Ac Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. C

    How Does AC Current Flow Despite Oscillating Charges?

    Just to be be clear about what I am asking, I would like to ask a few different questions 1st: Are these assumptions correct: 1) In DC, current flows through a circuit due to the movement or flow of electrons. So in a DC circuit anyone electron will do a complete lap ( or circuit ) of the...
  2. M

    Angular Frequency of AC voltage

    Hello, I am wondering, what is the physical interpretation of the angular frequency of AC voltage? I don't see the physicality of what the angle for which there is a frequency? I understand that the voltage can switch back and forth at a certain rate, which jives in my mind with the idea...
  3. A

    Does the Order of Voltage Transformation Affect AC Power Supply Output?

    Hi all, I need to create an adjustable power supply (AC) that ranges from 0-6 volts with roughly 1 ampere at 1 volt. I have a variac transformer (0-130 volts), an isolation transformer and a stepdown transformer. My question is, does it matter what order I step the voltage down? In other words...
  4. leviterande

    How to AC oscillate a HV capacitor?

    I have read, analyzed and researched so much, my eyes and mind are on a breaking point , therefore, what I really want to know , how and why.. is perhaps best summoned in what I really want to do in the end. So let's cut to the chase: I just simply want make a HV capacitor...
  5. M

    Intuitive reason for the capacitors/inductors in AC current

    Hello, I am wondering, why conceptually an inductor would have a large inductive reactance at high frequencies, and why they are large for capacitors are low frequencies.
  6. C

    Engineering Find load impedance / (Thevenin / Norton too) with RLC & AC circuit?

    Homework Statement For the circuit shown, what value of ZL results in maximum average power transfer to ZL? What is the maximum power in milliwatts?Homework Equations P max = (VTh)2/4RL Thevenin, Norton procedures, voltage division, current division, etc etc The Attempt at a Solution This...
  7. B

    Shielding a single AC current carrying wire.

    I was thinking whether it was possible to shield a portion of a circuit that has only a single conductor without a return path. The frequency is high enough for the Earth's capacitive impedance to be low. Is my assumption then correct that the induced voltage in the shield will create a...
  8. 0

    Understanding AC Power: Maximum and Minimum Currents on Resistor and Inductance

    Homework Statement I have some questions about powers in AC circuit. What is the maximum and minimum current power on resistor and inductance. Homework Equations Um = U / V2 Im = I / V2 The Attempt at a Solution prmax = U*I=(Um/V2)*(Im/V2)=(Um*Im)/2. But answer seems to actually be that...
  9. J

    Electrical AC Home Power Supply for Hobbyist/Small Projects

    Hello all! If you're reading this thread then thank you for taking the time to read and/or reply! I appreciate it!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Onto the guts of the thread. Here I will list what I am trying to do, the associated questions that I have found reasonable to ask, and then any...
  10. M

    AC Theory Help: Resistor, Capacitor & Inductor in Series

    Hey, so I've just started learning about AC theory. I understand the reactance part of it, both capacitive and inductive. Although there are a few things I need to clear up. If there's a resistor, capacitor and inductor in series, will the calculated current from each component be the same? I...
  11. V

    Refrigerant Gas Pressure for AC

    Recently we had a troubleshooting session on our Split type Air conditioner and the mechanic refilled the refrigerant gas to 70 psi pressure. He had been working in a medical college cum hospital and having specialized in AC and refrigeration, he said that mortuaries are being refrigerated to...
  12. F

    DC Power Supply to AC Gear Motor

    Hey! I am trying to figure out the best way to run a AC gear motor off a DC power supply. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. P

    Finding delay angle ,Vrms, Irms using AC voltage/ load resistor

    Homework Statement From the average power consumed by the lamp in a light dimmer circuit connected to 240V AC main, What is the expression for RMS voltage, calculate the range of values of the delay angle α,(i)RMS voltage (ii)RMS current in the lamp, (iii) the average power if its nominal...
  14. M

    AC Half Cycles: Positive vs Negative

    what does the positive and negative half cycles in an ac represent?
  15. K

    Engineering Voltage response of a resistor in an AC circuit

    Homework Statement For the circuit below, assume the source phase angle is 0° Write the differential equation which would allow you to find the voltage response across resistor R2. Using the General Solution for the solution of such a differential equation write the complete...
  16. N

    AC circuits - Complex vs Ordinary notation

    When doing calculations on AC circuits, what is in your opinion the best notation? Here they mostly use complex notation. For example: V(t) = Vmaxeiωt. In US textbooks (at the non-EE level), they only use ordinary notation. Example: V(t) = Vmaxcos(ωt). I have a feeling that complex notation is...
  17. L

    Can an additive function be nonlinear without AC?

