Axis Definition and 927 Threads

The Axis powers, originally called the Rome–Berlin Axis, was a military coalition that fought in World War II against the Allies. The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. The first step was the protocol signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November 1936 that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term "Axis". The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact, an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan. Italy joined the Pact in 1937 and Hungary and Spain joined in 1939. The "Rome–Berlin Axis" became a military alliance in 1939 under the so-called "Pact of Steel", with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany, Italy and Japan. As such the Anti-Comintern Pact, the Tripartite Pact, and the Pact of Steel were the agreements that formed the main bases of the Axis.Particularly within Europe, the term "the Axis" is still often used primarily to refer to the alliance between Italy and Germany, though outside Europe it is normally understood as including Japan.At its zenith in 1942 during World War II, the Axis presided over territories that occupied large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. In contrast to the Allies, there were no three-way summit meetings and cooperation and coordination was minimal, and on occasion the interests of the major Axis powers were at variance with each other. The war ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis powers and the dissolution of their alliance. As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, with some nations switching sides or changing their degree of military involvement over the course of the war.

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  1. E

    Moment of Inertia about y axis composite body

    Homework Statement The moment of inertia (in4) about the y-axis is most nearly (a) 39,500 (b) 37,600 (c) 38,700 (d) 36,400 Homework Equations Iy(circle)= .25(pi)(r^4) Iy(triangle)= (1/12)h(b^3) parralel axis theorem= Iy=Iy'+A[d(x)]^2 The Attempt at a Solution Iy(circle)=...
  2. R

    Area of y = 2 Sqrt x is rotated about the y axis with attempt

    Homework Statement Hellow guys i am stuck at this problem, you can see how far I have done, could someone show me how I can complete the square of this problem and how it is integrated, thanks! Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  3. W

    Calculating Moment of Inertia Tensor for Rod Along x Axis

    Homework Statement A thin rod has mass M and length L. What is the moment of inertia tensor about the center of mass if placed along the x axis. Homework Equations I would write the inertia tensor in component notation, but I don't know how to use Latex. The Attempt at a Solution...
  4. M

    Integral of a rational function over the positive real axis

    Hi everyone, this isn't really a homework question- this integral has come up during project work- but this seems like a sensible place to ask it nontheless. Homework Statement Compute I(t)=\int^{\infty}_{0} dx \frac{x^5}{(t+x^2)(1+(t+x^2)^4)} where t is real and positive. Homework...
  5. M

    DETERMINDING the axis of rotation

    say i have a lever, fixed to an axis in its right end. now a perpendicular force is exert on the lever, from its left end. the lever will obviously rotate relatively to the fixed axis. (the force will rotate with it, and will always be perpendicular to the lever. so the lever has a fixed...
  6. P

    What is the electric field at a point 4 cm from the axis of a cylindrical shell?

    Homework Statement A cylindrical shell of radius 9.9 cm and length 286 cm has its charge density uniformly distributed on its surface. The electric field intensity at a point 23 cm radially outward from its axis (measured from the midpoint of the shell ) is 44800 N/C. Given: ke = 8.99 × 10^9...
  7. T

    Spinning Sphere travelling along axis of rotation in fluid

    What effect does rotation have on a sphere moving through a fluid (liguid or gas) when traveling along the axis of rotation? The simplest being an up or down motion.
  8. L

    Electric Field along the x axis of a dipole

    Homework Statement Show that the field on the x-axis for the dipole (negative on the right, positive on the left separated by 2a) is given by the equation E = kq / x^3 for x >>a. Homework Equations Coulomb's Law F = kq1q2 / r^2 E = F/q = kQ / r^2 The Attempt at a Solution Since...
  9. M

    Calculating the moment about an axis?

    Homework Statement Hi friends, I have uploaded the problem and picture at the link below. Please take a look. Homework Equations F(vector) = F(cos\alphai + cos\betaj + cos\gammak) Ma = u_a(vector) \bullet M_o (vector) = u_a \bullet (r x F)...
  10. T

    Projections of Moments on a new Axis

    Hi all, this is my first post, so forgive me if this is in the wrong forum. (I believe it does belong here) We are currently doing moments in physics and I have seen this in a few homework problems but can't seem to grasp it. For example, in one question, we are given a new axis AA that...
  11. G

    Location of elastic axis for uniform wing/beam

    Homework Statement For a rectangular, uniform wing or beam, where would the location of the elastic axis be relative to the mid-chord position? Also, what's the difference between semi-chord and mid-chord for a uniform rectangular wing? Thanks in advance for any help, Carl
  12. J

    Moment of inertia of hollow cylinder, axis orthogonal to length

    Hi, I am working through the Feynman lectures on physics and trying to calculate the moment of inertia stated in the title. (the taxis of rotation going through c.m., orthogonal to length). My approach is to slice the cylinder into thin rods along the length, using the parallel taxis theorem...
  13. T

    Spin projections on different axis

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  14. M

    Rotation matrix about an axis from the origin to (1,1,1)

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  15. K

    What is the force at the axis of a rotating rod

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  16. C

    Integrating along the imaginary axis

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  17. J

    Why does the spinning book have an unstable axis?

