The Dangers of White Supremacy Ideology in America

  • Thread starter NoahAfrican
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of race and racism in America. The speaker states that while they have white friends, they have little faith in the white population as a whole due to the lack of respect towards the black population. The speaker also mentions encountering white supremacists who use factual data to support their beliefs, and expresses concern that many white people do not refute these beliefs. They believe that this lack of opposition implies agreement, and worries that in times of economic stress, many white people may embrace these beliefs and perpetuate discrimination and exploitation against black people. The conversation ends with a discussion on the use of the word "racist" and the suggestion to focus on the merits of arguments rather than labeling them as racist.
  • #141
bobf said:
Why do you feel the need to get personal. I need to know what way you are using the word "chance" so that I can address your comments. Does chance really exist?
I feel that you have been getting personal here for a while, as you're not really discussing anything with me. You're just asking me leading questions, and I find it somewhat annoying.

- Warren
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  • #142
I realize my speculation is weak but I guess what I mean is that if civilization had really flowered and spread from Asia then everyone might say, "well that figures they are smarter", if it had mostly been born from Africa people would probably say "well that figures they came from a harsh environment", that's not to say that Europe was the main place of all technology and science but as Chroot said success add to success and probably accelerates them and predispose people to all the bad and good of them such that the Americans moving into Alaska had a severe impact on the Native popullation by introducing alchohol for example. I do know that there are slight genetic differences from one group to another but so slight that it's hard to say if they truly make most or even some of the perceived differences, I mean if Asians are more intelligent then why didn't they spark the industrial revolution or go to the moon?
  • #143
chroot said:
Of course, it would be asinine to say it didn't. Technological advancement requires intelligent individuals. What I don't feel is important is some notion of the intelligence of an entire group or race of people -- since most important inventions, again, were invented by particularly gifted individuals or small groups of people, and particularly gifted people exist in every group.

No, that's entirely my point. :smile: You don't need to invoke some generalization about Europeans being smarter than Africans to explain their present-day lead in technology. It can be explained neatly, I think, by exponential technological growth seeded by largely chance events that happened a very long time ago.

- Warren

Can you start to explain it by "It can be explained neatly, I think, by exponential technological growth seeded by largely chance events that happened a very long time ago." I am all ears. Also, can you please define what you mean by chance?
  • #144
BlackVision said:
Evo still hasn't responded to this post. What a surprise! :smile: :smile: :smile:
What post? I've responded to your posts, you have not responded to mine.
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?

Very easy, yes or no.
  • #145
chroot said:
I feel that you have been getting personal here for a while, as you're not really discussing anything with me. You're just asking me leading questions, and I find it somewhat annoying.

- Warren

Can you please point out the posts in which I got personal? I am asking you questions and I thought this was a discussion board. :smile:
  • #146
jammieg said:
I realize my speculation is weak but I guess what I mean is that if civilization had really flowered and spread from Asia then everyone might say, "well that figures they are smarter", if it had mostly been born from Africa people would probably say "well that figures they came from a harsh environment", that's not to say that Europe was the main place of all technology and science but as Chroot said success add to success and probably accelerates them and predispose people to all the bad and good of them such that the Americans moving into Alaska had a severe impact on the Native popullation by introducing alchohol for example. I do know that there are slight genetic differences from one group to another but so slight that it's hard to say if they truly make most or even some of the perceived differences, I mean if Asians are more intelligent then why didn't they spark the industrial revolution or go to the moon?

Very good questions. Are you suggesting that all races are equal in regards to intelligence and if so, can you supply any evidence?
  • #147
No actually you do if you're going to completely deny the fact that, likely the majority was Jews, were left with absolutely nothing after WWII. No money, no possessions, no place to go.

Let's not forget, when the blacks were freed...well, they were free.

A lot of the Nazis while on the verge of being defeated or after defeat, freed the prisons where they left the Jews. They left the Jews there in cages, to starve and die ("Why We Fight", Band of Brothers). I would hardly call that an advantage.

Wrong again, they were far worst off.

Maybe are friend Evo, should take a look at "Why We Fight". Then afterwards, after she sees how the Jews were...'free', she can come back and continue the discussion.

