advanced Definition and 536 Threads

  1. N

    China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)

    A team of scientists from China's Institute of Plasma Physics announced this week that plasma in its Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) would be ready to begin attempting to generate more energy than it uses, in a world first. I am dubious about more news that comes out of...
  2. Eclair_de_XII

    Linear Algebra Can anyone recommend an advanced linear algebra book?

    I have already taken two elementary linear algebra courses, and have taken the upper-division linear algebra course offered at my school. However, I feel that I did not learn as much from the latter as I should have. I can owe this to not applying myself as much as I should have, due to other...
  3. Delta31415

    Courses What advanced math courses should I take as a ECE

    Hello, everyone, I am a freshman in ECE( My degree atm is CompE) who by next semester(fall 2019) will have completed calc 1 -3, elementary linear algebra(with proofs) and differential equations. My program still requires me to take a course in discrete mathematics, probability(super basic imo)...
  4. W

    MHB Advanced Functions Average vs. Instantaneous velocity

    What do the average velocities on the very short time intervals [2,2.01] and [1.99,2] approximate? What relationship does this suggest exist between a velocity on an interval [a,b] and a velocity near t=a+b/2 for this type of polynomial?
  5. pallab

    Advanced condensed matter physics book

    what are the good books on advanced condensed matter physics with detail notation explained?
  6. M

    Material Science & Advanced Thin Film Technologies: Postgraduate Research

    Is it advisable to have a Material Science background if I would like to pursue a postgraduate research studies in advanced thin film technologies?
  7. tworitdash

    Classical Which classic book to follow for Advanced EM?

    The book should have the following content. I want to refer a classic book which explains every detail. 1) Ohmic losses at high frequencies 2) Potentials and Green's functions 3) Image theorem 4) Fields radiated by sources in the far field region 5) Equivalence and reciprocity theorems 6)...
  8. IjustlikeMaths

    Can anyone learn advanced maths? (Researches)

    Hello guys, I often ask myself if anyone can learn maths to an advanced level? And get really good on it. I think that every healthy person can get very good at maths. The only condition is that the person is interested in math. Of course, to get on the level of a Field-Medal winner you have...
  9. Y

    Courses Should I take advanced courses as a physics undergraduate?

    I am a third year undergraduate physics student with some interest in theoretical physics. This term I want to learn General Relativity or Group Theory, but they are all hard, time-consuming courses. If I don't take them, I can explore broader areas of physics to make a decision on what I will...
  10. mcabbage

    Courses On the benefits of retaking advanced linear algebra

    I'm a physics student who has the option to take some advanced math courses (Real analysis through Rudin and beyond, functional analysis if I have time, as well as algebra through Artin). I'm only just going into my second year this term, and will either be retaking linear algebra 2, or taking...
  11. jamalkoiyess

    Studying How to study an advanced physics textbook effectively?

    Hello PF, This by no means the first time I inquire about the topic. I have read a lot on how to study from textbooks and I have practiced all methods and read extensively. Yet, I have never felt that I truly accomplished my purpose and mastered the given material. The thing is that while...
  12. TheKracken5

    Schools Advanced Math a advantage or disadvantage in college physics

    Hi, so I recently switched my major from Math to Physics. I will be taking my first calculus based physics course in the fall. I am curious if people think the typical route of taking calc 1-3, DEQ's, LA concurrently while going through the physics courses is beneficial? Versus someone like...
  13. K

    I Are magnetic Ising-like dipoles advanced territory? [in Portugese]

    I was looking at some works by the members of my university physics departament and I found this one <Mod edit> Besides this abstract, the paper is in Portuguese. <\Mod edit>
  14. G

    [Chemistry] What advanced elective should I take?

    As a chemistry major I have to take one advance elective. Unfortunately it’s very difficult to tell which courses will be offered in that semester. I’m hoping inorganic chemistry 2 is offered. Because the last couple of semesters it seems advance organic chemistry was offered. The problem with...
  15. L

    Studying How to self-study advanced books like Weinberg's QFT?

    Although the question came to my mind while studying Weinberg's QFT books, the doubt is much more general than that, and is not a doubt about physics, but rather about how to actually study and learn the topic alone from the book. From one point I agree that coming up with this doubt nearly...
  16. gibberingmouther

    I A rigorous definition of a limit and advanced calculus

    i'm trying to review calculus and look a little deeper into proofs/derivations/etc. I'm doing this both for fun and to review before i go back to school. am i the only one who has difficulty understanding the "rigorous" definition of the limit? i found this web page...
  17. Gene Naden

    Calculus Advanced undergrad text on Calculus and Differential eqns

    Hi, I have a masters in physics but it is decades old and I am a little rusty. Plus, I didn't study calculus and differential equations carefully or systematically, as I was young and arrogant (not to say that all young people are arrogant, but I was). Returning to physics now, I find that I can...
  18. P

