Beginner Definition and 355 Threads

Beginner Books is the Random House imprint for young children ages 3–9, co-founded by Phyllis Cerf with Ted Geisel, more often known as Dr. Seuss, and his wife Helen Palmer Geisel. Their first book was Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat (1957), whose title character appears in the brand's logo. Cerf compiled a list of 379 words as the basic vocabulary for young readers, along with another 20 slightly harder "emergency" words. No more than 200 words were taken from that list to write The Cat in the Hat. Subsequent books in the series were modeled on the same requirement.Beginner Books had only four titles in their catalog in 1958. Two years later, they were earning 1 million dollars a year. Random House acquired Beginner Books in 1960 and was the largest publisher of children's books in America.

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  1. H

    Thomas' or Apostol's calculus for beginner

    I am a high school student . I am a beginner in calculus . In the future i wil study theoretical physics and pure mathematics . I am puzzled which to use Thomas'nor Apostol's ?? I am a self learner . Should i choose whether Thomas' or Apostol's to use ? then, which ? Or should i read both,one...
  2. P

    What Is the Angle of the Jet Before Deflection in Aerodynamics?

    Hello! This is probably a rather simple problem, but I've been a bit confused about how to approach it. Any kick in the right direction for problem b) would be much appreciated! (Below is the full problem statement and sub-questions also for those who want to practice their physics. The...
  3. S

    Engineering Beginner Circuitry Analysis - Assistance Appreciated =)

    I'm given that i1=5.4A and i2=1.5A. I know that I need to apply mesh-current and then nodal-voltage analysis, but I have never dealt with two current sources. It seems like however I set it up, I am missing a piece. My first attempt at a KVL equation using mesh analysis incorrectly...
  4. J

    What are some beginner-friendly Arduino projects?

    So I got an Arduino Uno last week and am having quite a bit of fun figuring out exactly what it's capable of. Could anyone suggest some interesting beginner projects for me to have a go at and maybe provide links or instructions? I know there's sites like instructables, but they have so many...
  5. A

    Microcontroller kit for a beginner embedded systems hobbyist

    I am interested in learning how to design embedded systems. I have a solid background in high level C++ (primarily for modelling and visualisation), but my knowledge of computer hardware is somewhat limited. I am interested in starting an embedded system design project to educate myself on the...
  6. B

    Fortran How can I fix my program to calculate the average of a set of numbers correctly?

    Hi, I'm a first year physics undergrad studying the fortran language with NAG compiler for computer programming. Question 1: How do I write a program that finds the average of a set of n numbers? I've written a program already but my answers are continuing to be 0.0000, no matter what...
  7. H

    Factoring and Divisibility Problems with 2^n - 1: Beginner Proof Method

    Homework Statement I'm given this problem and I think I'm supposed to use the same or similar method to solve both of its parts: a) Factor 2^{15} - 1 = 32,767 into a product of two smaller positive integers. b) Find an integer x such that 1 < x < 2^{32767} - 1 and 2^{32767} is...
  8. K

    Electronic book for complete beginner?

    Hey guys, I'm a complete beginner in electronics, and am looking for a beginner book to learn all about electronics. Can anyone give me some good reads?
  9. T

    Where Should I Start with Quantum Mechanics as a Beginner?

    Hi, i am a newly interested self learner of QM. For now, i have the lectures of Feynman and i made a research about the beginning phase in PF and the feynman lectures and griffiths book are mentioned in few threads. First of all let me inform you about my math level. I am an engineer with...
  10. T

    Courant 's book is appropriate for beginner

    I've read the first 30 pages and it seem to not as hard as other would say for a least it's kind of easier than Spivak,the only problem is the epsilon-delta definition which take time to grasp...the only reason I want to finish calculus as fast as possible is to go for more advanced...
  11. B

    Learn IRAF for Astrophysics: UofL Student Seeks Examples & Guidance

    I am an astrophysics student at the University of Louisville. Last semester, a third of the course was a brief introduction to reducing CCD data in IRAF and producing a spectral curve. An example was worked through in reducing Hubble data of a galaxy that the professor had written a paper on...
  12. Seydlitz

    How to do Mathematical proof for beginner

    Hello all, I know that perhaps this question has cropped frequently in a lot of places, but I would like to be quite specific in my case. I've just finished High School with UK A level syllabus. The syllabus inside Math A level is mostly straight solving equation type of questions, such as for...
  13. I

    Stargazing What Type of Telescope Should I Buy as a Beginner?

