What is Calculation: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A calculation is a deliberate process that transforms one or more inputs into one or more results. The term is used in a variety of senses, from the very definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of calculating a strategy in a competition, or calculating the chance of a successful relationship between two people.
For example, multiplying 7 by 6 is a simple algorithmic calculation. Estimating the fair price for financial instruments using the Black–Scholes model is a more complex algorithmic calculation.
Statistical estimations of the likely election results from opinion polls also involve algorithmic calculations, but produces ranges of possibilities rather than exact answers.
To calculate means to determine mathematically in the case of a number or amount, or in the case of an abstract problem to deduce the answer using logic, reason or common sense. The English word derives from the Latin calculus, which originally meant a small stone in the gall-bladder (from Latin calx). It also meant a pebble used for calculating, or a small stone used as a counter in an abacus (Latin abacus, Greek abax). The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.

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  1. A

    Calculation of inlet pressure of the pump

    hello guys, i wanted to calculate inlet pressure of the pump( vacuum pressure). pump operates at 400 bar. pump works by sucking the grease from the inlet port of dia 7mm and delivers it through outlet port of dia 2.8mm. pump used here is piston pump. the force acting on the piston is 400bar...
  2. G

    How to Calculate Oil Pump Velocity?

    Homework Statement This problem is regarding an oil suction pipe, pipe A is the the suction pipe and pipe B is the delivery pipe. There is a pump in between which supplies a head of 11.3m. The pressure in pipe A is atmospheric and the pressure in pipe B is 850kPa. The vertical...
  3. K

    Kepler's Law sin[SUP]3[/SUP] i term calculation

    It's part c I don't understand, why the expectation value equals to solid angle * sin3 i? I mean, what role does the solid angle play? Thank you
  4. K

    How is Luminosity Converted to Distance in Binary Star Period Calculation?

    The problem is attached, and the official answer is given. The step in the answer does not make a lot of sense to me. How does the luminosity L converted directly into distance d, and why is the solar distance is used? And where does the dm=0.75 come from. It's just not making sense to me...
  5. R

    Two Fourier transforms and the calculation of Effective Hamiltonian.

    Hi, The following contains two questions that I encountered in the books of Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, "Atom-Photon Interactions" and "Atoms and Photons: Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics". The first one is about how to calculate two Fourier transforms, and the second one is a example of...
  6. A

    Quick pH calculation - Please verify

    Quick pH calculation -- Please verify A 50.0 mL aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide has a pH of 12.50. If 36.00 ml of 0.0200 mol/L sulfuric acid is added to this sodium hydroxide solution, what will be the new pH of the resulting solution? Assume that the temperature stays constant at 25C, and...
  7. S

    Calculation to determine PCB thickness

    Hi, In my design there are PCB boards. But i am worried the thickness of PCB will not be strong enough to withstand cracking and warp-age when under stress and strain. Is there any formula i can use to calculate vibration on the PCB so i can increase thickness via mechanical ribs...
  8. S

    Calculation of absolute electrode potential and salt bridge qns

    >According to http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/redoxeqia/introduction.html each electrode has an absolute electrode potential which is the difference between the positiveness and negativeness. So if we had a Zn plate in water and it has a negative charge of -5 on the metal. Would the absolute...
  9. vanceEE

    What is the correct wavelength of the light provided by the laser?

    Homework Statement In Fig. 6.1 the distance from the two slits to the screen is 1.8 m. The distance CP is 2.3 mm and the distance between the slits is 0.25 mm. Calculate the wavelength of the light provided by the laser. Homework Equations $$asinθ = nλ$$ $$w = \frac{λD}{a}$$ The Attempt at a...
  10. L

    Engineering Short circuit calculation small network: gen motor transformer cables

    Hello guys, I have to make a short circuit calculation for school but I am a bit lost.. I have a copy off the IEC61363 and internet connection as my help lines. Homework Statement The network consists of a generator feeding to switchboard A with a cable in between, on the same...
  11. P

    Torque calculation needed for unique application

    For several years I have restored antique movie theater popcorn machines from the 1940's. I design and manufacture obsolete parts for these machines for restorers across the nation. I am currently prototyping a reproduction "popcorn stirrer flexible drive cable" and am in the process of building...
  12. D

