Boundary Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. M

    I Boundary Regions in LAMMPS MD Simulation

    Hi, I'm working on a project using LAMMPS. I am very new to the software and find the documentation doesn't always answer the fundamental questions I have. I noted previous LAMMPS queries were posted on this forum, although I am from a mechanical/materials engineering background. I am trying...
  2. ramzerimar

    Is BEM a More Efficient Alternative to FEA in Computational Science?

    Hello! I'm starting a project with one of my professors at college whose subject is the Boundary Element Method. I've studied a little bit of Finite Element Method, but BEM is new to me. This project will envolve a lot of programming in Python and Matlab. I would like to know how does BEM...
  3. S

    I Understanding the Definition of Boundary in Set Theory for Topological Spaces

    Hello! This is more of a set theory question I guess, but I have that the definition of the boundary of a subset A of a topological space X is ##\partial A = \bar A \cap \bar B##, with ##B = X - A## (I didn't manage to put the bar over X-A, this is why I used B). I think I have a wrong...
  4. Toby_phys

    Mechanical wave reflection at a boundary

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The right hand section (A) has an incident and reflected wave $$y_1=Ae^{i(kx+\omega t)} +A'e^{i(-kx+\omega t)} $$ The middle section (B) has a transmission reflected wave $$y_2=Be^{i(k_2x+\omega t)} +B'e^{i(-k_2x+\omega t)}$$ Section (C) just has the...
  5. N

    Reflection and Transmission of acoustic waves at a boundary

    Homework Statement An interface is formed between a block of aluminium (density = ##2.70 \times 10^3 kg/m^3##, speed of sound =##6.40 \times 10^3m/s##) and a block of copper (density = ##8.96 \times 10^3 kg/m^3##, speed of sound =##4.76 \times 10^3m/s##). Longitudinal waves traveling through...
  6. FranciscoSili

    I Help Solving an Equation with a Boundary Condition

    Hello everybody. I'm about to take a final exam and I've just encountered with this exercise. I know it's simple, but i tried solving it by Separation of variables, but i couldn't reach the result Mathematica gave me. This is the equation: ∂u/∂x = ∂u/∂t Plus i have a condition...
  7. F

    Shear stress at the boundary of beam

    Homework Statement We all know that $$\tau = VQ/ It $$ how to determine the shear stress at **G** ? I'm having problem of finding Ay centroid if the solid that i found earlier is y = 98.5mm There's a dashed line from G to the bottom . It's making me confused . for Q , should i consider the...
  8. abilolado

    A Free boundary conditions on vibrating rectangular membranes

    I've been trying to come up with wave equations to describe the motion on vibrating rectangular (more specifically, square) membranes. However, most paper I find assume fixed edges. What are the boundary conditions I need to apply to the 2D wave equations in order to have an free boundary in a...
  9. rharrex

    B Boundary between Quantum and Relativity

    At what point does quantum physics cease and general relativity take over. Where is the boundary? Is it a quantum of mass?
  10. ShayanJ

    A Twisted boundary conditions for 2d CFT entanglement entropy

    I'm trying to read this paper. Right now my problem is with equations 3.16 and 3.17. I understand that in equation 3.16 we're putting some boundary conditions on the fields, but I have two problems with these boundary conditions: 1) The fields depend on both ## t_E ## and ## x##, i.e. ##...
  11. V

    Boundary condition for electrostatics problem - found issue?

    Hey everyone Just a picture of my configuration. The assumption here is $$\epsilon_a,\epsilon_b,\epsilon_c$$ are different from one another. Really the interest of this problem is to find the scalar potential $$\phi$$, such that $$\nabla^2 \phi = 0$$. So now my question, about jump...
  12. BiGyElLoWhAt

    I A question about boundary conditions in Green's functions

    I have a couple homework questions, and I'm getting caught up in boundary applications. For the first one, I have y'' - 4y' + 3y = f(x) and I need to find the Green's function. I also have the boundary conditions y(x)=y'(0)=0. Is this possible? Wouldn't y(x)=0 be of the form of a solution...
  13. P

    Can massless particles reach the boundary at z=0?

