Analysis Definition and 999 Threads

  1. S

    Proof of Degree <= 1 for Entire Function f

    Homework Statement Suppose f is entire and there exist constants a and b such that ##|f(z)| \le a|z|+b## for all ##z \in C##. Prove that f is a polynomial of degree at most 1. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution We have that for any ##z \neq 0##, ##\frac{|f(z)|}{a|z|} \le b##. So if we...
  2. vktsn0303

    A Understand Convolution, Singularity, Kernel, etc: Math Reading Guide

    I'm reading a book on vortex methods and I came across the above mentioned terms, however, I don't understand what they mean in mathematical terms. The book seems to be quite valuable with its content and therefore I would like to understand what the author is trying to say using the above...
  3. C

    I Participant non-compliance: How to include data in analysis

    Hello, I hope this is the appropriate section to post this question: I conducted a study in which participants were to do one of three treatment options and then write a test. The intention was to separate the participants based on the option they selected and using a one-way ANOVA, analyze...
  4. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    Hello,I am a mechanical engineering student that loves mathematics and fluid mechanics. My school offers three different analysis courses and I’m not sure which to take. I took honors Fundamental of Mathematics, where we covered Abstract Linear Algebra, Set theory (along with rings and fields)...
  5. S

    Ansys workbench transient analysis

    Hello i have a cyclinder that i want to apply pressure to. The pressure starts from a higher value and then drops as time progresses. Can someone tell me how to apply pressure based on time in ansys workbench?
  6. A

    Using dimensional analysis to create dimensionless equation

    Homework Statement I am tasked with solving and creating a dimensionless equation from a differential equation given. Homework Equations This is the given equation: The Attempt at a Solution When doing the dimensional analysis I see that we are left with units of [m-3][kg1][s-2]. These...
  7. davidfam

    Coupled Thermal-structural analysis in ANSYS Workbench

    Hi all, I'm currently working on my bachelor's thesis in mechanical engineering. I must simulate a brake model, which consist of 1 rotor and 1 stator. The rotor rotate around z-axis and the stator move along z-axis. When pressure is on stator placed. The stator and rotor will be pressed...
  8. PsychonautQQ

    Prove: f_n Convergence Implies f(x)=c

    Homework Statement Let f_n: [0,1]-->R be a uniformly convergent sequence of continuous functions. Let f: [0,1]-->R be the uniform limit of {f_n}. Let c be an element of R. Suppose that for all n there is some x_n in [0,1] such that f_n(x_n)=c. Prove that there exists an x in [0,1] such that...
  9. T

    Another Improper Integral Using Complex Analysis

    Homework Statement $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty \space \frac{cos(2x)}{x-3i}dx$$ Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution $$\int_{-R}^R \space \frac{e^{2ix}}{x-3i}dx + \int_{C_R} \space \frac{e^{2iz}}{z-3i}dz = 2\pi i\sum\space res \space f(z)$$ Then using Jordan's Lemma, as ##R\to\infty## the...
  10. T

    Improper Integral Using Complex Analysis

    Homework Statement Compute the Integral: ##\int_{-\infty}^\infty \space \frac{e^{-2ix}}{x^2+4}dx## Homework Equations ##\int_C \space f(z) = 2\pi i \sum \space res \space f(z)## The Attempt at a Solution At first I tried doing this using a bounded integral but couldn't seem to get the right...
  11. Cocoleia

    Laplace transforms in circuit analysis, finding missing values

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution At this point, usually I would replace the values and sometimes separate into partial fractions, and then take the inverse Laplace transformation. So I know that the inverse Laplace needs to give me 6+12e^-2t. I am given the answers in my...
  12. Cocoleia

    Using Laplace to solve circuit analysis

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution As you can see, the answer is given in the problem. I have the 0.8t par right but somewhere along the way I messed up. I'm not really to sure about how to solve these types of problems using Laplace. Is there a general procedure that I should be...
  13. D

