Atom Definition and 999 Threads

  1. M

    Is there any study about how enzyme work on level atom

    Is there any study about how enzyme work on level atom ? where i can read about subject ?
  2. T

    Hydrogen Atom and Relatavistic Corrections - What does this Alpha mean

    Homework Statement Okay, I need to work out the Relativistic corrections for an atom, using the First KE Term and the Darwin Term: Calculate the energy shift of the protonium groundstate due to the relativistic correction to the kinetic energy and the Darwin term and compare it to...
  3. T

    Energy level of a 'protonium atom' (answer Check)

    Homework Statement In 1989, a new type of exotic atom called protonium was produced. Its structure is hydrogen-like, with the electron replaced by an antiproton. As the antiparticle of the proton, an antiproton has the same mass but opposite charge. In this problem, you should consider...
  4. A

    Why Do Energy Levels in Multielectron Atoms Differ from Hydrogen?

    In a multielectron atom, the lowest-l state for each n (2s, 3s, 4s, etc.) is significantly lower in energy than the hydrogen state having the same n. But the highest-l state for each n (2p, 3d, 4f, etc.) is very nearly equal in energy to the hydrogen state with the same n. Can someone please...
  5. A

    The Hydrogen Atom: An Unique Case of Quantum Numbers

    Why is the hydrogen the only atom that depends only on principal quantum number n and for all other elements, energies depend on both orbital quantum number and principal quantum number?
  6. A

    Explaining the Hydrogen Atom Wave Function Paradox

    The hydrogen atom 1s wave function is a maximum at r = 0. But the 1s radial probability density, peaks at r = Bohr radius and is zero at r = 0. can someone explain this paradox?
  7. A

    Understanding the Energy Differences in Multielectron Atom States

    In a multielectron atom, the lowest-l state for each n (2s, 3s, 4s, etc.) is significantly lower in energy than the hydrogen state having the same n. But the highest-l state for each n (2p, 3d, 4f, etc.) is very nearly equal in energy to the hydrogen state with the same n. Explain?
  8. A

    The probe passes over an atom that is 3.20×10^2 nm tall.

    The probe passes over an atom that is 3.20×10^2 nm "tall." The probe passes over an atom that is 3.20×10^2 nm "tall." By what factor does the tunneling current increase?
  9. W

    Atom Emitting Photon: Mass Decrease Explained

    Homework Statement An atom initially at rest emits a photon. Explain why the mass of the atom decreases, taking into account energy and momentum conservation. The Attempt at a Solution I get the energy conservation part. E=delta(m)c^2=hf. But how would momentum conservation cause an...
  10. T

    Calculating Potential of a groundstate Hydrogen Atom

    Homework Statement The groundstate energy of the hydrogen atom can be calculated using the variational principle. The normalised groundstate wavefunction is: \psi_{100} = R(r)_{10} \cdot Y_{00} with R_{10} = 2Ae^{-3/2}e^(r/a) and Y_{00} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4z\pi}} A is the so called...
  11. S

    Rutherford Atom Model: Did He Know Structure of Alpha Particles?

    Did Rutherford knew the structure of alpha particles? If so, why was so important the scattering of alpha particles in the gold foil experiment? He knew the structure of helium atom! What is wrong with me? Thanks for your friendly collaboration and excuse me if the post makes no sense.
  12. C

    Effects of Magnetic field applied to Hydrogen-like atom.

    1. Apply a magnetic field B to a hydrogen like atom. This gives rise to an additional potential energy term of mu_b*B*L_z/hbar a) Show that the eigenfunction PSI_nlm is still an eigenfunction in the presence of the magnetic field b) Show that the eigenvalues are E_n + m*mu_b*B How do...
  13. L

    Mass equivalent to one hydrogen atom?

    Homework Statement If the mass of a hydrogen atom is 1.67*10-27kg and the mass of an electron is 9.1*10-31kh, how many electrons would be required to have a mass equivalent to one hydrogen atom? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried dividing them into each other...
  14. I

    How Do You Calculate the Mass of an Atom Using a Mass Spectrometer?

    Homework Statement A mass spectrometer analyzes and gives data for a beam of doubly ionized atoms. The values are q = 2(1.60 x 10^-19 C), B = 5.0 x 10^-2 T, r = 0.120 m, and V = 3442.9 V. Find the mass of one of these atoms. Homework Equations B^2*q*r^2 / 2*v The Attempt at a...
  15. R

    Drawbacks of bohr's model of atom

    What are the main drawbacks of bohr's model of atom?
  16. R

    Calculate Potential Energy of Electron in Bohr Model

    How can I calculate the potential energy of the electron when we bring it from the infinity to the distance r?
  17. S

    How Do Modified Potentials Affect Bohr Orbit Radii?