    Homework Statement We're working in 2-d Anti-de Sitter space with metric: \begin{eqnarray*}ds^2 = \frac{1}{z^2}(-dt^2 + dz^2)\end{eqnarray*} with 0<=z. The solution is: \begin{eqnarray*}z^2 = (t+c)^2 + B\end{eqnarray*} And we've been asked to plot this (I think its a parabola with minima at...
  14. bluejay27

    A What is the purpose of applying a Dirichlet boundary condition?

    Hi, If the dirichlet boundary condition is being applied, what does it tell us?
  15. lonewolf219

    Boundary condition for dielectric sphere

    Is the potential across the boundary continuous for a dielectric sphere embedded in a dielectric material, so that the potential inside the sphere can be set equal to the potential outside of it at r=R ?
  16. K

    I What is the boundary surface of a collimator?

    Hi everybody, I’m trying to calculate the shape of a boundary line f(x) between two mediums that collimates rays from a point light source. This requires the rays to hit the boundary line under a certain angle, so I calculated the slope m(φ) of the boundary line for a ray with polar angle φ (φ...
  17. evinda

    MHB Can we just use a part of the boundary?

    Hello! (Wave) We consider an elliptic operator $L$ in the space $\Omega$ with $c(x) \leq 0$. We suppose that $\partial{\Omega}=S_1 \cup S_2$. What can we say about the solution of the following problem? $$Lu=0 \text{ in } \Omega \\ u|_{S_1}=0...
  18. Cocoleia

    Equation for the boundary of rays turning to plane waves

    Homework Statement I am given the following figure: These are converging rays that appear to be going to a point F convert to a plane wave upon hitting the boundary between n2 and n1, and I am asked to find the equation for the boundary between n1 and n2 that perfectly accomplishes this...
  19. M

    A Boundary Conductance in nanomaterials

    Greetings, I hope this is the right place to ask. I have been working with modeling of thermal conductance, G [W/K] of semi-conductor nanowires as a function of temperature. To start, thermal conductivity of a nanowire is modeled using BTE (Boltzmann Transport Equation). Then the conductance...
  20. P

    B What is a homogeneous boundary condition?

    What is a homogeneous boundary condition? Or, more explicitly, what would make a boundary condition inhomogeneous Many thanks :)
  21. M

    A Fluid Boundary Layer Mathy Question

    Hi PF! So after scaling Navier-Stokes for a flow over a flat plate we ultimately arrive at ##f f'' + f''' = 0## subject to ##f(0)=0##, ##f'(0)=0##, and ##f'(\infty) = 1## where independent variable is ##\eta##. The source I was reading is trying to reduce this BVP to an IVP. Thus they suggest...
  22. M

    I Difference Equation Boundary Conditions0.

    This question is inspired by Gilbert Strang's Course on Computational Science and Engineering, MIT 18.085. Consider the three matrices Fixed-Fixed $$K=\begin{bmatrix} 2 &-1 & 0 &0 \\ -1&2 & -1 &0 \\ 0 & -1 &2 & -1 \\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 2 \\ \end{bmatrix} $$ Free-Fixed $$T=\begin{bmatrix} 1 &-1 & 0 &0...
  23. Q

    Fluid Boundary layer in presence of a postive heat gradient

    I was wondering how a boundary layer would be dissipative of momentum if it was under the influence of a positive heat gradient. I understand that the reason that we don't see the boundary pressure equal the stagnation pressure is that the boundary is dissipative (so excess pressure above...
  24. P

    Abaqus - Boundary Conditions Comparison of two models

    Hi everyone, This is my first time posting here I am looking to get some help with Abaqus, I wish to compare two models and find the residual stress which causes a original model to deform to the other. The deflection between the two models can be calculated by other software. I plan to do...
  25. A