    Hello there, I'm new around here. :) I'm looking to get my first ever telescope and so I wanted a bit of advice on what would be the best telescope to fit my needs and also if you could remember, please mention what type of telescope you first purchased! As a beginner, I'm looking to view...
  14. U

    Set Theory for Beginners - Exploring Ideas

    Gentlemen, I am writing to you in order to identify an idea I have and to see how this idea can be mathematically expressed. My understanding is that this idea pertains to Set Theory and I am going to do my best in expressing this idea for you- x y z are formed into two sets, x|y and y|z...
  15. M

    Easy beginner torque/com question. please

    Homework Statement A uniform 15kg ladder whose length is 5.0 m stands on the floor and leans against a vertical wall, making an angle of 25 with the vertical. Assuming that the friction between the ladder and the wall is negligible, what is the minimum amount of friction between the ladder and...
  16. P

    What the best beginner textbook for chaos, fractal, & random analysis?

    Hi all, I'm trying to self-learn about chaos, fractal, or anything that correspondence to random analysis (maybe with some material from statistical physics). Anyone know what the best textbook for these fields?
  17. G

    Can Diffeomorphisms be Represented by Matrices and Used in Image Analysis?

    I'm a complete rookie here, and i'd like some help. For starters , can a diffeomorphic mapping be represented via a matrix , like say a transformation? If so, how would it be parameterised?
  18. O

    Math books for a complete beginner

    Hi, I'm a high school student from Brazil who knows very little math, but I want to learn more (I've learned some stuff in school and forgot almost all of it).* Which books would you recommend? I've heard of Courant's What is Mathematics and of the Schaum's Outlines series. Are these...
  19. R

    Fortran FORTRAN PROGRAM FOR MEANS (Beginner)

    I am learning Fortran and I am able to write code for 3 number means. Now For computing it for set of numbers is not getting in my mind. I am not able to do it. Writing a single Fortran program that calculates the arithmetic mean, rms (root-mean-square) average, geometric mean, and harmonic...
  20. H

    Ansys APDL v11 Beginner: Basic Tutorials & Training Resources

    Hi, I am recently new to Ansys using version 11 APDL. Does anyone know of any beginners links to basic training or any decent books? I am finding playing around and using just the help menu very difficult. I'm mainly interested in some basic tutorials writing code to create a part and...
  21. Hercuflea

    Quick beginner question on wave-particle duality

    For a given entity, what is the convention for determining whether it behaves as a wave or as a particle? I know that we generally treat neutrons as waves when they travel faster than .2c, but is there an "absolute" way of determining this for a general particle, or is there a wave-threshold...
  22. D

    I'm A Beginner: Relativity & The Human Mind

    I am traveling at 50% C in a rocket ship. My buddy passes me at 51% C in a rocket ship. Assume my buddy is doing long division, & it's required that he writes down his work on paper. Let's go off on a tangent here. Relative to our prehistoric ancestors, the human mind today is far more...
  23. N

    Fortran How to Prompt User for Desired Payment in Loan Payment Program?

