Beginner Definition and 355 Threads

Beginner Books is the Random House imprint for young children ages 3–9, co-founded by Phyllis Cerf with Ted Geisel, more often known as Dr. Seuss, and his wife Helen Palmer Geisel. Their first book was Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat (1957), whose title character appears in the brand's logo. Cerf compiled a list of 379 words as the basic vocabulary for young readers, along with another 20 slightly harder "emergency" words. No more than 200 words were taken from that list to write The Cat in the Hat. Subsequent books in the series were modeled on the same requirement.Beginner Books had only four titles in their catalog in 1958. Two years later, they were earning 1 million dollars a year. Random House acquired Beginner Books in 1960 and was the largest publisher of children's books in America.

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  1. T

    C/C++ Beginner programmer looking for c++ book

    Hello I am a senior in high school and I am required to do a senior project with a research paper related. My project adviser says I need some sort of book that has lessons or something that can be shown as work that I did during my project. I have next to no experience with computer programming...
  2. P

    Mathematica Mathematica beginner question: Function nesting

    Hello, I'm quite new to Mathematica and stuck at a point, where I have searched for hours to find a solution, but there seems no way out. Let's say we have two functions, f1[x_,y_]=x+y f2[x_,y_]=x*y How can a build a function f3, which is e.g. the sum of the other functions f1 and f2...
  3. H

    MATLAB Matlab beginner fprintf into .txt

    Dear everyone, i am trying to put my matrix result from my function 'matrix(1:20,1:5,'matrix.txt') in a text file like y x 1 2 3 4 5 1 3.33 4.34 23.21 23.12 0.00 2 2.42 2.42 13.42 34.52 2.23 until x=20,y=5...
  4. M

    Beginner Physics Textbook: Comprehensive Guide for Adults

    Took A-level physics when I was younger but flunked because I was lazy. Now I'm a bit older I'm interested in learning again, but am looking for something a bit more comprehensive and wide-ranging than "exam-passing" condensed textbooks. Can anyone recommend a proper textbook that introduces you...
  5. O

    Simple Derivative question from a Calc beginner

    Hi I'm new in the forum, so if I'm doing anything wrong or made a really silly mistake don't laugh ^^ So we started to learn about differentiating equations not long ago and I'm currently stuck at one question: y = e^αx sin βx My attempt on deriving it...
  6. N

    Beginner question about special relativity

    Saw this in a book last night. I hope I read it right and am remembering it right. If two rectangular coordinate systems share the same x-axis and one is moving at a constant speed towards positive x and a beam of light is traveling along their x axes going towards the positive, then at the...
  7. N

    Best Beginner Learning Source For Physics?

    I'm looking for Physics 101, where they start from the very bottom of the floor in the world of Physics. I'm not taking Physics 1 until next semester, but I only know a little about what I've seen on the science channel. Does anyone know of a good website or book that can start me off on...
  8. X

    Beginner Ebook to understand AVR hardware software detail and clearlt

    I am currently in 7th semester majoring in Electrical Engineering concentration in control... Taking the major course in microcomputer interfacing makes me feel the difficulties in EE... I don't have the basic in programming It's my first time to deal with how cpu in avr works The lecturer...
  9. P

    How to Solve Improper Integral \int_{0}^{2} \frac{1}{1-x^{1/3}} dx

    \int_{0}^{2} \frac{1}{1-x^{1/3}} dx I then would break up into: \int_{0}^{1} \frac{1}{1-x^{1/3}} dx + \int_{1}^{2} \frac{1}{1-x^{1/3}} dx I'm lost on where to go from here. The integral looks so simple but I'm not sure if I should make a u sub or a trig sub. Could someone give me a hint...
  10. L

    Solve Thermodynamic Problems: Ideal Gas Expansion & Energy Conservation

    i really need help with my homework if people can help lead me to the answer it would be really helpful. so far i was only able to do number 1 1) If 2.00 mol of an ideal gas, initially at 1.53 atm and 280 K, is allowed to expand isothermally under a constant external pressure of 0.920 atm...
  11. P

    Is Trig Substitution Necessary for Solving This Integral?

    first off, i can solve this problem easily with u-sub but the question asks to use trig sub. \int4x/(x2+1) then i have x=tan(theta) dx=sec2(theta) =\int4tan(theta)sec2(theta)/(tan2(theta)+1) =\int4tan(theta)d(theta) =-4ln(cos(theta))=-4ln(cos(arctan(x))) thanks for the help...
  12. E

    Comparing Hartle, Schutz, and Ohanian for GR Beginner

    I'm going to attempt to start a beginner GR book since we're covering it in Modern Physics and I've been covering the material up a notch so far (I did the SR by reading Spacetime Physics by Taylor and Wheeler & I've already read Griffith's for the Qmech section etc.) I don't intend to finish an...
  13. D

    Where Should I Begin Learning About Astronomy and Cosmology?