    Boundary Layer Separation in Laminar and Turbulent Flows

    When compared to laminar flows, the fluid "sticks" with the solid surface longer in case of turbulent flows. For example, the angle of separation for flow over a circular cylinder is 80 degrees for laminar flows, and 140 degrees for turbulent flows. What is the reason?
  26. W

    I No Boundary Proposal: Overview, Criticisms & Probes

    Any good places to go to get a better layman understanding of the no boundary proposal other than Hawking books? Id like to see what criticisms there are of the model, how has it evolved over time and is there any chance for experimental probes of it.
  27. cehen

    ANSYS transient thermal boundary conditions

    Hi all. I don't have as much experience with thermal analyses in ANSYS, and I can't quite figure out a problem that I'm working on. I'm trying to find the temperature distribution in a box that has a circle in the center. I want to define constant temperature b.c.'s at the walls and the circle...
  28. F

    2nd order ODE boundary value constant input-- stuck

    Homework Statement Uxx - SU = A ; 0<x<1 Boundary conditions : Ux(0) = 0 U(1) = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I tried to set a new variable W = u + A, I can get rid of the A in the main equation and U(1) becomes = 1. If I set U= C*esqrt(S)x into the equation, its a trivial solution because of...
  29. C

    Shear stress at boundary of wall = 0

    Homework Statement in the formula of shear stress τ = (V)(Q) / It , Q=Ay = first moment of inertia of area, the area can be located above(or bottom) at the point of interest) when the chosen point is at the wall(boundary) , why shear stress = 0? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution When...
  30. T

    I Unconventional Approaches for Boundary Values in Computing Wave Equations

    Hi, I was recently following an example shown in this link and just had a couple questions: I believe I understand the steps, but was just not quite understanding the justification. In the...
  31. G

    I Is the boundary of a star objective or subjective?

    What I mean by this question is the following: If, just for example, we define the surface region of a star as that where the matter undergoes a phase transition from plasma to radiation, then that boundary has an objective physical meaning (let's not bother with the fact that the transition is...
  32. shade rahmawati

    Mechanical Boundary condition of a Floating Structure

    Dear all, I made a cad of floating structure (the frame only), figure attached below. It should be located in the water and moored, so it can't go anywhere. The CFD simulation was done. So I have fluid force on the structure. Now I want to do mechanical analysis of the structure by apply the...
  33. surfwavesfreak

    A What are the boundary conditions for rotational flow?

    Hello everyone, The boundary condition : P=0, z=ζ is very common when studying irrotational flows. When cast with the Bernoulli equation, it gives rise to the famous dynamic boundary conditionn, which is much more convenient : ∂tφ+½(∇φ)2+gζ=0, z=ζ But what happens if the motion is rotational ...
  34. P

    I Can there be a bounded space w/o a boundary w/o embedding?

    Can there be a bounded space without a boundary without embedding in a higher spatial dimension? This seems to be the kind of question I get stuck on when the big bang comes up. Thanks
  35. H

    Why Reynolds Stress vanishes on boundary of closed volume?

    The rate of working of the Reynolds Stress can be written as: where ui is the fluctuating velocity and Ūi is the time-averaged velocity. It is stated in the textbook that, if we integrate the above equation over a closed volume V, the divergence term on the left integrates to zero since τRij...

    Boundary conditions of that beam.

    Hi all! I have to calculate the natural frequency of the system. Any idea of boundary conditions of this case? There is beam supported by two springs on the left side.
  37. M

    I Infinite square well solution - periodic boundary conditions

    If we have an infinite square well, I can follow the usual solution in Griffiths but I now want to impose periodic boundary conditions. I have \psi(x) = A\sin(kx) + B\cos(kx) with boundary conditions \psi(x) = \psi(x+L) In the fixed boundary case, we had \psi(0) = 0 which meant B=0 and...
  38. evinda

    MHB Boundary Value Problem: Does it Have a Solution?

