Book Definition and 999 Threads

  1. parshyaa

    Best science book that changed your life

    Just like books by "Jules verne" changed Dr emmit brown's life in the movie " Back to the future" and then he decided that he should dedicate his life for the love of science. Book that motivated you for science. I am waiting to hear your story so get set go.
  2. Jianphys17

    Differential Geometry book with tensor calculus

    Hi, there is a book of dg of surfaces that is also about tensor calculus ? Currently i study with Do Carmo, but i am looking for a text that there is also the tensor calculus! Thank you in advance
  3. hsdrop

    How Does the Continua Device Work in Robert A. Heinlein's Number of the Beast?

    was just wondering if anyone has read the number of the beast by Robert A. Heinlein and if you have what are your thoughts on the "continua" which is the device they put into Gay Deceiver the air car of sorts and how it works with dimensions; the three spatial dimensions known to the real world...
  4. A

    Studying Supplementary book for intro signal processing class

    The required textbook for my intro signal processing class is "Signal Processing First" by James McClellan. So far I like the book quite a lot because the author does a good job to explain the concepts clearly. However I feel like the book doesn't provide enough practice problems. I just want to...
  5. S

    Relativity Looking for a good intermediate book on SR

    My 10th grader is looking for a relativity book that is bit more advanced than the ones he has been reading, which are An Illustrated Guide to Relativity by Takeuichi, and General Relativity A to B by Gerach. He has completed AP Calculus BC, so he has a good handle on single variable calculus...
  6. B

    Topology Alternative Books to Rudin-PMA's Chp. 8-12

    Hello! What books are excellent choice to reaplace Rudin-PMA's Chapters 8-12? I am specifically interested in the easier books than Rudin that treat the analysis of functions of several variables, manifolds, and differential forms; my next goal is to study the differential geometry/topology...
  7. smodak

    Classical Found a cool free book on Classical Physics

    APPLICATIONS OF CLASSICAL PHYSICS 2012-2013 Version of Textbook by Roger D. Blandford and Kip S. Thorne I believe this is a precursor to the following textbook (yet to be released)
  8. J

    Foundations A math book for first year at University? (Similar to Tipler)

    Hi folks, I was wondering if there exists a generic book that explains all the math for a first year at the university. I am thinking about a book like Tipler in Physics, but for Math. The topics I need to review are: Vectors in 3d. Scalar, vector and mixed product. Trigonometry...
  9. Jianphys17

    I Do Carmo's book, chap2 Regular surfaces, definition 1.2 -- question

    On chapter over regular surfaces, In definition 1 point 2. He says that x: U → V∩S is a homeomorphisms, but U⊂ℝ^2 onto V∩S⊂ℝ^3. I am confused, how can it be so!
  10. A

    Automotive Cengel's Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications (Book & CD-ROM)

    Is anyone here use Cengel's Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications (Book & CD-ROM)? I've heard the CD-ROM contain CFD code for Fluent Flowlab. The question is, I just want to know if the Fluent Flowlab (beside the code) is include in the CD-ROM.
  11. R

    I General question about math required to do david morins book

    So i don't have issues with most of his problems, but once in a while a question that requires a ridiculous math trick that i had no way of knowing comes up and i just wonder if this is something you pick up from various places, or can attain through a focused study of mathematics. the question...
  12. J

    Other What Are Your Thoughts on Greiner's Book Series?

    Hello, I have used Greiner's "Quantum Mechanics: An introduction" and found it to be awesome, bridging the ga between undergraduate and graduate courses. So, I am thinking of buying some of Greiner's book to use for my other courses and I wanted to ask you what your opinions about the books in...
  13. T

    Prob/Stats What Are the Best Resources for Learning About Neural Networks?

    Hello, Can you recommend me a book on neural networks, for a beginner in this area? I would like a book that explains the mathematics behind NN's, while still going into computational matters in a package like Matlab. My background is Physics/Maths in Bsc level. Thanks.
  14. otaKu

    Solid State A good book to learn about phonon dispersion relation

    So I see them in the books labelled as accoustic and optical phonons but I don't seem to find a comprehensive treatment of the matter for a beginner who doesn't know a thing about the dispersion curves. I'd prefer not to dwell too much into the mechanical treatment if possible since I just need...
  15. O

    Don't understand what the book means, a tensor thing....

    Homework Statement Right, so it's not really an assignment or anything, just confused of what a book says. the book is "mathematical methods for physicists." The screenshot is attached. The thing that I'm confused about is that it says "As before, aij is the cosine of the angle between x′i...
  16. Mikaelochi

    Intro Physics Should I get this book as a supplement to these Yale courses

    There are these Yale Open Courses on physics by Professor Shankar. I'd like to know if I'd be okay just watching the lectures and doing the practice problems or should do all of what I just described and also get the book Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity and Thermodynamics by...
  17. B

    Studying Am I Reading Math Textbooks Efficiently?

