Bond Definition and 323 Threads

BOND (Building Object Network Databases) started development in late 2000 as a rapid application development tool for the GNOME Desktop by Treshna Enterprises. Its aim was to fill a gap that traditional Microsoft Windows applications like Borland Delphi, Microsoft Access and Visual Basic filled on the Windows desktop, but targeted for the Linux environment. Its goal was to allow developers to quickly build database forms in XML for backend SQL databases. It has been employed extensively by Treshna Enterprises to develop applications such as PayMaster (an opensource payroll application) and GymMaster (a commercial gym management application).

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  1. Y

    Is the Strength of a Chemical Bond Determined by Ionic or Covalent Character?

    As i know chemical bonding can be considered as a spectrum of bond ranging from covalent to ionic. Now can we say that ionic bond is harder than covalent bond?? Since covalent bond is a result of attractive n repulsive bt ionic only attractive . If it does, instead of bond length factor, HF...
  2. S

    Why is Energy Released During Bond Formation?

    please can anyone explain me in simple words why energy is released when bonds are formed?
  3. R

    Crystal Structure & Metallic Bond: What Comes First?

    For metals for instance, is the metallic bond that determines the crystal structure(i.e. FCC (face centered cubic), HCP (hexagonal close packed)) or is the crystal structure that determines the type of bond? In other words, if someone were to ask me what kind of bond an element with an FCC...
  4. S

    What are the different ways bonds can be represented?

    In the following link the bonds are represented pictorially in different ways(like the black triangle). Do these just show the physical structure of the bonds or do they show the different types of bonds?
  5. C

    Bond dissosication energy question

    Hello, How can I calculate the bond dissociation energy for K+Br- when I only know the the length of the bond? Equation D0 = De - 0.5hω does not help because I do not know ω and De. ω is the vibrational frequency of the bond. Thank you for your advice beforehand.
  6. C

    Explaining H-N-H Bond Angle in Ammonia vs H-C-H in Methane

    Homework Statement Explain why the H-N-H bond angle in ammonia is less than that of H-C-H in methane. Though this is a worked example. I just want to understand the explanation given for the problem. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution As I said, this is a worked...
  7. C

    Electrode potentials and Bond energy

    Homework Statement 1st question:A voltaic cell is made up of mg2+/mg half-cell and fe3+/fe2+ half-cell. Which of the following statement are correct? a.addition of water to the fe3+/fe2+ half-cell has no effect on cell emf. b.increasing the temperature has no effect on the cell emf...
  8. S

    How to Calculate Bond Strength in a Molecule?

    √Homework Statement Carbon monoxide molecule, which has a reduced mass of 6.85 amu, absorbs infrared radiation wavelength of 4.6um. if the absorption is due to vibrational transitions, calculate the strength of the bond in molecule Homework Equations u=(m1*m2)/(m1+m2) The Attempt at...
  9. H

    Specific Heat: Bond or Freedom of Degree Based, Or Size?

    Specific Heat: Bond or Freedom of Degree Based, Or Size?? Okay so I've been trying to understand what causes one substance to have a higher specific heat then other but I've read quite a few conflicting sources in which one says its due to the freedom of degree, while another says the weight of...
  10. K

    IUPAC naming for a sidechain with double bond?

    As shown in this picture. How would you do the naming for a sidechain that has double bonds? Or does the double bond take priority over the length of the chain?
  11. N

    Slater Determinant for simple covalent bond

    I have read that when 2 Hydrogen atoms come together their individual spatial wavefunctions overlap in the following way: ψsymmetric = ψa + ψb ... bonding case ψasymmetric = ψa - ψb ... antibonding case How do you express this in terms of the Slater Determinant?
  12. T

    Styrene Maleic Anhydride - Bond Angles and Lengths

    Styrene Maleic Anhydride is a tricky polymer that I've been researching over the last few days. There is very little information online, and I've been trying to figure out the bond lengths and angles. I know the bond angles inside the benzene are 120 degrees, and the Carbon attached to the...
  13. T

    How Can Bond Strength Be Determined Using Element and Bond Order?