    Laser facets reflectivity calculation from measured optical power

    Hi Every one, I measured optical output power from both laser facets, front facets emits 120 mW and back facets 10 mW. Assuming front facets reflectivity of 30%(for cleaved facets). What will be the reflective of back facets? Please suggest formula and reference this problem.
  13. D

    Crude Probability calculation for tunneling

    Say I have a potential barrier that is 4eV higher then an electrons energy and 5x10^-11 wide. Just by considering the change in amplitude of the wave function from the entry into the barrier vs the exit I am asked to make a rough approximation for the probability of tunnelling. I get the...
  14. T

    Biehle's Nova Physics page 3 error with volume calculation?

    1. The problem statement, all vbles and given/known data So I'm going throught the Nova Physics book and I'm wondering if there's a mistake in calculation. The question reads: How much volume does 0.4kg of oxygen gas take up at T= 27 degrees Celsius and P= 12 atm (gas constant R = 0.0821 L...
  15. Y

    Please help - Gr. 11 physics question about net force calculation

    So this thread has been closed and I can't comment on it. I am working on this question as well and am stuck on b). I managed to solve for a) and c) but I have no idea how to go about finding the force normal and do not know where the formula "Fnet= mg + ma" came from or why to use it. Could...
  16. ChrisVer

    Integral Calculation: Solving for S with A as Symmetric Matrix

    Homework Statement I'm trying to calculate the integral: S= \int (d^{N}x) exp(x_{i} A_{ij} x_{j}) = (\frac{\pi^{N}}{detA})^{\frac{1}{2}} where the integration is done over (-∞,+∞) , and A_{ij}=A_{ji} (symmetric NxN matrix) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am not...
  17. B

    Calculate Pressure of Sand on Paper: D=19.6 Pa

    Homework Statement Calculate the pressure of sand grains falling on a 10cm X 10cm sheet of paper. Assume the grains are each 1 mg in mass, the ate pf the sand as it falls is 100 grains per second. The sane is falling from a height of 1m under gravity, and the sheet it falls to is sticky, so...
  18. G

    Efficient Air Curtain Calculation Method with Engineering Toolbox

    I would like to calculate the values for an air curtain. I've tried using the aircurtain calculator from Engineering Toolbox: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-curtains-d_129.html Δp = 2.2 q2 sin(α) / b H3/4 but I'm not sure how to figure in the length of the opening - q (q =...
  19. C

    Reel Fill Calculation - Calculating line counter reading

    Hello, I have a real world application that I need some help with. I am sensitive to the fact that this is not the space for homework questions, or homework style questions. I feel that this is neither. If you disagree, please let me know and I will post it elsewhere. It has been a while...
  20. S

    Elemental Composition Calculation for Lithium/Sodium Ion Battery

    What is the funda behind the Elemental Composition Calculation of Cathode Material for Sodium / Lithium Ion Battery (Na2/3 Ni0.4 Mn0.4 Co0.2 O2)/ AMO2? Apart from the Oxidation state calculation, Phase Diagram Elimination of mixtures and Random Compistion, is there any Principle behind it?
  21. K

    Valve Shim calculation of a damper

    Hello, How can one calculate the dimensions of valve shims in Gas pressure shock absorber? Desription- The valve shims are orifices to the fluid flow in the hydraulic damping system. The dimensions play a very vital role in the adjustment of compression and rebound of the damper. I have...
  22. S

    Calculation of velocity during pitch up

    Hi I need to calculate the velocity of an airplane after it executes quarter loop (starts horizontally, pitches up and ends vertically). Because I also need to know the velocity at several intermittent points I wrote an incremental equation (below). But this is only correct (if it is correct...
  23. O

    How can the atomic radius of any atom be accurately calculated?

    hello, I was wondering how the atomic radii where calculated. I have used the formula r=\frac{a_{o}n}{z*/n*} where z* is effective nuclear charge and n* is the effective principal quantum number but it seems to give me a bit different radii compared to the ones on Wikipedia...
  24. J

    Surface calculation (no integration)

    Given r, Δθ and Δz and ρ, Δφ and Δθ, I think that is possible calculate algebraically those regular surfaces without use integration. Is possbile? If yes, how?
  25. J

