What's the worst date that you know of , or can imgine

  • Thread starter land_of_ice
  • Start date
In summary: I canceled.In summary, the person went on a date with a girl, they went to a nice restaurant, but as he was walking down the stairs he tripped and fell. The fire department had to come and fix his brace.
  • #1
There was this person in my class, he went on a date with this girl, they went to this NICE restaurant, only as he was waling down the stairs, he tripped and fell and the fire department had to come to undo his brace that was caught taingled in the carpet.

or if:
a date was giving a massge, the other person asked her what she was thinking about, then she said that she was thinking bout this other guy and not you,
while getting the massage, and that there was another dude she wanted to call to come to the beach and then showed his picture on her cell phone, it was weird, and then she fell asleep so the other person decided to leave her at the beach even though that were her ride, when running quietly to the car, he couldn't find the key, within a few minutes he found it only, by then, she was stabbing his car tires and did pop most of them. Would you have still tried to drive the car away with popped tires or would you have stayed in the car with the doors locked?
Also - If she was REALLLLY hot , would you go for a second date?
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  • #2
I know a guy who went on a blind date to meet a girl he met on the internet. Since he was disappointed, he simply ran away out of the bar where they were meeting while she was at the bathroom. A lousy date for both of them.
  • #3
radou said:
I know a guy who went on a blind date to meet a girl he met on the internet. Since he was disappointed, he simply ran away out of the bar where they were meeting while she was at the bathroom. A lousy date for both of them.

That's not totally unheard of with online dating. There's a big flaw in the idea of exaggerating your looks when flirting with someone online. If you do wind up actually meeting, you might get stuck bringing your own body with you.

Cyrano de Bergerac managed to avoid the problem of having to drag his face around on dates, but few other people do. Of course, the marriage wasn't all that satisfying, even in Cyrano's case.
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  • #4
BobG said:
That's not totally unheard of with online dating. There's a big flaw in the idea of exaggerating your looks when flirting with someone online. If you do wind up actually meeting, you might get stuck bringing your own body with you.

Cyrano de Bergerac managed to avoid the problem of having to drag his face around on dates, but few other people do. Of course, the marriage wasn't all that satisfying, even in Cyrano's case.

Stay away from meeting people on the internet.

(starts after a few seconds, hillarious and educational)
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  • #5
Galteeth said:
Stay away from meeting people on the internet.

Never take advice from people you meet on the internet.
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  • #6
BobG said:
Never take advice from people you meet on the internet.

If I was a robot, my head would have exploded.
  • #7
I actually had a girl attempt suicide while on a date with me. I couldn't help but feel it wasn't going well.
  • #8
I just can't see any way a date like that helps a person's self esteem.

I hope you didn't ask her out on a second date.
  • #9
I thought I was going to hang out until I saw her in her summer dress looking very fine. It didn't exactly go with my jeans and Dungeons & Dragons t-shirt. So we went to a fair by the river and it was windy. Saw dust blew in our faces, in our hair, and most impotantly onto the elephant ear I was eating. Then it started to downpour so we spent an hour huddled under a bridge. Then we went to a bar where she asked me if I wanted children. Really??

Never take your date to a fair.
  • #10
BobG said:
I just can't see any way a date like that helps a person's self esteem.

I know, right?! I was thinking, "if you want to get out of kissing me at the end, just slip out while I'm in the can. No need to throw yourself under the ice of a swift-flowing river!" Especially when I got to haul your fat butt outa there. You ever seen those wildlife specials when they show a walrus flopping up onto the beach? It was hideous; like an escalator going up!

(Bitter? Oh, a little)

But in response to your implied question; we did go out for a little while longer, cause she was slightly less deranged than the other girls I'd gone out with. But after the "little incident," I began to lose interest.
  • #11
I went on an Eharmony date with a girl who had Cerebral Palsy. She didn't tell me before we went out. Honestly, I can't say it was that bad a date, but it was pretty awkward at the beginning: yeah, it spooked me.
  • #12
Worst date I can think of?

January 28, 1996. I'm too young for November 22, 1963.
  • #13
Well, I signed up for Eharmony, and you know what they told me?