    Is it possible to determine the strength of a bond given the elements involved and the order of the bond? If so, how does one go about doing so? The reason I'm asking is because I'm considering trying to code an analytical chemistry library as a way to increase my understanding of chemistry...
  14. R

    How does electronegativity affect bond strength?

    How does electronegativity affect bond strength? whats the strongest bond polar covalent, nonpolar covalent, or ionic how does electronegativity affect bond strength some people say the more electronegative the molecule the stronger the bond, so than shouldn't ionic bonds be stronger than...
  15. S

    Mechanism of Bond Energy Absorption

    When scientists analyze proteins (chains of amino acids), often times light spectroscopy is used. Light is passes through a cuvet containing dissolved protein, and the absorption is measured. My question is: How do bonds absorb energy? What is the actual mechanism? I have been told that the...
  16. S

    Bond energy and activation energy

    Is the energy required to break the bonds of a compound in order for the reaction to occur (bond energy) the same as activation energy? Thanks for the help! :smile:
  17. T

    Investigating Bond Mispricings: US Gov't Bonds Maturing 5/31/2012

    Ive been looking at quotes for two US government bonds maturing on 31/5/2012. I am trying to understand why they differ so much? Maturity Coupon Bid Asked Chg Asked Yield 5/31/2012 0.750 100.1250 100.1328 0.0078 0.045 5/31/2012 4.750 100.8750...
  18. B

    What are the Bond Angles in Cyclopropane?

    Cyclopropane is a cycloalkane with three carbon atoms. Each carbon is bonded to two hydrogens as well as the other two carbons, forming a triangular bond between the three carbons. Each carbon has a tetrahedral molecular geometry since it has sp3 hybrization. However, I am rather confused...
  19. B

    Does bond polarity affect bond strength and length in covalent compounds?

    I have some confusion about the relationship between bond polarity and bond length. Generally strong bonds are short in length. Generally strong bonds are more polar. (Ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds). Therefore, the more polar bonds tend to be shorter in length? And yet...
  20. D

    Bond angle comparison in sp2 hybridised carbon atoms

    1. Homework Statement This was a question on an exam I took a week ago in inorganic chemistry. The problem statement was like: "We have two molecules, H2CCH2 (ethene) and F2CCF2 (1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethene). Which bond angle is greater? H-C-H in ethene or F-C-F in 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethene?"...
  21. C

    Why can't there be a metal-metal multiple bond in ?

    Why can't there be a metal-metal multiple bond in ... ? [Re2OCl10] 4- Each Re has an octahedral geometry basically, with 5 Cl- attached to it. It also has a bridging O, which bridges the two Re together. O also produces pi donation to each Re, so that there is basically a double bond...
  22. C

    Why Does Metallic Radius Decrease Across a Period in Transition Metals?

    I am so confussed.. Talking about transition metals, in the book it says that the general trend in a period is for the metallic radii to decrease due to increase of Zeff. But I don't think this makes sense. I think: we are talking about metallic radii not IONIC! If its metallic, then the...
  23. P

    Does FCC Structure Indicate High Bond Strength?

    Hi Atoms are closer in FCC. Does it imply high bond strength? It does imply low bond energy.
  24. S

    Seeking a satisfying explaination for a bond formation problem

    Hey, I've looked for a little bit just online and in the forums and still have not gotten a definite answer. My question: why does bond formation release energy? There is a reason I am posting this is the Quantum Physics section. I am very certain that the energy released into the environment is...
  25. H

    Force required to break the atomic bond

    I have a two questions. 1. What is the force (not energy) required to break the H-O atomic bond? 2. What is the minimum additional distance required to separate the H from the O to consider the bond broken? From this table I see that the energy of the bond is 459000J/mol and the radius of...
  26. H

