What is Assembly: Definition and 191 Discussions

The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, part of the Greater London Authority, that scrutinises the activities of the Mayor of London and has the power, with a two-thirds super-majority, to amend the Mayor's annual budget and to reject the Mayor's draft statutory strategies. The London Assembly was established in 2000 and meets at City Hall on the south bank of the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. The Assembly is also able to investigate other issues of importance to Londoners (most notably transport or environmental matters), publish its findings and recommendations, as well as make proposals to the Mayor.

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  1. R

    Arrays and recursion in mips assembly language

    Homework Statement Write a MIPS assembly language program that accomplishes the following tasks: 1. The program will prompt the user to enter an Integer between 1 and 10. If the entered number doesn’t satisfy the above condition, use a loop and prompt the user for a new entry (until a valid...
  2. E

    LC-3 Assembly Code Error detection

    Homework Statement What is wrong with the code fragment: .ORIG x3000 AND R0,R0, #0 AND R2,R2, #0 ADD R2,R2, #7 JSR SUB ADD R2,R2, ASCII ADD R0,R2,#0 TRAP x21 SUB ADD R2,R2,#9 ADD R7,R7,#1 RET ASCII .FILL x0030 .END The Attempt at a Solution Ok, so first we ckear some...
  3. C

    Assembly language program for PIC16F84: for a specific function.

    I'm using a PIC16F684.. Can someone help me write an assembly language program that switches on LEDs 0 to 7 in binary. There has to be a delay of 1 second between the change. Thanks,
  4. N

    Testing RAM on Board using Machine Assembly Code

    I'm currently taking a Microprocessor course and we are adding to our breadboard week by week. The most recent add on was a UT6264CPCL RAM chip. Other chip specifications are given below in in 2. Homework Equations . My question is, how do we test to make sure that the RAM is working using two...
  5. C

    What Sub-Structure Does a 369.3 Mass Indicate in Cholesterol LCMS Analysis?

    Homework Statement Our assignment was to determine the structure, or sub-structure of our mass observed in the LCMS result. The number we got was 369.3. I am not really sure what to do with this at all. She gave us the structure of cholesterol, but I'm not sure where to add things on...
  6. reddvoid

    Should I Learn Assembly Language or C for New Atmega328 Board?

    I got new atmega328 board should i learn assembly language first or jump directly to programming with C ? is knowing inside architecture necessary for programming micro controller using embedded c ?
  7. R

    MIPS Assembly and working with bytes

    Homework Statement I need to put in a byte in register $s1 that is 0b10101011 Homework Equations add addi lb sb $zero (if needed) The Attempt at a Solution I attempted at putting in a byte in register $s1 as follows: add $s1, $zero, 0b10101011 however it throws an error, I...
  8. pairofstrings

    Optimizing Code for Domain-Specific Connections and Data Structures

    Hello everyone. I have lot of extra time. So, I thought why don't I do some pure assembly language programming. So, basically, first I want to target 80x86 architecture processor. And get solid idea and understanding on programming through pure Assembly language. I don't want to learn assembly...
  9. Y

    Assembly code not running - debug help

    Homework Statement Hello all, I need to implement iterative (non-recursive) binary search in assembly. The array has 10 elements, starting from 0x10000100, in address 0x10000004 there's the element to search for, and the answer should be put in address 0x10000008 It should be for MIPS and I...
  10. E

    PIC18F4550, A/D Interrupts, Assembly Language

    1. What I am trying to do I am attempting to make a PIC18F4550 use A/D interrupts to blink an LED at RA1. [Interrupt LED] The frequency of the blinking LED is determined by a potentiometer linked to RA0. To gauge when the loop is outside of the interrupt routine, I have added an LED at RA2...
  11. Z

    Matrix in assembly mxn dimension

    I made a code in assembly 8086. I load matrix (array) in memory with dimension 3x3. but this code works just for this dimension of matrix 3x3. Could someone give me an idea how could i make it to work with dimension m x n? the array is loaded in memory and at the end just print the result...
  12. I

    How do I write a program in Assembly Language?