    Area and volume calculation (no integration))

    I can compute the area of the rectangle formed by Δx and Δy simply by product ΔxΔy. Now, how can I to compute the area in gray given Δr and Δθ? Also, I can to compute the volume of a parallelepiped formed by Δx, Δy and Δz, simply multiplicand ΔxΔyΔz. But, how can I compute the volume...
  26. N

    Calculation of expected value of 2RVs

    Hello, i was wondering if the following is correct: The expected value of (a*x+b*x*y)/(c*y) given that a,b,c are positive constants and x,y are positive random variables is: ∫∫(a*x+b*x*y)/(c*y)*f_{x}(x)*f_{y}(y)dydx (where f_{z}(.) is the PDF of z). Thank you in advance.
  27. binbagsss

    Magnetic field calculation. Method of Images/superimposition.

    The question is : A cable of circular cross-section and diameter 2 cm has a long cylindrical hole of diameter 1 mm drilled in it parallel to the cable axis. The distance between the axis of the hole and the cable is 5 mm. If the cable has a uniform steady current density of J=10 5 Am-2...
  28. M

    Jump Pack Tech Calculation issues

    My company is working on a few concept ideas for our field. Currently we are looking at jump packs concept work. We are looking to lift a human about 180 pounds, and about 50-60 pounds of gear = 230 Pounds Total. Our goal is to lift that weight about 20 Feet in the air while the subject is in a...
  29. T

    Impedance Calculation: Finding Capacitor Value w/ Phasor & ω

    Homework Statement I am trying to find value of a capacitor knowing capacitor impedance (Phasor) and ω (in rad/sec). The Attempt at a Solution Zc = -j/ωC C = -j/ωZc My question is do I have to convert the ω into degrees/sec before doing the calculations since Z(impedance) is in...
  30. C

    Gaussian - Resuming a calculation

    I heard that if Gaussian crashes, you can just resume the calculation by loading the incomplete log file. How do I do that, I tried opening the incomplete .log file with GaussView and Gaussian and neither work (get error messages). Do I need to create a checkpoint file or something? This time I...
  31. H

    What Is the Formulation for Wind Tunnel Blockage Ratio?

    Hello, i am asking a question: is there any formulation of wind tunnel blockage ratio? i will carry out experimental study in a wind tunnel, the aspect ratio (AR)=5, and what equals the blockage ratio? if someone helps me, i will be very happy :) thank you...
  32. KiNGGeexD

    Understanding Calculation of N (Number of Atoms)

    I was looking through my notes and came across this (above) I understand the calculation etc but I don't see where the number of atoms N was calculated? I don't see where it has come fromAny help would be great thanks in advanced
  33. K

    Force Calculation for Box on Ramp

    Homework Statement A 25kg box of bricks is to be pushed up a ramp and into the back of a pickup truck. The box-ramp system has coefficients of friction (static = 0.6, kinetic = 0.45). If the ramp is placed at 32 degrees with respect to the horizontal, draw a free body diagram to answer the...
  34. H

    Why we use the trace calculation?

    Dear all When we calculating the cross section of particles, we apply the trace calculation. This is not clear for me, why we use the trace calculation? Thank you all.
  35. D

    Nonlinear optics: second order polarization calculation

    This is a problem from Boyd Nonlinear Optics chptr 1 problem 2. Homework Statement Numerical estimate of nonlinear optical quantities. A laser beam of frequency ω carrying 1 W of power is focused to a spot size of 30μm diameter in a crystal having a refractive index of n =2 and a second order...
  36. V

    How Does Coating a Cantilever Beam with Gold Affect Its Natural Frequency?

    A Cantilever beam of SiO2 of length 100μm, width 20μm and thickness of 5μm. How to calculate the resonant frequency? I know f=1/2∏√(k/m) where k=3EI/L^3 and mass = l*w*h *ρ (density) and I = w*t^3/12, but i don't get the desired answer. pl correct me. What changes are to be considered for...
  37. J

    Green's theorem and area calculation

    In wiki there is the follows formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green%27s_theorem#Area_Calculation But, I don't understand why M = x and L = -y. I don't found this step in anywhere.
  38. B

    How Does the Event Horizon Size of a Black Hole Compare to Its Predecessor Star?

