The Dangers of White Supremacy Ideology in America

  • Thread starter NoahAfrican
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In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of race and racism in America. The speaker states that while they have white friends, they have little faith in the white population as a whole due to the lack of respect towards the black population. The speaker also mentions encountering white supremacists who use factual data to support their beliefs, and expresses concern that many white people do not refute these beliefs. They believe that this lack of opposition implies agreement, and worries that in times of economic stress, many white people may embrace these beliefs and perpetuate discrimination and exploitation against black people. The conversation ends with a discussion on the use of the word "racist" and the suggestion to focus on the merits of arguments rather than labeling them as racist.
  • #246
bobf said:
it looks like Africa does have a lot of natural resources
Africa is actually the richest continent when it comes to natural resources.
Physics news on
  • #247
BlackVision said:
You're kidding me right? Japan is all mountains. Something like 90% of the land is unliveable. It was an extraordinarily rough terrain to travel through back in the days.

The land that is livable is flat and easily farmed. There is also a great proportion of coastal land, allowing for easy sea travel. Africa doesn't have as many obvious port harbors, nor does it have much land that is conducive to agriculture without clearing rainforest, which no ancient people was able to do.
  • #248
I just want to point out here, for all the posters that will accept no argument other than that African people are intrinsically less intelligent and probably more barbaric than all other humans, think about one thing. Even if that is the case, there must be a reason for it. We all came from a common population at some point. Variation came later, and if that variation includes subpopulations (and eventually races) with lower than average intelligence, then intelligence was not selected for as frequently as in other populations for a reason. You just might consider that maybe the reason something like that might happen is because civilization is more difficult to develop on a continent

1) That is covered in either desert, rainforest, or savannah laden with large predators and bad soil.

2) That has no easily navigable rivers and few good harbors.

3) Does not have cold weather and thus does not give much need for well-built shelter.

4) Does not have easily accessed resources, such as metals and wood, that could be used to build.

The point being that, on a continent with no civilization, high intelligence will be selected for less frequently than on a continent that has high intelligence. A continent like Africa is more likely to have speed, strength, dexterity, and such selected for. You get the picture. You can still be a racist without arguing against all of my points - if that makes a difference.

*This is, of course, in reference to sub-Saharan Africa.
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  • #249
loseyourname said:
A continent like Africa is more likely to have speed, strength, dexterity, and such selected for.
This is true. As shown by the absolute dominance of Africans in track & field.
  • #250
loseyourname said:
The point being that, on a continent with no civilization, high intelligence will be selected for less frequently than on a continent that has high intelligence. A continent like Africa is more likely to have speed, strength, dexterity, and such selected for. You get the picture. You can still be a racist without arguing against all of my points - if that makes a difference.

*This is, of course, in reference to sub-Saharan Africa.
Can you tell me how evolution would select high intelligence in a developed nation, and low intelligence in an underdeveloped nation?
  • #251
Monique said:
Can you tell me how evolution would select high intelligence in a developed nation, and low intelligence in an underdeveloped nation? the 150 years since such "development" started.
  • #252
BlackVision said:
This is true. As shown by the absolute dominance of Africans in track & field.
Then why do the Dutch dominate in track ice-skating? You can not blindly connect one thing to the other.
  • #253
suggested framework for discussion

It might be helpful to break this discussion into three aspects (sure they're inter-related, but for clarity we could start discussing them separately):

1) Agriculture and animal husbandry - how did this as the basis of human food supply come about? what were the key factors? where is the scientific research on this topic up to now?

2) Technology and science - why did something like the Renaissance happen in Europe? why not in China (for example)? Why did the Industrial Revolution happen in Europe? (and same questions as above)

3) The importance of 'intelligence' - how important was it in 1) and 2)? to what extent do today's service-based economies depend upon it?

If regular posters to this thread feel this proposal has legs, I'll start new threads on each topic.
  • #254
Monique said:
Can you tell me how evolution would select high intelligence in a developed nation, and low intelligence in an underdeveloped nation?

No - I'm just trying to get these people to quit arguing with all of what I say.
  • #255
One thing I do know is why Kenyans dominate distance running. They train constantly, from a very young age. The kids growing up in the countryside run everywhere they go, often to adjacent towns and settlements that might be many miles away. Heck, it's even easy to imagine that in an environment where running is so crucial to certain parts of country, that those who can't run would be weeded out of the gene pool pretty quickly.
  • #256
Nereid said:
1) Agriculture and animal husbandry - how did this as the basis of human food supply come about? what were the key factors? where is the scientific research on this topic up to now?