    Can someone give him a head start re: the following Q: We can make the program test itself by having it plug in the found root and evaluate the LHS (it should be zero). Complete the program by having it evaluate the LHS at x = root1. ! This program finds the roots of equations of the 2nd...
  24. N

    Good beginner math book on fractional dynamics

    I was wondering if anyone knows any textbooks that are a good beginners guide for the dynamics (mechanics) using the fractional calculus. I have The Fractional Calculus by Oldham and Spanier but was hoping to find something more rudimentary. Thanks.
  25. Hercuflea

    Python Learning Sage & Python for Beginner Programmers

    Hey everyone I am looking to learn the Sage software as an alternative to MATLAB. I would like to leaern Python as well. I have a bit of a limited programming experience (A in a Programming Principles course last semester which used Java). So I know loops, stacks, methods, class variables...
  26. J

    Beginner question about voltage

    I've always understood voltage as the difference between two plates. The more i think about it, the more i disagree with it. Wouldn't the voltage induced by a magnet in a generator be, well, voltage? There isn't a difference between two plates, its just the magnetic field interacting with the...
  27. P

    I the beginner have some general question

    Keep in mind while reading all peaple who wish to learn must start somewhere i feel like a critique from peaple who know what there talking about might help feel free to tell me how wrong i am becouse i asume i am very wrong indeed i am just starting out in my very very very minuet view and...
  28. S

    Solve Time Interval Between Two Cars Leaving with 0.4 m/s^2

    Two cars leave one after the other and travel with acceleration 0.4 m/s^2 . Two minutes after the departure of the first vehicle , the distance between the cars becomes 1.9 km . The time interval between the departure of the cars is ? i tried to do this by :- for First car (A)... 0.4 =...
  29. M

    Get Beginner Calculus Help: Solving Limit Problems with Ease

    I realize this question will probably be too easy for people who are good at it. But I can't figure this out. I'm trying to find the limit for lim x→7 (sin(x − 7))/(x2 + 2x − 63) Sorry, I don't know how to make it look like the proper equation. Thanks for any help...
  30. 1

    I'm A Beginner Need help -9th Grade Physics-

    1. Homework Statement : A dragster accelerates from rest at 49 m/s^2. How fast is it going when it has traveled 325 m? I'm a complete beginner, I'm not really sure how to even approach this problem so please, with each step taken, provide a VERY detailed explanation of why and how you...
  31. I

    Simple Beginner Dark Matter Question

    Simple "Beginner" Dark Matter Question Ok, for some reason I can't seem to get this straight, probably because its so obvious nobody spells it out. Its more a question of terminology than the real mystery of dark matter, but its proving an obstacle in my efforts to catch up on a subject i have...
  32. M

    Beginner Projectile Motion problem

    Homework Statement Fire a cannon ball at 30 degrees above the horizontal with an initial speed of 65 m/s from the top of a building 50 m high. Find the total time the cannon ball is in the air. What's the horizontal distance from the base of the building when the ball strikes the ground...
  33. PhizKid

    Beginner free-fall motion problem

    Homework Statement A ball at rest is dropped from height 'h' and travels a distance of 0.50h in the final 1.00 seconds before it hits the ground. Find the time and height of its fall. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I drew a picture with the knowns: Obviously...
  34. H

    Formal logic question from beginner

    Hello, I am a complete novice at formal logic and so far removed from mathematical study that I have no idea how the following should be interpreted, or read, and what its implications are: (a∨~a)∨~a⇒a∨(~a∨~a)⇒(a∨~a)⇒((a∧⊤)∨~a)⇒((a∧(b∨~b)∨~a)⇒(((a∧b)∨(a∧~b))∨~a)⇒...
  35. DeusAbscondus

    MHB Is the Derivative of f(x)=1/x^3 Correctly Calculated as -3/x^4?

    Hello folks, I simply wish to confirm that the following is correct: If $f(x)=\frac{1}{x^3}$ then $f'(x)=-\frac{3}{x^{4}}$ Thanks kindly, DeusAbs PS Does this most basic of questions properly belong elsewhere; if so, please tell me somone. Perhaps in pre-calculus?
  36. H

    MHB What are the Best Calculus Books for Beginners?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this thread, but I am looking for some supplemental Calculus books for my first class. I "accidentally" placed into Calculus because I took my school's assessment math exam and scored 100 on the college algebra, trig, and pre-calc sections (only...
  37. H

    RC Delay, Beginner 15 Year old EE,

    I've been experimenting for hours, and my LED still won't light correctly when this method is used, and the fluke 87 reads voltage on the circuit in a non-logical way. Can you help? Here's what I have set up when using an online calculator: Time delay: 2000 milliseconds Power supply: 15v...
  38. M