    Here's the question: One of the brightest stars in our night sky is a red supergiant with a mass about 10× the Sun’s mass and a radius about 1000× the Sun’s radius. At the end of its life it will explode as a supernova and then collapse and become a black hole. How large will the black...
  39. E

    Welcome to the Moment Calculation Discussion Forum

    Hi, I was thinking of something: How are one supposed to calculate the moment needed for a scoop to scoop up a sample of e.g. sand? Does the classical p=mv work? Any ideas or comments?
  40. A

    Trouble replicating a calculation in Silicon Nanoelectronics

    Trouble replicating a calculation in "Silicon Nanoelectronics" I'm reading the textbook "Silicon Nanoelectronics" and I've encountered an equation for the transmission probability, which you can see among the attachments. In this equation, T is the transmission probability for a...
  41. D

    Electromagnet pull force calculation:

    I'm trying to predict the possible pull force of some electromagnets from the following equation: FPull= ( n x I ) 2 μ0\frac{A}{(2 g ) ^ 2} F : Force. n : Number of turns. I : Current. μ0 : permeability of air. A: Area in m2 g : the gap that is separating the electromagnet and the object...
  42. L

    Power Calculation for Ski-Elevator: Double Check My Work for Accuracy

    I don't feel all the way safe with my knowledge of power and work, so I am basically asking for someone to take a look at my work, and see if I am off base or not. Here is the problem (of which I do not know the answer to): A ski-elevator consists of a rope that skiers hold on to. The rope...
  43. P

    Electric Field Calculation given three point charges?

    Homework Statement Three point charges are located in an equilateral triangle with side 0.330 cm, where q1 = +8.30 µC, q2 = −8.20 µC, and q3 = +1.90 nC. A) What is the electric field at the location of q3? Enter the x component, then the y component. B) What is the force on q3? Enter the x...
  44. N

    Fluid Mechanics and order of magnitude calculation

    Hi In my lecture notes we making some calculations and all terms \mathcal O(M^3) are to be thrown away. Here M is the Mach number. Now, there is the expression (u denotes the velocity): uu\partial_t \rho \approx \rho_0 uu\nabla u which in my notes are thrown away because they claim it is...
  45. R

    How Do You Calculate Static Thrust from Fan Specifications?

    Hello, How is it possible to calculate the static thrust from a fan given power, radius, air density, and propellor efficiency? I've did some research and found various equations that all gave me varying results. Does anyone know what the real static thrust equation is? Thanks...
  46. A

    What is the Wattage Calculation for a DIY Generator with Multiple Coils?

    Hello, I'm building a generator and have completed initial phase. I made coil with 300 turns, which gives me 12v when rotor is turned at 2000rpm, if I short the coil it gives me 16 amp. 1] Now I'm wondering what is the output wattage of the generator I built / described? 2] If I use 18...
  47. M

    Gas Flow Rate Calculation using Pressure Drop

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, I'm trying to calculate the flow rate of air in straight tubing that is 30cm long and has a diameter of .1875 in and has an outlet into a 100 mL vial which is vented to the atmosphere. The starting of the system pressure is 20 psi and the ending psi is 14.6...
  48. S

    Power Flow Calculation for 3 Bus System w/ Equal Impedance

    Homework Statement If a 3 bus power system with buses A and B as generator buses and bus C as load bus. Power injection at bus A is 30 MW, at bus B is 60 MW and at bus C 90 MW withdrawal. Impedances in the 3 transmission corridors B-A, A-C and B-C are equal, i.e. X1 = X2 = X3. What is the...
  49. J

    Why is this calculation of earth gravitational acceleration incorrect?

    Hello there, I was taught: a = {v^2 \over R}. I substitute v for the speed of the rotating Earth at the equator, and the radius, R = 6378m. And I get a = 0.03 \rm m/s^2. It looks like the equation a = {v^2 \over R} may incorrect. Why am I taught this equation in University if it is false...
  50. H

    Moment and force calculation for cantilever beam

    Homework Statement A cantilever beam (prismatic, rectangular cross section) is loaded at the tip by a force P and at half its length L by a moment M. a. Calculate the reaction force and moment. b. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams Homework Equations ∑F=0; ∑M=0 The...