You know, I kind of forgot when I was talking about agriculture, but another notable thing about Africa is the lack of domesticable animals. The only one I can think of that is usable is the camel. There are certainly no animals that could be domesticated for food or dairy purposes. The whole point of this, of course, is that agriculture is a precursor to the development of advanced civilizations. The only parts of Africa amenable to agriculture, without first clearing rainforest, are the north coast and Nile Delta, which of course is where we have found the development of advanced civilizations (Carthage, Alexandria, Memphis, etc.).

Heck, I could be entirely wrong. I'm no anthropologist nor an agriculturalist - this is just my common sense hypothesis.
  • #257
loseyourname said:
Heck, it's even easy to imagine that in an environment where running is so crucial to certain parts of country, that those who can't run would be weeded out of the gene pool pretty quickly.
You are talking about homo sapiens here: a social species, someone who can't run surely won't be left on its own. Unless you mean out-running a lion?
  • #258
Monique said:
Then why do the Dutch dominate in track ice-skating? You can not blindly connect one thing to the other.

There are many Dutch people of african descent.

Even if they are non african dutch which dominate ice skating, there are other factors affecting ice skating such as balance.

Your comment does not refute anything.
  • #259
loseyourname said:
You know, I kind of forgot when I was talking about agriculture, but another notable thing about Africa is the lack of domesticable animals. The only one I can think of that is usable is the camel. There are certainly no animals that could be domesticated for food or dairy purposes. The whole point of this, of course, is that agriculture is a precursor to the development of advanced civilizations.

The only parts of Africa amenable to agriculture, without first clearing rainforest, are the north coast and Nile Delta, which of course is where we have found the development of advanced civilizations (Carthage, Alexandria, Memphis, etc.).

Given the huge number of large animals in africa, I do not know why the blacks were unable to domesticate them. Examples: wildebeest, zebra, llama, all of the speces of deer, the hyenas...

And there are no farmers in nigeria, zimbabwe, ...?
  • #260
Many dutch of african decent, right: not. Where did you get that information? Or do you mean the dutch that colonized s. africa?

Let me tell you why the dutch are so good at track ice-skating: practice. It's almost a national sport: that's why they're so good. Nationally there is a lot of competition of top skaters, this competition leads to high performance. Just to show that there are more arguments to consider than just genes, sure dutch are taller.. it's a balance.
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  • #261
Monique said:
In civilized areas it stopped, since everyone gets a chance to reproduce.. it would be a degenerate evolution. But ofcourse, now with the mobilization of populations you get a lot of interbreeding.. which is also a kind of evolution?

Even in non civilised areas, almost every one too gets the chance to reproduce. It is just once in a while that people starve. Overwhelmingly the people in the developing world are benefiting in this regard, hence the population explosions in these areas.

The degenerative evolution goes on faster in areas in which women have much liberty and are pushed to work. The women with education (and usually this correlates not perfectly with higher IQ) want to work and delay having chilren, and the women with less education (which not perfectly correlates with lower IQ) have more children.
  • #262
Monique said:
Many dutch of african decent, right: not. Where did you get that information?

Are you saying that there are no dutch of african descent? The netherlands is a country of immigrants. As such there are many people who are not only of african descent, but people who were born in africa to african parents.

Let me tell you why the dutch are so good at track ice-skating: practice. It's almost a national sport: that's why they're so good. Nationally there is a lot of competition of top skaters, this competition leads to high performance. Just to show that there are more arguments to consider than just genes, sure dutch are taller.. it's a balance.

Ice skating is something which practise can make up for differences in genes, and maybe the white dutch have other advantages over the blacks. Maybe the larger calf muscles is useful.
  • #263
loseyourname said:
You know, I kind of forgot when I was talking about agriculture, but another notable thing about Africa is the lack of domesticable animals. The only one I can think of that is usable is the camel. There are certainly no animals that could be domesticated for food or dairy purposes.

You are wrong. the masai (a pastoral tribe of kenya and tanzaniain close to the vinicity of mount kilimanjaro) have more or less domesticated african cows as a source of food. The masai do not have enclave as in the westernized agricultural system, they moved the cows within a territory in the grassland where good feed is available.

the major problem with westerned agriculture in africa and tropical and equitorial environement is the high degradation of organic waste. Land is only fertile in the first few centimeter of ground. Therefore, nutriment required for organic growth degrades rapidly and in agricultural system it get depleted within 3 years.

Most of the domesticated animals now found in africa are from the european settlers. these animals are not well adapted to the environment found in most african countries.
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  • #264
plus said:
Are you saying that there are no dutch of african descent? The netherlands is a country of immigrants. As such there are many people who are not only of african descent, but people who were born in africa to african parents.
I asked you where you get your information, I get mine from the CIA. The only African country would be just below Spain. Have you ever seen Dutch Maroccan immigrants compete in ice-skating? It's actually the conservative nothern province of Friesland where most ice-skaters come from.