    Please help me to write the following program:
  13. K

    Programming in Assembly Language

    Hi, I've never programmed before but I recently downloaded the book "Programming from the Ground Up" and I plan to start studying it in 2012. I've heard that many programmers who learn to program in Assembly don't see a need to use anything else besides this programming language. Is this...
  14. R

    Having trouble reading input values in PIC assembly programming?

    Hi. I'm learning how to program in assembly to PICs and I'm stuck quite a while in a problem trying to figure out how to read an input value. I've been googling a lot and it seems that my code it's fine but as I'm beginning to learn I would like to know if any of you guys could tell me if its...
  15. D

    How Do Divisions and Modulus Work in Assembly for Calculating Days?

    Homework Statement I'm writing a program to calculate the number of days. I'm really confused on how divisions or modulus works in assembly... but I tried =/ Given that the day, month, and year value of a particular date are d, m, y. The day number of that date is calculated: m = (m + 9) % 12...
  16. M

    Pc based digital clock via parallel port using assembly language in tasm

    hi, i have this project and we already have a code and the circuit but it is not working.. it's supposed to display the hours and minutes the problems are: 1. the hour display is not displaying anything 2. the minute displays but it is advanced by one minute so here's the code: TITLE CLOCK.ASM...
  17. S

    Help in assembly language study

    hi i wish everyone in good health this semester I am studying Assembly language .. and our lecturer in my university is not good at teaching .. so i hope some one helps me to online ppt lectures or videos or any website .. that i can study assembly language step by step ... thanx alot
  18. jaumzaum

    Why a spring-mass assembly is a SHM?

    I was trying to understand why a spring -mass assembly and a simple pendulum is a simple harmonic movement. I've done like this: In a SHM that starts in -A, we have x = -A.cos(wt) In a spring-mass we have that the maximum velocity is...
  19. A

    Einstein's Nordic Assembly Speech,Einstein Quotations Etc.

    I have pasted below some links which I find interesting.In all probability you have sufficient familiarity with the contents of these links. Nevertheless I did not want to miss the delight of pasting them over here. The first link contains the text of Einstein's famous speech "Fundamental...
  20. pairofstrings

    C/C ++ & Assembly mixed programming material

    Can anyone suggest me good books on 'C/C ++ & assembly mixed programming' for embedded system coding. I am trying to gain expertise in mixed C/C++ & assembly mixed programming for writing embedded system codes. I am fairly new to mixed programming. I know C/C++ and assembly languages. Now, I...
  21. C

    C/C++ How to learn assembly code for debugging VC++?

    Sometimes when I try to debug my codes, VC++ brings me something I believe are assembly codes which I couldn't read at all. I want to know where I can learn these to better understand what is going on at low level. I am quite comfortable with high level programming, but I believe I really need...
  22. S

    What Are the Advantages of Flexible Engine Assembly in Modern Manufacturing?

    Hello everyone outhere. Newbie here, I'm senthuran, I'm a 3rd year B.Tech Mechanical Engineering student at Dr.M.G.R university in chennai south India. My project comes up in my 8th semester. I underwent a 15 day inplant training at BMW assembly plant in chennai. I spoke to a few people there...
  23. pairofstrings

    Assembling & Running a Program in DOS: MASM/NASM/TASM

    How to write assembly language program in DOS environment? I want to type my assembly language program in some interface and compile and link and execute it. How do I do that? Should I use one of those Masm/Nasm/Tasm assemblers or what?
  24. 5

    ANSYS Mechanical APDL - How to scope results to specific elements of an assembly

    Hi, I have been using both ANSYS APDL and ANSYS Workbench (Mechanical) to run analysis on a structure. After loading the structure, in Mechanical i was able to scope my results for deformation and EQUIV stress to just the adhesive layer as this is what I am interested in. However, I can't...
  25. C