    Force required to break the H-O bond

    I have a two questions. 1. What is the force (not energy) required to break the H-O atomic bond? 2. What is the minimum additional distance required to separate the H from the O to consider the bond broken? From this table I see that the energy of the bond is 459000J/mol and the radius of...
  27. Y

    Impact of Bond length on Reduction of coordination complex

    Homework Statement The complex [Mn(CO)5Cl]+ is reduced by one electron and then by a second electron afterwards. How would the first reduction affect the C-O bond length in carbon monoxide? How would the second reduction affect the C-O bond length? Homework Equations The Attempt at...
  28. M

    James Bond Mission: Find Height of Cannon from Sea

    Homework Statement James Bond job is to aim at clifftop cannons at attacking vessels coming from the sea. In one practice exercise he shoots her cannon at an angle of 40 degrees, giving the cannon ball a velocity of 35m/s. If the cannon ball lands 150m from the base of the cliff, how high is...
  29. D

    Subatomically, what causes an atom speed up when it has a chemical bond broken?

    Homework Statement According to the molecular biology book I am reading, when a chemical bond breaks, the energy in the bond is released in the form of heat. which is to say, when a chemical bond breaks the entire atom's speed increases (the atom gains 'heat energy'). But what is...
  30. C

    Calculate CO bond length from J=0 to J=1 transition

    Homework Statement The J=0 to J=1 transition fro 12C16O carbon monoxide occurs at 1.153x105 MHz. Calculate the value of the bond length in CO. Homework Equations 2B = h/(4π2I) μ = m1*m2/(m1+m2) I = μr2 The Attempt at a Solution I = 6.61x10-34/ (4*π2*1.153x108) = 1.45x10-43...
  31. P

    Find Energy of C=C Bond in Fumaric and Succinic Acid

    Homework Statement Enthalpies of fumaric and succinic acid are as follows: Fumaric: dH(combustion) = -1336kJ/mol C4H4O4(s) + 3O2 -> 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) Succinic: dH(combustion) = -1469kJ/mol C4H6O4(s) + 3.5 O2(g) -> 3H2O(l) Find the energy of the C=C bond BE: H-H: 432 kJ/mol...
  32. Q

    Ionic Bond Strength: LiF vs K20

    What are the factors that determine the strength of an Ionic bond? Taking the example of LiF and K20, why does LiF have a stronger bond strength?
  33. E

    Binding energy of a single C-C covalent bond

    "Consider a diamond crystal containing 1 mole of carbon (6.022e23)atoms. It is found that the energy required to separate all the C atoms from each other to an infinite distance apart is 710kJ. ?Binding Energy." I really have no idea where to start. I've looked online for other things but...
  34. G

    Partial bond polarization in Nitromethane.

    Homework Statement Using delta+ and delta-, show the polarization of the bonds in nitromethane. Homework Equations None, he just wrote that on the board. Had to look up the molecule on google. The Attempt at a Solution I assume the...
  35. K

    Hydrogen bond big problems in my mind

    I have two big problems in my mind about hydrogen bond for many years. I have checked many textbooks but all of them fails to explain what I don't understand. 1. To form a hydrogen bond (particular strong attraction) Why it is necessary for a hydrogen atom to attach to a highly...
  36. P

    What is the bond order of NO-, NO, and NO+?

    Homework Statement Bond Order of NO- Bond Order of NO Bond Order of NO+ Homework Equations No Equations The Attempt at a Solution I determined the Bond order of NO+ to be 3 due to their triple bond and the Bond order of NO- to be 1 due to their single bond Lewis Structures...
  37. K

    Where do electrons go (?) within a covalent bond

    "Where" do electrons "go"(?) within a covalent bond If you take a water molecule (H-O-H) with 2 covalent bonds (imagine, just for now, that this is the only 2 atoms around ;-). The H’s electron and one of the O’s electrons (within the covalent bond) must be “somewhere”. They were...
  38. M

    Measuring Bond Angles in Molecules

    How can the bond angle in a molecules are measured ? The methods used to measure the angles and length b/w bonds.
  39. B

    Why do things bond in chemistry?

