Ac Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    Engineering How Is Total Power Calculated in AC Circuits?

    Ok guys this one is straight out of a textbook, (Tooley, M. and Dingle, L. (2008) Higher National Engineering, 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier, p.353.) Homework Statement v=50sin(\omega t)+10sin(3\omega t + \pi /2) i=3.54sin(\omega t + \pi /4) + 0.316sin(3\omega t +0.321)Homework Equations...
  2. russ_watters

    Diagnosing AC Condenser Capacitor Failure

    So the starter capacitor in my AC condenser exploded a couple of days ago. I'm headed out to get a new one (found someone open!) and I'm just concerned that the failure could be just a symptom of a bigger problem like a bad compressor or fan motor (its a dual capacity capacitor that serves...
  3. V

    Why electronics do not use AC.

    Hi, Would I be correct in saying that we do not use AC current in electronics because in the circuits, the presence of current would be a "1" and no current would be a "0". Thus with DC on = "1", off = "0". With AC, the current becomes zero 60 times a second (for 60 Hz) and thus would not...
  4. Femme_physics

    How does AC compare to DC in terms of power and energy flow in a circuit?

    Is that right to see AC as current that flows like that? (marked in red) Whereas DC would just be a straight line. Is that right?
  5. E

    Hey there,I've been learning about AC circuits recently and while

    Hey there, I've been learning about AC circuits recently and while considering and LCR circuit it occurred to me; it's possible for the voltage drop across a capacitor/inductor/both to be greater than the voltage source itself however I can't think of the reason for this, any hints or reasons...
  6. L

    Help converting ac to dc power lose

    ok I am hooking a dc to ac inverter to a car battery then to a transformer that will give me 115vac then i need to convert it back to dc while still keeping the 115v but in DC how do i do this? If i use a rectifier will the current drop?
  7. A

    AC and DC Windings: Understanding the Difference

    what is meaning of ac winding and dc winding?how it differs from each other? advanced thanks.
  8. J

    Mesh Analysis for AC RLC Circuits: Finding Vo and Io

    hi guys I am trying to fined Vo and Io using mesh analysis for the following cct The formulas I made from the cct using mesh analysis don't seem right here is what I have- loop1 2(I1 - I2) = 0 loop2 2(I2 - I1) + I2(j4) - 3Vo = 0 loop3 3Vo + I3(-2j) = 0 and I1 = 4<-30 vo...
  9. S

    The lines (AC) and (BD) intersect at the point P(3,K)

    The lines (AC) and (BD) intersect at the point P(3,K) Show K=1. AC=(4,2) or (x,y)=(5,2)+s(4,2) BD=(3,-6) or (x,y)=(1,5)+t(3,-6) A(1,0), B(1,5), C(5,2), D(4,-1) [PLAIN]
  10. F

    What Is the Frequency of the Voltage Source in an LRC Series AC Circuit?

    Homework Statement An ac voltage source is connected in series with a 1 uF capacitor and a 750 ohm resistor. The amplitude of the voltage source is measured to be 4V rms while the voltages across the resistor and across the capacitor are 3V rms and 2.7V rms respectively. Determine the...
  11. N

    Understanding the AC Stark Shift in a 2-Level Atom

    Homework Statement Hi In my book, they do calculations on a 2-level atom. After some approximations, they reach the following equation for the coefficient for the first (lower) level: c_1(t)\approx c_1(0)e^{-i|\Omega|^2t/\delta} where Omega is the Rabi frequency and delta is the...
  12. S

    Calculating Voltage Drop in an AC Circuit with a High Power Supply and Motor

    Homework Statement Now suppose the power supply is 1200 V, and the motor is rated at 100 W at this higher voltage. If the wires have a resistance of 7.0 ohms, what is the voltage drop across the wires? The voltage at the motor? Homework Equations Power= Irms*Vrms V=IR The Attempt...
  13. S

