Homework Statement
A 4.00-L sample of a diatomic ideal gas with specific heat
ratio 1.40, confined to a cylinder, is carried through a
closed cycle. The gas is initially at 1.00 atm and at 300 K.
First, its pressure is tripled under constant volume.
Then, it expands adiabatically to its...
Can we define specific heat capacity for an adiabatic process ??
Would it always be zero since dQ is 0 for an adiabatic process?
Also, can we define specific heat capacity for isothermal processes ?
Would it be infinity in all cases?
Just want to verify if I am thinking along the...
I am confused why the heat capacity at constant pressure can be different from the heat capacity at constant volume.
I am also having difficulties absorbing the material regarding the kinetic theory of gases, such as keeping all the ΔE_int changes with what processes etc.
Why can adiabatic...
Hey all,
I was wondering if someone could explain the difference between isothermal and adiabatic processes. I know that in isothermal process, there is no temperature change in the system, and in adiabatic process, there is no heat transfer. However, can someone explain to me what each one is...
Homework Statement
One mole of gas compressed to half of its original volume adiabatically, what is the work done?
Homework Equations
dE= dW + dQ (the d one the w and q should have the line though it)
pV^ α= constant = k
The Attempt at a Solution
As it is adiabatic dQ = 0...
I'm having trouble understanding what happens to the internal energy of an ideal gas being compressed adiabatically.
If DU = DQ + DW,
then as we do work PdV compressing the gas, since in adiabatic processes DQ=0, W the change in internal energy is non-zero, so U must increase.
But if...
Homework Statement
The adiabatic bulk modulus is defined as:
\beta_s=-V(\frac{∂P}{∂V})_sExpress it in terms of experimental variables: C_p, C_v, \alpha, \beta
Homework Equations
Heat capacity at constant pressure:C_P=(\frac{∂Q}{∂T})_P
Heat capacity at constant volume:C_V=(\frac{∂Q}{∂T})_V...
For a reversible process, I imagine it is correct to say that
dS = \frac{dq}{T} where all quantities refer to system quantities (not the surrounding).
However, for an adiabatic process, dq = 0 .
Thus, should it be the case that for an adiabatic reversible process,
dS =...
Homework Statement
Show that in a reversible adiabatic process, for 1 mole of ideal gas
γ=CP/CVHomework Equations
Listed above.The Attempt at a Solution
Frankly, I don't really understand what I'm being asked to do.
Evidently the adiabatic curve is steeper than the isothermal curve.
How can I prove this mathematically using the following facts:
P_{1}V_{1} = P_{2}V_{2} for a reversible isothermal process...
Homework Statement
a fluid undergoes a reversible adiabatic compression from .5 MPa, .2 m3 to .05 m3 according to the law PV1.3 = constant. determine the change in enthalpy, internal energy and work transfer during the process.
Homework Equations
P1V11.3 = P2V21.3
dH = T dS + V dP
dS = 0...
1) What is adiabatic availability?
2) How can the state of a system change without changing amounts of constituents or without changing parameters?
3) Does anyone really use the concept of "adiabatic availability" other than Gyftoppoulas and Paolo?
I am reading the book,
Homework Statement
In a diesel engine, the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture from an initial volume of 630 cm^3 to a final volume of 30cm^3. If the initial temperature of the air-fuel mixture is 45 degrees C and the process is occurring adiabatically, determine the final temperature...
Homework Statement
My textbook says that W = i/2Δ(pV) for an adiabatic process. I don't understand :S
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
In the derivation of the adiabatic lapse rate, upon using the 1st law of thermodynamics: Why is potential energy neglected? The parcel of air is doing work PdV which is balanced by the internal energy term, cvdT.
I can't think of a reason to neglect gravitational potential energy here.
I was looking at the proof for the derivation of the condition satisfied by adiabatic processes. (The proof can be found in many introductory physics textbooks, I am using Principles of Physics HRW 9th ed.) At some point , they say 'For an ideal gas PV=nRT and if P,V T are allowed to...
Homework Statement
Adiabatic wind. The normal airflow over the Rocky Mountains is west to east. The air loses much of its moisture content and is chilled as it climbs the western side of the mountains. When it descends on the eastern side, the increase in pressure toward lower altitudes causes...
An adiabatic turbine ,steam saturated vapour
P1=1MPa P2= 100kPa. Mass flow rate is 10kgs-1 of steam.
i need to work out how much power is produced
help :(
One mole of an ideal monatomic gas initially at 300 K (T1) and a pressure of 15.0 atm (P1) expands to a final pressure of 1.00 atm (P2). The expansion occurs via an adiabatic and reversible path. Calculate q, w, ΔU, and ΔH.
q = 0 (adiabatic; no heat exchange occurs)...
A typical free expansion scenario described in texts is that of a gas confined to a thermally insulated container with a removable membrane. When the membrane is removed the gas expands into vacuum. I understand that no work can be done because the gas does not exert a force. However, I am...
Homework Statement
A real gas obeys Van der Waals‟ equation, which for one mole of gas is
(p + A/V2)(V-B) = RT
and its internal energy is given by
U = CvT - A/V
where the molar heat capacity at constant volume, Cv , is independent of the
temperature and pressure. Show that the relation...
A monatomic ideal gas (γ = 5/3) is contained within a perfectly insulated cylinder that is fitted with a movable piston. The initial pressure of the gas is 1.31 × 105 Pa. The piston is pushed so as to compress the gas, with the result that the Kelvin temperature doubles. What is the final...
Consider a heat pump works on the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle with 0.2 kg/s of refrigerant-134a as the working fluid. The cycle is used to maintain a house at 26oC while absorbing heat from the outdoors at 3oC. R-134a enters the compressor at 200 kPa as a saturated vapor and leaves at...
