What is Assembly: Definition and 191 Discussions

The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, part of the Greater London Authority, that scrutinises the activities of the Mayor of London and has the power, with a two-thirds super-majority, to amend the Mayor's annual budget and to reject the Mayor's draft statutory strategies. The London Assembly was established in 2000 and meets at City Hall on the south bank of the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. The Assembly is also able to investigate other issues of importance to Londoners (most notably transport or environmental matters), publish its findings and recommendations, as well as make proposals to the Mayor.

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  1. J

    News Was the peaceful assembly constitutional?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akwjAjcQnqM&feature=popular Was the peaceful assembly constitutional?
  2. M

    Understanding Assembly Language: Solving AX Contents with MOV Command

    DS = 1342, SI = 0111. I'm trying to figure out the contents of AX after this command? MOV AX, [SI] Can someone point me in the right direction?
  3. K

    How to Convert Decimal Input to Hex in Assembly Language?

    Assembly language. how to change the 80h in my register to 50h? that goes to others to. like 45h to 2Dh. basically, i came up with a sequence to change the user's double digit decimal input to hex value. i.e. when i enter 45, AL = 45h how do i change it to 2Dh?? ; al = 45h. how to...
  4. B

    Designing a 240VAC Coil Assembly with 1600 Turns and 22 AWG Wire

    I'm currently making a coil assembly for a customer. The coil has the following specs: 120 VAC application 1,600 Turns 22 AWG magnet wire 12.5 ohms typically coil is in a circuit with a half sine wave rectifier and a solid state VAC controller current draw is .6 amps (72 watts)...
  5. D

    MSP430 Assembly Language Pythagorean Theorem HELP

    The problem statement given is this: Write a PUBLIC function in MSP430 assembly that implements the Pythagorean theorem A^2 + B^2 = C^2. Make A and B 16bit integers. What size should you make C? Your function must use the HW multiplier's multiply and accumulate feature. Also write a brief...
  6. K

    Assembly language: Why wouldnt my code work the way i want it to?

    this is my code to convert lower case strings to upper case. i want to ask the user whether to continue or not. but no matter what i type, the prog keeps stoping. try to copy paste this code to ur emulator and u'll know what I am saying. also, how should i replace the include 'emu8086.inc'...
  7. A

    Assembly: What does the btfsc function do?

    And how is it different from btfss? And also, what's the difference between a call and goto command in assembly?
  8. A

    Finding the Assembly for Two Paths: Step-by-Step Guide

    Homework Statement Hey guys. I have this two paths as you can see in the picture and I need to find their assembly (I hope I said it correctly). Which one is correct, the right or the left? Thanks. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  9. A

    Design of assembly line for two (particle) robots

    Hello everyone, how its going. Lately I have got a project to do for Assembly Of Parts with two robots. Firstly I have been thinking about some tutorials on network but haven't found much. I know bigger companies, that for sure have robots in their industries, might have details about their...
  10. A

    How Can I Determine the Effective Address in Assembly Language?

    I am suppose to determine the effective address if the instruction below and the contents of any affected register (except the PC) or memory location after each of the instructions in problem is executed. Assume the initial state (in hex) of the CPU and memory before every instruction is as...
  11. K

    Calculating Pressure & Work in a Piston-Cylinder Assembly

    Homework Statement Warm air is contained in a piston-cylinder assembly oriented horizontally. The air cools slowly from an initial volume of 0.003m^3 to a final volume of 0.002m^3. During the process, the spring exerts a force that varies linearly from an initial value of 900N to a final...
  12. L

    C/C++ C++ to Assembly: Convert, Interpret & Understand

    Hi all, I have this small function in C++ void myfunc(int a, int b) { int c = 1; int d = 2; c += b; d += a; return; } the assembly code and my comments follow: subl $8, %esp ;; subtract 8 from %esp, what we are doing here is decrementing the stack pointer by 8 and...
  13. F

    How Does Register Handling Affect Function Calls in IA32 Assembly?