    Exploring AC Current Flow in Pure Inductors

    if a pure inductor is connected to an AC voltage source! The Back emf in the inductor=Thr instantaneous AC emf! THEN How can the current flow through the inductor if the NET VOLTAGE=0? please explain
  14. J

    Engineering Finding the line current in an ac circuit

    Homework Statement Given the load impedence is 18 + j15 ohms, what is the line current. Follow this link to see the circuit and the variables. Homework Equations Vab = Van*root[3] angle 30 degrees Iab = Vab/Z Ia = Iab*root[3] angle...
  15. S

    What Happens When AC Is Applied to a Capacitor?

    what happens if AC is applied to a capacitor? I am able to understand that ,For 1st half of the cycle,i.e for +ve cycle, during the voltage rise from v0 to vpeak, the capacitor charges, and during the voltage drop from vpeak to v1 the capacitor discharges.Let me know if this is true. I...
  16. B

    Understanding a Nintendo AC 220V to 24V 550mA DC Adapter

    Hello, I have this old Nintendo AC 220 V to 24 V 550 mA DC. it has this one full line followed below with dotted ones. Can you help me read this? And how do these adapters behave. Do they ALWAYS give 550 mA, no matter how much voltage drop is connected to the end? I am thinking...
  17. H

    Inductors & AC Circuits (Homework) (RL Circuit)

    Homework Statement What is the inductance in a series RL circuit in which R = 7.0 kΩ if the current increases to one half of its final value in 26 µs? Homework Equations am i correct in assuming that i should be using the time constant equation: Tau=L/R The Attempt at a Solution...
  18. F

    Will a Leyden Jar Store AC Current?

    Okay, I was planning on building a Tesla coil for my (high school) physics class. For the high voltage capacitor I was planning on using a Leyden jar, however, after doing some research I only found references to it being used to store an electrostatic charge. Thus, my question is, can a...
  19. H

    Amplifying AC Signal: LM358 Op-Amp Circuit for Full AC Signal Amplification

    I have a sinusoidal AC voltage with roughly Vrms = 50mV. I wanted to amplify with a non-inverting amplifier circuit with the LM358 op-amp. I used resistors of 100ohm and 10kohm for a theoretical gain of 100x. However, my output signal is rectified so that only the positive half of the signal...
  20. N

    How Can I Convert a Variable DC to an AC Inverter for Off-Grid Use?

    So here is what I am trying to accomplish. I am trying to take an old Jacobs wind turbine controller that was designed for a grid tie application and make it off grid. There is a 3 phase "wild" ac input from the turbine that is rectifyed but not clipped by the internal SCR's to variable DC...
  21. PainterGuy

    Understanding AC Current for Beginners

    hello everyone, this is diagram from a book:- this is same diagram i have modified:- this is truth i don't understand how AC current work. let me tell you what i think of AC...
  22. U

    Magnitude of induced voltage in conductor within AC solenoid

    Please note, I'm not in school anymore -- just a basic physics question! Homework Statement A conductor is placed inside the coil of an induction heater. Imagine that the inductor coil has radius R, number of turns N, operating frequency f [Hz], drawing current I = I0 * sin(2*pi*f*t). The...
  23. W

    AC Circuits / Alternating Current

    Hi, PF :) I was self-studying AC circuits, and my main goal right now is to understand impedance. However, before that, I was wondering how one would derive the formulas for alternating voltage (and current), namely
  24. S

    Engineering Phasor Diagram RLC Series AC Circuit

    Homework Statement I'm struggling to figure out what vectors I use for my phasor diagram for an RLC series circuit. Homework Equations VC = 1/j\omegaC VL = j\omegaL VR = IZ The Attempt at a Solution I know how to add vectors, so that's not a problem, transfer my circuit from the time...
  25. M