Maybe he will turn out ok? Are you implying that he is not ok now? What is wrong with him in your opinion? hmm, not a personal attack??

Yes, I've noticed another member of the PF staff throwing personal attacks around as well. In fact, I was just finished being insulted by a member of the PF staff. When I snapped back, I received a warning. I guess the unwritten rule here is "Everything the PF Staff says even though offensive, will not be held as an insult. Members are not allowed to refute without inane repercussions."

Wrong again. The vast majority of Asians today come from the poor Asian countries such as China, Vietnam, etc. who come to America with nothing.

What bothers me even more is that NoahAfrica, Evo and Chroot act as if African-Americans are all poor and disadvantaged. Asians however, marched into the continent with bags of money, fancy diplomas and classy jobs/houses waiting for them. It's absolutely absurd.

It relates to this topic as a whole so it's completely on topic. Or are you trying to suggest that when we try to debate something we shouldn't use something similar as examples?

It's a conspiracy against me. They hate me because I'm French Canadian. :rolleyes:

But seriously, I get a lot of disrespectful comments around here. I've been here longer than some of the mentors have, yet you're free to insult me but not them? :confused:

No, only to blacks.

No, it's basically always been "white superiority" and Asians have suffered many of the same things African-Americans have, but people have taken less notice to it.

It's always, "White-only restaurants" - "No colors". The fact that less Asians were around during that time makes it less noticeable.

I don't pretend to have the answers either, but I don't know how one can say intelligence does not play a role.

Because it does.

No, it never said "whites only", you made an error in assuming something that wasn't said. Again, don't try to discuss something that you know nothing about.

I'll have to agree with her on this one. It didn't say, "Whites Only".

It said, "No Colors". Again, the movie Remember The Titans (which was based on a true story). It was always, "no colors". Asians weren't welcomed to waltz into a restaurant where blacks were allowed, and neither were the other minorities.

Asians were not considered colored, nor were hispanics.

Yellow isn't a color? Native Americans (reds)? Even Mexicans were discriminated against. This is pure common sense.

Take the KKK for example. Their famous slogan, "If you're not white, you're not right."

Why do you feel the need to get personal.

Obviously you haven't talked to Chroot before.
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  • #148
Evo said:
What post? I've responded to your posts, you have not responded to mine.
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?

Very easy, yes or no.

Whats the challenge to BV again?
  • #149
Evo said:
Yes, they were. But they did not say "whites only", did you not read what I posted?
Get this. Evo still believes "Whites Only" sign didn't exist despite the fact that I provided evidence to the contrary. You have lost the credibility to show facts, you have lost the credibility of honesty.

Should Old 'Whites Only' Signs Be Displayed?

Posted March 14, 2003 -- Dallas County, Texas, commissioners decided this week to uncover "Whites only" signs above water fountains in the county records building and display them in the name of history, rather than remove them, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

'Whites Only' signs win reprieve

Fading "Whites Only" signs on water fountains at the county records building will be uncovered and marked with plaques explaining their historical significance, Dallas County commissioners decided Tuesday.
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  • #150
bobf said:
Very good questions. Are you suggesting that all races are equal in regards to intelligence and if so, can you supply any evidence?
bobf, I would suggest that you read up on this latest information first.

Here is the evidence you are asking for.

posts 21 & 25
  • #151
Evo said:
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?
You lost already. Very simple fact that you refused to answer my question. An exceptionally important question shows that you've already given up.
  • #152
bobf said:
Can you please point out the posts in which I got personal? I am asking you questions and I thought this was a discussion board. :smile:
I may be misinterpreting your questions, but I get the distinct feeling you're trying to lead me into a trap with your questions. If so, fine -- I've already admitted I don't really have any evidence and am only offering an opinion.

Can you start to explain it by "It can be explained neatly, I think, by exponential technological growth seeded by largely chance events that happened a very long time ago." I am all ears. Also, can you please define what you mean by chance?
How many times do I need to explain this concept to you? I've already explained it several times.

Chance means the happenstance birth of an especially gifted person who happens to enjoy education and happens to have the socioeconomic status to obtain that education and happens to choose to study some topic that could have a particularly large impact on his society and happens to stumble across a new way to do something in that topic. *huff puff, run on sentence* Chance, in this context, is not a difficult thing to understand either.