    Homework Statement //this function is the callee int func(int num1, int num2) { int t = num1 * num2; return t - (num1 + num2); } //this is the caller int main() { int a = 4; int b = 8; int c = func(a, b); return 0; } When caller calls callee, callee does not...
  14. M

    Finding Shared Directories in Assembly

    Finding "Shared" Directories in Assembly For my next project, I am making a program which searches for all of the shared directories on a computer. My idea is if the directory contains the string "share", then it must be shared. For this, I wrote a function to convert the directory name to...
  15. M

    Problem with string arrays in assembly

    I have been working with assembly (TASM32) for a few months now and have ran into a problem which I cannot fix. Here's a working example written in C++ which needs to be converted to assembly. #include <windows.h> int main(){ char *name_list[5] = {"Micheal", "Stefan", "Judy", "William"...
  16. N

    Solving ARM Project Manager Problem with 54 Integers Array

    Alright I have a problem where I have no idea how to do it. It uses ARM Project Manager to perform the program. Here it is: A sequentially numbered array of 54 integers has to be defined. The array should be initialized with some values in a loop, incorporated in a separate subroutine...
  17. M

    Learn Assembly Language on Microprocessors Fast

    Hey guys I am in the process of learning assembly language on microprocessors and I am progressing slowly.So please if there is anyone, anyone who can recommend something to speed up the process, I am running out of time. I ask for links textbooks or anything that can help. thank you in...
  18. C

    Assembly( moving a servo by frequency)

    Hello, I am building an automated sorter for a school project. I have to sort 3 different sized blocks. I am using a infrared sensor to do this, I determine the size of block on how long the beam is broken. When the size of block is determined, the circuit board moves a servo motor...
  19. A

    Math operation in assembly code

    hi guys, Im having trouble trying to understand calculations of binary numbers. In pic16f84 i assume that a variable can have a value of 0 to 256. If i wanted to have a value larger than 256 i need to add another variable and count the number of overflow. for example when counta overflow then...
  20. C

    Need help programing in assembly language

    *****need help programing in assembly language***** Hi there everyone. I am really new to this assembly language and i don't know how to code this simple programe.. Please help me with this. I would very much appreciate it.. here is the question.. Need to design assembly language...
  21. $

    Help with Assembly: Pacman Game Counter Not Counting Numbers

    hi . . . I have been working on a project it's to program Pacman Game using assembly it needs al counter for the number of dots earned by Pacman I have done a counter but it doesn't counting numbers it displays charachters like smily face, heart, and all these whose ASCII code...
  22. D

    Help Needed: Understand Assembly Program Processing Direction

    I need help, pls ! Hello, Could you pls help me answer this question: - Please take a look at my small Assembly program that reads a tring from keyboard, then displays all the characters that are not uper-case letters in reverse order: .model small .stack 100 .data tb1 db 'Pls enter a...
  23. P

    How Can I Calculate the Failure Load for a Cantilevered Hoist Assembly?

    Hopefully someone here can help me. My schooling is in computer engineering, and so I lack knowledge in mech eng. Anyway, I am helping a friend build a small hoist on his ranch that will be used for processing pigs and other medium to semi large animals. The tubing is square, structural grade...
  24. J

    Assembly Language for electrical engineering

    I am an undergraduate student and I believe that I will probably major in electrical engineering. So my question is should I take the time to learn x86 assembly? I already know how to program in C++ well enough, but I really haven't done much with asm. I would like to get a microcontroller and...
  25. A

    How to Convert C Code to MIPS Assembly for Finding Saddle Points in a Matrix?

    Homework Statement Write a program using the MIPS ISA to find the saddle point of a 4x4 matrix. Print the value of the saddle points or if there is no saddle point print a message that says so. A saddle point is a value that is the minimum value in a row and also the maximum value in its...
  26. W

    Mechanical Engineers in Aerospace Industry: Assembly of Non-Electrical Devices

    I was wondering what kind of engineers do the actual assembly of the space rocket engines and other non-electrical devices in the aerospace industry, mechanical engineers right?
  27. B

    Assembly language coding problems .

