Axis Definition and 927 Threads

The Axis powers, originally called the Rome–Berlin Axis, was a military coalition that fought in World War II against the Allies. The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. The first step was the protocol signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November 1936 that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term "Axis". The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact, an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan. Italy joined the Pact in 1937 and Hungary and Spain joined in 1939. The "Rome–Berlin Axis" became a military alliance in 1939 under the so-called "Pact of Steel", with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany, Italy and Japan. As such the Anti-Comintern Pact, the Tripartite Pact, and the Pact of Steel were the agreements that formed the main bases of the Axis.Particularly within Europe, the term "the Axis" is still often used primarily to refer to the alliance between Italy and Germany, though outside Europe it is normally understood as including Japan.At its zenith in 1942 during World War II, the Axis presided over territories that occupied large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. In contrast to the Allies, there were no three-way summit meetings and cooperation and coordination was minimal, and on occasion the interests of the major Axis powers were at variance with each other. The war ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis powers and the dissolution of their alliance. As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, with some nations switching sides or changing their degree of military involvement over the course of the war.

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  1. PeteyCoco

    Programming Function With Cut On Negative Imaginary Axis

    The Function To Be Programmed \sigma_m=\frac{4(n_r^2 -1)J_m(n_r k R)}{\pi^2kD_m^+(kR)D_m^-(kR)} where D_m(z)=n_rJ'_m(n_rz)H_m(z)-J_m(n_rz)H'_m(z). The '+'/'-' superscripts indicate the limits as z approaches the branch cut, which lies along the negative imaginary half axis, from the positive...
  2. hagobarcos

    Finding a plane based off 2 points and the z axis

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  3. D

    Does the Existence of the Axis of Evil Mean a Special Frame of Reference?

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  4. C

    Help with finding angle of force below x axis? (statics problem)

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  5. S

    Steering axis inclination - load on king pin post bushing

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  6. B

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  7. T

    Two eccentric flywheels run on same axis

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  8. F

    E-field in a cylinder with a hole parallel to its axis

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  9. V

    Can someone please explain what the parallel axis theorem is?

    Can someone please explain what the parallel axis theorem is?
  10. W

    Fft time axis for a signal that is a function of frequency

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  11. kontejnjer

    Moment of inertia around displaced and rotated axis

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  12. R

    What is the moment of inertia and angular velocity of a released rod?

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  13. C

    Matrix Transformations around z axis

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  14. S

    How do you find the center axis of a damped oscillation

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  15. Z

    Angular momentum of a solid cylinder rotating around axis

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  16. L

    Surface Area rotated about an axis which is not the x or y axis

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  17. Z

    Angular momentum of a rod rotating about an axis

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  18. Rococo

    Moment of Inertia about axis through body diagonal of a Cuboid

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  19. C

    Torque; where to place axis (levers) question.

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  20. S

    Kinetic Energy of Rotating Solid disk or cylinder about symmetry axis

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  21. D

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  22. K

    Vector with angles with axis (book wrong?)

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  23. U

    Ellipse:Finding major and minor axis

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  24. S

    How can the ball be released to give it maximum speed?

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  25. MarkFL

    MHB Volume of Solid of Revolution about Oblique Axis - Kyle's Question

    Here is the question: I have posted a link there to this thread so the OP can view my work.
  26. P

    Slope rotating around a vertical axis.

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  27. S

    MHB Finding the volume of regions rotated about the x - axis

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  28. A

    Axis of Rotation: Rotate About Other Axes?

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  29. L

    Question about the E-field along center axis of charged ring I'm having trouble understanding the derivative notation. I know that "dE" and dQ" have to do with the derivative, but what exactly does that mean in the context of this problem? For some reason I find it difficult to...
  30. J

    Displacement of a particle moving on the xy axis?

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  31. J

    How Do I Find the Tension in the Cable AB Given Forces and Angles?

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  32. H

    Moment of Inertia of Hollow Sphere about Center Axis x-y-z method

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  33. A

    Drive selection for Dual axis tracker

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  34. M

    Acceleration compensation (3 Axis accelerometer)

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  35. B

    Electric Force problem involving HCl and Br- on coordinate axis

    Homework Statement A hydrogen chloride molecule (HCl) has a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atom and a partial negative charge on the chlorine atom. The HCl molecule is placed at A. There will be force on the bromide ion in the +x direction. B. There will be force on...
  36. R

    Considering the Axis of a Straight Wire: Are There Other Considerations?