    Engineering Simple DC Circuit Analysis with Transistor

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution All loops are clockwise; KVL Loop around 1V, 120kOhm and VBE (I1 is assigned to the loop): -1V + 120kOhm * I1 + VBE = 0 I1 = IB = 0.3V / 120kOhm = 2.5 * 10-6 A; Loop around 10kOhm, vCE (I2 is assigned to the loop); KVL...
  14. TheBigDig

    Using Nodal Analysis to determine current in a resistor

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ##V = IR## ##\sum_{k = 0}^{n} I_k = 0## The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I set the bottom node as the reference node and worked from there to find the three equations for the loop. When I try to eliminate ##I_4## by using ##I_4 = I_2 - I_3## I run into...
  15. OgulcanT

    How to Model a Robot on a Ramp in ANSYS?

    Hi all, I need information about modelling a system. Assume that, there is a ramp and robot with 2 wheels. I want wheels to follow the road and (if it is suitable to happen) jump from it according to the given velocity. How can i model this situtation? Thanks.
  16. stephen8686

    B VIR Chart for Circuit Analysis: A Quicker & Intuitive Alternative to Loop Rule

    Hello guys, I'm reviewing for the AP physics C exam and in one of my review books I came across this trick called a VIR chart for circuit analysis. It's a sort of weird alternative to the usual Loop Rule. If you haven't heard of it before here it is...
  17. K

    Complex Analysis. Laurent Series Expansion in region(22C).

    <Moderator's note: moved from a technical forum, so homework template missing> Hi. I have solved the others but I am really struggling on 22c. I need it to converge for |z|>2. This is the part I am really struggling with. I am trying to get both fractions into a geometric series with...
  18. M

    Vector Analysis Problem Involving Divergence

    Homework Statement [/B] Let f and g be scalar functions of position. Show that: \nabla f \cdot \nabla(\nabla ^2 g)-\nabla g \cdot \nabla(\nabla ^2f) Can be written as the divergence of some vector function given in terms of f and g. Homework Equations [/B] All the identities given at...
  19. Cocoleia

    BJT and MOSFET complete analysis

    Homework Statement I have been given the world's longest transistor problem as an assignment :wink: Here is the circuit: I am asked to find: a) V1, V2 and V3 using DC analysis b) AC equivalent circuit c) AC tension gain: Ava=Vx/Vsig d) AC tension gain: Avb=Vo/Vx e) Total AC tension gain...
  20. J

    MHB Real Analysis - Prove the Riemann Integral Converges

    Just a couple questions. Problem 2: Just would like to know if this is the correct approach for this problem. Problem 3: I am just wondering if I can use Problem 2 to prove the first part of Problem 3? Because to me, they seem very similar. Problem 4: Would I use the MVT for integrals...
  21. Stef

    Rotor Analysis -- Big deformation problem

    Hi everyone, i am currently doing a rotor analysis with "modal analysis" on Ansys and even though my rotor's specs are L=145mm D=10mm and the rotating velocity is 10000rpm i get a deformation of 100mm at most of the modes. I have read that this might be cause of a mass-normalized value but i am...
  22. E

    Algorithm Analysis - Growth of Functions

    The problem statements, all variables and given/known data: Question 1 Question 2 Relevant equations: Provided in question snips. The attempt at a solution: Question 1: I think qux is the answer because it properly increments k by 1 in each iteration. j = j * 2 means j is always 0 so its...
  23. J

    MHB Real Analysis - Riemann Integral Proof

    I have no idea how to incorporate the limit into the basic definitions for a Riemann integral? All we have learned so far is how to define a Riemann integral and the properties of Riemann integrals. What should I be using for this?
  24. PsychonautQQ

    The Subsequential Limit Points of a Bounded Sequence

    Homework Statement Let (a_n) be a bounded sequence. Prove that the set of subsequential limit points of (a_n) is a subsequentially compact set Homework Equations To be a subsequentutially compact set, every sequence in the set of limit points of (a_n) must have a convergent subsequence. The...
  25. C

    Diode Analysis and Thevenins Theorem

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The correct answer is 0.25V. I'm getting 0.3335V[/B]
  26. B

    Static Force Analysis of Linkage

    Hi! I'm trying to complete a static force analysis on the bar linkage shown below. The goal is to find the payload mass in terms of the cylinder forces and everything else in a static environment. To simplify things I've made the assumption that the mass of the payload in the bucket acts at...
  27. W

    I Is Adjusting for Weight in TEE Calculation Reliable in Regression Analysis?