- Warren
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  • #153
BlackVision said:
Get this. Evo still believes "Whites Only" sign didn't exist despite the fact that I provided evidence to the contrary. You have lost the credibility to show facts, you have lost the credibility of honesty.

Should Old 'Whites Only' Signs Be Displayed?

Posted March 14, 2003 -- Dallas County, Texas, commissioners decided this week to uncover "Whites only" signs above water fountains in the county records building and display them in the name of history, rather than remove them, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

'Whites Only' signs win reprieve

Fading "Whites Only" signs on water fountains at the county records building will be uncovered and marked with plaques explaining their historical significance, Dallas County commissioners decided Tuesday.
Yeah, show that to be a fact everywhere in the US. Dagenais just proved you wrong. At least he can post some truth.

Check it out BV, colored never referred to asians back then.
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  • #154
Evo said:
bobf, I would suggest that you read up on this latest information first.

Here is the evidence you are asking for.

posts 21 & 25
bobf, don't even bother. I already debunked that. Your energy is best spent elsewhere.
  • #155
Dagenais said:
I'll have to agree with her on this one. It didn't say, "Whites Only".

It said, "No Colors". Again, the movie Remember The Titans (which was based on a true story). It was always, "no colors". Asians weren't welcomed to waltz into a restaurant where blacks were allowed, and neither were the other minorities.

Yellow isn't a color? Native Americans (reds)? Even Mexicans were discriminated against. This is pure common sense.

Take the KKK for example. Their famous slogan, "If you're not white, you're not right."

Obviously you haven't talked to Chroot before.

Here is some information on Whites only signs:,,c1gb5760-6506,00.html

and here:]Whites only signs [/URL]

We see two water fountains. One has a “Whites Only” sign and is nice and cleanand the other one is lower and not so nice with a sign that says “Coloreds only”.
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  • #156
BlackVision said:
bobf, don't even bother. I already debunked that. Your energy is best spent elsewhere.
Debunked that where? Please show me.
  • #157
bobf said:
Here is some information on Whites only signs:,,c1gb5760-6506,00.html

and here:]Whites only signs [/URL]

We see two water fountains. One has a “Whites Only” sign and is nice and cleanand the other one is lower and not so nice with a sign that says “Coloreds only”.
Check it out, asians were considered "whites" back then. Only African Americans were considered colored.
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  • #158
chroot said:
I may be misinterpreting your questions, but I get the distinct feeling you're trying to lead me into a trap with your questions. If so, fine -- I've already admitted I don't really have any evidence and am only offering an opinion.

How many times do I need to explain this concept to you? I've already explained it several times.

Chance means the happenstance birth of an especially gifted person who happens to enjoy education and happens to have the socioeconomic status to obtain that education and happens to choose to study some topic that could have a particularly large impact on his society and happens to stumble across a new way to do something in that topic. *huff puff, run on sentence* Chance, in this context, is not a difficult thing to understand either.

- Warren

Does chance require all the variables, gifted, education, socioeconomic status, etc? What about those who have invented technologies and didn't have an education, weren't born into a high socioeconomic status, etc? Can we use chance to show that all races are indeed the same and have the same abilities? How does inheritability of intelligence play into the theory of chance? What about the studies one twins?
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  • #159
Evo said:
Yeah, show that to be a fact everywhere in the US. Dagenais just proved you wrong. At least he can post some truth. Check it out BV, colored never referred to asians back then.
"Yellow isn't a color? Native Americans (reds)? Even Mexicans were discriminated against. This is pure common sense. Take the KKK for example. Their famous slogan, "If you're not white, you're not right."--Dagenais

Right. Uh huh. Dagenais proved me wrong even though he specifically stated that Asians were considered colored.
  • #160
Evo said:
Check it out, asians were considered "whites" back then. Only African Americans were considered colored.

check what out?
  • #161
bobf said:
check what out?
Check out what was considered "colored".
  • #162
Evo said:
Check out what was considered "colored".

can you provide a link? Did you visit the links I provided on whites only signs?
  • #163
Evo said:
Debunked that where? Please show me.
I'm going to ask you one simple question, I expect you to give me a direct answer back. Do you believe a person with higher intelligence will have higher probability to have a job that will give him higher SES?
  • #164
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?