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  18. S

    How Does a Bat Rotate and Translate After Being Struck by a Ball?

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  19. B

    Where to Place a Negative Charge for Zero Electric Field at the Origin?

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  20. X

    Rotation of a Rigid Object about a fixed axis

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  21. A

    Rotation of Axis and Hyperbolic Sound Travelling Word problem?

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  22. A

    Binary w/ black hole - semi-major axis?

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  23. A

    How to use parallel axis theorem?

    Homework Statement A solid door of mass 37.80 kg is 2.30 m high, 1.70 m wide, and 2.53 cm thick. What is the moment of inertia of the door about the axis through its hinges? Homework Equations I= Icm + MD^2 Icm = 1/12[M (a^2 +b^2 )] formula for inertia of a rectangular plate. The...
  24. S

    Rigid body rotation about a moving axis

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  25. B

    Finding the first moment with respect to an axis.

    Hey guys, I am having some trouble understanding this problem. The horizontal x-axis is drawn through the centroid C of the area shown, and it divides the area into two component areas A1 and A2. Determine the first moment of each component area with respect to the x axis...
  26. S

    Moment of Inertia (not through symmetry axis)

    Homework Statement What is the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder (of mass 8.41kg and radius 7.5cm) rotating about an axis parallel to the symmetry axis but passing through the edge of the cylinder?Homework Equations I=.5mr2, but how does this change when the axis is passing through the edge...
  27. P

    Magnitude of the torque about the rotation axis at an instant

    Homework Statement A wheel of diameter 26.0 cm is constrained to rotate in the xy plane, about the z axis, which passes through its center. A force F = ( - 31.0 i + 49.0 j )N acts at a point on the edge of the wheel that lies exactly on the x-axis at a particular instant. What is the...
  28. D

    How to find the angle between r and the x axis?

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  29. G

    MATLAB How to change the width between values on an axis in matlab?

    Hello! I'm very new to MATLAB and came across a problem: I need on the X axis values from 1 to 1024, only the powers of 2. I managed to get MATLAB to show only these values but as they would be when all the values are shown (1 and 2 are one ever the other and 512 and 1024 are far away one from...
  30. J

    Rotational Inertia with varying axis of rotation?

    Homework Statement Four identical particles of mass 0.475 kg each are placed at the vertices of a 1.73 m x 1.73 m square and held there by four massless rods, which form the sides of the square. What is the rotational inertia of this rigid body about an axis that (a) passes through the...
  31. D

    How to find the angle between the resultant and the X axis?

    Homework Statement How do you find the angle between the resultant and the x-axis? Please refer to the link in the picture. I just don't know how to get theta which is 10.26 degrees. Homework Equations The...
  32. S

    Rotational Equilibrium Torque about any axis.

    Suppose we have a uniform disk and two forces are acting tangentially at the rim (both pointing in the same direction and parallel to each other and at diametrically opposite ends of the disk). Since the disk does not rotate the sum of torques about an axis passing thorugh the center of the...
  33. B

    Electric potential at point x on the axis of a ring of charge density eta

    Electric potential at point x on the axis of a ring of charge density "eta" Homework Statement A circular disk of radius R and total charge Q has the charge distributed with surface charge density \eta = cr, where c is a constant. Find an expression for the electric potential at distance z on...
  34. T

    Troubleshooting MathCAD: Rotation of Body Vector About an Axis

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but I didn't see a forum specifically about software. I'm trying to define a function in MathCAD that describes the rotation of a body vector about an axis u by an angle ɸ. What I've typed in is: R(ɸ,u):= [ 3x3 matrix where each...
  35. G

    How Can You Solve an Integral with a 2nd Order Pole on the Real Axis?