    I have been casually reading about astronomy and cosmology for a few years now. I am transferring to a 4 year University, but I am undecided. I want to study more about the Universe, but I am somewhat inept in Math. Can anyone give some insight into where I should start? Thank you in advance.
  14. R

    Beginner Just Joined and Got myself a toy

    Hi All, I am an enthusiast and love the sky... always wanted to develop the hobby to observe the sky, but here in UK we have very narrow period of clear skies during the year.. however this year I have decided to start doing it anyway.. Found a near by bunch of enthusiasts who meet once...
  15. A

    Beginner astronomer - getting started

    Dear admin, please could you move this post to somewhere else if needed/not appropriate as this is my first post. Currently working in IT, always had a thing for astronomy when i was younger but recently interest in the subject agani buying many DVDs (universe history, bbc series, cosmos by...
  16. S

    Book Recommendation for a beginner in DE

    I am a beginner in Calculus. I am currently working out Vol.1 Calculus - Tom Apostol.I want to study about Differential Equations from scratch . Could someone suggest a good book ? I basically want to get a good hold of the methods alongwith their applications in solving physics problems ( or...
  17. N

    A good book for basic Physics for a beginner

    I'm 53 and know very little about Physics and want to start to learn from the very basics. I will be learning entirely from home by books and the internet. Can anyone recommend a very basic beginners book to start learning from (UK publications prefered), please assume I know nothing :D...
  18. B

    Beginners Guide to Probability & Statistics: Examples & Applications

    What book or course would you recommend to a beginner in Probability and Statistics? That is my question. However I would like to specify my intentions. Along my math courses I have observed (many people have) that mathematicians have a different way of thinking this common language...
  19. N

    Information for a beginner in mechanical engineering

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on these forums. I have successfully passed and secured an all India rank of 396 in IITJEE this year. I am going to study mechanical engineering in IIT Bombay. Hence i need some kind of an insight in this department. My actual interest was in both...
  20. O

    Absolute beginner hobbyist wondering where to start

    So I'm going into a physics major next year, but lately I've been interested in electronics. Not enough to switch majors, but I'd like to take it up as a hobby at least. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no experience. I have the Circuit Analysis book that EE majors at my school use for the very...
  21. qspeechc

    Economics and Finance Books for a Beginner

    Hi everyone. I didn't put this in the Science Book Discussion because I don't really know if people would consider this science. Please move it if you think appropriate. Basically, I don't know anything about economics, finance and the related subjects. So much of the news is about...
  22. Z

    Python Beginner Python - simple function

    Homework Statement Write the definition of a function typing_speed , that receives two parameters. The first is the number of words that a person has typed (an int greater than or equal to zero) in a particular time interval. The second is the length of the time interval in seconds (an...
  23. Z

    Python Beginner Python - better way to write this?

    Hi, This compiles, I just wanted suggestions for fewer lines. Thanks. Homework Statement Need to write a function for this: Given an int variable, return a factor of that int. If the input is not between 0 and 100 return -1. If there are more than one distinct factors, return...
  24. J

    Beginner Integration: Intg'g Arbitrary Funcs: Area B/w Intersects
  25. M

    MATLAB Hi everyone. im a beginner to matlab, i want to calculate the fourier

    hi everyone. I am a beginner to matlab, i want to calculate the Fourier series Coefficients of a discrete periodic signal with period N=100 and plot it. the signal is real and even
  26. A

    What is the best beginner textbook for learning electrical engineering?

    I was recently denied internal transfer to my University's Electrical Engineering degree program. Though I'm perfectly happy going into either chemistry or physics, I would still like to learn a bit of electrical engineering in my spare time. Could someone give me some suggestions on an absolute...
  27. PainterGuy

    Circuit drawing and simulation program for a beginner

    Hello everyone, :smile: At now I know there are these programs to draw circuits and simulate them: LTspice, CircuitLogix, Multisim. I am beginner to these circuits and don't know much how to use such technical programs. So which program will you recommend me to use? I want it to have...
  28. PainterGuy

    Introductory Circuit Analysis for a beginner

    Hi everyone, :wink: I have a copy of this book: I don't think it is a good book. Even some people on Amazon also note that. I am not very good in math and want to understand things from conceptual point of view. Some books use math...
  29. Z

    Python How to Replace Digits in a String with Characters from Another String in Python?

    Homework Statement Write the follow function: def substitute_digits (s, subst): s is a string and subst is a string of length 10. Return a copy of s, where each digit in s is replaced by the second character of subst, '1' is replaced by the second character of subst, ... , and '9' is...
  30. Z

    How can I efficiently capitalize items in a list without modifying the original?

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to write a function that does this: def capitalize_items_2(lst): Return a new list with the same items as lst, only in upper case. lst is a list of strings. This function does not change lst Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution def...
  31. J

    Reading the Arduino Schematic (for a Beginner)

    Alright, well, I've decided to start learning about how circuits work and as part of that I've looked into getting an Arduino, either by building one myself or buying one. I came across this tutorial here:" I noticed that the design...
  32. R

    [beginner] Network coverage inside an elevator?