After going through all of the compatibility questions, an actual message came up stating that they couldn't help me. :redface: I didn't know whether to cry or to laugh.
  • #14
FrancisZ said:
Well, I signed up for Eharmony, and you know what they told me?

After going through all of the compatibility questions, an actual message came up stating that they couldn't help me.
  • #15
DaveC426913 said:

In a way, it sort of made me happy though. I basically described the woman that I was involved with that unfortunately passed away.

Apparently, Eharmony didn't think someone like her actually existed.

She was truly irreplaceable.:approve:
  • #16
From the lame joke thread, but all too true when it comes to on-line dating:

Engineer A rides up to Engineer B, on a bicycle. B asked A where he got the bike. "It was amasing", said A, "this beautiful woman rode up to me on this bicycle, jumped off, ripped off her clothes, and said to take whatever I want".

"Good choice", said B, "What would you do with women's clothing?"

Put the word "engineer" in your on-line dating profile and it looks very attractive to divorcees near those "big border" ages (38/39 or 48/49). The ones that visit psychics to find out when relatives owning property are going to die are especially creepy (especially the ones that can't even spell amasing).
  • #17
i went on one.

she brought her female friend, and some guy. she and the guy started flirting, and i was just there feeling awkward. i didn't know her friend that well either, and i was exhausted from lack of sleep. so i couldn't speak to her very much, awkward squared. oh yeah, i didn't get a proper good bye, awkward cubed.
  • #18
Creebe said:
i went on one.

she brought her female friend, and some guy. she and the guy started flirting, and i was just there feeling awkward. i didn't know her friend that well either, and i was exhausted from lack of sleep. so i couldn't speak to her very much, awkward squared. oh yeah, i didn't get a proper good bye, awkward cubed.

Why didn't you flirt with her female friend?:-p:devil:
  • #19
Creebe said:
i went on one.

she brought her female friend, and some guy. she and the guy started flirting, and i was just there feeling awkward. i didn't know her friend that well either, and i was exhausted from lack of sleep. so i couldn't speak to her very much, awkward squared. oh yeah, i didn't get a proper good bye, awkward cubed.

Her receiving attention from another guy provides verifiable proof to the guy she was really after that she was indeed an attractive female. At least attractive enough that you went out with her.

This is similar to the tactic George Costanza used in a Seinfeld episode, except he had to casually drop a photograph of an attractive female from his wallet to show females found him attractive. It worked pretty well until something or other happened to the photograph, breaking the spell and allowing females to recognize him for the dweeb he was.

Not that that probably does much for your self esteem. But she at least saw you as attractive enough to be proof that attractive guys were attracted to her.
  • #20
BobG said:
This is similar to the tactic George Costanza used in a Seinfeld episode, except he had to casually drop a photograph of an attractive female from his wallet to show females found him attractive. It worked pretty well until something or other happened to the photograph, breaking the spell and allowing females to recognize him for the dweeb he was.

IIRC, he showed the photo to the woman who was in the photo...
"This is a picture of my fiancee who passed away..."
"That's me from a photo shoot last year"
  • #21
That was my date with Stella de la Belladona I spoke of in a thread sometime last year, the one with more testoterone than Attilla the Hun's father. I know she has a European sounding name, but with that phoney Italian accent, I wonder if she had ever actually been abroad. She spent the whole time talking about her grandchildren.
  • #22
DaveC426913 said:
January 28, 1996. I'm too young for November 22, 1963.

I'll bite. Does this date have personal meaning to you, or do you really hate the Cowboys that much?
  • #23
Jimmy Snyder said:
...the one with more testoterone than Attilla the Hun's father...
...I wonder if she had ever actually been abroad...

Is your spacebar faulty?
  • #24
FrancisZ said:
Well, I signed up for Eharmony, and you know what they told me?

After going through all of the compatibility questions, an actual message came up stating that they couldn't help me. :redface: I didn't know whether to cry or to laugh.

:smile: At this point in my life, I don't actually think it matters where you try to meet people, it's all pretty equally disappointing for the most part.