    Dear Physics Forum friends, I am an undergraduate at US actively pursuing mathematics and microbiology. Recently, I started to evaluate my methodology of reading books in the mathematics, which raised me some concerns and worry that I want to share with you, and seek advice from you. Whenever...
  18. R

    Studying Looking for some basic feedback on math book to learn next

    Hello,I started learning math at 29, I went through the high school curriculum in Ontario taking the advanced math courses route. The last book I studied was "nelson calculus and vectors" (Table of Contents) Curriculum...
  19. Jianphys17

    Best book for undergraduate study algebraic topology

    In your opinion what is the best book for a first approach to algebraic topology, for self studt more properly!
  20. Z

    Other I need a book for math competitions

    Hi As the title suggests, I'm looking for a math book that has some competition-style problems in it, with explanations on how to solve them. I have found numerous of other competitions online but the explanations are very not understandable for me. I am NOT talking about international...
  21. Greg Bernhardt

    Who Will Win Our Book Shelf Contest?

    Have an impressive book shelf set up or rare books? Time to show it off! Take a photo of your book shelf or collection of books and see what happens. Rules: Must be your actual book shelf and books One photo per member. Photo with the most LIKES is the winner Contest end is 7/15/16 Winner must...
  22. MichPod

    Calculus Need calculus of variations book for a laymen

    While trying to study textbooks on analytical mechanics or QFT I realized that I simply cannot operate with variations of functions in the same way I can operate with derivatives and integrals. I have never learned calculus of variations in university and, frankly, I am not much interested in...
  23. UchihaClan13

    Classical Where Can I Find Volume 1 of 'Advanced Problems in School Physics'?

    Hi there,everyone I am in need of the following book "Advanced Problems in School Physics" Volume 1( By Cengage Learning) I have volume 2 But no matter how hard I try, I can't get the first volume( it's either out of stock or is currently unavailable etc.) I would greatly/deeply appreciate it if...
  24. S

    How useful is the IEEE green book?

    I am working at a new plant with a Delta high resistance ground system. I am looking for general grounding guidelines for this system.
  25. Shafia Zahin

    Calculus A good book on Calculus to clear the concepts

    Hi, I want to know about some books that can help me to clear my concepts of calculus.I know the basics of differentiation and integration,but don't have clear idea about it.Well,I would like to buy such a book that has explained the rules and methods of calculus properly.Also,I want to know...
  26. Jianphys17

    Introduction book to Differential Geometry

    Hello everyone, I've 2 books on manifolds theory in e-form: 1) Spivack, calculus on manifold 2) Munkres, analysis on manifold What would be good to begin with? :oldconfused: Thank you in advance
  27. A

    I Book Suggestions: Learn Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

    Can anyone please help me with a good book to read relativity I am currently trying to read from Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Øyvind Grøn andSigbjørn Hervik Please I need to learn from basics to top
  28. kdrdgn07

    Engineering Aerodynamics Book for Engineering Students - No Math or Physics Knowledge Needed

    Hello everyone. Firstly, I have to say that I'm studying mechanical engineering but I was at Preperation Class last year. I'm going to begin my engineering education this year. (hence, I don't have any high level math or physics informations) I am interested with Aircrafts. I've just read...
  29. A

    Need a more pedagogic book than Halliday's

    Can anyone please recommend a more pedagogic book than Halliday's Fundamentals of Physics? As a hobby I want to learn QM, so started reading math from scratch three months ago. In order to get a quick overview I just read the curriculum from middle school through high school and has now...
  30. M

    I Holographic Principle discussion in Sean Carroll's book

    am reading Sean Carroll's pop-science book 'From Eternity to Here' and am having trouble connecting the links in his discussion of the Holographic Principle. At the outset, I would ask that you try to answer in terms of Carroll's discussion and without moving into concepts much more advanced...
  31. I

    Free Physics Figures for Self-Study Book

    DISCLAIMER: I had no idea where to put this question, so I apologize if it is in the wrong forum. I would appreciate if a mentor could correct its placement if necessary. [mentor's note: moved to computers & technology as this best fits the software aspect of this question] So, I have been...
  32. Kloud

    Minimum horizontal force needed so book does not fall?