    A function is additive if f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y). Intuitively, you might think that an additive function on R is necessarily linear, specifically of the form f(x) = kx. But assuming the axiom of choice, that is wrong, and the proof is rather simple: you just take a Hamel basis of R as a vector...
  18. P

    AC Circuits - peak to peak voltage

    Let's say you have a sine wave V=2sin(2t) V. For this peak to peak voltage is 4V. Then let's say that everything below V=0 is cut off. Is the peak to peak value for this just from 0 to 2V? Making Vpp=2V?
  19. E

    Load resistance, dissipated power, transformers. (AC)

    Homework Statement I have got this scheme: Alternating voltage V = 120 V, Total resistance of wires Rw = 0.6 Ω Current is 100 A, ratio 1:5 and 5:1 (as we can see it in the scheme) Have to calculate dissipated power in the load (Pl), dissipated power in the wires (Pw), total dissipated power...
  20. S

    Adding a 2V DC Bias to AC Mains

    Need to do something which requires adding a 2V DC bias to power coming out of the wall (120V, 60Hz), going to a motor. Basically need the 2V DC bias across the motor windings. Motor windings have about a 10 ohm DC resistance. I have a DC power supply that has a max voltage of about 50V...
  21. P

    Signal Generator and AC power supply

    What is a difference between sine Signal Generator and AC power supply?
  22. S

    Engineering Find power of resistor and source in AC circuit

    Homework Statement If an average power of 500W is dissipated in the 20Ω resistor, find Vrms, I S RMS, the power factor seen by the source, and the magnitude of VS (Based on circuit in attached diagram) Homework Equations Pave= Irms*Vrms*pf*\frac{1}{2} Imaginary number referred to as...
  23. P

    Finding Maximum Power in an AC Circuit

    Not sure if this is in the right category because circuits are more of an electrical engineering-related area, but this is part of an assignment for a standard second semester calculus-based physics course (i.e. E&M), so I'll leave it here for now. Feel free to move it to another category if it...
  24. B

    Solving for AC Voltmeters with a Pure Resistance and Pure Inductance

    Homework Statement a) A pure resistance and a pure inductance are connected in series across a 100 V(rms) AC line. An AC voltmeter gives the same reading when connected across either the R or the L. What does it read? (Note: Meters read rms values.) b) The magnitudes of R and L are...
  25. A

    AC Passes Through Inductor: Fact or Fiction?

    While studying electrical science, I was told that when an alternating current passes through an inductor, current lags voltage by 90•. And when through a capacitor, current leads voltage by 90•. But while studying transistors in electronics, I was told that AC passes through a capacitor but...
  26. R

    How does AC current alternate and is energy replenished in a circuit?

    I know that in AC the current switches between +ve and -ve 50 times a second in the case of mains electricity for the UK. However I was confused about how it alternates, as in when it swtiches how far do the electrons travel before it switches again. I was also told that in a circuit the...
  27. M

    What is small signal AC analysis?

    I have designed a common emitter amplifier using a BJT and I need to perform a DC analysis, followed by a small signal AC analysis, on it. Before I continue, I will admit that this is homework, but please don't stop reading yet. I am not looking for anyone to do these analyses for me, but I...
  28. J

    EM field due to a long wire submitted to an AC current

    Hello there, I am having a real stupid moment. In the space XYZ, a long wire is along the Y axis and is submitted to an alternating current I_{0}\sin \omega t. I am trying to establish the equations for the B(t) and E(t) fields along the X axis. I assume that the distance to the cable...
  29. C

    Is AC current analogous to sound waves?

    It is really hard to picture current as a wave. The best explanation I have had so far is that the energy is transferred along the wire as a longitudinal wave of compressions of charge density, just like a sound wave is a longitudinal compression of mass density. so consider an open circuit...
  30. 0

    Capacitance with complex power connected to voltage, AC.

    So I'm trying to solve this kind of problem And I got stuck. Capacitor with power 2000*e^(-jPi/2) and connected to voltage u(t)=282,84sin(314*t+Pi/4). Determine the capacity. I know power is P=U*I, capacitance is C = 1 / Xc*w, from that u(t) we have that w is 314, so rearraning equation P =...
  31. S

    AC Electronics Problem (Problem with Peak values)

    Homework Statement This is my first time posting so I'm sorry if the formatting isn't right, just let me know what I need to change. Thanks. Note: If it helps, I am using "Electronics with Discrete Components" by Enrique J. Galvez and this problem is #4 on page 166. "The AC supply had a peak...
  32. I

    Solar AC for Car: How Many Panels Needed?

    Hi, This is my first post here. I am planning to work on small project for my car, wherein I could power up a small inverter which would in turn start a fan / ac in my car. I am just confused on how many panels I would need to accomplish this project. solar panel output 4V -100 ma...
  33. A

    Measuring AC Voltage from 60V-300V with Microcontroller

    I want to measure ac voltage raging from 60v to 300v using microcontroller i have figured everything else out except how can i use 220v transformer(to step down the voltage to measure) when input is 300v one solution is to use simple resistors based potential divider to attenuate 300v to 220v...
  34. mishima

    AC Current Circuits on Breadboard: Is a Kit Function Generator Worth it?