    Longitudinal Stability Anlaysis Beginner Help

    Hello all and thanks in advance for whatever help you might be able to offer. I am currently working on a project where I am trying to find the A matrix for longitudinal stability analysis, ultimately to get my short period and phugoid modes to determine my level of handling (for any of you...
  39. J

    Schools Best way for absolute beginner in college to learn math/physics

    I took Calculus AB in my senior year of high school, but I had absolutely no idea what was going on since day 1. Of course, I failed the class. But now I'm in college and I have access to the internet at home now (I've never had internet at my home before this year) and I found all of these...
  40. N

    MATLAB MATLAB Beginner, Need Help with Histograms

    Hello PF, I'm doing research over the summer and have to learn MatLab. I just installed it yesterday and was able to put together a basic script for my project but want to know how to do a couple things. My project involves analyzing the absorption of a solution by shining a laser through the...
  41. N

    I am a beginner user of MCNP and is still learning how to use it. When

    I am a beginner user of MCNP and is still learning how to use it. When I run my program, I get a message that says 'bad trouble in subroutine main of mcnp'. What exactly does that mean and how can i correct it. Thanks.
  42. D

    Microcontroller kit beyond beginner

    I'd just like to apologize in advance for asking this, I understand that it's probably been asked many times but I couldn't find an answer exactly applicable to me. Anyway, I want to buy a microcontroller kit, and am unsure which one to buy. I am going for my masters in computer science so the...
  43. 7

    A few qustions about Dark Matter from a beginner.

    Hi! As i said in the topic i am still very new in the field, so if my questions are stupid and just a waste of time i apoligize. The stuff i know I've learned by myself so there are gaps. Anyway, onto my question: Speed of Light(C) travels at 3*108m/s in a vacuum, but when traveling...
  44. T

    C# C# Book for Beginner Programmer

    My friend is currently going to be working on a project for our school where he have to start teaching himself C#. I know both of us have been looking for a book though we have not been able to find much information why one book is better than another or found a general agreement what a decent...
  45. A

    Need some beginner info on Beowulf and paralell computing?

    Say I can get some used MB with CPU and RAM on it at a very low price, and a DMA 33 hard drive, home made powersource, how am I going to get all thoese MB connected? Using PCI slots? AGP slots? Or para. Ports? USB ports? Does Beowulf even support HD farm? That would be mind-blowing advance...
  46. D

    Calculating Solutions w/w: Beginner Question

    Hi! I've got a beginner question. I'd like to know what quantities are required to make a couple solutions, but I'd also like to understand how the calculations are made. I have 95-98% H2SO4 and 28-30% NH4OH, and I'm attempting to figure out the values to make 100ml of 5% H2SO4 w/w and also...
  47. H

    Beginner questions on elementary particles

    Why are all particles of a particular type of elementary particle all exactly the same? What kind of a process causes a lot of identical elementary particles to appear? How can a infinitely dense, hot, and small piece of space become a system with finite bounds (on energy, number of...
  48. A

    Help for a beginner Bell's Theorem

    Help for a beginner...Bell's Theorem Hi guys, I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to quantum mechanics but I've recently been reading about Bell's Theorem and have become intrigued by its implications, specifically the nonlocality principle where electrons seem to be able to communicate...
  49. C

    Star Wars Books - A Lot of Beginner Questions

    I was browsing through BN yesterday and realized there are a ton of Star Wars books on the shelf. Now, as a fan of the movies and a follower of The Clone Wars show, I thought the books may be of interest to me. My first question is where to start? Do I need to go in a specific order or can...
  50. S

    Engineering Simple beginner question in Electric Circuits Course (Is the solution wrong?)

    The reason why I am suspecting the solution is wrong is because the final step is dividing something with units of electrons/min by something with units of electrons/meter. Am I right about the solution being wrong? If I am wrong, then what am I not seeing? If I am right that the book is wrong...