But that's not the issue, mine was an example that you cannot blindly connect one fact to the other.
  • #265
Monique said:
Then why do the Dutch dominate in track ice-skating? You can not blindly connect one thing to the other.
Oh no ice skating! Come on now. You can't compare the strength, stamina, and speed needed for the countless track & fields to ice skating. The more testosterone driven a sport is, the more likely it is that Blacks will dominate. Let's take a sport that requires the most speed. 100M dash. I wonder who's going to win the Olympics this year in this category. Let's take a sport that requires the most stamina. Marathons. Once again, who would win here? Let's take a sport that requires the most strength. Boxing. Again, who dominates this? Ice skating. Yeah ok. What are you going to bring up next? Golf?

I also highly doubt Africans were running around in ice and snow in their native African continent for the thousands of years that evolution shaped their development. If they're not good in winter sports, that would certainly make sense.
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  • #266
loseyourname said:
One thing I do know is why Kenyans dominate distance running. They train constantly, from a very young age.
To say that genetics has absolutely no role in the dominance of Kenyans in marathons would be completely inscientific.

Heck, it's even easy to imagine that in an environment where running is so crucial to certain parts of country, that those who can't run would be weeded out of the gene pool pretty quickly.
If running was crucial for survival in the history of the Kenyan people then yes, those who can't run would have been weeded out of the gene pool.
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  • #267
Either extreme standpoint is not correct, the truth lies in the middle.
  • #268
BlackVision said:
Ice skating. Yeah ok. What are you going to bring up next? Golf?
How different is track ice-skating from 100m dash? huh?
  • #269
Monique said:
How different is track ice-skating from 100m dash? huh?
It's a winter sport for one. The evolutionary development of Africans was not in cold regions that had ample ice and snow. Second, there seems to be a genuine lack of interest for ice skating among blacks. Something that isn't true for whites in black dominated sports. E.g. Basketball, boxing. Where the fans are predominately white, while the players are predominately black. There is also an extraordinarily lack of blacks in upper latitudes today where ice will actually exist.
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  • #270
BlackVision said:
To say that genetics has absolutely no role in the dominance of Kenyans in marathons would be completely inscientific.
I think you mean 'unscientific'.

Perhaps too you meant to say 'the extent to which elite Kenyan marathon runners achieve their dominance in that sport as a result of their unique genotypes has yet to be established; however, as DNA analysis of elite athletes has already shown some rare mutations to contribute significantly to success, it would not be surprising to find that many or most elite Kenyan marathoners do possesses rare genes.'

The differences in performance between the elite athletes of any background are razor thin, <0.1%; the fact that if Mark Spitz (sp? - US winner of 7 gold medals for swimming in the 1972 Olympics) were to try for a place on the US *women's* swimming team today - in his favourite distance - he wouldn't even qualify speaks volumes about the role of training, diet, etc.
  • #271
plus said:
Even in non civilised areas, almost every one too gets the chance to reproduce. It is just once in a while that people starve. Overwhelmingly the people in the developing world are benefiting in this regard, hence the population explosions in these areas.
The key statistic would be the incidence of mortality before puberty or late adolescence. However, 'child under 5' mortality rates would give at least a lower estimate; IIRC there are still quite a few countries where these are >100 per 1000 live births ... given that these numbers are national averages, the rates in rural and remote areas in these countries will surely be considerably higher.

I guess it depends on what you mean by 'almost every one' [sic] :wink:
  • #272
Nereid said:
I think you mean 'unscientific'.
Don't make me dig up your spelling errors.