    So many telecom operators claim that their users will get network coverage even inside an elevator. But according to Gauss' theorem, no charge is supposed to exist inside a closed conductor and an elevator (made of metal) is a closed conductor... So how is one supposed to get network coverage...
  33. F

    Mathematica Mathematica Beginner question: Nested loops

    Hello, I'm quite new to Wolfram Mathematica and do like the elegance of some parts of the language. However, I think that loop controls are quite different and not very intuitive. Here is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do (now of course done manually): k[1] = {200, 300, 400...
  34. B

    Understanding Atomic Units for Beginner Mathematicians

    Hi, I know nearly nothing about physics, I'm a mathematician working on a computer program. Anyway, I have to write a program and my boss suggested that I use atomic units and that at the end of the program I can "scale up" to natural units if desired. I tried to read up on these units, but...
  35. R

    [beginner] Current in a capacitive circuit

    Hey people!.. this is what I've been wondering for a while and couldn't come up with anything (asked my frnds too) It has been derived in my textbook that when AC is applied to a pure capacitive circuit (i.e. contains only a capacitor)... current leads ahead of the emf by phase difference of...
  36. Kawakaze

    Beginner implicit differentiation

    Please go easy on me, 2 days ago I didnt even know what implicit differentiation was. Homework Statement If x tan y − y tan x = 1, use implicit differentiation to determine dy/dx, expressing your answer in the form dy/dx = f(x, y), The Attempt at a Solution Differentiate first...
  37. P

    Beginner Microcontroller Project Resources?

    Hey guys I've been toying with the idea of building a diy digital annometer I'm hoping it can be achieved with a device which rotates in the wind which will generate pulses from a light interupted switch. The pulses will be sent to a microcontroller which will use the info to calculate...
  38. T

    Beginner VBA Help Using Arrays to find the lowest value from a list

    Hi, I have this text file. "3 4 7.21 -5.7 0.01 9.0 5.6 0.11 -.123 14. 2.11 4.11 0.0001 -2. " I am trying to create a VBA program to find the Minimum value, but I keep getting an error. Could someone help me? I am trying to get some practice for a test. Here is what I have so far...
  39. M

    Total beginner here in need of some book suggestions.

    To start off, i don't come from any type of scientific background, but I've recently developed an interest in aerodynamics as a "hobby." I am, however, the type of person who takes a hobby as far as i can possibly take it (I'm a pilot, I have played guitar/bass/keyboards in various bands...
  40. D

    Beginner at solving projectile equations

    Hi, my question is simple. can you solve the projectile motion problems with only using equations of motion and without Distance travelled, Time of flight, Angle of reach like equations? so does that mean you have two choices to solve them problems either with equations of motion or...
  41. K

    Python Python Beginner Help: Removing Duplicate Words from Lists

    Homework Statement I have a simple question with python. I have a text file that's been converted into a bunch of lists like this. [blah, blah] [blah, blah, blah] [a, a, d] [g,x,d,s,a] etc.. now i want to loop over all of these lists and append all the words into a new list...
  42. J

    Beginner Model Rockets: Ideas and Suggestions

    Any one have any ideas or suggestions for beginner model rockets? I eventually want to make my own.
  43. J

    Aerospace project for a beginner

    Hi guy, I'm interested on working on a new project. Something small, with some design, for a beginner. I'm majoring in Aerospace Engineering and I want some "solo" experience and I don't know where to start. I like rockets, and space craft. I enjoy aircraft, but I'm more intrigued by out of...
  44. G

    Struggling with Set Theory Proofs? Any Tips?

    Hello All, I am taking a Discrete math course and am having trouble with set theory proofs. I can do basic ones, like prove <a,b,c>=<u,v,w> if a=u, b=v, and c=w. But as soon as it changes even a little bit, I cannot prove it. I was wondering what tips some of you might suggest to me? I do...
  45. A

    MATLAB How to Begin a Numerical Analysis Project in Matlab?

    This is the project. I have until next week. The requirement for the class is c++. (elementary numerical analysis btw). I have an idea of what is going to happen for the results but i have no idea on how to program it. I've have probably used Matlab 3 or 4 times using a premade program. Can...
  46. A

    Beginner Programmer Seeks Creative Ideas for Graphics Project

    I am just a beginner of programming and till now I have done much simple programming, just like printing multiplication tables or different sequences of (*) using FOR Loop. Now, last week, my teacher introduced us to the new graphics mode of the Turbo C, and at the end of a lesson, she asked...
  47. P

    3rd week of beginner physics, brain fried

    [b]1. Ok, hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I'm hoping you can help me a bit because I'm in trouble now, and a few concepts need clearing up. Ok, so there are two questions #1 A ball is rolled off a table 1 meter high, and lands 4 meters away. what is the velocity for the x vector? What is...
  48. H

    Beginner having trouble taking derivative

    Hello, i am having trouble taking the derivative of functions with using the chain rule plus another rule such as the product rule... i know how to do chain rule by it self and product rule by itself but i am having trouble using them together.. here is an example g(x)= ( 1+4x )5 ( 3+x-x2 )8
  49. U

    Robotics Project for a beginner

    Hi! I've undertaken a mini project in which I basically want to construct a robot with as many accessories attached to it as I can fit in.This would include blades,drills,pneumatics etc. For a start, can anyone throw some light on the following: 1. How to make the robot water resistant-...