Analog Definition and 287 Threads

  1. T

    Weak analog of the 'Strong CP Problem'

    I understand that there is an issue about the FF-dual term in the strong sector. But I believe I can write an analogous term in the SU(2) part of the electroweak sector. Why don't people worry quite as much about this term (the Weak analog of the 'Strong CP Problem')?
  2. C

    Rotational kinematics of analog clock

    When it is 10:00, the hour hand on an analog clock is 300 ahead of the minute hand. How many minutes elapse (to three significant digits) before the minute hand next points in the same direction as the hour hand? I seems really easy, but for some reason I am not getting the right answer...
  3. J

    Analog Circuit Design for Fuel Tank Sending Units: Help Needed

    Typical fuel tank sending units have a resistance of 0 to 10 ohms in the full position and 90 to 240 ohms in the empty position. I have an old Weston 50uA meter I would like to use as a fuel gauge. I need help with designing an analog circuit that will drive the 50uA Weston meter from the tank...
  4. G

    Analog to Digital Converter (Estimation of Input Voltage)

    Homework Statement A 0-10 V, 10-bit A/D converter displays an output in straight binary code of 1010110111. Estimate the input voltage to within 1 LSB (Least Significant Bit). Homework Equations Resolution = Efsr/2^M. (where M= 10 in this case) Eout = X/2^M (where Eout is the...
  5. marcus

    Ripple deSitter universe-Randono cannonball analog

    Ripple deSitter universe---Randono cannonball analog Look at Figure 2 in this paper (scroll to page 9 of the PDF download) the size of the universe ripples down to a state of maximum concentration and then re-expands, again in quasi-stepwise ripples. What...
  6. J

    What is the best way to transfer an analog voltage signal through isolation?

    Hello, Lets say that you have an analog control voltage that can vary from 0 to 5V and you want to send it through some sort of isolation barrier to another board. How do you do it? In my case, I have a voltage sensor that will return this range of values and I want to be able to transfer...
  7. G

    Microcontrollers and analog signals

    If I have a simple microcontrol, say 8 pin PICAXE. Could I use it to read the voltage going through a circuit directly? And can I output varying voltages?
  8. F

    How do you read this analog voltmeter?

    Hi, my lab is using these: we weren't given any intro on interpreting the results. we're measuring dc volts... its the black numbers below the shiny metal in the picture. anyway, theirs two sets of numbers for dc volts, so we don't know which to use...
  9. A

    Building an Analog Synthesizer for Science Fair

    I'm trying to build an analog synthesizer for an independent study course at my high school. The submission date for the science fair is Feb. 8th, I'm really finding myself in a time crunch. For starters, I thought this would a little easier, but everywhere I look I have to back track and...
  10. A

    Speed of the second hand of a smoothly running analog watch?

    (a) What is the angular speed of the second hand of a smoothly running analog watch? ____ (rad/s) i got 0.03 pi webassign says "Check the syntax of your response" i also tried 0.03, but it's wrong also.. how do i put my answer?
  11. ShawnD

    How can wires carry analog signal?

    Digital Cable seems to be a newer thing, which would imply cable TV up to this point has been analog. How? How can a cable accurately carry an analog signal, probably based on voltage, if cable length greatly affects voltage? Wouldn't that cause all sorts of crazy problems such as things...
  12. E

    Designing Analog Computer to Solve x' + 9x = 3

    I am instructed to design an analog computer to solve the following equation using 2 summing amplifiers and a integrator. I have attached a image of what I've done. I am seeking confirmation of my circuit or hint as to how to proceed. Thanks in advance! eqn: x' + 9x = 3
  13. J

    Smoothing/Filtering Data from Analog to Digital Converter

    Hi, I am trying to filter noise out of data gathered from an analog to digital converter. I've looked at averaging techniques but I fear that they cause too much data loss. Can anybody recommend other smoothing/filtering techniques that might result in less data loss and can be done...
  14. Z

    Analog Signal Meters for Rotational Velocity & Angle Measurement

    Is there any kind of signal meter that can take an analog output of rotational velocity, angle etc. and show it in its full form. If there is meters like this could you recommend a few? Thanks
  15. N

    Understanding Analog Meters: How to Read and Interpret Measurements

    Sorry, this sounds like a silly but I grew up in the age of auto-ranging multimeters. Say you have a scale, 1 to 10 and you select your scale as 1 miliamp. I presume if the needle is at 7 then that means 7 miliamps and NOT (7/10) 0.7 miliamps?
  16. E

    Representing graphically an analog signal?

