Analog Definition and 287 Threads

  1. K

    Analog Electronics: Emitter Follower Working Principle

    What is an emitter follower? I want to know its working principle with proper circuit diagram..
  2. D

    Analog to digital conversion for a project

    Hey guys, I am trying to do analog to digital conversion for a project. I don't want to use the digital chip, but want to do it in analog. I need 8-bit resolution. I found one approach: string resistor ladder. It uses 2^n-1 resistors. For 8-bit conversion I will have to use 255 resistors...
  3. B

    Analog signal output from computer

    Hello all, I'm an electrical engineering tech student working on a little side project and I can't find anything to help me with a crucial part. I have a gauge cluster out of an automobile that I want to interface with a computer to used while playing a racing game. I have a computer...
  4. E

    Angular Velocity of Analog Watch

    Homework Statement Calculate the angular velocity of the second, minute, and hour hand of a watch. Homework Equations Assuming the watch is functioning normally, a second hand must travel the entire 360 degrees in 60 second. The formula ω= ɵ/t would be used, where ω is angular velocity...
  5. H

    Analog to CAN Bus: Solutions for SAE Snowmobile Project

    Hello, My senior design group is working on an SAE sponsered zero emissions snowmobile. The motor and controller we are using uses CAN protocol. Our biggest issue is figuring out a way to convert the analog throttle to a CAN message. Is there a circuit a person could construct or a product...
  6. P

    What kind of work is bieng done in analog IC design these days?

    I'm starting my masters in analog IC design and am trying to get a feel for what is big in the industry for analog IC design. I have been told that delta-sigma data converters are the biggest area of interest right now. I was hoping that IC power supply design would be an option for me though it...
  7. K

    Any quantum analog for Betrand's theorem?

    Betrand theorem in classical mechanics states that only harmonic & -1/r potential will give closed and stable orbit. Is there any quantum analog? Just curious, I don't even know what "closed orbit" means in QM.
  8. K

    Gravitational Analog to Maxwell's Eq.

    To start, I came across this wikipedia entry on a gravitational analog to maxwell's equations: Restating the listed equations: \nabla \cdot \mathbf {E_g} + 4\pi G \rho_g = 0 \nabla \cdot \mathbf {B_g} = 0 \nabla \times \mathbf {E_g} +...
  9. J

    Analog volume control, digital volume control

    I'm not a science student; have some basic knowledge of it. So, please explain in as much detail as possible. Thanks. I have seen some old TV sets with a round knob to adjust volume. A guy told me that it's an analog volume control while the new TVs come with digital volume control where you...
  10. P

    Can Any IC Handle V0 = V1 + V2 - (V3 + V4) Regardless of Voltage Polarity?

    Hi, I've been having a bit of trouble finding a summer IC that can perform the following calculation: V0 = V1 + V2 - (V3 + V4) I found the LM324 which includes that calculation in its documentation, but it requires V1 + V2 > V3 + V4 since it's only got V+ and GND inputs. This...
  11. S

    Electric analog of a heat pump

    Is it possible to create analog of a heat pump which would be able to concentrate potential energy of electrons in one place, using some work, so there would be gain in energy?
  12. dkotschessaa

    Any Analog (Formerly Astounding) Readers?

    Just curious. is a monthly sci-fi and fact magazine that has been around since 1938, formerly as "Astounding Science Fiction." The stories are classified as "hard" sci-fi, and the stories tend to have a more gritty and lest fantastical feel than most popular sci fi...
  13. I_am_learning

    Working of True RMS analog voltmeter?

    How does a True RMS analog voltmeter work (if it exists)? (I am not interested about digital Sampling methods) I have heard about 'absurd' methods like heating up a coil through the sample voltage and using a thermocouple driven simple DC voltmeter to give the reading proportional to the...
  14. chronon

    New FQXI essay contest Is Reality Digital or Analog?

    New FQXI essay contest "Is Reality Digital or Analog?" It's been a long wait but it's here at last (It was actually launched 4 days ago - they seem to keep it pretty quiet)
  15. S

    How Can I Use an Analog Switch to Obtain Specific Waveforms in My Circuit?

    Hi all, I have a problem with an analog switch DG201 in my analog design circuit. The circuit has 2 input at the early stage, v(t) and i(t). v(t) will be changed into TTL square wave and go through a sample and hold circuit. And the i(t) will be go through the sample and hold circuit as well...
  16. S

    Dg201cj cmos quad spst analog switch

    Hi..anyone here can explain to me what is the function of this device DG201 CMOS QUAD SPST ANALOG SWITCH? I had search using google or yahoo search machine but still can't find any site explaining this device. So if you know what is it please tell me or paste the link for me here. I dun want the...
  17. P

    Analog of Hawking Radiation Observed?