    Hey, I will be taking a high school course in chemistry next week and I am wondering why things in chemistry work. No one taught me the reasons why it work, and therefore, never got good marks in it. Can someone tell me why certain elements bond in certain ways. For example, why does 2 H2 + O2...
  40. S

    Why does charge transfer reduce the covalent component of a heteropolar bond?

    In THE THEORY OF REALMATERIALS(Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci. 2000. 30:1–26), Marvin L. Cohen states that "Because charge transfer reduces the covalent component of a heteropolar bond, B0 is also reduced." Can you explain that connection between charge transfer and covalent component of a...
  41. M

    Is the C=O Bond Length Shortened Due to Resonance?

    Homework Statement The Questions asks if the C=O bond length is shortened due to resonance Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Now, I know that double bonds are stronger than a single bond and the strength outweighs the repulsion by the electrons. I'm just hesitant to say...
  42. M

    Explaining Why SnI4 Bonding is More Covalent Than SnF4

    What is the explanation for the fact that the bonding in SnI4 is more covalent than the bonding in SnF4 ? My thought was... because A polar bond is a covalent bond in which there is a separation of charge between one end and the other. Thus... I am trying to prove that SnI4 is more polar...
  43. H

    How Does Bond Formation Release Heat?

    I'm hoping someone can explain how the formation of a chemical bond releases heat. What I imagine is that, when two atoms that are about to bond come near each other, they (or at least some of their electrons) accelerate forward under the influence of an electrostatic force. When these...
  44. O

    The +I Effect & Bond Breakage in Alcohols & Acids

    In alcohols, the negative charge on 'Oxygen atom' increases due to '+I effect' of alkyl groups. While in acids, the '+I effect' of alkyl groups decreases the positive charge on the 'Carbon atom'. In the first case the +I effect makes it easier to break the C-O bond while in the second case...
  45. R

    Bond length and bond angle (quant)

    I want to know about the "quant" value which is come with bond length and bond angle. if anybody knows please help me
  46. B

    Why Do Atoms Bond? Understanding Molecular Bonds

    Can someone post a picture of 2 bonded atoms... But not those googled ones. I am trying to understand how does that look at molecular level. Why would 2 atoms bond to form a molecule. eg. hydrogen, covalent bond. I know now 2 atoms of hydrogen have full shell, but that electron doesn't...
  47. S

    Finding Bond Lengths: A Physicist's Guide

    So I'm doing research on a particular protein and I need to find bond lengths to parameterize the chromophore. I currently have a bunch of IR Spectroscopic data and I'm thinking I can use the wavelengths of absorptions between bonds to somehow find bond length. I am actually a physicist and so...
  48. S

    Bond Length from IR Spectroscopic Data

    So I'm doing research on a particular protein and I need to find bond lengths to parameterize the chromophore. I currently have a bunch of IR Spectroscopic data and I'm thinking I can use the wavelengths of absorptions between bonds to somehow find bond length. I am actually a physicist and so...
  49. F

    Pi bond formation energy of allyl cation

    Homework Statement The cation [CH2=CH-CH2]+ has a delocalized pi network that can be described using Huckel Molecular Orbital Method. Calculate the pi bonding formation energy 2. The attempt at a solution Using matrix, energy = alpha, alpha + root2 beta , alpha-root2 beta The pi...
  50. M

    Sharing Singlets: Exploring Valence Bond Solid States

    Hello I have come across this inexplicable fact mentioned in somewhere that for a chain of S = 1 spins, the adjacent bonds can all be in a singlet state i.e. singlets can be shared in this case (forming valence bond solids) but not, for example, for |S| = 1/2, the latter point being clear. I...