Binary Definition and 603 Threads

A binary star is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter. Systems of two or more stars are called multiple star systems. These systems, especially when more distant, often appear to the unaided eye as a single point of light, and are then revealed as multiple by other means.
The term double star is often used synonymously with binary star; however, double star can also mean optical double star. Optical doubles are so called because the two stars appear close together in the sky as seen from the Earth; they are almost on the same line of sight. Nevertheless, their "doubleness" depends only on this optical effect; the stars themselves are distant from one another and share no physical connection. A double star can be revealed as optical by means of differences in their parallax measurements, proper motions, or radial velocities. Most known double stars have not been studied adequately to determine whether they are optical doubles or doubles physically bound through gravitation into a multiple star system.
Binary star systems are very important in astrophysics because calculations of their orbits allow the masses of their component stars to be directly determined, which in turn allows other stellar parameters, such as radius and density, to be indirectly estimated. This also determines an empirical mass-luminosity relationship (MLR) from which the masses of single stars can be estimated.
Binary stars are often resolved as separate stars, in which case they are called visual binaries. Many visual binaries have long orbital periods of several centuries or millennia and therefore have orbits which are uncertain or poorly known. They may also be detected by indirect techniques, such as spectroscopy (spectroscopic binaries) or astrometry (astrometric binaries). If a binary star happens to orbit in a plane along our line of sight, its components will eclipse and transit each other; these pairs are called eclipsing binaries, or, together with other binaries that change brightness as they orbit, photometric binaries.
If components in binary star systems are close enough they can gravitationally distort their mutual outer stellar atmospheres. In some cases, these close binary systems can exchange mass, which may bring their evolution to stages that single stars cannot attain. Examples of binaries are Sirius, and Cygnus X-1 (Cygnus X-1 being a well-known black hole). Binary stars are also common as the nuclei of many planetary nebulae, and are the progenitors of both novae and type Ia supernovae.

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  1. D

    Delete operation on binary search tree

    The following diagram is from the section in my notes titled "Operations on Binary Search Trees". Specifically it explains via pseudocode how to implement a delete function for a BST: What I don't understand in the 2nd box is why...
  2. B

    Rotating binary star system & three star system

    Homework Statement 1) Astronomers discover a binary star system that has period of 90 days. The binary star system consists of two equal mass stars each with a mass twice the sun's. They rotate about the center of mass at the midpoint between them. How far apart are the two stars? 2)...
  3. S

    Binary Multiplication with Signed Numbers: Solving 15X-7

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  4. S

    Why Does Multiplying 15 and -7 in Signed Binary Result in -105?

    15X-7 The Attempt at a Solution - I can't seem to figure this one out for some reason. My first attempt, I used 1111(15)X1001(2's complement of 7), but I can't get the right answer. I believe that the answer should come out to be the 2's complement of 105 since the actual answer is...
  5. A

    Binary star system and Apparent magnatudes

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  6. D

    Why Computers Use Binary Number System

    I have no idea where to put this thread, so I'm trying out this forum. Why do computers use the binary number system instead of other n-base number systems? I did a Google search and I saw that one explanation was that in a circuit, certain devices are either turned on or off (1 or 0) which...
  7. T

    Java A question about binary tree(java)

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  8. S

    Constructing a binary tree from inorder and postorder traversals

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  9. M

    Trajectory of a Test Particle in a Semidetached Binary

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  10. T

    Java How to Calculate Leaf Node Difference in a Binary Tree Using Recursion?

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  11. K

    Show Zm with binary operation is a group

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  12. D

    How to determine if a binary relation R on M is a bisimulation?

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  13. H

    C/C++ Code : Binary Search Tree C++

    #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> void main() { struct znode // binary search tree node { int data; // data type is integer struct znode * left; // left subtree struct...
  14. S

    How can I calculate the errors in using Doppler shifts for binary stars?

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  15. S

    Apparent magnitude of binary star?

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  16. H

    Observed radial velocity of a Binary Star system

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  17. B

    Solving a max() Function with Binary Operators

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  18. G

    How Can I Convert a Barcode Signal to 8-bit Binary Code with LEDs?

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  19. A

    Orbital Energy of a binary star system

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  20. N

    Binary relation in a cartesian product

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  21. G

    Generating a Binary Matrix in C

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  22. F

    Convert Numbers to 12-Bit Binary Using 2's Complement

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  23. S

    Decoding Binary Number 1100011: What Base 10 Number Does it Represent?

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  24. E

    Closed Orbit of Binary Planet System: Calculate Y-Velocity at (0,1)

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  25. V

    Field of Eschatology pertaining to the binary star Wormwood

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  26. T

    Binary numbers (fundamental) question

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  27. O

    Is Binary a Fit Numbering System?