    Challenge Advanced Math Problem of the Week 12/20/2017

    Here is this week's advanced math problem of the week. We have several members who will check solutions, but we also welcome the community in general to step in. We also encourage finding different methods to the solution. If one has been found, see if there is another way. Occasionally there...
  19. chrononaut 114

    Past Exam Advanced Dynamics Question; Help, Please

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a SolutionSo I first tried by saying consider a time t in which mass m is directly above the origin O. I.e., mass m at the Cartesian coordinate (0, 4l/3). I wrote a = a(t) as the extension function of the spring, which has 0 natural length. So, I applied the...
  20. smodak

    Quantum Advanced Quantum Physics by Paar - Opinions?

    Anyone read the book Advanced Quantum Physics by Hans Paar ? Is this somewhat analogous to Sakurai's advanced quantum mechanics? If anyone used it, can youcomment on what you used it for (e.g. was it a bridge between QM and QFT)? I happened to see this book on amazon and from the excerpt, it...
  21. nomadreid

    "Allow Overlap" in "Format Drawing Canvas", Layout, Advanced

    When formatting a drawing canvas in Microsoft Word 2007, one box to click or unclick (by default, it is selected) when one goes to the Advanced settings of Layout is "allow overlap." Overlap of what?
  22. P

    Challenge Advanced Math Problem of the Week 10/17/2017

    Here is this week's advanced math problem. We have several members who will check solutions, but we also welcome the community in general to step in. We also encourage finding different methods to the solution. If one has been found, see if there is another way. Using spoiler tags is optional...
  23. P

    Challenge Advanced Math Problem of the Week 9/30/2017

    Here is this week's advanced math problem of the week. We have several members who will check solutions, but we also welcome the community in general to step in. We also encourage finding different methods to the solution. If one has been found, see if there is another way. Occasionally there...
  24. S

    How easily earn advanced degree, any humanities

    How easy is it to get into any ADVANCED DEGREE program for a HUMANITIES subject, like in comparison to any science, math, or engineering subject?
  25. P

    Challenge Advanced Math Problem of the Week 9/14/2017

    Here is this week's advanced math problem of the week. We have several members who will check solutions, but we also welcome the community in general to step in. We also encourage finding different methods to the solution. If one has been found, see if there is another way. Occasionally there...
  26. R

    Courses Which course should I take: Discrete Math or Bridge to Advanced Mathematics?

    Hi, I am currently an undergraduate student and I plan on taking advanced math courses such as Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, etc. There are two courses which I think could help me prepare for the courses above as they are proof intensive: discrete math and bridge to advance...
  27. G

    I Advanced problems with answer sheet in statistics

    I am looking for advanced problems in statistics with answer sheet on the subjects: probability distributions where you have to rewrite the sum of variables to a new probability distribution. Advanced problems in calculating variance and expected values for probability distributions. Advanced...
  28. HumanistEngineer

    A Advanced Data Fitting - More than Simple Regressions

    Hello All, I want to improve myself in data fitting in order to derive new equations for the data from experimental results and/or performance analysis. I am an engineering researcher and since I found some out-of-world formulations derived from performance data, I need to learn this advanced...
  29. M

    Calculus Rigorous calculus textbooks from intro to advanced

    My ultimate goal is to become a theoretical physicist, a great one at that. I have mastered the prerequisites and I am now looking for rigorous calculus textbooks that make some references to physics, or are more orientated for people who want to become physicist.Thanks for your help.
  30. Anujkumar

    Quantum Quantum Mechanics: The Best Books for Learning from Basics to Advanced

    Can anybody tell me some of the best book for quantum mechanics which starts from basics to advance level
  31. J

    B Math Help for Advanced Simulation of Twin Paradox

    In my infamous simulation of the twin paradox, i assume a near instantaneous acceleration, with the results being almost identical with the "real" thing sub some extremely small values which you could not see with the naked eye anyway. But i might want to take the simulation a step further, to...
  32. P

    How can I design high-quality EEG electrodes?

    I am looking for a source (or several) on advanced EEG design techniques, in particular how the highest quality electrodes are made. I understand the basic principles of how an electrode works but have no knowledge at all about design techniques. Does anyone know of something that would help me...
  33. berkeman

    Medical Very cool uses of advanced technology by Combat Medics

    Nice improvements in Medic care on the battlefield... Will be nice when it filters down to us in civilian EMS. :smile: Go PJs!
  34. D

    Other Why Can't I Understand Advanced Math in Physics?