    Homework Statement Instead of electrons in the hydrogen atom experiencing the Coulomb potential, let's say they experience a potential in the form of V(r) = V_0(\frac{r}{R})^k, where V_0 > 0,\: R > 0, \:k > 0. With this information find an equation for the radii of the Bohr orbit with...
  18. S

    Behaviour of electron in hydrogen atom when hit by photon

    1. Given that the ground energy level of a hydrogen atom is -13.6eV, the 1st excited state -3.4eV. The difference is 10.2eV. Imagine a photon of energy 11.0eV hits the electron at ground state. What will be the final result? Electron doesn't gets excited, photo bounces off with 11.0eV? or...
  19. S

    How Does Magnetic Field Influence the Path of a Doubly Charged Helium Atom?

    A doubly charged helium atom (mass = 6.68 x 10-27 kg) is accelerated through a potential difference of 4.00x 103 V. What will be the radius of curvature of the path of the atom if it is in a uniform 0.450 T magnetic field? the equation i was using was r = mV/|q|B m = 6.68 x 10^-27 V =...
  20. E

    Question about Hydrogen Atom Solution

    The last few days I've been going back to review the solution of the Schrodinger equation for the Hydrogen Atom. I learned this in school years ago and I review it every 5-10 years just to appreciate it again. However, something very basic is now bothering me, and I was hoping someone could...
  21. Q

    Do Quantum Orbitals in the Atom Overlap at Different Energy Levels?

    My question concerns the orbitals in the atom (s,p,d, and f.) I know that each orbital shell is a probability density that has a quantized energy. My question is, do the orbitals touch, or rather do higher orbitals like say a d have a probability density that overlaps a p or s orbital in a...
  22. M

    Calculate Radius & Period of Revolution of Doubly Charged He Atom

    Homework Statement A doubly charged helium atom whose mass is 6.6 \times 10^{ - 27} {\rm{kg}} is accelerated by a voltage of 2800 V. What will be its radius of curvature if it moves in a plane perpendicular to a uniform 0.370 -T field? What is its period of revolution?Homework Equations F=qvB...
  23. C

    Graphing Hydrogen atom wave functions

    Homework Statement I have a series of functions, states, and levels that I'm suppose to graph using excel. Only problem is I'm not even sure of what to do. I'm completely confused/lost. Homework Equations n=1 l=0 R(r)=\frac{2}{a_0^{3/2}}e^{-r/a_0} n=2 l=0...
  24. C

    RMS Speed of Helium Atom at 2000K: An Overview

    What is the rms speed of helium atom at 2000?
  25. B

    Quantum Mechanics: total angular momentum of an electron in a hydrogen atom

    An electron in a hydrogen atom occupies the combined position and spin state. \Psi\left(\vec{r},\xi\right)=\left(\sqrt{1/3}Y^{1}_{0}\xi_{+}+\sqrt{2/3}Y^{1}_{1}\xi_{-}\right) What are the possible measured values of J^{2} (where J is the total angular momentum of the electron L + S) and...
  26. J

    Calculating the Average Kinetic Energy of a Helium Atom at 20°C

    Homework Statement What is the average kinetic energy of an atom of helium gas at a temperature of 20 degrees C? Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Here's my attempt at a solution: Using the equation E = kT/2 for each degree of freedom, I found that KE = 3kT/2...
  27. D

    How Does Electric Force Compare to Gravitational Force in a Simple Atom?

    a simple atom is comprised of one electron and one proton, with a distance of R=0.5*10-10m between them 1) what is the electric force between them F=K(qq)/r2 = 28.8N ------------------------------ 2)how much smaller than the electric force is: a) the gravitational force of the...
  28. L

    Does a Hydrogen Atom Weigh Less than the Sum of Its Parts?

    Homework Statement (a) Is the mass of a hydrogen atom in its ground state larger or smaller than the sum of the masses of a proton and an electron? b) What is the mass difference? c) How large is the difference as a percentage of the total mass? d) Is it large enough to affect the value of...
  29. J

    Is Exploding the Atom Possible?

    since the atom is not the smallest breakdown of matter is it possible that a unit exploded developing neutron, proton and electron. ?
  30. S

    Could a black hole possibly be a giant atom?

    It may sound stupid but is it possible that the force of gravity in a black hole is strong enough to nuclear fuse all of the atoms in a black hole? I am won't understand anything complex so try to keep it as simple as possible. (also, how do you calculate mass? I don't understand the equation...
  31. K

    Does Curved Spacetime Affect Atoms?

    Has anybody ever considered the effects of curved spacetime on an atom? I know that an atom is subject to QM, but it still is significantly larger than the Plank scale, so would the standard formulas of GM still apply? I also know that in the small vicinity of an atom, spacetime is basically...
  32. V

    Space in an Atom: What is the Nature of this Space?

    If I understand it right an atom is made up of mostly empty space. What is the nature of this space? Is it like the space-time that Albert Einstein spoke of?
  33. S

    Uncertainty principle and hydrogen atom electron

    Homework Statement Using the uncertainty principle find the energy required for the electron to be confined inside the hydrogen atom. Use the radius of the atom 1 x 10-10 m for Δr. Express your answer in eV, rounded up to the nearest hundredth. Homework Equations ΔxΔp\geqh/4pie...
  34. E

    Estimating Ground State Energy Correction of Hydrogenic Atom

    Homework Statement using first-order perturbation theory ,estimate the correction to the ground state energy of a hydrogenic atom due to the finite size of the nucleus, assume it's spherical nucleus. Homework Equations you can employ the fact that the electrostatic potential fi...
  35. O

    Electric field inside hydrogen atom.