Very easy, yes or no.

This is the last time I wll ask.

If you do not accept my challenge, then I accept your defeat.
  • #165
Evo said:
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?

Very easy, yes or no.

This is the last time I wll ask.

If you do not accept my challenge, then I accept your defeat.

:smile: What about all the questions you were asked? Will that mean that you were defeated as well? :surprise:
  • #166
bobf said:
:smile: What about all the questions you were asked? Will that mean that you were defeated as well? :surprise:
I've already answered most of your trivial questions. I asked BV to respond to a very significant study that shows everything he posts is wrong. Three times he has avoided answering. Don't try to play trivial games here to deflect the issues at hand, it will not place you in a favorable light.

This isn't a forum to play games in.
  • #167
Evo said:
I've already answered most of your trivial questions. I asked BV to respond to a very significant study that shows everything he posts is wrong. Three times he has avoided answering. Don't try to play trivial games here to deflect the issues at hand, it will not place you in a favorable light.

This isn't a forum to play games in.

Who is playing games? I asked for evidence on all of your claims and you offered none, zilch, nothing. I think someone is playing games, and I don't think it is me...
  • #168
BlackVision said:
"Yellow isn't a color? Native Americans (reds)? Even Mexicans were discriminated against. This is pure common sense. Take the KKK for example. Their famous slogan, "If you're not white, you're not right."--Dagenais

Right. Uh huh. Dagenais proved me wrong even though he specifically stated that Asians were considered colored.
No, you need to check out what "colored" meant when those signs were posted. You are completely wrong.
  • #169
bobf said:
Who is playing games? I asked for evidence on all of your claims and you offered none, zilch, nothing. I think someone is playing games, and I don't think it is me...
Please list the questions I have not answered.
  • #170
BlackVision has not accepted my challenge to refute the study of Eric Turkheimer published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of Psychological Science.

I have allowed him three opportunities to do so.

I rest my case.
  • #171
Evo said:
Please list the questions I have not answered.

1. I quickly looked at that thread and it seems to be based on one study. Has the findings been repeated by others? One study hardly proves anything in science.

2. Supply evidence that the authors of the bell curve are racist and were convicted of burning crosses.

3. Provide evidence that asians were allowed to drink out of whites only fountains and enter whites only establishments.

4. Can you provide evidence that all races are equal, with the same abilites, etc?
  • #172
Evo said:
BlackVision has not accepted my challenge to refute the study of Eric Turkheimer published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of Psychological Science.

I have allowed him three opportunities to do so.

I rest my case.

This is one study, and in science, one study means nothing. Was the study repeated by other scientists with the same results?
  • #173
Evo said:
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?

Very easy, yes or no.

This is the last time I wll ask.

If you do not accept my challenge, then I accept your defeat.
What a coincidence! You dodged my question again. I will accept your defeat. How odd you do not even state what the challenge is, if the challenge is your article in "post 21 and 25" then I believe I have refuted it several times. Heck I was even able to refute it with just one sentence. That is just how flimpsy it was.

"I'm going to ask you one simple question, I expect you to give me a direct answer back. Do you believe a person with higher intelligence will have higher probability to have a job that will give him higher SES?"

We all know why you keep refusing to answer this question because the answer is yes. And a "yes" means the article you posted is flawed.

But for a more detailed response, read the "The Bell Curve" that completely points out the flaws of weighing SES without taking intelligence into consideration.
  • #174
Evo said:
BlackVision has not accepted my challenge to refute the study of Eric Turkheimer published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of Psychological Science.

I have allowed him three opportunities to do so.

I rest my case.
What a lie. I tackled that over and over again. I repeately asked the question about the importance and relevance of intelligence to SES. Evo ignored my request every single time. I rest my case.
  • #175
bobf said:
This is one study, and in science, one study means nothing. Was the study repeated by other scientists with the same results?
Numerous other studies were conducted at the same time to prove otherwise and were abandoned. No study to date has been able to disprove this and this is currently accepted.

If you can find a study that disproves this, I will be more than willing to read it.

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