    Hello! (Wave) I want to check if the following boundary value problem has a solution $\left\{\begin{matrix} -u_{xx}-4u=\sin {2x}, x \in (0,\pi)\\ u(0)=u(\pi)=0 \end{matrix}\right.$ I have thought the following: We consider the corresponding homogeneous equation $-u_{xx}-4u=0$. The...
  39. P

    I How do the concepts of "boundary"and"infinitesimal" interact

    How can something have a definitive edge if space can always be more granular?
  40. ShayanJ

    A Neumann boundary conditions in calculus of variations

    In calculus of variations, extremizing functionals is usually done with Dirichlet boundary conditions. But how will the calculations go on if Neumann boundary conditions are given? Can someone give a reference where this is discussed thoroughly? I searched but found nothing! Thanks
  41. M

    A Solving a Boundary Value Problem: Proving u(x) < 0

    I have a BVP of the form u" + f(x)u = g(x) , u(0)=u(1)= 0 where f(x) and g(x) are positive functions. I suspect that u(x) < 0 in the domain 0 < x < 1. How do I go proving this. I have try proving by contradiction. Assuming first u > 0 but I can't deduce that u" > 0 which contradict that u has...
  42. bananabandana

    Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves at a Dielectric-Metal Boundary

    Homework Statement Sorry for the dull question. Problem is as shown/attached Homework Equations The waves in part ii) are traveling in a HIL dielectric of permittivity ##\epsilon_{r}## from ##0 <z<d## and then hit an ideal metal boundary at ##z=d##. The Attempt at a Solution I figure this...
  43. K

    Capacitor Charge/Discharge boundary conditions for time

    Homework Statement Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I know dV=1/C∫idt and that we integrate the voltage from V to V0. What I don't get are the boundary conditions for t - How do we get what we get in the parenthesis? My closest assumption is that the t/T values refer to the...
  44. R

    A Valve closure boundary condition

    does anyone know what the boundary condition is for a closing valve using the wave equation pde?
  45. davidbenari

    I Numerical integration of PDEs: How do you satisfy boundary conditions

    Suppose we are solving a diffusion equation. ##\frac{\partial}{\partial t} T = k\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} T## On the domain ##0 < x < L## Subject to the conditions ##T(x,0) = f(x) ## and ##T = 0 ## at the end points. My question is: Suppose we solve this with some integration scheme...
  46. C

    A Q: Scalar Boundary Condition & U(1) Isometry - Lewkowycz & Maldacena

    I have a simple question about Lewkowycz and Maldacena's paper'][/PLAIN] In section 2, they consider the scalar field in BTZ background ground and require boundary condition of the scalar field, $\phi \sim e^{i\tau}$ . This...
  47. rolotomassi

    C/C++ C++ matrix boundary condition problems

    I have created a matrix with a class called Lattice. The lattice is filled with objects of type 'Dipole' which is created with another class. The problem I am having is with boundary conditions when I look for a neighbour. e.g If i pick a dipole on the top row, I want its 'above' neighbour to be...
  48. P

    Application of boundary conditions in determining the Green's function

    Homework Statement Find the Green's function $G(t,\tau)$ that satisfies $$\frac{\text{d}^2G(t,\tau)}{\text{d}t^2}+\alpha\frac{\text{d}G(t,\tau)}{\text{d}t}=\delta(t-\tau)$$ under the boundary conditions $$G(0,\tau)=0~~~\text{ and }~~~\frac{\text{d}G(t,\tau)}{\text{d}t}=0\big|_{t=0}$$ Then...
  49. T

    I How Can Boundary Layer Suction Reduce Flow Separation in Pipe Expansion?

    I have a question about the following scenario involving a flow separation issue in a pipe expansion The angle of the expansion is 30* - doubling the diameter from 1D to 2D We can consider this flow fully developed with a Reynolds of 5000+ Associated with this expansion is a head loss...
  50. TheJfactors

    A Boundary Value Problem Requiring Quarterwave Symmetry

    I can't seem to find an explicit or analytical solution to a boundary value problem and thought I might ask those more knowledgeable on the subject than me. If t is an independent variable and m(t) and n(t) are two dependent variables with the following 8 constraints: a) m' =0 @T=0 and...