    Capacitor - Resistor || Capacitor - Capacitor AC circuit

    An AC circuit consists of 3 segments: a capacitor, then another capacitor which is in parallel with a resistor, and then finally another capacitor, these 3 segments being in series with each other. The formula which describes the charge Q(t) on the left hand side plate of the first capacitor...
  26. S

    Force on a conducting ring due to solenoid with AC current

    Homework Statement A long circular solenoid of radius a and N turns per unit length has its axis in the z direction. A small highly conducting ring, or area A, resistance zero but self inductance L, is place with its plane horizontal and its centre on the axis and near the top of the...
  27. K

    RMS voltage, phase angle, AC circuits

    Homework Statement An AC power supply with a peak volatge output of 200 volts, operating at 60 Hz, is connected to a 53 microFurad capacitor A) what is the difference in phase angle between the applied voltage and the current B) what is the rms current in the circuit C) what is...
  28. R

    How to test AC motor resistance test

    How to test AC motor resistance test an continuity test for 3 phase
  29. A

    Capacitor in AC Circuit: Why there is such relation of current and voltage? In AC circuit when the voltage is zero the current is maximum... When it reaches to 90 then the current is zero... And same as for the other cycles till 360... Why the current is maximum when the voltage is zero and when the voltage is maximum the...
  30. B

    Engineering Why Does V_R3 Measure 100 V in a Mixed Resistor AC Circuit?

    I am confused when it comes to this AC circuit problem. It is part e. The back of the book shows that V_R3 = 100 V. But as you see from my calculations, I get V_R1 = 20 V and V_R2 = 100 V. So shouldn't V_R3 = 0 V because the original voltage source for this AC circuit is 120 V, yet the book...
  31. M

    Converting Mini Split AC to DC Power w/ 48V Motor: Expert Advice Needed

    I want to convert a mini split air conditioner from ac to dc so it can be powered by a 48 volt battery bank and rercharged by a solar panel and wind turbine hybrid system.(hybrid charge controller) I want to replace the ac compressor motor to a 48 volt brushless perminent magnet motor of...
  32. A

    AC transformer earth connection

    I am helping out with the installation of an alarm system and need some info regarding earthing of low voltage transformer lead. The alarm system has a 3 wire 12 volt AC output power supply as well as a back up 12 volt DC battery which also contributes to the AC supply to the main ciricuit...
  33. D

    AC Power RC series circuit low pass filter, find frequency given gain.

    1. You have a series circuit consisting of a ac power supply, a 600 ohm resistor and a 73 nF capacitor. If the circuit is configured as a low pass filter, what frequency will cause the gain to be 0.25? 2. If the circuit is configured as a high pass filter, what frequency will cause the gain...
  34. D

    Ammeter and Wattmeter in ac RLC circuit

    What type of power rating does a wattmeter measure in an AC RLC circuit? Is the power measured the apparent power or active power, and is this reading the rms value? Also which current value is taken by an ammeter in an AC rlc circuit? is this also rms value?
  35. C

    Zero Crossing Point of ac cycle

    How can equipments work in ac current even it is oscillating from +ve to -ve and to zero? Alternating current is alternation of positive and negative values.If we consider the sinusoidal case,the current value becomes zero,negative,positive in a cycle.In that case,how can electrical equipment...
  36. Evil Bunny

    Let's say we have a 120 Volt AC source

    Trying this again from a different angle... Let's say we have a 120 Volt AC source. We'll call it a generator. This generator is not touching the earth. Let's just pretend that it's suspended in mid air with nothing at all connecting it to the ground (the earth). On this generator, there...
  37. R

    What Will Happen to a Lamp Connected to AC & DC?