    Troubleshooting Solidworks Assembly Stuck: Tips for Smooth Motion

    Solidworks Assembly is "Stuck" I made an assembly of a few parts, and I mated them how they should. When I move one part, I need the whole device to move around how it would in real life, but this requires a few parts to revolve/spin about different axes, which seems to confuse Solidworks...
  26. I

    Computer Science: Assembly Language Program

    Write an assembly language program that uses ten memory locations (variables) filled with 0, starting at Address 30, and that stores the values 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 in them. Your program will store 2 at Address 30, 4 at address 31, 6 at address 32, etc. Your program must...
  27. B

    Ansys Workbench 12 Assembly question

    Hello, I am used to use Ansys classic in my work. I just started to learn Ansys Workbench. I am modeling a copper jacketed lead bullet. I modeled the copper case the internal lead part. Now I have two solids. Is there a way to mate them, and use them as one assembly, of solids? Thanks
  28. R

    What is the role of a jumper in mechanical assemblies?

    Hi cuold you explain me purpose of jumper in mechanical assembly(some where using)?
  29. C

    How to Compare Array Elements with a Constant in Assembly Language

    Hi, I want to ask.. suppose I have an array and a constant called threshold in my data segments array db 1,2,3,4,5,6 threshold equ 5 I want to compare my array elements with the constant, and only display/print the number which is less that the threshold, if there are none, display the...
  30. B

    Convert decimal to binary/octal/hex in assembly?

    Homework Statement I want to write an assembly program to convert a decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal but don't know how. I already know how to program the conversions in Java. I have a basic understanding of how assembly works and computer architecture. I am trying to use the...
  31. T

    Set PIC IO Pin High - Assembly Help

    I need some help setting a pin high. I have tested all pins(incase I accidentally set the wrong one) with a multimeter, and none, other than Vdd and Vss, of course, were high. I also ran it in a simulator, and notice that the value at PORTA never changes, its always 0. Is there something...
  32. P

    Rotary Swivel Assembly: Effects of Torque and Centrifugal Force

    Hello, I'm designing for a rotating swivel assembly that will be used for a high pressure cutting system. The rotary swivel is set for an allowable 2800 bar of pressure but has to rotate at 300 RPM while allowing a pressure of 12-15,000 psi pass through it. My question consists of two...
  33. X

    Some help with MIPS assembly code

    Hey guys. I'm trying to practice some basic MIPS, but I can't seem to get this right. You just plug in the number and then you follow the code and you'll get obviously the end result. I can't get the result for these here. Does anybody know? I'd really appreciate help. Thank you! 1. $t0 =...
  34. X

    Help with converting machine language instruction into MIPS assembly instruction

    I think it's easy, but I don't get it. Given the machine language instruction 0x00221820. What MIPS assembly instruction does it represent? I know the solution. It's add $3, $1, $2 I just don't know how to get there. I know I have to convert the numbers into binary first. So you have...
  35. C

    Writing Assembly LC2 Program to Calculate Dot Products of Two Arrays

    how to write an assembly program to calculate the dot products of two arrays ?? Thx Anyone know how to write an assembly program (source code) to calculate the dot products of two arrays with LC 2 ? Given: The size of each array is 15 (a[0],...,a[14] ; b[0],...,b[14]) that are stored in...
  36. O

    Solid Mechanics - Force in a bolted assembly

    A bolted assembly consists of a steel bolt A, a brass tube B and a nut C. The nut is turned so that it just secures the tube, and then is tightened one extra turn. Determine the resulting force Fs (in kN) in the steel bolt. The initial length of the tube is L = 158 mm, and the screw pitch is 1mm...
  37. J

    Help with ultrasonic transducer assembly

    Hi, I'm looking for some help. I don't know a thing about electrical engineering except what I've been reading trying to learn about this stuff to solve my problem. I'll tell you for me its like reading something that has been translated into Chinese then to Greek then back to English by a...
  38. A

    Are There Free Development Tools Available for Testing Intel Assembly Programs?