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  28. M

    Minimization with a binary to seven segment decoder in Verilog

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  29. J

    C/C++ Creating a Binary Matrix with C++ Code

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  30. D

    Binary symmetric channel capacity

    Hi to our nice community. I want to learn why in a binary symetric channel the channel is calculated as C=1+plogp+(1-p)log(1-p) I only know that the channel is denoted as C=maxI(X;Y) btw what ; means in X;Y? Unfortunately my book doesn't mention these things so if u can reply me or...
  31. P

    Binary Jacobi Symbol Algorithm: Add, Subtract & Shift

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  32. T

    Learn Binary Arithmetic: Two's Compliment & Multiplication

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  33. J

    Masses of binary system (quick q)

    I have this problem: Given is period of an eclipsing binary star system is 34 days, rest wavelength is 6563 angstroms while max doppler shift of 2.34 angstroms I used the doppler equation to figure out the orbital speed of the star; now the question says to use the simplistic model of...
  34. S

    How Is Total Radial Velocity Determined in Binary Stars?

    I know that in spectroscopic Binaries, you can observe wavelength shifts in each star. But how do you determine the total radial velocity of this system alltogether, and how do you find each star's radial velocity?
  35. S

    How can I solve a spectroscopic eclipsing binary system problem?

    i have been trying to do this problem for an hour and i have no clue what to do for it... please help me It's on the 4th page down and it is called "Spectroscopic eclipsing Binary System" htt p://
  36. S

    Spectroscopic Binary problem fast

    i have been trying to do this problem for an hour and i have no clue what to do for it... please help me It's on the 4th page down and it is called "Spectroscopic eclipsing Binary System" htt p://
  37. C

    Why Computer Use Binary Logic (0,1): Exploring the Reasons

    Why computer use binary logic (0,1) instead of use a ternary or something else?
  38. S

    I need some serious help here soon Astronomy Binary stars

    This problem deals with two main sequence stars in an eclipsing binary star system. I need to determine the system's peiod and separation (P and a). Right now i know that the brightest star has an absolute magnitude of -1 (219 solar luminosity), is 17,000 degrees kelvin, has a radius of...
  39. S

    Eclipsing binary problem im really frustrated

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  40. S

    Physics/astronomy eclipsing binary problem help

    physics/astronomy eclipsing binary problem! help! I have been looking at this problem for a while and i am really getting frustrated. Here it is. I have an eclipsing binary system with a period of 1 year. Star Q has 800 solar luminosities, while the other star, star R, has 5 solar...
  41. A

    Measuring Gradient Strength in Binary String Mixtures

    I am working with a program that produces a polydisperse mixture of binary strings. I was wondering if there was some methodology that exists that can measure the 'gradient strength' along each chain, ie, possibly some parameterization that can quantify this for something like 0001111 vs...
  42. R

    Quick Binary Representation Help

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  43. M

    How many binary relations in a set of 8

    Hello everyone. This problem has a few parts, and I'm on the last part and I'm having troubles and im' guessing my way is not the correct method. But here is the question. Let A be a set with 8 elements. a. how many binary relations are there on A? answer: A binary relation is any...
  44. M

    Binary Relations and Transitivity: Finding the Transitive Closure

    Binary Relations--Transitivity Hello everyone I'm not sure if I'm hitting all the ordered pairs on this because i can't seem to find a good method to figure it out. I also think the relation to itself is confusing me. here is the question: S is a binary relation defined on A = {0,1,2,3}...
  45. C

    C program (string - binary to decimal conversion)

    here's what i have: #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char string[32]; int sum = 0; int a = 1; int i; printf("Please enter numbers:\n"); gets(string); for (i=32;i<0;i--) { if(string[i] ==1) { sum = sum + a; } a = a * 2; printf("The converted string is: %s \n"...
  46. L

    Exploring Binary Pulsar Mechanics: Lagrangian Formulations

    Anyone got an idea of where I can get some information on the mechanics of binary pulsars? Especially the Lagrangian formulations are of interest.
  47. B

    Gas binary system vinyl chloride - water

    hello, how I can calculate the composition of a gas binary mixture of vinyl chloride and water knowing that I have only the following informations: the water is saturated by the vinyl chloride the pressure of the mixture is 4bars or can you tell me what I have to look as information to...
  48. R

    Synchronous 4-bit Up/down Binary Counters I have this IC with me, and I have to draw the timing diagrams. I'm doing good so far, except that during the middle of a clock pulse, the U(not)/D changes from 0 to 1 (counting up to down). It happens dead in the...
  49. S

    Margules' 3 suffix equations for binary solution derivation

    Indicate briefly how the Margules' 3 suffix equations are derived for a binary solution. ln gamma1 = [A12 + (B12 - A12)x1](x2)^2 ln gamma2 = [B12 + (A12 - B12)x2](x1)^2 Any idea how this would be shown.. :S
  50. H

    Determining Mass of Binary Star Systems Using Center of Mass Method

    Hi, I'm new to these forums. Gonna give the homework help section a spin =] Here's my question: (a) About half of the visible "stars" are actually binary star systems, two stars that orbit each other with no other objects nearby. Consider the motion of the center of mass of a binary star...