    Didn't see a post about this yet.
  18. Shackleford

    Electrical analog and impedance

    I'm a bit lost on this one. Also, what formula do I use for impedance?
  19. B

    Analog CMOS IC Design Project Ideas

    Dear All I am looking forward to do a project in Cadence related to Analog CMOS IC Design and I need some project ideas that I can work on. thanks
  20. B

    Converting Analog Signals to Digital: A 2-bit A/D System

    Obtain the digital words corresponding to the indicated analog signal levels, a through j, as shown in Figure P8.38, that would be assigned by an A/D system with 2 bits. a. None of the above b. a=11, b=01,c=10,d=01, and e=01 c...
  21. A

    Electronic Analog Computation for Sixth Form Students: A Project Guide

    Hello, I am a sixth form student studying physics and I am planning on doing a project on electronic analog computation and I am stuck as to where I should begin to learn how such a system solves problems (without delving too much into too many details). I have limited knowledge on electronics...
  22. L

    The Bender and Orszag analog for PDE

    The "Bender and Orszag" analog for PDE There is a famous book written by Bender and Orszag named "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory" which explains how to obtain approximated solutions for ordinary differential equation. Well...
  23. P

    Can Matter Shape the Metric in Analog Models of Gravity?

    In analog models of gravity, such as" , the motion of "matter" is influenced by the metric. Detection of Hawking radiation in sonic black holes is a goal that some experimental groups are working on. However, in GR geometry and matter act on each...
  24. S

    Gravitomagnetic Analog of Electrical Transformers

    Based on Maxwell's equations, a physicist suggests that there should be a way to have a transformer to step-up or step-down gravity: What could such a gravitomagnetic transformer look like in nature?
  25. Topher925

    Optimizing Multiplexing for High Frequency Analog Signals

    I have an application that requires me to multiplex between >7 sinusoidal signals (15v ~1-100kHz) with as little distortion as possible. I'm not really sure what would be the best way to go about doing this though. My first thought would be to simply use a low capacitance multiplexer, like...
  26. pellman

    Multivariable analog to the total derivative?

    For a single variable we have \int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(x) dx = F(x_2)-F(x_1) if f(x) = dF/dx. f(x) is then a total derivative. What is the analog in 3D so that \int_V f(\vec{x}) d^3x does not depend on the values of f in the interior of V? In case there is not a single answer...
  27. L

    Why analog communication over the copper rather than digital ?

    Hi, I wonder if someone could shed light on my question. It's kind of related to Fourier Transform and attenuations on signals. As everyone knows, in the early days, the communication on the local loop was on dial up which was basically analog communication.The digital data in computer...
  28. W

    Analog Multiplexer for 6 Channels | SPST Switch

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to take this circuit: and use an analog multiplexer to do the switching for me instead of the large, heavy, awkward, and expensive DPDT switches. Someone suggested a MAX4051 but I don't see how that could work, as I believe it is 8 to 1? I want to switch all...
  29. M

    Transmit Digital Signal using Analog Modulation?

    Hello, I know that you send digital signals using ASK, FSK, PSK modulation. I was wondering though if it was possible to send that same digital signal using FM or AM modulation? If not, I was wondering if anybody knew of any popular ASK or FSK modulation IC's? Thanks!
  30. W

    Mathematical treatment of analog electronics

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone here could recommend a book on analog electronics that doesn't shy away from the math, but isn't too advanced for my level (electronics-wise, not math-wise). For reference, I've gone through Floyd's Electronics Fundamentals (although I don't necessarily...
  31. K

    Analog Clock and Minute Marks Puzzle

    The minute hand of a 12 hour analog clock is situated precisely on a minute mark, while the hour hand is situated exactly 2 minute marks behind the minute hand. What time is it? Note: For purposes of the problem, each hour mark is deemed as a valid minute mark.
  32. A

    Computer acquisition of analog ammeter reading

    Hi, My friends and I are doing a project that involves some very high (multiples of 10 kV and above) voltage, but very low current. The controller for our transformer has an analog ammeter on it, but we would like to have a computer read and recored the current readings from it. We have a...
  33. X

    How Does This Basic RC Circuit Function?

    The picture says it all!
  34. S

    How Do You Simplify an ADC Circuit Using Kirchhoff's Laws?

    Hello, I do not know if it's really upper physics but I have some exercices to do and I find them a bit difficult for a beginning. This is a circuit: I'm asked to simplify it like shown on the drawing so that afterwards I get this circuit...
  35. Z

    How to design an analog filter with arbitrary amplitude-frequency response?