    When one comes across the sentence 'axis of a straight wire', how can one consider the orientation of the axis? Commonly, the axis of a straight wire can be considered to be a line parallel(along the wire) to the wire itself. Can 'axis of a straight wire' also mean a line that is...
  37. andyrk

    Understanding the Concept of Axis of Rotation: Definition and Explanation

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  38. C

    How to calculate the solid angle subtended by an off axis disk

    Hi, It's surprising how little information is available on this topic, considering it seems like such a fundamental problem. The only tutorial I have found is, and my university does not have access to the other papers...
  39. binbagsss

    Parallel Axis Theorem derived from the Displaced Axes Theorem.

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  40. I

    Could an eliptical galaxy exist with an axis of rotation?

    I was wondering if a galaxy could be perfectly orbiting to create a sort of axis of rotation, with a period being like 50 million years, or is it impossible because of some property that elliptical galaxies have? If it is possible, what is the probability that it exists in our observable...
  41. M

    Moment of inertia of triangle about centroidal axis

    Homework Statement There is the moment of inertia about an x and a y-axis named, I_{x}, I_{y}. Then there is the moment of inertia about the centroidal x and y-axis named, \overline{I}_{x}, \overline{I}_{y}. Often we can look up these values in a table (like the figure included) and apply...
  42. L

    Parallel Axis Theorem problem help

    Homework Statement This is moreof a conceptual question regarding the parallel axis theorem and area. Lets say I have a solid rectangle with length L, and Width W. I cut out a circle of radius R at the center. When calculating the Total Area moment of inertia of the hollow region where the...
  43. R

    Rotational Inertia about Rotation Axis Through COM

    Homework Statement A constant horizontal force of magnitude 10 N is applied to a wheel of mass 10 kg and radius 0.30 m as shown in the figure. The wheel rolls smoothly on the horizontal surface, and the acceleration of its center of mass has magnitude 0.60 m/s2. (a) What are the...
  44. D

    Equation of ellipse given one axis and another point

    I'm trying to find the equation of a general ellipse given 3 points. Two of those points should be at each end of one axis. Using this I have the center of the ellipse, and the angle of rotation with respect to the x-axis that this axis is rotated. It's unknown whether this is the major or minor...
  45. hb20007

    F(-x) is a reflection over the y axis -f(x)

    f(-x) is a reflection over the y axis -f(x) is a reflection over the x axis Now, how do we represent a reflection over y=x?
  46. A

    How do I determine if a plane is even with respect to an axis?

    I know that the plane ##z=4-y## is even with respect to the x-axis and is not even with respect to the y-axis and z-axis from graphing the plane. How would I algebraically determine this?
  47. Q

    Conservation of ang. momentum for paths reaching a rotation axis

    Hey everyone. My question is the following: if we had the trajectory of a particle eventually reaching a point of a rotation axis \vec{u} ((take that as being the z-axis for convenience) by an angle s , would Noethers Theorem still give a conserved quantity? More specifically (let me...
  48. N

    True or False, Parallel Axis Theorum

    Homework Statement I am doing an assignment where I have this (easy) true/false question. The parallel axis theorem can be used to find moments of inertia of an object about arbitrary axes, provided the moment of inertia about a perpendicular axis through the centroid of the object is...
  49. B

    Moment of inertia/Parallel axis theorem (lots of work shown)

    The outer ring of the wheel has a mass of 51 kg, the inner ring, 6 kg, and each spoke, 10 kg. Find the mass moment of inertia of the wheel about an axis through A and perpendicular to the page. Assume r1 = 124 cm, r2 = 36 cm. Each spoke is 88 cm long. DIAGRAM What I've learned in...
  50. ajayguhan

    Internuclear axis of asymmetric axis

    I understand internucler axis is a imaginary line about which the molecule rotates.and it's symmetric about the internucler axis. So we can find the internucler axis by symmetry if the moecule is symmetric about some axis. How would we find the internucler axis if the molecule is...