Ac Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. RAHIL008

    AC current through AC equipment

    I wonder if AC current follows Sin wave and go through negative and positive cycles alternately, why don't AC equipments, like a bulb, get off and on - off and on...
  2. D

    Can We Store AC Power Like DC?

    I simply wanted to know, whether we can store AC power like DC?
  3. 2

    Engineering Question about dc to ac circuits in solar panels?

    Homework Statement It can be shown that a square wave can be represented by a sum of sine waves as given by the formula below v = v0sinωot + v1sinω1t + v2sinω2t + v3sinω3t +... Solar cells have an output that is dc. The pd across a cell depends on the incident radiation and the efficiency of...
  4. 2

    Transforming DC to AC: The Role of Inductors and Capacitors in RLC Circuits

    I have only just found out about inductors, and am trying to figure out how a circuit with an inductor and a capacitor could change dc current to ac current. With the set up of the circuit, would it suffice just to have the dc supply with a 'gate' that stops/allows through the dc current with a...
  5. J

    AC Coil Levitation - Get Expert Help for Science Fair Project

    Hi pf, I am trying to get a fun experiment for a science fair at school and would greatly appreciate some help. I have found the experiment I want to do in the video below (43mins 50seconds in). The school has a large aluminium plate so that is sorted. What I am having difficulty with is...
  6. A

    How to find supply frequency of an AC circuit

    Homework Statement [/B] Parallel circuit consists of 100ohm resistor with 0.4A current, a 0.47uf capacitor with 0.177A current. Both connected across an AC supply, determineHomework Equations [/B] The supply voltage The supply frequency Current drawn from supply Power factor of the circuit The...
  7. H

    Engineering Delta and star transformation of AC circuits

    Homework Statement For the balanced three-phase loads shown in FIGURE 3, ZY = (15 + j15) Ω and ZΔ = (45 + j45) Ω. Determine: Uploaded file C1.png (a) the equivalent single Δ-connected load, (b) the equivalent single Y-connected load obtained from the Δ-Y transformation of (a) above, (c) the...
  8. H

    Engineering AC circuit analysis -- mesh and nodal

    Homework Statement Determine, using the values given in TABLE A, the current I in the circuit of FIGURE 2 by: (a) mesh analysis (b) nodal analysis. Any help verify for part (a)? And to help me get started with (b) as V3 is driving me nuts. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution For (a)...
  9. A

    Induced Current in an AC generator

    Homework Statement This is a simple inquiry, based on what my textbook has told me. "...the amount of induced current also depends on the angle of the conductor in relation to the external magnetic field. The induced current is at a maximum when the plane of the loop is parallel to the...
  10. K

    Engineering Solving an AC Circuit Problem with R, L, C Values

    Homework Statement f = 248 Hz\Rightarrow \omega = 1558.23r/s\\ L = 34 mH\\R = 7\Omega\\\alpha = -6°\\C=? Alpha is the angle between current and voltage (V - I). X_L=\omega\times L=1558.23 * 34 * 10^-3 = 52.9798 \Omega Homework Equations \arctan{\frac{R}{X}} =...
  11. mostwantedmani

    Increase the frequency of AC current

    How to increase or decrease the frequency of AC current linearly? Suggest me some ideas
  12. D

    Why do DC motors not work on AC?

    Yes I now a DC motor is for DC (lol) but I don't understand why do they change rotation 50-60 times per second (vibrate) when connected to AC, I though that, like AC or Universal motors, the alternating current would "replace" the commutator? Thank you :)
  13. D

    AC question -- How does AC current "reach" its load?

    How does AC current "reach" its load? If the electrons/fields/charges are oscillating (reversing direction 50 or 60 times per second) instead of traveling in one direction like DC does, how does current flow and reach the load in a circuit? I have read some articles but couldn't find an answers...
  14. N

    Engineering Coupled RC circuits with AC current source

    Homework Statement Hi, I already asked a question close to this, but now I have different conditions. This is the circuit C_1 = C_2 \\ R_1= R_2 The current is an AC , and I would like to know the voltage at R_1 and at R_2 I made some progress but I do not really know hot to continue...
  15. rajeshputta

    Variable AC (0 to 240) source how to take fixed DC (110 or 220)

    sir, i am looking for fixed DC (110VDC and 220VDC) from my variable AC source (0 to 220V). please support me. rajesh.p 9010770003.
  16. B

    Help Building AC Pumps: Is It Realistic?

    So I'm trying my hand at engineering, and I thought "maybe an air conditioner would be a good place to start, that doesn't sound too hard". Stupid idea. Of course it's too hard. But I'm going to try anyways. So what do you guys think about this as a pump? I want to find a very clean cut...
  17. K

    Transformer help please -- AC Mains transformers of different input voltages

    Hiya Does anyone know if there's any safety or performance issues with going about the input voltage of a transformer? The spec on maplin says on just about every step down transformer that the input is (x)v-230v. As I live in the uk, mains voltages are 240v a.c. Not sure about what to do
  18. E

    Are AC Amp Gauges Compatible with DC Breakers? A Surprising Discovery

    I was walking around at work today to find an AC amp Gauge on a DC breaker (1000KW, 250 VDC), Which made me scratch my head if there is any difference between the two gauges for this application? Any idea? Thanks.
  19. 159753x

    Calculating voltage division for an AC circuit?