The differences in performance between the elite athletes of any background are razor thin, <0.1%; the fact that if Mark Spitz (sp? - US winner of 7 gold medals for swimming in the 1972 Olympics) were to try for a place on the US *women's* swimming team today - in his favourite distance - he wouldn't even qualify speaks volumes about the role of training, diet, etc.
No one is saying training does not matter. The argument is against people who attempt to say it's 100% environment.
  • #273
BlackVision said:
It's a winter sport for one. The evolutionary development of Africans was not in cold regions that had ample ice and snow.
Either you use the muscles or you don't, either you sprint on ice or on gravel.. there's not much evolution that goes into that.
  • #274
I have to agree with Monique. If you are saying that blacks are stronger, more athletic, able to run faster, etc... Whether it is on ice or not should make no difference, should it?
  • #275
BlackVision said:
No one is saying training does not matter. The argument is against people who attempt to say it's 100% environment.
But who would argue that it's 100% environment? To pick just one example - the variation in athletic ability among the ~20,000 healthy adults aged 15 to 45 of any mid-sized town anywhere on the planet is enormous; it's certainly far, far greater than the variation between the elite athletes from different countries. Further, no amount of training of those 20,000 will reduce the variation so that it's comparable to that between 20,000 elite athletes; the back of my admittedly very small envelope suggests at least an OOM difference, maybe two.
  • #276
BlackVision said:
Nereid said:
If so, I confess to being confused by your comment BV, how is 'a person with higher intelligence will have higher probability to have a job that will give him higher SES' (in modern US society; assume it's consistent with research results for the moment) relevant to the study which Evo referenced?
Because many if not most people in high SES got there due to their high intelligence.
Nereid said:
In particular, how is the study's method flawed by not taking this into consideration?
Because you can't directly cross SES without taking into consideration that a person's probability to be in high SES is increased with higher intelligence. It would be like crossing college graduates with non college graduates and going, "see college graduates have a higher IQ by 10 points." Which will probably end up to be true, but attempting to argue that it's because that person went to college that he has an IQ surplus rather than the fact that it's his intelligence that got him to college. It working backwards.
How do you know Turkheimer et al didn't take this into account? From the description that Evo provided, it would seem likely that they did: "Biometric analyses were conducted using models allowing for components attributable to the additive effects of genotype, shared environment, and nonshared environment to interact with socioeconomic status (SES) measured as a continuous variable."

Or, to repeat the part of my original post which you conveniently omitted:
Nereid said:
Seems to me that, without knowing the details of the models Turkheimer et al used, there's no way to make your 'flawed study' claim.
  • #277
Monique said:
Either you use the muscles or you don't, either you sprint on ice or on gravel.. there's not much evolution that goes into that.
Ice skating and jogging requires different muscles. Go on a skating rink and pretend to jog and see how well it works. Go on a pavement and pretend to glide from side to side with your shoes. See if it's the same. You should easily be able to notice they are different movements that require different things. If they were the same, the world's best runner would also be the world's best skater. And vice versa. It does not work that way.

You also forgot to reply to the fact that Blacks lack interest in skating. Something that isn't true for Whites in sports Black dominate. E.g. basketball, boxing. Where the majority on the amateur level ARE white. But that as you go higher up the ranks, the more Black it becomes.
  • #278
Evo said:
I have to agree with Monique. If you are saying that blacks are stronger, more athletic, able to run faster, etc... Whether it is on ice or not should make no difference, should it?
Oh yeah the fact that ice is absolutely foreign in the development of African evolution. Yeah that has no impact at all.

It's been proven infinite times that Blacks are better runners. I am yet to see a study that states otherwise. If you have one please by all means share it with us.

You must also have a good reason why the extra testosterone level that Blacks have would somehow not give them an advantage in many sports correct?
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  • #279
Nereid said:
How do you know Turkheimer et al didn't take this into account? From the description that Evo provided, it would seem likely that they did: "Biometric analyses were conducted using models allowing for components attributable to the additive effects of genotype, shared environment, and nonshared environment to interact with socioeconomic status (SES) measured as a continuous variable."

Or, to repeat the part of my original post which you conveniently omitted:
Believe me they didn't. They would show specifically how they did it. They would go on for pages and pages just explaining this one aspect as it is a difficult aspect to factor in. And if it did, Evo would be all over me about it. But she's not. This study is nothing new. As soon as the Bell Curve was released, they attempted this exact same method to try to counter the Bell Curve. And since then, I'm seen numerous studies all doing the same thing. It didn't work then, it doesn't work now.

Seems to me that, without knowing the details of the models Turkheimer et al used, there's no way to make your 'flawed study' claim.
Seems to me unless you can prove this study weighed the fact that the more intelligent a person is the higher probability there is that a person will be in higher SES, this study is void correct? If you're going to try to use this study, seems like it would be you that would need to prove something.

Like I said. Studies like this, and there are a lot, are all going by a faulty method. They attempted the exact same thing with SAT scores. Since there's a 200+ point gap between the low class and the upper class, they tried to attempt to argue that SES effects your SAT score. When it's really that intelligent people were able to put themselves into high SES BECAUSE of their intelligence, and that their SES has absolutely nothing to do with their higher SAT score.
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  • #280
BlackVision said:
Oh yeah the fact that ice is absolutely foreign in the development of African evolution. Yeah that has no impact at all.

It's been proven infinite times that Blacks are better runners. I am yet to see a study that states otherwise. If you have one please by all means share it with us.
You don't seem to get it, why would the dutch have an evolutionary advantage to be able to track ice-skate better over other nations?

You mention a study, let me ask you how that study was carried out: how did they make the comparison that blacks are better runners? How can you assume it is mainly genetic? Why is it not mainly environmental? How is that balance? You know how the balance is? How could you find out how it is balanced?

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