Disney World PF Gathering and Tips for Disney Mania!

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
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In summary: This couscous and tagine restaurant is quite popular and usually has a long wait. Try coming at night when it’s less crowded.9. Yacht Club at the Epcot resort – This club has a beautiful view of the fireworks show at Epcot. However, this is a “resort” so it’s quite pricey. You may be able to get in if you call the club in advance and ask if there are any openings.10. The Living Seas – Usually there are long lines for this aquarium, but it’s worth the wait. You get to see all kinds of neat fish and amphibians.
  • #701
OK, we are back to our regular Disney trivia (meaning, no prize!) :)

On which Disney World attraction can you hear this announcement:

"Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow, your party from Saturn has arrived, please give them a ring."

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #702
The one that says this:

"Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow, your party from Saturn has arrived, please give them a ring."
  • #703
I sincerely hope people in the path of Katrina have taken shelter, and wish them all the best in the next few hours. It was about this time last year that Francis was about to bear on central Florida. The hurricane moved excruciatingly slow. I remember it well because I made a similar plan to fly out to Orlando on the Saturday that it was literally hovering on top of central florida. It took amost 2 days for the whole carnage to be over.

To make matters worse, while this one was going on another hurricane Jenine was developing in the caribbean and could potentially strike the area again. So we were faced with a decision at that time. We already delayed our departure to the following Wednesday, hoping that the area would have been cleared enough that the basic facilities are available, and of course, the theme parks were open. But now, did we risk going and possibly get stranded by another hurricane?

Of course we went, and that shows, more than anything else, how nutty we were. And to put simply, it was THE most wonderful times of our lives. We called it our vacation in between two hurricanes. The parks were empty, all the hard-to-get-in restaurants were available, hardly any lines for the attractions and characters greetings, and we could see La Nouba simply by walking up to the box office and buying tickets.

So when Katrina appeared, all I can think of was "oh dear, here we go again...". It was almost at the same time of the year, and I'm looking behind Katrina to see if she has a sister or brother that's following her. I admit I was being very selfish by wishing that it would veer off away from central florida. It did. My trip next week is still safe. But millions of people in her path are not.

I truly wish them well...

  • #704
ZapperZ said:
So when Katrina appeared, all I can think of was "oh dear, here we go again...". It was almost at the same time of the year
Well, there's a reason it's cheap to go to FL or get Carribean cruises this time of year. :wink: This one is looking especially bad, but any of the southern coastal vacation spots are risky during hurricane season.
  • #705
Splash Mountain album

Hey, I hope you guys can access this. I've uploaded pictures (in sequence too, I might add) of the Splash Mountain ride at the Magic Kingdom. It's my most favorite attraction at MK.


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  • #706
ZapperZ said:
Evo, you win a Disney pin! This is on top of the Passholder pin that I had already promised you and Moonbie earlier.

So, if the two of you can PM me with the details on where you'd like those pins mailed to, I can try to get them out this week before I leave for Disney World.

Stay tune. There will be MORE Disney trivia contests with more pins to win after I get back! :)

YEAH! :!)

I didn't have internet access all weekend. And no one noticed I was gone. :cry:
  • #707
Evo said:
YEAH! :!)

I didn't have internet access all weekend. And no one noticed I was gone. :cry:

I noticed, trust me! But I thought you'd be busy with one of Evo Daugther's birthday (according to Moonbie, one of them had a birthday recently?), or you actually have a life and don't need us anymore.

  • #708
ZapperZ said:
I noticed, trust me! But I thought you'd be busy with one of Evo Daugther's birthday (according to Moonbie, one of them had a birthday recently?), or you actually have a life and don't need us anymore.

Wow, Moonbear has a good memory! The older spawn of Evo had a birthday yesterday.

I have no life. :frown:
  • #709
Evo said:
Wow, Moonbear has a good memory! The older spawn of Evo had a birthday yesterday.

I have no life. :frown:
:smile: No, I don't have that good of a memory. She showed up in the birthday list. It was only good memory to remember that was her username since she doesn't visit us very often.
  • #710
Naturally, for the upcoming Labor Day holidays, Disney will have a Labor Day pin. Since I've been at Disney World for the past 2 Labor Days, I have the previous 2 years' Labor Day pins. So this will only add to my "growing" collection.

Looking at the future releases at WDW, it appears that the number of pins being released is considerably low when compared to Disneyland Resort. I'm guessing that they are holding back the floodgates for the Happiest Pin Celebration pin event at Epcot where more than 100 pins will be released, including several huge sets.

They also haven't announed any commemorative pins for the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland on Sept. 12. I hope they release a few surprise pins by Sept. 11 before I leave.

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  • #711
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desire
Will come to you...

Why is this week going SO DAMN SLOW?!

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  • #712
So how SICK is this?

I'm only a few days away from going to Disney World (I know, I know, people are getting sick of hearing it) and also attending one of the largest pin event ever held. And what did I do today, of all things? I was on a stupid PIN HUNT! And not only that, I was doing that at, of all places, Home Depot!