    The article Energy expenditure in adults living in developing compared with industrialized countries: a meta-analysis of doubly labeled water studies has the following shocking conclusion: The authors argued that the lack of physical activities in industrialized countries had little effect on...
  28. M

    Studying Why do Walter Rudin's proofs in real analysis often seem so elusive and clever?

    Dear all, I currently a student in mechanical engineering and i reached the conclusion that maths from the point of view of mathematicians is lot more interesting than the eyes of engineers (for me at least). One of my friends in the maths department suggested to me to read real...
  29. S

    Time-based differential analysis

    is the fancy term I've been using to describe how I mine various network and system log data for interesting events that I want to be aware of. Since I never pursued a college degree or studied big data analytics, I'm hoping somone can help me identify a more appropriate term to use besides the...
  30. V

    MHB Flood Frequency & Return Interval: 100-Year Analysis

    if in 100 years of records you have had floods in five of those years is the flood frequency 5 per 100 years ? and would the flood return interval be every 20 years?
  31. S

    I Software for Analysis of FITS table/spectra

    Hi guys, I need help, more specifically in a technical issue. I started my thesis with an Astrophysics professor and he gave me a topic of "M dwarf spectra with cyclotron bumps from SDSS". In short, I am given spectra of a number of cylotron bump M-dwarfs (CBMDs) from unusual quasar search from...
  32. F

    Analysis Choose Best Book to Learn Advanced Calculus: Callahan or Fleming?

    I have a knowledge of Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra, I want to learn advanced calculus, but I'm wondering what book is the best choice, I want to learn it rigorously "enough" but not to the point where someone would call me a mathematician i.e. Calculus by Lang vs Calculus...
  33. M

    I Can Dimensional Analysis Solve the Helicopter Hovering Dilemma?

    Hi, this problem is bugging me for several days now. In ”200 Puzzling Physics Problems”, Gnadik, Honyek, Riley there is this Problem 59: The solution to this is an ingenious resort to dimensional analysis, as follows: Now, I don't have a problem with this. I wonder however, what if we...
  34. Arman777

    Electric Field-Dimension Analysis

    Homework Statement Theres a rod and charge density ##λ## is a function of ##x##, so simply ##λ(x)=bx## and b is a constant.Find the dimension of ##b## and Find the total charge If the length of rod is L Homework Equations Dimension Analysis equataionThe Attempt at a Solution...
  35. M

    Proof by induction, ##(n)^{2} \le (2n)##.

    Homework Statement I need to prove by induction that ##(n!)^{2} \le (2n)!##. I'm pretty sure about my preliminary work, but I just need some suggestions for the end. Homework Equations It is well known from a theorem that if ##a \le b## and ##c \ge 0##, then ##ca \le cb##. The Attempt at a...
  36. P

    Is the API Hydrocarbon Emission Formula Dimensionally Consistent?

    Homework Statement The American Petroleum Institute has published a correlation for determining the hydrocarbon emissions from fixed-roof storage tanks Ly = (24/1000) * (p/(14.7-p))^0.68 * D^1.73 * H^0.51 * T^0.5 * Fp * C where: Ly is breathing emissions, bbl/yr; p is the true vapor pressure...
  37. K

    Analysis of tennis string tension

    I have a decent background in physics, but something that has always confused me is how to think about how the tension of the string in a tennis racquet affects how the ball leaves the strings. For example, the traditional lore in tennis is that tauter strings will give more control, whereas...
  38. Phylosopher