    I'm working on a complex analysis problem from Arfken. Integrate[ (cos(b*x)-cos(a*x))/(x^2), {x, -Infinity, Infinity}] and show that it is equal to Pi*(a-b) Attempt: I first look at a related problem (or one that I think is related). => f(x) = sin(x)/x => f(z) = sin(z)/z...
  36. A

    Integration: Finding Area Between Curve along X and Y axis Questions

    Hello Everyone, Below are three questions relating to the integration between curves that have been bugging me for some time now. I know how to integrate between curves. I know how to integrate between x and y, but when given equations like the ones below I am lost as to how to figure out 2...
  37. P

    Calculating Moment About Axis: A Chiropractor's Procedure

    A chiropractor performs a lumbar spinous pull manipulative procedure. Using instrumentation , she determines 3D coordinates of the axis of rotation of the contacted verebra at t = 15 msec relative to the local axis system as shown. A uniaxial load cell at the spinous process measures a force...
  38. F

    Potential of uniformly charged disk off axis

    Homework Statement As per Griffiths 3.21, I am given the on axis potential a distance r from a uniformly charged disk of radius R as a function of \sigma. Using this and the general solution for laplace's equation in spherical coordinates with azimuthal symmetry, calculate the first three...
  39. J

    MATLAB Creating a Circumflex over the Letter P for a Matlab Graph Axis Label

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  40. B

    Force projection onto body's axis

    Hey PhysicsForums. Long time reader looking for some assistance Homework Statement [PLAIN] 2. The attempt at a solution I'm pretty sure the idea is to find the unit position vector to point A, and the force vector F. I found...
  41. Z

    What is the moment of inertia of the plate about z axis?

    Homework Statement What is the moment of inertia of the plate about z axis? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Consider the isosceles triangle to be a part of a square of side l/root(2) Its mass will be 2M We know that its moment of inertia about the centre...
  42. G

    What time t does the particle first cross the x axis?

    1. (a) A particle has ~r(0) = (4 m)j and ~v(0) = (2 m/s)i. If its acceleration is constant and given by ~a = −(2 m/s2) (i+j), at what time t does the particle first cross the x axis? Answer in units of s. (b) At what time t is the particle moving parallel to the y axis; that is, in the...
  43. I

    Conservation momentum for y- axis

    Homework Statement A ball P of mass m kg is dropped from a point A, which is 2 m vertically above a point B on a horizontal floor. After P hits the floor at B, it rebounds and hits another ball Q, of the same mass, which has also been dropped from A. The impact between the two balls is...
  44. B

    Axis of Figure: Rigid Bodies, Rotation & MOI

    Hello. Can anyone tell me what is the "axis of figure" or "figure axis" ? This is in the context of rigid bodies, rotation, and moment of inertia.
  45. A

    Principal axis about a sectionHELP

    Principal axis about a section... HELP! Homework Statement a, Calculate centroid inclination of principal axis of section b, Now calculate principal 2nd moment of area c, Cargo nets produce a moment (my) about a section (Y axis only). If max bending at point A cannot exceed 380 N/mm^2, what...
  46. S

    Finding volume of axis of revolution

    Homework Statement 2\pi \int_0^6 y\sqrt{25- (y- 1)^2}dy + 5\pi That's the integral i need solved 2. The attempt at a solution[/b] so first i subbed u=y-1 took the 2 pi out of the integral that got me 2 integrals u*sqrt(25-(u)^2) du + sqrt(25-(u)^2) du the first integral =...
  47. S

    Finding volumes by rotating around an axis of revolution

    1. Homework Statement k so here is the equation i need help with that will find me the volume of a sphere 2*pi*y*sqrt(25-(y-1)^2) dy - 5*pi from 0 to 6 the 5 pi is the volume of a cylinder 2. Steps so first i subbed u=y-1 took the 2 pi out of the integral that got me 2 integrals...
  48. R

    How Does Rotating an Ellipse's Major Axis Affect Its Equation?

    Hi..I have a basic question regarding the equation of an ellipse. Let's say I ahve an ellipse with major and minor axes 2a and 2b respectively. Now, to check whether a point lies inside this ellipse, its fairly simple...I can just use the standars ellipse equation for that. Now, if my major axis...
  49. K

    Neutral axis for 3 different cantilever beams

    1. Hi all, I'm doing a simulation on 3 different cantilever beam as shown in the attached figure. a) is the beam with only width varying from the base to the free end (height stay constant along the beam) , b) is the beam height varying from the base to the free end (width stay constant along...
  50. L

    Changing the y axis range in a TH1F in root

    hi, I am plotting a 1D graph in root (TH1F pointer). currently the y-axis gives the number of entries in each bin along my x-axis. how do i change it so that it is actually the number of entries in each bin divided by the total number of entries. thanks