I found out through someone that Energizer batteries had a special AA batteries pack that contains Disney pins! Horrors! I just had to investigate this myself. So since I had to go get some stuff for my orchids anyway, I went to the nearest Home Depot. It was an embarassing sight. I was crawling on my hands and knees looking at their lowest shelf that had the specially-marked AA batteries that had the Disney pins. And not only that, there were FIVE different pins completing the set. And they were all part of the continuing (some say, never ending) Happiest Celebration on Earth for Disneyland.

So now, I have 5 packs of AA Energizer batteries. I have no idea what to do with them after I take out the pins.

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  • #713
First of all, I hate Rush Limbaugh. You'll see the connection by the end of this.

Now, if you're in the US, you would have seen a commercial on TV like this after the Superbowl. They'll feature one of the football player in the commercial and the narrator asks "So-and-so, you have just won the Superbowl. What are you going to do now?"

The football player than replies "I'm going to Disney World!"

You know that commercial, yeah?

Well, here's another version:

Narrator: "Robert, you just rode out Hurricane Katrina. Your house is underwater, and your furniture is floating down the Mississippi. What are you going to do now?"

Robert: "I'm going to Disney World!"

Sounds crass and insensitive? Well I'm not making this up! A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show actually said as much. When they figured out that they lost everything, since they have already packed up their clothings and stuff, they're making their way to Orlando and Disney World!


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  • #715
I was going to keep these till the next GayDays celebration at the Magic Kingdom in 2006, but since I'm such a "gay unfriendly" fella (my friends here were laughing hysterically when they heard that), I'll put this out now.

The first picture was taken from my room at the Grand Floridian during the GayDays weekend in 2002. Honest to god, the rainbow coming behind the left side of the Contemporary Resort isn't a digital manipulation. Everyone of us who saw it were having our own "moments".

The second picture is from the actual GayDay at Magic Kingdom 2005 (i.e. this past June), and shows the beginnings of the "sea of red" throughout the theme park.

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  • #716
Titan Arum is blossoming!

Being reported at WDWMagic, for the 2nd year in a row, the plant that produces the largest and "stinkiest" bloom is blossoming at Disney's Animal Kingdom.


I'll see if I can find it and will report if I smell anything.

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  • #717
Disney released a surprise pin today, and it's a winner!


So now I have to slightly modify my plans. As soon as I get there on Sat. I'm making a beeline to the pin station at the Contemporary Resort to get the Suprise pin from a week ago (or was it 2 weeks ago?). Then a quick stop at the Magic Kingdom (have to get my Splash Mountain fix as soon as possible, you know), and then off to the Animal Kingdom to get this pin! And the Zawadi Marketplace, which is the only place this pin will be available, is waaaay at the back of the park, I think, in the African section.

Don't worry, I'll be wearing comfy shoes! There will be a lot of walking (and a little bit of running).

  • #718
This isn't exactly a surprise pin since it was announced awhile back, but it is being released also today. It's one of the better pin in the Walt Disney's Legacy series. It depicts Walt's Hyperion Studio.


A very nicely done pin, I might add. (of course I'll be getting one... or more. :))

  • #719
Trip countdown: 1 day!

I just know that I won't be able to sleep tonight...

  • #720
The Hollywood Reporter takes a closer look at the challenges that will face the Hong Kong Disneyland as the opening day looms.


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  • #721
Just a few more hours... and then THIS!

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  • #722
I'm happy for you Zz! Good thing Katrina didn't hit Florida!
  • #723
Evo said:
I'm happy for you Zz! Good thing Katrina didn't hit Florida!

She wouldn't dare! I would have beaten her with an ugly stick!

Anyway, I'm all packed, and if I have time tomorrow morning, I'll check in here before I leave (car is picking us up at 5:00 AM). But if not, I'll be reporting from the Happiest Place on Earth - with pictures!


  • #725
Walt Disney hometown is hosting an international Toonfest.


Checking in for the last time before I catch the plane. Next report will be from the very magical place...

Zz [with his mouse ears hat on]
  • #726
ZapperZ said:
Just a few more hours... and then THIS!

Wow, what a beautifu place! Is it Moonbear's? :wink:
  • #727
Lisa! said:
Wow, what a beautifu place! Is it Moonbear's? :wink:

Lisa, if Moonbie has a Mickey garden in front of her home, I would marry her yesterday!


Zz [waiting impatiently for his car pick-up to the airport]
  • #728
Greetings from the Happiest Place on Earth!

I'm here! And guess what was the first thing we did after checking into our hotel? We went to the pin station at the Contemporary Resort to get that surprise pin from a week ago! So Moonbie dear, I have that "Bored Meeting" pin!

We then went to the Magic Kingdom and spent the rest of the day/early evening there. Did part of a scavenger hunt for the Virtual Magic Kingdom online game (I got a glow-in-the-dark hand band, and several magic codes for my character and room in that online game). We then did Haunted Mansion, It's A Small World, and Mickey Philharmagic. Not bad for a first day. We then got tired and didn't say for Spectromagic and Wishes (we have been up since 3:30 am and will have plenty of time to do those later in the week).