    Homework Statement A series RL circuit is connected to a 110-V ac source. If the voltage across the resistor is 85 V, find the voltage across the inductor. Homework Equations V = IR The Attempt at a Solution How does one go about solving this? My intuition tells me that KVL must be...
  20. Salvador

    Transfer of AC through rotating capacitor

    Hi, I need to transfer electricity to components that are rotating on a shaft but the power source is stationary with respect to the rotating shaft. the electricity is AC. So I had an idea of a rotating capacitor , two round plates , one stationary then a stationary dielectric attached to the...
  21. docsxp

    Help with AC Circuit containing a motor

    Hello, this is not a homework question, but is a past year exam question which I'm stumped at. Any help will be appreciated. 1. Homework Statement We're designing a current reduction system for an AC motor which is modeled as an inductor ##L##in series with a resistor ##R##. This motor is...
  22. paulmdrdo1

    MHB Solving for AB & AC: Find the Solution

    Find AB and AC in the figure given. I came up with 2 equations which have 3 unknowns, $AB\sin(55)+AC\sin(30)=BC$ $AB\sin(35)=AC\sin(60)$ I'm not sure if I'm just missing some given in the problem. Because if BC is given I can solve the equation above. Please help. thanks!
  23. K

    Solve AC Voltage Sources Series Problem: Find U_AB Mag. & Phase Angle

    Homework Statement If we have two AC sinusoidal voltage sources in series with +ive poles in the same direction (A... +u1- ... +u2-...B), Find voltage phasor \underline{U}_{AB}=? (underlined means phasor, complex) - magnitude and phase angle, and find momentary value of voltage u_{ab} at moment...
  24. G

    Engineering AC Circuit (RL) Homework: Finding the Series R-L Equivalent for Two Loads

    Homework Statement In the circuit shown in Figure Q2(b), two loads A and B are connected to the source. The cable connecting the power supply to the load is modeled as series R and L of values R = 0.1Ω, L = 0.1 mH as shown in the figure. The loads have the following specifications...
  25. K

    Voltage Output from AC Generators with More Loops

    Hello, I don't understand how more loops in the AC generator create bigger voltage. I understand when we talk about magnetic flux how it happens (rate of change of surface that's penetrated by field lines), but there's also the explanation that says "if the magnetic field penetrates the paper...
  26. Rampart

    Troubleshooting Diode Circuit with DC and AC Voltage Sources: Need Help?

    Hello guys.I am really having a problem with a circuit that includes a dc source,an ac source,2 resistances and a diode(not ideal).In the pdf that i uploaded is my way of thinking for this.I will really value any help and guidance. Thnx in advance
  27. B

    How To Design Solonoid Coil for AC Voltage

    Hello Friends, Can you help to solve the problem of my solenoid coil as before i created 12VDC coil & its working fine thanks for that help guys. but now i want 240 VAC solenoid coil. so can you please help me which SWG I have to select. how many turns have to select..i want the equitation how...
  28. EngUOL

    Why Use Radians to Measure AC Sin/Cos Signals Instead of Seconds?

    Could someone please explain why is chosen to measure ac sin/cos signals with radians instead of seconds? If ac waves is the behavior of a wave over time? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!
  29. Rampart

    Engineering Ac Circuit Ideal Diode: Find Vout-t

    Homework Statement the diode is ideal.What i need to find is the Vout-t Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution check my solution in pdf and guide me if you can... ***In my approach,in the circuit i forgot to draw the line.It is supposed to be a short circuit,not...
  30. D

    AC circuits -- Why we introduce the J operator in analyzing them

    I am just wondering why or how we introduce the J operator in analyzing ac circuits. I want more of a proof for this.
  31. E

    AC electromagnet and aluminium levitation

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum as a member, but have come across some of the topics here via google in the past. I'm trying to build an AC electromagnet levitation device, to levitate a small piece of aluminium. My knowledge in physics is limited to popular science and interest, but I am pretty...
  32. I

    Questions on AC Power Homework: Ip = V/Z & P =(I^2)R

    Homework Statement I did not embed the image as its quite large Homework Equations N/AThe Attempt at a SolutionI'm just confused as to why Ip = V/Z (first red box)? I thought I = V/Z so why is it Ip (the peak value) in this case? As for the...
  33. V