Homework Statement
In the graph attached, why is isothermal graph line higher than adiabatic one??
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
At first, i had thought that work done in an isothermal process is greater than in an adiabatic process...but for comparison we would...
Homework Statement
Derive an expression for the change in temperature with pressure for an adiabatic process. If a dry air parcel is lifted adiabatically from 1000hPa to 800hPa what is the final temperature if it was initally at 20^{o}C?^{}
Homework Equations
I derived an...
I'm really confused with this and would appreciate any help.
Homework Statement
a) Show that the work done on a gas during a quasistatic adiabatic compression is given by:
W = \frac{P_f V_f - P_i V_i}{\gamma - 1}
b) Show that the work done by a gas during a quasistatic...
I figure that it is possible for temperature to decline in a fixed volume system that is thermally insulated. The reason why is that, from what I understand, is that random kinetic energy may have angular momentum. If we were to subject a volume of such energy to a rotating force (torque), then...
Hi group, I'm a theoretical ecologist with fairly adequate training in applied math (ODE, linear algebra, applied probability, some PDEs). In my current work, I've encountered the use of adiabatic approximation to a joint probability distribution of two ever-fluctuating spatial variables. A...
I have some trouble understanding the carnot cycle and why you have to make it so complicated, i.e. this process involves 2 isothermal and 2 adiabatic processes.
If you want an engine with maximum efficiency why can't you just have a system whose temperature is just a tiny inch above your hot...
Homework Statement
see attachment
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm having trouble where they multiply (101,000 by 1.5 m3)5/3
I get 151,500 Pa*m5
not 199,000 Pa*m5
I have been struggling to find my mistake for over 2 hours now and I still haven't exactly matched my answers with the books solution. I feel that my method should give the same answer the solution manual obtained however they are slightly off.
I understand the book method completely.
Homework Statement
http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4386/prob1p.jpg The Attempt at a Solution
To answer the first question as to why the air needs to be refrigerated, I think it's because refrigerating the gas cause it to do work, so its enthalpy will decrease resulting in a decrease in...
Homework Statement
An ideal gas of N particles is reversibly expanded from V1 to V2 = 4V1. The starting temperature T1 is known and E_1 = \frac{3}{2} N k_B T_1. As of yet E_2 is unknown.
a) Express \Delta E = E_1 - E_2 in terms of the added heat Q and work done on the gas W.
b) Calculate...
Homework Statement
Argon gas, initially at pressure 100 kPa and temperature 300 K, is allowed to expand adiabatically from 0.01 m3 to 0.029 m3 while doing work on a piston.
In this problem you will calculate the contributions to the entropy change, as discussed in Moore, T7.4.
a) What is...
I have a system that looks like this:
The top part is a piston, whereas the bottom is a displacer.
I have looked at the Isothermal case for this system in a separate thread (https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=553165)
But in short, the result was that the pressure of the system...
This is to help me understand a problem in the book, I don't want to state the question I'm attempting to solve though I would rather just get a nudge in the right direction conceptually. (I am analyzing an isotherm and adiabatic curve at the same point.)
My book states that for an ideal gas...
Homework Statement
Closed system made of a cylinder containing air, compressed by a piston with weights on top of it. The piston is frictionless and its weight can be neglected. The system contains initially 10 kg of air at 27 °C and a pressure of 10 ata. The weights are suddenly halved...
Hi, I have a little problem understanding adiabatic compression.
Let me start with the definition of adiabatic process from wikipedia, "In thermodynamics, an adiabatic process or an isocaloric process is a thermodynamic process in which the net heat transfer to or from the working fluid is...
I have to find the max cycle pressure, max temp, work input and output for an engine.
I have been given the initial air pressure, temp and the volume of the cylinder.
Fuel is added at 2.5MJ/kg
For the air i have Cv, the index (1.4) and an R value of 287 J/kg K (not sure about this value)
Maybe anyone knows, how to get real gas adiabatic equation. It's not a big deal, when you need to get ideal gas equation, but I haven't got any ideas about real gas. I'm wondering maybe it's something with Van der Waals equation, but in my opinion it can't be like this ...
Homework Statement
1 kg of H20 goes through a reversible adiabatic proces from 220kPa, 200C to 50C in the final state. What is the pressure final and volume final?
Assume S1=s2
Homework Equations
Conservation of Energy
The Attempt at a Solution
Found S to be 7.5080, was...
In an adibatic Spray cooler, a fine mist of liquid water is used to cool hot air by evaporating all of the water. The liquid flows in at a rate of 90 g/s and 30°C. The input hot air is at 450°C and 900 torr. The dewpoint of the input air is 47°C and the flow rate is 1362 L/s...
Homework Statement
One mole of a monatomic ideal gas is transformed from 0.00°C and 2.00 atm to
-40.0°C and 0.400 atm. Show that this is NOT an adiabatic reversible expansion and
calculate ΔS for the change. (Hint: you will need to consider a reversible path that
includes a...
i'm entirely confused with this.
with analyzing each definition:
adiabatic process : a thermodynamic process in which there is no transfer of heat
if a system is in state (P1, V1, T1) → (P2, V2, T2) if it is adiabatic no heat transfer occurs, if no heat transfer occurs the two states must be...
Homework Statement
Prove that the work done by an ideal gas with constant heat capacities during a quasi-static adiabatic expansion is equal to
W= (PfVf)/(Y-1)[1 - (Pi/Pf)^((Y-1)/Y)]
where Y = gamma, which is heat capacity at constant pressure over heat capacity at constant volume...
Homework Statement
A sample of 4.00mol of oxygen is originally confined in a 20L vessel at 270K and then undergoes adiabatic expansion against a constant pressure of 600torr until the volume has tripled. Find q, W, dT, dU, dH.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution