What is Astrophysics: Definition and 868 Discussions

Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. Among the subjects studied are the Sun, other stars, galaxies, extrasolar planets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background. Emissions from these objects are examined across all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition. Because astrophysics is a very broad subject, astrophysicists apply concepts and methods from many disciplines of physics, including classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.
In practice, modern astronomical research often involves a substantial amount of work in the realms of theoretical and observational physics. Some areas of study for astrophysicists include their attempts to determine the properties of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, and other celestial bodies; and the origin and ultimate fate of the universe. Topics also studied by theoretical astrophysicists include Solar System formation and evolution; stellar dynamics and evolution; galaxy formation and evolution; magnetohydrodynamics; large-scale structure of matter in the universe; origin of cosmic rays; general relativity, special relativity, quantum and physical cosmology, including string cosmology and astroparticle physics.

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  1. Mikkel

    Uncertain about which road I should go down in physics

    Hello everybody! I've decided to study physics at the university this summer. I know, I want to study physics - it's just too damn fascinating to ignore. My uncertainty lies in what field of physics I should study. I have narrowed it down to Geophysics or Astrophysics, because they can be...
  2. Greg Bernhardt

    Coffeeshop Astrophysics Meeting on Gravitational Waves

    In about an hour I'm heading over to a local Coffeeshop Astrophysics meeting put on by researchers and grad students at UW-Milwaukee. The topic is the gravity wave discovery. Apparently some of them contributed to the LIGO project so it will be interesting to hear what they have to say. I'll...
  3. carllacan

    Artificial Intelligence and astrophysics

    Hi. My Astrophysics teacher has offered us to do an extra credit writing assignment, whose topic we can choose. I'd like to do something on the relation of astrophysics and artificial intelligence, but I don't know what to pick. I'd appreciate if you could suggest some topics I could talk...
  4. Z

    Velocity Equation Derivation For Radiation Beaming

    Homework Statement [/B] Radiation beaming (cone) from an object traveling towards you at some velocity 'v' with the observed flux enhanced by an amplification factor 'a'. Derive an equation for the velocity 'v' needed to produce an amplification factor 'a'. Thank you Homework Equations...
  5. DrFooster

    Will a Grad. certificate help me stand out in MS/PhD apps?

    Hi Everyone, I've scoured the internet to find answers to this question and I haven't had much luck. I graduated in 2014 with a 2.86 GPA in physics. To counteract this lower gpa in my applications; I have a lot of research experience and I'm currently working in industry doing some...
  6. S

    LIGO discovery on gravitational waves.

    Could someone please describe the recent LIGO project, gravitational waves and their detection in simple terms. PLEASE.
  7. C

    Can Astrophysics Students Improve Their Math Skills for Success?

    I'm an astrophysics student. Wish I could math better. Good luck to you all in your studies.
  8. J

    Estimating Star Counts from Density Laws

    Homework Statement (This is a long problem but I think the question is not hard.) Determining the star density from star counts is tough, but estimating counts from a density law is simpler. In practice, this method of fit-ting observed number counts to an assumed density law is becoming a...
  9. R

    Can the emission theory of Walter Ritz revolutionize modern physics?

    Hello. I'm supposed to be an electrical engineer but between my ears there is physics! In my sophomore year at Purdue (1964) I got tangled up with the superposition theorem and its lack of shielding between charged particles. I fashioned a model for electrodyamics that included shielding. In...
  10. G

    Exploring the World of Astrophysics: A Scientist's Journey to a PhD in Physics

    I just want to say hi. I love physics. Astrophysics in particular! I'm a returning undergrad to an undisclosed university. I plan to get my PhD in physics as well. I'm on here to get guidance in that. I would also like to discuss math and physics problems as well. Looks like I came to the right...
  11. Physics-UG

    What are the job prospects for PhDs in astrophysics?

    I was wondering if anyone (preferably Canada, but US would suffice) knew what job prospects were like for those with a PhD in astrophysics? I did some searching around on google, and some places say it's not bad, some say you may not find something in your field but can still find work due to...
  12. S

    Astronomical source extraction in non uniform background

    I have been working with some Herschel images and I am finding it difficult to extract the astronomical sources from the image. The image background is extremely non uniform so i am not able to differentiate between the background and the source. I used some tasks in HIPE like source extractor...
  13. Bumpeh

    Rigor of this Astrophysics Program

    Hello everyone, I've been doing a little thinking lately about the University I'll very probably be attending to major in astrophysics. I read a review from someone, and I know not all reviews are to be trusted, I wasn't even sure if this person majored in physics, but the review said that the...
  14. jamalkoiyess

    Astronomy/Astrophysics subdivisions

    hello, can anyone give me what they know about astronomy and astrophysics subdivisions in masters degrees and Ph.D.s . thank you
  15. W

    Yet another read-my-REU-essay-please thread

    Hi guys! Like the title says, I'm applying for 10 astrophysics-related REUs, and I'm a frosh, so I have few other people to ask for guidance. Please let me know if this is a good baseline to add to. Thank you all in advance!Sitting in the middle of an abandoned lab, late on a Friday night, head...
  16. sevenperforce

    Stellar-mass black hole formation sequence

    I feel like this could go in quite a few of the Physics subforums (Quantum Physics, Beyond the Standard Model, Special and General Relativity, or High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics) instead of Astronomy and Cosmology, but hopefully this will work. This is my first question I've posed here...
  17. R

    Astrophysics - Hour angle calculation

    Homework Statement At midnight (local time) on Dec 21st 2015, the Local Sidereal Time at Palomar Observatory, California, was 6h 27m. Palomar Observatory has latitude 33◦ 210 2100 N, and longitude 116deg 51arcmin 60arcsecW. a) What was the approximate Local Hour Angle of the Sun at 23:00 local...
  18. M

    Exploring the Depths of Astronomy and Astrophysics in Hawai'i

    Hello, all! My name is Marina and I currently live in Honolulu, HI. I'm an ocean engineering major, but my primary interests are in astronomy and astrophysics! I'm hoping to meet a lot of people here that can help me deepen my understanding of those subjects, and maybe even find some people...
  19. brymcfly21

    Engineering Astrophysics or physics/computer engineer double major?

    Hello guys, I'm a high school senior still unsure what to do. I have a passion for astrophysics and would love to pursue a phd in it but there being a possibility of not having a permanent job by 30 is scary. Should I take the safe route and go for computer engineering and double major with...
  20. Shailesh Pincha

    Galaxy centre and rotation curve

    What is the density of galactic centre? Thus what form of Kepler's law account for the galaxy rotation curve increasing near the galactic centre?
  21. rmoh13

    How are the effects of antimatter on gravity different?

    How are the effects of antimatter on gravity different than regular matter?
  22. rmoh13

    Why is it that scientists think that dark matter annihilates

    Why do scientists think that dark matter annihilates just like antimatter? How is it that dark matter during annihilation can produce light when it cannot emit or absorb light itself?
  23. T

    A. Pacholczyk: Radio Astrophysics (need a favor)

    https://www.amazon.com/dp/0716703297/?tag=pfamazon01-20 guys! is anybody of you by any chance in possesion of the book from A. Pacholczyk called Radio Astrophysics: Nonthermal Processes in Galactic and Extragalactic Sources? I just need value of one constant from there :) it is the constant c14...
  24. C

    Image Processing Software for Solar Astrophysics Research

    Hi everyone, I would like to know what kind of software would you use for do image processing? For example I downloaded some pics from http://sdac.virtualsolar.org/cgi/search as a URL file, actually I have problems for open this kind of files and for obtain the position of the solar spots I am...
  25. Y

    Two satellites A and B move around earth in a circular orbit

    Two satellites A and B move around Earth in a circular orbit. The mass of B is twice the mass of A then I agree that kinetic energy of B is greater than that of A. But what I couldn't understand was that why are speeds of A and B equal as given in the book. Shouldn't they differ according to the...
  26. Y

    Will Radial Escape Velocity Launch a Satellite Into Orbit?

    If we provide a satellite with escape velocity perpendicular to the earth(radially), would it start orbiting it?
  27. Y

    Why is normal force in a satellite zero?

    Gravity does act on a satellite so why is normal force 0 for an object placed inside it?
  28. O

    Getting connected with the astrophysics community

    Hi! I'm a first year MPhil student starting my project on black hole growth and dark matter annihilation. I have been struggling with some fundamental things such as getting connected. I would like to be able to discuss my work with people but I am not really sure where to start.
  29. MidgetDwarf

    Introductory Astronomy or Astrophysics book

    Interested in learning about Astronomy/ Astrophysics. I do not know anything besides the planets, and apparently I learned today that Asteroids are rich in metals.?? I am looking for a book that is introductory, but is not to easy. I have taken a course in freshman calculus based mechanics and...
  30. L

    Astrophysics Advice: What to Study in Chemistry & Math

    Hello,I am studying Applied Physics now ( I am first year student) . I want to focus on Astrophysics in future. Please , advise me. Whatshould I study in Chemistry, Math? which branch?
  31. Diego Fernandez

    Ideas for Physics project? IB IA on Astronomy

    Good day :smile: For quite some time now, I've been thinking about what I should make my Internal Assessment for the IB course in physics on. The main objective of the IA is to find and prove a mathematical relationship between an independent and dependent variable. A very, very, simple example...
  32. S

    Is a Career in Astrophysics or Math Promising?

    Hi, so I am currently in tenth grade, from India preparing for my boards. I am worried about my future career as I have no clear idea and I need guidance. I get good grades in maths and I like physics and sciences. I have always been fascinated my astrophysics and have read The theory of...
  33. U

    Physics Astrophysicist turned video game programmer?

    Hi all, I'm at a bit of a crossroads - I'm in a direct PhD program (in Astrophysics) right now, with the option of walking away with my Master's in September. In all of my research projects I've focused heavily on simulations (I know Python and Fortran, but not anything from the C family...
  34. Bumpeh

    Programs Dual Majoring in Computer Science and Astrophysics

    Before I really explain and go into the point of this thread, I'd like to preface it with the fact that I have scoured the forums and read quite a few posts on "Dual Majoring with CS and Physics" and many of them have good advice, but my situation may require more specifics. I've been into...
  35. L

    Astrophysicists and their use of physics in their studies?

    I am writing a paragraph on astrophysicists. I want to incorporate a connection between the physics that we are learning and an astrophysicist's use of the same principles in their studies. Unfortunately, there is not much information about this on the internet. What I have found is that...
  36. G

    What are some recommended resources for learning about astrophysics and physics?

    I'm not, nor do I claim to be the best at physics, but I've come to share my interest, and learn as much as I can about one of my biggest interests in life, astrophysics. I'm doing A-Level physics at the moment; alongside maths, further maths, biology and philosophy, and a few online...
  37. victorhugo

    What jobs are there for someone who loves astrophysics?

    and what are the requirements to getting there? We are currently studying astrophysics in school and I seem to have found a talent for something, and I love it too. I also really like biology, but do not like chemistry so much. Maths is ok, I don't mind studying it if I have to.
  38. G

    Find Best Astrophysics Books for 15-Year-Olds

    Can you tell me what's a good book to get me started in astrophysics? P.S. I have already read Big Bang by simon singh and A Brief History of Time by stephen hawking but they're astronomy books PS2 I'm 15
  39. M

    Engineering Controls engineer seeking opportunity in astrophysics.

    I am a controls engineer mainly with experience in distributed control system. I am looking for a job as controls engineer in astrophysics field. I though there must be opportunities in telescope facilities and other sensory arrays for space vehicles but so far I have come empty handed with...
  40. O

    Schools Which are the best American universities for astronomy?

    Hello. I'm a French student and I'm planning to go to the United States for a graduate program in astronomy. When I will arrive in the U.S. I will begin by the first year of graduate. Then I will pursue with a Ph.D. and some postdoctoral research. I would like to know which are the best...
  41. AaromTheBritt

    Astrophysics Jobs: Research & Intern Positions Info

    So currently what I'm interested in is astrophysics and plan on getting my masters. I'd like the input of anyone with experience in the field. Whats the job market for astrophysics like? What type of jobs are available? What companies would I be wanting to look at if I wanted a research job? Is...
  42. J

    Solve Lane-Emden Equation for n=0 | Mass, R, a

    Homework Statement For n=0, compute the expressions forρ(r),T(r),p(r) in terms of the total mass M and radius R of the star.What is the the scale length a in terms of the radius R in this case? Homework Equations Lane-Emden Equation[/B] , where...
  43. Jordan&physics

    What courses should a physics major in Berkeley prioritize?

    Hello everyone! I'm a freshman intended physics major at UC Berkeley, and I am taking the honors mechanics course. It is really rigorous, but I do feel like I'm learning a lot. My strengths are Newton's Laws-based questions, and my current weakness is setting up differentials. I love...
  44. B

    Testing Best physics school i can get into with my current GPA/SAT score

    I currently have a GPA of 3.3 and my sat scores are 680-math, 610-reading, 560-writing. I'm pretty set on going for physics undergrad and going straight to grad school for my PHD but I'm open to suggestions. Any college that isn't really really far away from Pennsylvania but I'm definitely open...
  45. F

    Is an Astrophysics Degree a Practical Choice for My Career?

    I'm going to go straight to the point, I LOVE astrophysics, I've been interested in astrophysics for quite a few years now and I'm thinking of doing my EPQ on astrophysics as well. This was until my parents pointed out that employability for an astrophysics degree(I want to do masters) is...
  46. A

    Can Physics Students Find Support and Assistance on the Physics Forums?

    I really like physics, but I struggle sometimes and have found threads from here helpful in the past, so I finally registered. I hope to be able to help others and get help as I progress in my classes! Nice to meet you all, I go by Mel.
  47. Prins

    Astronomy Books on Astrophysics and astronomy

    Hi I have done my m.Sc now I'm interested in the field of astronomy but there were no subjects regardind astronomy in my masters course work I'm thinking of going into a PhD So I wanted to check aa the topics and get myself to the level to do PhD so please suggest some books
  48. S

    Exploring Differential Equations in Astrophysics: A Project Idea

    Homework Statement [/B] Hello all, I am looking more for an idea than an actual problem to solve. (That comes later.) Homework Equations I am starting a Differential Equations class, and I am looking for an idea for a project. We are to complete an application assignment in which we have to...
  49. J

    What physics fields having to do with space are growing?

    I'm in my first semester at a JC and I'm trying to figure out what kind of physics I might want to pursue as a career. I know I love space, and I want to be able to apply my math towards it. What initially sparked my interest in physics was theoretical physics, however, I soon realized the job...