    Homework Statement A hydrogen atom can be considered as having a central point-like proton of positive charge +e and an electron of negative charge -e that is distributed about the proton according to the volume charge density rho=A*exp(-2r/a_1). Here A is a constant, a_1 = .53x10^(-10)m is...
  36. L

    Measuring atom positions in a crystal

    I heard that it is possible to measure positions of individual atoms in a crystal. Is this true? I understand the principle of measuring crystal orientation and base vectors of Bravais lattice with X-ray, but I have no idea how positions of individual atoms can be obtained. I suppose it is...
  37. S

    Solving Atom Ionization with a 50 nm Wavelength

    Homework Statement A hydrogen atom has an electron in the fundamental state. a. Show that a radiation with λ = 50 nm will ionize the atom. b. What will be the excess kinetic energy of the electron in joules? Round up your answer to the nearest hundredth. Homework Equations 1/lambda=...
  38. M

    Electron orbital frequency of hydrogen atom if given orbit radius

    Homework Statement In a classical model of the hydrogen atom, the electron moves around the proton in a circular orbit of radius 0.053 nm. A) What is the electron's orbital frequency? Homework Equations F = qE E= kq/r^2 angular velocity = v^2/r The Attempt at a Solution I'm...
  39. S

    Why is that an atom doesn't absorb more than the required amount of energy.?

    consider a water molecule.. it is heated beyond its boiling turns into wet and superheated steam..later but what happens ?? please answer my question
  40. R

    Solving the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen atom

    Homework Statement Hello. I'd like to solve this: -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2 \Psi(r,\theta,\phi) -U(r) \Psi(r,\theta,\phi) = E\Psi(r,\theta,\phi) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I can separate the variables, but that's about it. \frac{1}{R(r)}...
  41. J

    What Are the Key Differences Between Atoms and Nuclides?

    Hello, I'm fairly new with the nuclear physics, but I'm willing to study and learn as much as possible. I've been reading on wikipedia about the nuclides, but I couldn't understand what is the difference between an atom and a nuclide? On wikipedia they say that a nuclide is a...
  42. B

    A Proton is fired from far away towards the nuclues of a mercury Atom

    Homework Statement A proton is fired from far away towards the nucleus of a mercury atom. Mercury is element number 80, and the diameter of the nucleus is 14.0 fm. If the proton is fired at a speed of 32100000 m/s, what is its closest approach to the surface of the nucleus (in fm)? Assume that...
  43. X

    Hydrogen atom ground state with zero orbital angular moment question.

    Hi all: As we know, if we solve the schrodinger equation, the ground state wavefunction is independent of theta and psi. We find the expectation value of ground state orbital angular momentum is zero. But if we don't do any mathematical calculation, can we conlude that? For example, Due to...
  44. S

    Magnitude of the Net Electrostatic Force On an Oxygen Atom

    Homework Statement The water molecule forms an angle, with hydrogen atoms at the tips and the oxygen atom at the vertex (see diagram in the previous problem). Assume that the angle at the oxygen atom is Θ = 103.5o and the distance between the oxygen and the hydrogen atoms is d = 93.1 x 10-9...
  45. F

    Zero point energy of hydrogen atom

    Zero point energy and hydrogen atom In quantum mechanics, the lowest energy level of Simple Harmonic Oscilator is not zero and equal to hw/2. It is called the zero point energy. Is the energy level at ground state of hydrogen atom the zero point energy also?
  46. A

    Structure of the atom - strong interaction and colour charge.

    I am having some difficulty understanding the concept of colour charge. I realize that protons and neutrons are made up of a different number of quarks, and this is how they have the charges +1 and zero. I then realized that different quarks have color charge and that in a hadron (protons...
  47. G

    Atom emitting more than one frequency at the same time

    in a single atom can more than one electron be transitioning between electron shells at the same time? can the atom be emitting more than one frequency at the same time? or is there some rule against this?
  48. S

    Basic treatment of the hydrogen atom through wave mechanics.

    Hey there. I'm trying to redo basic quantum chemistry with a lot more rigor. I'm currently using Pauling's "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics With Applications to Chemistry". Here is a copy of the page(s) I will be referring to...
  49. N

    Where EXACTLY is the Mass of an Atom? Proton? Quark? Hadron? Gluon?

    Where EXACTLY is the "Mass" of an Atom? Proton? Quark? Hadron? Gluon?? Just look at the simplest Hydrogen atom -- one Proton. The question is *where* exactly is the mass of this thing? Or *what* makes up the mass of this thing? Is it just Quarks? So where is the *mass* of those things? Where is...