    Homework Statement Part C of problem Please see attachment : What is the minimum horizontal force needed to keep the book from slipping. Note that P=515N, and P=normal force, Fs=131.32N, Us=.255, M=9.85kg Homework Equations Fn=(m*g)/Us The Attempt at a Solution My answer is 378.549N, which...
  33. R

    Other Physics Principles and Application best book for high school

    The book Physics Principles and Application by Douglas C Giancoli can give me the full curriculum in physics from grade 9 to 12 ? Or I need another book to cover all physics learned in high school ? All equations laws ... ?
  34. S

    Relativity What Are Good Beginner Books on General Relativity with Mathematics?

    HI, can anyone suggest a good book on general relativity with fairly good mathematics for beginner for self study?
  35. K

    Quantum Struggling with QM lectures? Need a helpful self-teaching book?

    I'm looking for help teaching myself QM. I am taking a a third year course in my degree in QM but I can't follow the lecturers notes/teaching style. The topics we will be covering are; Introduction: experimental facts that led to the development of quantum theory Waves and particles...
  36. P

    Intro Physics Which book to read the summer before starting Physics?

    I'm starting my 1st year of Physics at university in September. Although I've learned a lot of single variable Calculus and various topics of Physics this year, I'd like to get a general overview of the topics touched in a 1st Physics course at uni. I just wonder if there's an equivalent to...
  37. Crush1986

    Quantum Which Quantum Mechanics Book is Best for GRE Self Study?

    Hello, I'm taking the GRE this comming fall. Unfortunately my university doesn't do QM until your senior year. Which means I won't see much QM in school until after I take the GRE. I want to study up some this summer to increase my chances of getting a good score. What book would you suggest...
  38. O

    Book on thermodynamics for International Physics Olympiad?

    Hi! I'm a junior in high school studying for the IPhO and I've started learning thermodynamics as part of my preparation. I have a guide to the exam that says things like this will be tested: Carnot engine Kirchhoff's law Wien's law Stefan's law Stefan-Boltzmann law Newton's law of cooling...
  39. R

    Intro Physics Resnick and Halliday which book I should choose?

    Resnick and Halliday have many physics books and they have more than 6 named fundamental of physics I don't know which one I should choose they have many editions for each book and they have the same name .
  40. entropy1

    I Proof of unitarity of time evolution in Susskind's book

    In "The Theoretical Minimum" of Susskind (p.98) it says that if we take any two basisvectors |i \rangle and |j \rangle of any orthonormal basis, and we take any linear time-development operator U, that the inner product between U(t)|i \rangle and U(t)|j \rangle should be 1 if |i \rangle=|j...
  41. dsatkas

    Classical Need a Book on Hydrodynamics for Your Master's Degree in Physics?

    I just started my master's degree in physics and one of the courses I've chosen is hydrodynamics. Since i have never done anything similar to this in my undergrad, i feel a bit lost and i would like to start with some sort of an introduction to the subject or fluid mechanics in general and work...
  42. H

    Other Linguistics Book: Overview of Languages from Antiquity to Present

    Which book gives a thorough overview of the structures of all the general languages from antiquity to present? If there is no such book, a suggestion on the way of achieving it, would also be helpful.
  43. jedishrfu

    New Book Lab Girl -- Building a World Class Lab Cheaply

    ARS Technica reviewed the book Lab Girl about overcoming funding issues to build a world class lab and about being a woman scientist in today's world:
  44. K

    Math Book for All Levels: From Beginner to University

    (sorry for my poor english.) is there a math book for learning mathematics from the beggining until university level, like there's University Physics for physics?
  45. RoboNerd

    Classical Good self study book for Electricity and Magnetism

    Hi people! I am a high school rising senior who is looking to self study electricity and magnetism over the summer. Particularly, my aim is to take the ap physics c electricity and magnetism exam as a result of this self study but also to realize if I want to work with hardware/electrical...
  46. Bran

    B Book recommendations for Big Bang Model?

    A recent discussion at the Expanding from and eventually to a singularity thread has been both interesting and informative, and it has shown me very clearly that I would benefit from a few good books, rather than the piecemeal approach I've been taking to understanding singularities and the Big...
  47. gracy

    B Angle between two vectors book problem

    Should not angle between vector P and Q be 180-θ rather than θ? According to my book it is θ.
  48. OrangeDog

    Need a Book Bag That Can Handle 200lbs? Any Suggestions?

    As some of you might know, one of my hobbies is lifting stones. Besides regular weightlifting I do strongman things too. I need a book bag (or something I can put on my back like a hikers/adventurers/Indiana Jones bag) that can hold about 200lbs of "stuff", more would be even better. Right now I...
  49. J

    Intro Physics What are some good Algebra-based physics book for physics?

    I am in the 8th grade. I have a new found interest in physics, and would love to learn physics from the lowest level to the highest . However I do not know any good textbooks to start with. Can anyone maybe suggest some detailed algebra-based physics book for me? Thank you!