    I was wondering,how do I represent graphically an analog signal components in time and frequency using an equation for example like this: v(t)=3 + 1.414cos(w0t) - 1.414sin (w0t) + 2cos(2w0t + 5pi/2) Thanks in advance for the reply!
  17. Mk

    SASER is the acoustic analog of a laser Diagram: Paper:
  18. F

    Analog joystick controlling stepper motor

    Hi all, I want to use an analog joystick to control a stepper motor and also power a relay which powers a second circuit. When the joystick is pressed side to side I want the stepper motor to turn at a rate dependant upon the position of the joystick. If the joystick is pressed forward or...
  19. E

    Rotational Analog to Ehrenfest's Theorem

    Hi, I'm trying to prove that for a particle in a potential V(r), the rate of change of the expectation value of the orbital angular momentum L is equal to the expectation value of the torque: \frac{d}{dt}<L> = <N> where N = r \times (-\bigtriangledown{V}) Basically, I'm having problems...
  20. fargoth

    Is external analog convertor really bad?

    im planing on buying a new Video card.. one only two digital output while the other one has an analog output and a digital one. i got a convertor from digital to analog... but i suspect it'll lower the image quality? how bad do you think it'll be? (im having this problem because the one...
  21. exequor

    Buy Dual Pair Audio Wire for RCA Connectors

    Does anyone happen to know where I can purchase dual pair audio wire for use with rca connectors. In the event that you are puzzled I'm speaking of the audio cable like the one you have to connect your dvd player to your television, but without the connectors. I can only seem to find single pair...
  22. F

    Analog vs Digital: Audio Quality Differences Explained

    one of my (former) profs mentioned why the sound quality of an analog recording is better than the sound on a digital recording but i can't remember what he said. can anyone explain to me the difference, or tell me where i can find out for myself?
  23. F

    How Should Grounding and Signal Isolation Be Handled in Analog Circuit Design?

    I designed an analog circuit that transforms a couple of different incoming signals into a digitally compatible signal. I was recently informed there will be a grounding issue at the front of the circuit. The incoming signals will be from a variety of sensors. The first part of my circuit is an...
  24. V

    How a digital to analog converter works

    can someone please explain how a digital to analog converter works if say your equipment includes a computer with a software like Labview, a Lab-NB board, a terminal block (USB) and an oscilloscope. what is each component doing and what is being transferred between them? thanks.
  25. marcus

    Testable analog of Hawking effect-explain?

    testable analog of Hawking effect---explain? the current issue of Cern Courier has a bit from John Swain about this Hawking radiation in an electro-magnetic wave-guide? Ralf Schützhold, William G. Unruh 4 pages, 1 figure Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005)...
  26. R

    Help with Prelab Questions for UBC's Analog Computer Lab

    Could anyone help me with the Prelab questions here: I'm not asking for you to answer them for me, but I'm having trouble even starting on them. Any help with how to start, how to approach these problems will be very much appreciated...
  27. Reshma

    Analog vs Digital: Explaining the Difference

    What is the basic difference between analog and digital devices? What is the technical explanation for it?
  28. I

    Decoding Analog Signals with PCM/QAM - Help Needed

    from analog to digital(PCM/QAM) I want to convert analog to digital. I am recording analog signals in my firm and i want to make a programm witch helps me to decode fax informations. if you know how to decode this analog signals witch is modulated with PCM/QAM, please help me.
  29. dlgoff

    Optical analog to digital converter

    I designed an optical A/D (on paper only) several years ago. I have no means to make one since small scale integration is required. Any ideas how to get someone interested? If it works correctly, there would be zero conversion time and only settling time for the detectors outputs.
  30. H

    Is the Universe Analog or Digital?

    I originally posted this in the Relativity forum but I thought it was cogent to this topic so I'm repeating it. Sorry for the redundancy: Is the Universe Analog or Digital? First, I'm new to this forum, so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant or naive. Anyway, a while ago, I'd seen the...
  31. H

    Is the Universe Analog or Digital?

    First, I'm new to this forum, so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant or naive. Anyway, a while ago, I'd seen the question posed, "Is the universe digital or analog in nature?" Seemed like such a complex question at first, but then I came up with the following answer, and it's not what some...
  32. E

    Understanding How an Analog Radio Tuner Works

    hey guys, can you find any links on the web that discusses how a analog radio tuner works... i'm talking about in the level of an electronics and communications in-depth study and discussiion would be highly appreciated... is this related to an RL circuit?
  33. N

    Analog to Digital PC Signal Interface?

    First, let me introduce the situation: I'm an undergraduate physics major taking a course in Experimental Physics. In the lab I am investigating the motion of natural underdampened oscillators. The oscillators under investigation are nothing more than various pieces of metal suspended...
  34. marcus

    Stone-von Neumann theorem & modern analog

    Several papers have appeared in the last few months suggesting a development in the quantum theory of general relativity which is analogous to the Stone-von Neumann theorem of 1931. The clearest and most representative of the bunch is probably the Okolow-Lewandowski paper dated February 2003...
  35. PeteGt

    Do We See In Digital or Analog?

    simple question... do we see in digital or analog?
  36. Loren Booda

    Relative identifiability of analog vs prime extraterrestrial signals

    SETI's search for alien contact includes detecting intelligent analog transmissions and also those carrying sequences of prime numbers signifying life elsewhere in the Galaxy. What is the relative ease with which SETI can discern rational analog vs prime number transmissions? Is it a waste...