I did one of those eHarmony free trial things once. There are pretty much two big deal-breakers for me, smokers and guys who spend their life glued to a TV watching sports. The results of their survey seemed to indicate they understood this from the survey, then I saw the guys they matched me with...all were either smokers or had their favorite sports team listed on their profile as things they couldn't live without. :rolleyes: Needless to say, I never signed on for the paid membership. If I wanted sports nuts who smoke, I could walk into any local bar and find them.

Though, I've met plenty of doozies in person too. The worst was the one I met when I was close to 30 who told me he was two years older, and turned out he was actually over 40 and still lived with his mother. He was pretty much a Loser with a capital L.
  • #25
Oh yeah, I have some great memories of the dating scene. And people wonder why I have no desire to dive back in again. Hah! I'll just stand back and referee for a while more, I think so.
  • #26
tmfkan64 said:
i'll bite. Does this date have personal meaning to you, or do you really hate the cowboys that much?

Doh! January 28, 1986.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
:smile: At this point in my life, I don't actually think it matters where you try to meet people, it's all pretty equally disappointing for the most part.

GeorginaS said:
Oh yeah, I have some great memories of the dating scene. And people wonder why I have no desire to dive back in again. Hah!
At my age, the dating pool is more like a swamp.

I'm more likely to be abducted by an alien than find someone to date. I don't even think I could tolerate dating at this stage of my life.
  • #28
DaveC426913 said:
Doh! January 28, 1986.

OK, that makes more sense. Somehow that always hit me less than December 8, 1980 though.
  • #29
Ok so like I guess the worst thing that could possibly happen on a date is that you run into someone you like waaaay more then the person your dating. It's like why couldn't I run into you before I agreed to this date amiright?
  • #30
magpies said:
Ok so like I guess the worst thing that could possibly happen on a date is that you run into someone you like waaaay more then the person your dating. It's like why couldn't I run into you before I agreed to this date amiright?

No. One of the worst things that could happen to you on a date is that your date strands you in the middle of a provincial park in the middle of the night without a car or a tent or anything. And, further, imagine this in the pre-cell-phone days when you might actually be able to call someone to come and help you.

That date sucked. A lot. I can offer others. :biggrin: Truly, way, way worse stuff can happen than running into someone you'd like waaaaay more.
  • #31
Evo said:
At my age, the dating pool is more like a swamp.

I'm more likely to be abducted by an alien than find someone to date. I don't even think I could tolerate dating at this stage of my life.

Darn! I was hoping it would get better again by your age, when all the nice divorcees are finally free of child support responsibilities and are back out on the dating scene. I'm at that age when most of the single men are still single because there really is something broken about them, the divorced men are still reeling from the divorce and alimony and child support payments, so can't afford to do anything but work constantly, and the married men are still clinging to the hope to stay together until their children are a bit older.

I think we need to get out of the middle of the country and back to the coasts. There still seems to be a good dating scene in the big cities where people put their careers first and delay settling down.
  • #32
The worse date I recall, started out good. A new linen dress with matching sandals, dinner at a exclusive Italian eatery, drinks and dancing on the beach. I guess I underestimated how many drinks this guy had, cause at the end of the night, laying on a blanket under a perfect starry sky, he sat up, and threw up all over my lap, {new dress} as I jumped up it ran down my leg on to my new sandals.

He never got a second date.
  • #33
hypatia said:
The worse date I recall, started out good. A new linen dress with matching sandals, dinner at a exclusive Italian eatery, drinks and dancing on the beach. I guess I underestimated how many drinks this guy had, cause at the end of the night, laying on a blanket under a perfect starry sky, he sat up, and threw up all over my lap, {new dress} as I jumped up it ran down my leg on to my new sandals.

He never got a second date.

See? I told magpies it could get worse! :biggrin:
  • #34
Blind Date with a guy 1 year older; End result : he looked like he might be my creepy uncle...sigh.. is there a logarithmic aging scale between 30 and 31?) LOL
  • #35
I was playing craps in a casino once when I was about 25. A woman next to me began asking all kinds of questions about how to play the game. Next thing I know, she starts rubbing her knee suggestively against mine. That wouldn't have been such a bad thing if she had been closer to my age and hadn't looked exactly like my grandmother.

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