    I am in the early stages of learning Intel assembly coding, is there a free development tool available that I can use to test out an assembly program. Any other recommend sites or materials that I might use? Thanks
  39. B

    Why Does the lea dx, bp+variable Instruction Cause an A2049 Error in MASM?

    when I use the instruction "lea dx,bp+variable" in my program, when compiling I get the following error: " error A2049: Illegal use of register" this is a section of my program: pop bp sub bp,107h mov ah,4eh lea dx,bp+file_inf ;this is the line that I have error mov cx,0000h int 21h...
  40. M

    Programming pic microcontrollers using assembly language

    i need a good reference or book that teaches programming pic microcontrollers using assembly language, any help?
  41. S

    Mips assembly comparing strings

    Homework Statement I need to compare a user input with a string that's already in the program. If the operation entered is ‘*’, you should print out the product of the 2 numbers; if the operation entered is ‘/’, you should print out the quotient and the remainder. the multiplication...
  42. S

    How can you reverse the order of words in a string using MIPS Assembly?

    Homework Statement The goal here is to write some MIPS functions to solve a common technical interview question: how can you reverse the order of the words in a string? For example, reversing the words in the string I Love Lucy would result in Lucy Love I. A string is just an array of...
  43. F

    Stumped on LC-3 Assembly Assignment (Extended Unsigned Multiplication)

    Homework Statement I've already figured out the code for part 1 of the assignment. I'm stuck on part 2. Specifically, I'm not sure how one would obtain the values for the multiplier and multiplicand from R6, as the notes from the professor in the code claim, nor how to format the result in...
  44. M

    Does Changing AL Register Affect Parallel Port Output in Assembly Language?

    when outputing data to the parallel port, after the execution of the program, and when it terminates, what happens to the data that was at the parallel port's pins? do they still the same, or do they change immediatley? and inside the program, does changing the data in AL, changes the output...
  45. F

    Assembly level debugging problem

    Homework Statement (This is x86 Assembly Language.) You are charged with maintaining a large C program, and you come across the following code: typedef struct{ int left; a_struct a[CNT]; int right; } b_struct; void test(int i, b_struct *bp) { int n = bp->left + bp->right...
  46. S

    How Do You Write a MIPS Function to Horizontally Flip an Image?

    Homework Statement The goal of this problem is to write a MIPS function flipimage which flips an image horizontally. For example, a simple image is shown on the left, and its flip is shown on the right. A picture is composed of individual dots, or pixels, each of which will be represented...
  47. W

    Find the rotational inertia of the assembly. (Rod and Particles)

    1. Homework Statement [/b] I need help with part (a) of this problem. (See attachment) In Fig. 11-45, three particles of mass m = 3.9 kg are fastened to three rods of length d = 0.40 m and negligible mass. The rigid assembly rotates about point O at angular speed ω = 9.1 rad/s. About O...
  48. N

    Assembly code microprocessor 8088 for seven segment LED

    Homework Statement i've just started learning microprocessors, and we need to program the 7-segment LED to display numbers 0-9 in increments of 1 i'm trying to get a delay of 1second between each number (and i couldn't get it) e.g., number 1 displays for 1 second, then number 2 displays for...
  49. C

    Micro-controller Programming Problem - Assembly

    Homework Statement I am writing a program to loop (rotate) two lit LEDs through eight LEDs on my board. For Example: 11000000 01100000 00110000 00011000 00001100 00000110 00000011 Where the ones are lit LEDs and the zeros are non-lit LEDs. It is supposed to loop forever. Homework Equations...
  50. S

    What is Tubes Assembly and Manifold for engines?

    Dear all, I am so sorry for my stupid questions. Currently, I am looking for documents (lecture notes) on tubes assembly and manifold for aircraft engine. What are those tubes assembly and manifold? What are those characteristic? I did quite a lot google search, however, I only found any good...