

I'm glad that you've found yourself in a haven for a hobby you love.
  • #244
A friend sent this, and I thought it worth posting, seems this male bird is suppressing the females protests by taking action on his own:

Here is the caption on the image that I received:

When a male can't take it anymore:

(a photographer can die of old age waiting for a shot like this!)


Rhody... :rolleyes:
  • #245
rhody said:
A friend sent this, and I thought it worth posting, seems this male bird is suppressing the females protests by taking action on his own:

Here is the caption on the image that I received:

When a male can't take it anymore:

(a photographer can die of old age waiting for a shot like this!)


Rhody... :rolleyes:

Wow, that is one amazing picture...

...Where's the follow-up when the lady-bird kicks him in the cloaca?

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