    Assembly language coding problems... Homework Statement I am an electrical engineering student and have some HW problems. On the IAS system, what would machine code instruction look like to load the contents of memory address 2?? I came up with 00001001. Does this look correct?? Also...
  28. A

    How to Implement a Constant Time Delay in x86 Assembly?

    I need to write a program that will create a constant time delay in x86 assembly, can anybody help?
  29. DaveC426913

    Computer circuits, assembly lang - from scratch

    I wish to design (if not actually build) an ultra-simple "computer" from scratch, just for fun and profit. I'm looking at only a fundamental level of computing power, with only one instruction, such as: "Given two single-digit numbers, output the product." I need three to design 3 things...
  30. H

    Exploring Assembly Code for Pentium Ones

    Can anyone explain how this simple assembly code is working: This is specifically for pentium ones I am actually lacking codes for assembly,,didn;t get any...if you have any please give.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- #include<asm/unistd.h>...
  31. Dissident Dan

    Help: Inline assembly (SSE) slowdown

    I'm writing a program in C++ in MS Visual Studio.NET, and I am using inline assembly to do some SSE instructions. The trouble is that I am having a hard time getting the assembly to accep the addresses from my C++ from anyting other than explicitly-declared pointers (not even arrays work!). I...
  32. T

    Vertical Roller Belt Assembly: Understanding F = S1-S2

    Two rollers have a belt that goes between them, like a conveyerbelt. The assembly stands vertical. The lowest of the rolls have a force that acts on its center, and downwards. My book says that this force F can be written as F=S_1-S_2 where S are the forces that the belt produces as a...
  33. M

    Assembly Divisions: Algorithms & #s Not Fitting Registers

    First of all i'de like to know if there is an efficiant algorithm which assembly uses to divide two numbers. Second I'de like to know how do you divide numbers which don't fit into a register. I'm talking about an array of bytes in RAM to be divided. 10x!
  34. C

    Where to Find Comprehensive Turbo Assembly Language Resources?

    Can anyone show me how to get good reference materials for Turbo Assembly language for DOS applications? Any complete reference tutorial websites or reference books woul be sufficient. I have been googling and yahooing but still cannot find one good reference. Thanks.
  35. W

    (HELP) Where can I find the bbs for cookware assembly?

    I want to sale cookware assembly like handle or knob. It is kind of you who give me the correct website. I come from China. Thanks very much.
  36. S

    Troubleshooting a Torque Driver Assembly

    hi all, i did a dissambley of a torque driver, and when i put it back, i could not get teh click sound when i tried to calibrated the wrench.. any idea wat is wrong? regards, ss
  37. R

    Receiving and Relationships assembly

    I have to do an assembly on receiving to 15 year olds this friday. the title of the assembly is Receiving and Relationships. Has anyone got any ideas on what i can do, to make it as interesting and fun as possible? i would also like some quotes or philosophy i could use to end the...
  38. M

    Is Assembly Language Programming Simple?

    I'm working on a project that I believe should be pretty simple to do if I actually knew assembly language. For my program I'm suppose to start at data memory location 0x30 and perform the increment, decrement, complement, and clear operations. The operations are all performed on location...
  39. B

    Begin to use assembly without any programming knowledge

    I don't know anything about programming. Is it okay if I start with assembly? And more importantly, how can I begin to use assembly without any knowledge. If you could offer me a book / website, I'd really be pleased.
  40. T

    Assembly Programming Tutorials for Intel 8086 on Win32 Platform

    I used to go download the AOA language and its software but I think I like to study assembly for intel 8086 better, so can you tell me where I can find tutorials and software that can compile and run my problems on Win32 platform ? Thanks
  41. enigma

    Assembly code compiler horror story

    So, I'm writing assembly language code to drive a fan by varying the pulsewidth. Halfway through (6 hours or so ago) I try to compile it. The compiler software is a piece of crap (code uses a structured assembly language, so it doesn't recognise anything), and I need to bring everything...