    Understanding Analog Signals & AC

    Also can we have an analog signal in alternating current?
  34. D

    Determine freq of AC that induces stress in the specimen

    Homework Statement An electromagnetic fatigue-testing machine has an alternating force is applied to the specimen by passing an alternating current of frequency ##f## through the armature. If the weight of the armature is ##40## lb, the stiffness of the spring ##k_1## is ##10217.0296## lb/in...
  35. C

    Elec Eng AC 3 Phase Symmetrical Components Q - Phase to Fault question

    Hello again, I've got another question that involves symmetrical components, this time I've attempted it. The Question follows: 1. In a 3 phase circuit with resistance earthed and neutral and Earth fault in phase “A” which produces a fault current of 800 amps. Load currents may be taken as...
  36. B

    Engineering AC Circuit with Dependent Voltage and Current Sources

    I have trouble solving the following problem. Am I supposed to start by doing nodal analysis on the loop on the right. Can someone give me a start. Thanks...
  37. B

    AC Steady State Analysis for Node V1 and V2 using Ohm's Law and KCL

    Homework Statement Find the steady state expressions in terms of Acos(wt+theta) for nodes v1 and v2. Homework Equations Ohm's law KCL Node Analysis The Attempt at a Solution Convert to phasors and find impedances-> R1= 50 Ohms R2= 30 Ohms...
  38. Rugile

    AC circuit - voltage drop and resonance

    Homework Statement An AC voltmeter connected to the nodes A and B shows the same value as when connected to the nodes A and D (refer to attachment). What is the inductance of the inductor? What value does the voltmeter show? The inductor is ideal. U = 70sin(314t) V, C = 80 μF, R = 500 Ω...
  39. N

    Reversing Taifu QB70 single phase AC motor

    Hello Guys, I got a Taifu QB70 water pump. But no more in use, I wish to use this motor in a gate opener project of mine. However I cannot figure out how to make the motor rotate in a reverse direction. What I tried ? 1. I reversed the position of the capacitor thinking it would...
  40. M

    AC and DC power of a full wave rectifier

    Hello, I am reading a book on Power Electronic and got confused on the actual interpretation of ac and dc power. From basic circuit analysis, I already know that the average power delivered to a resistive load by a sinusoidal signal is : P_{ac} = \frac{V^{2}_{rms}}{R}. When talking about a pure...
  41. Z

    Magnetic fields -- building a strong electro magnet with ac power

    Hello. I'm looking to build a strong electro magnet with ac power. I was going to use a MOT transformer so the primary was going to be the same windings. For the secondary windings though I'm trying to decide if I want to go with a higher current or voltage. I would assume that a stronger...
  42. R

    Exploring Voltage & Frequency Effects of AC Power Supply

    Explain the effects of AC power supply parameters-voltage and frequency?
  43. AakashPandita

    To find the current through an inductance in an AC circuit.

    Homework Statement An inductance is connected across an AC current generator. Homework Equations v= L di/dt = Vsinωt The Attempt at a Solution i=∫di= V/L ∫sinωt dt= -V/ωL cosωt This is what is written in my book. But wouldn't there be a constant at the end of the indefinite...
  44. Prashasti

    Does the Impedance of a Capacitor Affect AC Circuits?

    In a purely capacitive ac circuit, we get, Im = Vm*ω*C, ...(1) Where, Im = Amplitude of the current Vm = Amplitude of the voltage Now, what I think is, We know that in a purely capacitive circuit, voltage lags behind current by a phase difference of ∏/2 rad. So, at any time 't', I = Im...
  45. M

    Have 12v AC, converted to 12v DC, motor slow

    Hello All, I have a stater that puts out AC voltage, at max RPM it produces 40 volts. I have a voltage regulator installed parallel and it controls volts to max 14+v AC. I need to run an 80 watt 12V DC cooling fan so I installed a little block that has 4 diodes inside. Possibly this is...
  46. L

    How to simulate Ground bounce on AC line

    I am not talking about Digital circuit ground bounce on PCB. How do I simulate a Ground bounce for a system that runs on 220V AC. In real field conditions, the system might be connected to different grounds. How do i replicate this in the lab. Can I have a SPDT relay between GND1 & GND2...
  47. V

    Wire 6 LED's to 110v AC: Step-by-Step Guide for Converting Solar Lights

    Hey guys, I've been researching on the internet for some time, and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I purchased solar powered single LED garden lights yesterday and am going to convert them to be able to plug into an outlet in the house. I've been reading some forums and everybody seems...
  48. A

    My op amp doesn't work well under AC input

    The type of op amp I am using is Voltage-to-Current Amp. Under DC voltage input, it works perfectly well, boosting the current of a signal generator (DC mode) up to 250mA with the help of single supply working at 25V. However, when I turn the signal generator in AC mode, hoping to achieve...
  49. R

    DC brushless motor vs. AC motor

    I noticed that common technology such as brushless DC motors use AC to drive them. What exactly makes DC brushless motors different from AC motors if they both ultimately take in AC? Why even refer to DC brushless motors as DC motors if they're not even driven by DC? I understand the source is a...