    I was wanting to get some hands on experience with AC current circuits. I have been tinkering with DC circuits on a breadboard and was wondering what the best way to get AC on a breadboard would be. I can't really spend 200+ on a function generator. I might spend 30 or so on a kit function...
  35. A

    Voltage Division for AC Circuits: Why Isn't My Calculation Working?

    Homework Statement Hi, We have this cut. : and in the image below, I10 is calculated by using current division : The Attempt at a Solution I tried to find it using voltage division but the answer is wrong : Vx(of the upper node) = 100 * \frac{j5}{4+j5} = 60.98 + j48.78 V => I10 =...
  36. T

    What happens if i apply different AC frequencies into a motor?

    so let's say i have a motor and two sinusodial AC power supplies. they both have different frequencies but the same voltage. i apply both of them into the induction motor. what will happen in terms of speed or anything else which can affect the motor's performance?
  37. JJBladester

    Left-over AC voltage in a half-wave rectifier

    Homework Statement My professor gave us a formula for the left-over output AC voltage in a half-wave rectifier. This formula was given without any calculus or explanation as to how it was obtained. Homework Equations V_{out(AC)}\simeq (0.385)(V_m-V_{th}) The Attempt at a Solution...
  38. B

    Building an LC Circuit powered by 60Hz AC Current

    Hey guys, So I'm working on this project, and I'm trying to make two coils of different diameters to be tuned to the same resonance frequency. I got the equation ω=1/(LC)^0.5 for the frequency. My thinking was that the frequency of the wall power shouldn't matter because the resonance...
  39. K

    AC Voltage across diode waveform

    I am wondering how the waveform of AC voltage measured across a diode would look like? What about the waveform of the resistor connected in series with this diode? Please help .
  40. H

    Creating a 1mA AC Current Source with Noninverting Op-Amp Configuration

    Homework Statement Design a circuit based on the noninverting op-amp configuration that functions as a 1mA ac current source. Homework Equations Gain = Vout/Vin = 1 + R2/R1 The Attempt at a Solution I really don't know how to start.
  41. T

    How can i find AC frequency from DC?

    can you tell me all of the equations to find AC frequency? also, what is AC voltage? is it somehow linked to frequency?
  42. S

    Torque estimation of an AC compressor

    Hi all, I'm planning to drive the automobile ac compressor via a BLDC motor instead of IC engine. This is only when the vehicle is parked. Now, I'm trying to determine torque requirement. Is my calculation correct? Power consumption: 1.46 kW compressor speed : 1000rpm...
  43. C

    AC Circuit: Finding I(t) general question

    When you're asked to find I(t) in an AC circuit, what form does I(t) need to be in? I remember from a long time ago that when the '(t)' is included you have to have it in a specific form.
  44. K

    Understanding the Role of Grounding in AC Single Phase Systems

    helllo ALLLLLL my question in Ac single phase without earth only one phase live and one neutral why we say that live line would kill but neutral won't kill isn't neutral carry current for return "same live current"
  45. S

    AC vs DC: Debunking Myths and Examining Modern Usage

    Hello, All! This is a thread that should address my questions and evolve into a general discussion on AC and DC for the purpose of interest. My first question is: What did Nikola Tesla add to the field of electronics and AC? I've read all over the web two conflicting ideas 1) Tesla is...
  46. F

    Ice Sled Powered by Rocket Engine: Find t1, t2, v & Final Position

    An ice sled powered by a rocket engine starts from rest on a large frozen lake and accelerates at +38 ft/s2. After some time t1, the rocket engine is shut down and the sled moves with constant velocity v for a time t2. Assume the total distance traveled by the sled is 15750 ft and the total time...
  47. S

    What is this coil inside this AC to DC power converter?

    I have been studying the plans for a few AC to DC converters and I understand that the basic conceptual design is one where the AC power is transformed to lower the voltage and is then passed through a bridge rectifier to convert that power to what I call hopping DC. The power is then smoothed...
  48. H

    What is the purpose of grounding in AC systems?

    Hello everyone! There is something about grounding in AC systems that has been bothering me for a while. I have read almost all of the threads about grounding here, but I haven't found my specific question on any of them. In my house, there are 3 wires that come from my outlet, the hot...
  49. N

    Find the component of the Force along AC

    Homework Statement The 350-lb force is to be broken into components along the lines AB and AC. 2. The component along AC is most nearly 1. 175.0 lb 2. 186.2 lb 3. 202 lb 4. 225 lb 5. 239 lb 6. 268 lb 7. 294 lb 8. 303 lb 9. 404 lb 10. 457 lb I have attached an image of the...
  50. G

    How Do Marginal Revenue and Cost Determine Profit in Microeconomics?

    Micro econ MR MC AC etc help! Homework Statement The adjacent graph (I've attached it) shows the short-run cost situation of a competitive, profit-maximizing firm. Assume that MC is plotted between units. Determine for each of the following prices: i) $150 ii) $200 iii) $230 iv) $350 a)...