Will try to upload pictures later when I have the time. But today, we're doing Epcot! There's a special Character greetings (with a free keepsake picture) for Disney's Visa cardholder (waves hand). So after doing Soarin' and Test Track, we'll stick around till the character event.

After that, we're going to Downtown Disney to shop our brains out. There's this "golden" train set that I am dying to get my hands on...

Evo, Moonbie: wish you were here.

  • #729
ZapperZ said:
Lisa, if Moonbie has a Mickey garden in front of her home, I would marry her yesterday!


Zz [waiting impatiently for his car pick-up to the airport]
If you buy me the house with a yard that size, I'll gladly plant a Mickey garden. :biggrin:

I'm here! And guess what was the first thing we did after checking into our hotel? We went to the pin station at the Contemporary Resort to get that surprise pin from a week ago! So Moonbie dear, I have that "Bored Meeting" pin!

Cool! Is it as nice up close and in person as it looked in the picture? Will you really wear it to meetings? :biggrin:

Evo, Moonbie: wish you were here.
I'm sure not nearly as much as we're wishing we were there!
  • #730
Zz, you know moonbear and you are married. and you're on the honeymoon at disneyland and she's unpacking in west virginia. I see another maury episode arriving...
  • #731
yomamma said:
Zz, you know moonbear and you are married. and you're on the honeymoon at disneyland and she's unpacking in west virginia. I see another maury episode arriving...

Moonbie, looks like someone found out about us. The game's over!

So how's the unpacking going on way up in the mountains, hon?

Moonbear said:
Cool! Is it as nice up close and in person as it looked in the picture? Will you really wear it to meetings?

It's VERY cool. I bought one extra for you. So you'll get to see it some time soon. I also bought that jumbo pin that has the instructions on how to draw Mickey (I mentioned about the pin a while back). The pin is, in a words, FABULOUS. I think it will become my most favorite pin. Too bad it costs an arm and a leg.

I also commited to a rather HUGE thing (some people already think I should be commited, so why not go all the way?). I enrolled in the Disney Vacation Club. This is almost like a time-share thing, but Disney version. I bought enough points for about 2 weeks of vacation a year at any Disney resort all over the world, but with my homebase here at Disney World at the Saratoga Springs resort. The nice thing about the DVC is that you are not stuck with a set time of the year to use it. You can come at any time, stay at any place. The only factor in it is that you use up different amount of points at different resorts at different times of the year. The resorts that are designated as DVC resorts have the lowest number of points per night. And these resorts are almost like a home - they have large bathrooms, kitchens, and the 1-2 bedrooms have pull-out sofa-beds, washing machines/dryer, etc. The Saratoga Springs (which is our home base) have 6 (count 'em) swimming pools, a health club and a spa (for a low fee). Can't you just see me doing a 1-hour aromatherapy facials? :) The kicker is that it is walking distance to Downtown Disney (or a short boat ride), which is my favorite location in all of Disney World.

In any case, as soon as we told them that we are signing up, we immediately got the greetings "Welcome Home". That is what they greet all their DVC members. They gave us this nice canvas bag to hold all our DVC documents. Turns out they give this only to people who signed up, so all the cast members we bumped into on our way out were wishing us "Welcome Home". I was grinning from ear to ear since I am such a sucker for things like this. They gave us temporary DVC ID cards that we can use immediately for discounts throughout the resort (and believe me, we have used it already). And of course, the first thing we did was get pins that were DVC members exclusive! How sick is THAT?! :)

Anyway, today, we're doing Animal Kingdom - mainly to get that surprise pin from 4 days ago. Then back to Downtown Disney for more shopping. We already have one shipment sent home already, and that includes that Golden train set! Tomorrow, I have to drive back to the Orlando airport to pick up a couple of friends flying into join us for the rest of the trip. So the group will grow even more. There's plenty more of the trip to look forward to...

Cheers, and have a Magical Day!

  • #733
arildno said:
You haven't thanked me for your wedding present yet, Zz.
I'm tempted to keep it to myself.
You got Zz a purse? :rolleyes: Weeeeeelllll, maybe I'll just keep that one for myself. :biggrin: Thanks! That's just my style too.

Zz, sounds like you're having a great time! Don't forget to ride some rides in between all that shopping. :bugeye:

I'm almost done unpacking here. Yay! I have two more boxes in my office that I just shoved into a closet because I'm dreading unpacking those. I'm not even sure what's in them, I think it might be all the crap that was at the bottom of my closet in the last house that landed there when the box I didn't feel like unpacking after the last move fell apart. :rolleyes: If I was sure that was all that was in there, I'd just take the whole thing out for trash.

I have very noisy neighbors here...they stand outside mooing at 8 AM. :-p :smile: :biggrin: They weren't around when I visited the place last time, but I just think it's so cool that I have cows for neighbors. (There might be mice in the attic too, but no big ones with red pants. I think they're stealing insulation for nesting material...it makes me itch just thinking about it.)
  • #734
Hey Moonbear, you don't want to tell me anything?:biggrin:
  • #735
This is definitely going on the wedding registry. :biggrin:

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