    Hi, I am just thinking and i got doubt that if one wire carries AC(3V) and other wire carries DC(3V) and on the other side if you conntect together followed by a diode and last with one lamp. What will happen in that situation to lamp.
  38. A

    DC to AC conversion and power relation

    I saw this "AC anywhere" last week and was wondering how it works? How we can get 230 volts out of 12 volt DC supply? Isn't it drawing more power from less? [Below is the description of the Device which I'm discussing about] Running out of power is a thing of the past with the AC Anywhere...
  39. C

    Place to learn circuits 2? ac circuits class

    im taking circuit theory 2, which is all about ac circuits, but don't have enough money for a book need a place to learn about how to calculate lead and lag based on the inductance and capacitance, nortons and thevinans and all that stuff but in the context of sinusoidal currents and voltages
  40. H

    Engineering Ac circuit non inductive resistor and a coil

    Homework Statement A non inductive resistor takes 8A at 100 volts. What inductance of a coil of negligible resistance must be connected in series in order that this load can be supplied from a 220 volt 60 Hz mains. Homework Equations Z^2 = R^2 + XL^2 R=V/I XL = 2pi(frequency)...
  41. H

    Engineering Ac circuit analysisabout power

    Homework Statement An induction motor load of 2000 kVA has power factor 0.80 lagging. Synchronous motors totaling 500 kVA are added an operated at a leading power factor. If the overall power factor is then 0.90 lagging, what is the power factor of the synchronous motors? Homework...
  42. Simfish

    Impedance across AC voltage source

    Homework Statement An impedance 1000(1 + i) Ω (and note it contains an imaginary part) is connected across an AC voltage source of amplitude 10 V and frequency 60 Hz. Whatʼs the power dissipated during one cycle within the impedance? Homework Equations P = Re(V*I), where V* is complex...
  43. S

    How does the voltage on the inductor change over time?

    Homework Statement An alternating current is running through a serially connected inductor(L) and resistor(R). The alternating voltage causing it is: How does the voltage on the inductor change over time? Homework...
  44. B

    Factors Affecting AC Induction Motor Current Draw Explained

    What are the factors that affect how much current is drawn into an AC induction motor? I don't understand how a motor draws more current to start. I get why it would need more to start but I don't get why it would draw current into itself automatically. It may not work like that at all! But I...
  45. R

    All-in-one product to remotely switch AC outlet?

    Similarly to air switches in hot tubs, I am looking for a UL Certified product that includes a SPDT switch, relay and transformer to plug into a standard 110V 15A outlet. The relay would be energized by the low voltage from the transformer and activated by the SPDT switch which would then switch...
  46. B

    Low Voltage AC Supply from Wall wart?

    Hi - I'm just starting to build a few basic circuits and am looking to get easy access to a low voltage ac power supply. I pulled apart a power brick, and it only has 4 diodes, a cap, and a transformer. If I pull out the cap and the diodes and solder the cord to the leads on the transformer, I...
  47. P

    How to Design a Remote-Controlled AC Power Meter with 5V DC Supply?

    Hi, I have forgo my previous idea of Tesla coil as my final year project and now moved on in doing an AC power meter monitoring, which monitors the kWh, voltage, current consumption of a device and remotely controlled switch to turn off/on the device.This power meter should be implemented like a...
  48. genxium

    Understanding AC Amplifiers: DC vs. AC Circuits and Oscilloscope Analysis

    Although this question may seem too simple, I still want to ask it on the forum because I’m really confused…… Here are the easiest amplifiers circuits for DC and AC currents, and what’s shown in the oscilloscope I’ve got in Multisim (corresponding), I want to know why ic/ib is negative in the...
  49. A

    AC Voltage at Point X on Wire: Positive and Negative Half Cycle

    greetings, consider a wire which is subjected to AC consider a point X anywhere on wire. now what will be the potential of that point during the positive and negative halfcycle of sinusoidal AC?what will be the direction of current? thanks
  50. N

    EMF of an AC carrying electromagnet.

    Homework Statement This problem arises from a much larger essay/lab/project thing. I know that there is an induced current in the wire of an AC electromagnet because the magnetic field is constantly changing along with the AC current, so it makes sense to me that will produce a constantly...