    Introduction to Analysis by Bilodeau. Problem 1.3.3

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical math forums, so no HH Template is shown > I couldn't find more informative title! I find difficulties with proofs. So my solution might be weird The problem says "Suppose that x is a fixed non-negative real number such that, for all...
  39. Adam Bourque

    Calculating Energy Usage and Demand Charges for a Peak Day: A Bill Analysis

    Homework Statement EXCEL TABLE AS ATTACHMENT[/B] a.) What is the kWh used for this day? b.) Assuming that this is the peak day for the previous year and TOD rates shown below apply, what is the energy usage and demand charges for this day? c) What would be the change in charges if the second...
  40. A

    I Dimensional Analysis Poisson Equation

    Suppose I am given some charge density profile ρ(x). Poisson's equation in 1D reads d2φ/dx2 = ρ(x)/ε Is there a simple way to see what the order of magnitude of the electrostatic potential should be from a dimensional analysis?
  41. ItsTheSebbe

    I Difference Analysis and Calculus

    I'm a bit torn on what the difference between analysis and calculus is, I read somewhere that calculus is pretty much analysis without proofs? Either way, I see a lot of people mention problems being on calculus 1 or 2 level. I have finished Analysis 1 and 2 and covered stuff like (series, ODE...
  42. fisher garry

    Usage of Taylor's formula on stress analysis

    Moderator Note: Thread moved from forum Atomic, Solid State, Comp. Physic, so no homework template shown. What function do they use Taylor's formula on? And can you show how they derive it? I know how one derives Taylor formula. Thanks! The text i taken from this...
  43. B

    Hydrazine Standard Analysis Method

    The standard method for hydrazine analysis published by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) presented a methodology I found a little bit confusing. The first four steps of the procedure are as follows: SAMPLING: 1. Connect the outlet of the sampler and the inlet of...
  44. S

    Analysis Error in Electric Motor: Need Help To Resolve

    I am carrying out a transient analysis of an electric motor. After running up to 250 ms it is showing an error that core loss values cannot be recovered and I am not able to run it further. Please help me to resolve it so that I can carry on ahead with my simulation. Thank you in advance.
  45. xjcov

    Analysis of collisions from data

    Good afternoon! I would like to preface by saying, yes, this is for a project. I am only posting here to see if my method of solving is correct before I finish the project incorrectly. Homework Statement I chose two balls, mass A: .553 kg and mass B: .410 kg I recorded their collision and...
  46. G

    Safety Essay on Fault Tree Analysis

    Hi All, would someone (hopefully a professional), who has used Fault Tree Analysis read my essay and give me some pointers for improvement? I'd really appreciate if someone could help, especially since this is the only essay I've written in recent years.
  47. B

    Do Different Peak Heights in XRD Analysis Indicate a Different Substance?

    The major diffraction peaks of my sample have essentially the same 2θ values as the reference (graphically), but have different heights. Can it still count as conclusive evidence that my sample matches the reference? Or does it suggest that my sample is a different substance? Also, as a side...
  48. P

    I Solve Challenging Integral with Proven Techniques | x>1 Integer Solution

    Hello. I am having a lot of trouble trying to solve/analyse this integral: $$\displaystyle \int_2^\infty \frac{x+y}{(y)(y^2-1)(\ln(x+y))} dy$$ I have tried everything with no result; it seems impossible for me to work with that natural logarithn. I have also tried to compute it, as it...
  49. S

    I Friedmann Equation Analysis, expansion of the universe?

    Friedmann's Eq can be viewed here What I don't get is that all the texts/analyses of Friedmann's equation say that if the right hand side is negative it means that the universe will expand reach a critical point and then...
  50. Strife_Cloud

    Stress analysis -- derive equations: bending & yielding

    Problem attached. I would appreciate anyone's help. I am an alloy chemist working on an MS degree in materials engineering and have come to the mechanical engineering part of the program and am feeling a bit behind. Deriving an equation for this case is proving to be difficult for me although...