    To start off I am a 16 year old student with a passion for learning and understanding the universe I live in. I maintain a very high average in math and the sciences, and am at the top of almost all my classes, that being said I also attend the worst school in my district, and very very few...
  35. FallenApple

    Where can I find advanced E&M videos on the level of Griffiths?

    I'm looking for good videos on advanced E&M on the level of Griffiths. A lecturer in the style of Walter Lewin or Shankar is what I'm used to. Someone with strong emphasis on concepts &/or theory. Any recommendations?
  36. I

    Studying Starting from Scratch and learning Advanced Math

    If someone wanted to learn maths to a high level starting basically from scratch (knowing little more than basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) which order would you recommend that they learn things in? Is there a generally accepted/recommended order? I'm interested in...
  37. J

    A Advanced Aliens Are In Happiness Boxes: Why SETI Must Fail

    There is an aspect to this SETI problem that has not yet been considered. I'd post the entire article here if I could, but the copyright is not mine for one year. (Yeah, I wrote this.) Any SETI scientist who reads this is going to...
  38. R

    Distilling Air for Nobel Gases: A Comprehensive Textbook Resource

    What is the best textbook resource (or comprehensive publications, etc) on multi component distillation? particularly the separation of nobel gases from air. Air has all of the nobel gases (except maybe krypton) but they are trace so finding the off takes for these would be incredibly difficult...
  39. I

    MHB How Did NAND Memory Impact the ASUS Transformer TF300?

    Hi. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I had a feeling that many of you might have some ideas on this. I have to write a research report on Advanced Computer Architecture. It can be about pipelining, branch prediction, memory or whatever. I want something really interesting...
  40. Andy Resnick

    Stargazing Advanced Astrophotography - Comments

    Andy Resnick submitted a new PF Insights post Advanced Astrophotography Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  41. S

    Studying Advanced quantum mechanics in high-energy theory/cosmology

    I would like to know which chapters from the Advanced Quantum Mechanics textbook by Sakurai are most relevant to research work in high-energy theoretical physics. The kind of research topics that I have in mind pertain to work in string/brane cosmology, cosmological perturbations, dark matter...
  42. akashpandey

    How to start with advanced physics

    I wanted to how to start with advance physics like qed, quantum mechanics, and advance mathematics, advance astrophysics. Please friends help me because i am not gettiing to start with it and please suggest some courses
  43. M

    Quantum NMR or Medical Imaging (Advanced )

    Suppose I want to learn about MRI. Some of the introductory treatments I have seen aimed at engineers or imaging professionals may not assume much more than sophomore level physics competency. I know some advanced QM and statistical physics so I am wondering about the existence or value of a...
  44. jaskamiin

    Analysis Have a math degree, need to refamiliarize with advanced math

    I've been out of school for a while and working as a programmer. I want to start taking some masters courses for applied math (PDEs, numerical analysis, etc) and need to become familiar again with the advanced math I used to use in undergrad. I took two semesters of real analysis as an...
  45. D

    Engineering Can you do advanced engineering without an advanced degree?

    Hi, I'm a student and I'm trying to decide what particular field I should study and how much time I should spend in school. I'm interested in engineering and would like to do advanced engineering that would be intellectually challenging and use advanced math and physics. However, I would...
  46. J

    Applied Books like J. Callahan's Advanced Calculus: A geometric view

    Hello, do you know of any books similar in style to Callahan's Advanced Calculus book(a book that explains the geometrical intuition behind the math)? This goes for any subject in mathematics(but especially for subjects like vector calculus, differential geometry, topology). Thanks in advance!
  47. D

    Calculus Advanced Calculus textbooks that are useful for Cal BC

    Hi everyone, I will be junior next year in my high school and take Calculus BC. However, I also take Calculus 1&2 Honor in the community college which is known as Orange Coast College ( If anyone has studied here before, please tell me the difference between the content of this course and...
  48. A

    Classical Searching for an Advanced Textbook on Alternating Current

    As the title implies, I'm looking for a textbook on alternating current (not necessarily containing only about this topic). I'm looking for such a book with the following things in mind: - Is not just some introductory thing, but a book that treats the subject in an advanced manner using at...
  49. Mr-R

    B QFT for Gifted Amateurs: Preparing for Advanced QFT

    Hi everyone. For anyone who has the book. I am going through Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted by Amateur Tom Lancaster and Stephen J. Blundell. Are the topics enough to prepare me for a course in QFT and then Advanced QFT? Of course I can look for other resources. But I just want to know how...
  50. pitbull

    Bachelor's thesis about Gravitational Waves -- Too advanced?

    Hey! I am about to start my Bachelor's thesis about General Relativity. My professor mentioned that my thesis might as well be related to Gravitational Waves. Do you think that it would be appropriate to work on Gravitational Waves for a Bachelor's thesis? Isn't it too advanced? Also, any idea...