    We can easily design an digital filter with arbitrary amplitude-frequency response, but if we are required to use an analog filter to implement it, how to design? Any suggestion or reference to related paper would be appreciated. Thanks!
  36. O

    How Do You Convert Analog Signals to Digital Using 4-bit Encoding?

    An analog voice signal that vary over the range 0-50mA is digitised by sampling it at 8 kHz. the first four sample values are 10,21,36 and 16mA. write the corresponding digital signal (a string of 1 and 0 bits) by using a 4 bit representation for each sample
  37. J

    Analog Signal Loop/Switch Control?

    Analog Signal Loop/Switch Control? Hello fine people of this board. I have been working on a custom project here for a year or two and I'm stumped at this point. I am working with 16 analog sensor/signal loops (16 ins and 16 outs). There would be 2 main signal inputs, and 2 signal outputs...
  38. M

    Difference Between Analog and Digital Technology

    A few days ago, I was reading an article on wikipedia about how musical synthesizers work and I read that initially analog technology was used and later digital technology began to be used. What I uderstood from analog technology was that only one part of the sound was altered, which...
  39. F

    RF testing: Balistics Gel for human analog?

    I am designing an antenna for a consumer product. The consumer will be very close to the device. I have designed antennas for products like this many times before and have the proper equipment to do so. It's low power, meets all FCC regs for our band etc... I am tired of doing the...
  40. N

    Is our universe a mix of both continuous and discrete elements?

    Two recent posts/threads asking are spacetime and frequency continuous got me wondering: Do we live in a continuous or a discrete universe? Or a mix of both? Your thoughts appreciated. (Do we have experimental evidence anything is continuous...I can't think of anything..also, is this...
  41. B

    Second order differential equations and analog computers

    Hey everyone, I've been doing some experiments with analog computers to further my knowledge of op-amps (and second order differential equations!) This is more of a mathematical question than an electrical engineering question, so I thought I'd ask it in this section. I'm looking for some...
  42. Borek

    End of Analog TV in the US: Were You Affected?

    So, where you hit by the end of analog TV?
  43. W

    Parallel transport analog of Stoke's theorem

    In a Stokes theorem, the integral of all curls of a vector field enclosed in some region is equal to the line integral around the boundary. I'm wondering if a similar theorem exists for parallel transport. The Riemann curvature tensor gives a change in a vector when parallel transported...
  44. J

    Can an electrical signal be truly analog?

    I once heard a professor say no electrical signal according to present knowledge is truly analog in amplitude. I find it amazing considering how most schools go with the "world is analog" statement.. any views on this? BTW, the inherent discrete nature of the electric charge is the principle...
  45. M

    How to add additional channel for analog TV (Local Community Channel)

    Hi all, My name is michael. I am currently working in a project which is involving the broadcasting of a local community channel. My background is Computer Science engineer, and I somehow is not too good in this particular things. Hope any of you could give me an idea to solve this out...
  46. K

    Analog finter design for harmonics reduction

    Hi, I have build an 12VDC- 12VAC inverter using a square wave gate signal for my power MOSFETs. My output is perfect square wave and now i want to clear the harmonics except the fundamental. I am not sure how can i design the analog filter that can filter the harmonics except the...
  47. H

    Discrete Analog of Schrodinger Equation?

    It seems like there should be a discrete-time discrete-space analog to the Schrodinger equation. For example, you can apply the classic explicit finite difference method to the heat equation and get a simple binomial or trinomial tree relationship in a lattice. When I try that with the...
  48. A

    Convert Digital Output from DAQ to Analog output?

    We are using a DAQ (data acquisition) board for our project, that has only 2 analog outputs, but we need 4. It also has some digital outputs... Is there a way to convert the digital outputs into analog, and if so, what is it? Thanks
  49. K

    Add DC & AC Voltages: Learn How to Do It!

    Hi I've learned about voltage adder circuits using op-amp that add two or more DC voltages. But is it possible to add AC voltage with a DC voltage? What i mean is can we add (for eg 2V DC with a AC of 5v peak value,50hz) so that the output is again AC with peak of 7V and frequency is 50hz...
  50. B

    Finding an Analog Multiplexer for Accurate Voltage Measurements

    Hi I need to take in a number of analog voltages onto an ADC but the ADC is a single input. I was thinking of putting the voltages through a MUX and then selecting the input desired to go to the output of the MUX and onto the ADC. Does anyone know of good analog MUX's/Switches that will...