What is Cambridge: Definition and 103 Discussions

Cambridge ( KAYM-brij) is a university city and the county town of Cambridgeshire, England, on the River Cam approximately 55 miles (89 km) north of London. At the United Kingdom Census 2011, the population of the Cambridge built-up area (which is larger than the remit of Cambridge City Council) was 158,434 including 29,327 students. Cambridge became an important trading centre during the Roman and Viking ages, and there is archaeological evidence of settlement in the area as early as the Bronze Age. The first town charters were granted in the 12th century, although modern city status was not officially conferred until 1951.
The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209. The buildings of the university include King's College Chapel, Cavendish Laboratory, and the Cambridge University Library, one of the largest legal deposit libraries in the world. The city's skyline is dominated by several college buildings, along with the spire of the Our Lady and the English Martyrs Church, and the chimney of Addenbrooke's Hospital. Anglia Ruskin University, which evolved from the Cambridge School of Art and the Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology, also has its main campus in the city.
Cambridge is at the heart of the high-technology Silicon Fen with industries such as software and bioscience and many start-up companies born out of the university. Over 40 per cent of the workforce have a higher education qualification, more than twice the national average. The Cambridge Biomedical Campus, one of the largest biomedical research clusters in the world includes the headquarters of AstraZeneca, a hotel, and the relocated Royal Papworth Hospital.The first game of association football took place at Parker's Piece. The Strawberry Fair music and arts festival and Midsummer Fair are held on Midsummer Common, and the annual Cambridge Beer Festival takes place on Jesus Green. The city is adjacent to the M11 and A14 roads. Cambridge station is less than an hour from London King's Cross railway station.

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  1. J

    Year 12: Cambridge Physics Problem (heat and gases)

    Guys I'm weak in heat and kinetic theory, so I'm going to need extra guide and pointers from you guys to solve this and the coming questions. Thank you. A constant-volume gas thermometer of volume 0.001m3 contains 0.05mol of a gas and is used to deduce values of temperature on the assumption...
  2. J

    Year 12: Cambridge Physics Problem (Gas and Pressure)

    Guys I'm weak in heat and kinetic theory, so I'm going to need extra guide and pointers from you guys to solve this and the coming questions. Thank you. Question: The bulb of a constant-volume gas thermometer has a volume V and is connected by a long narrow capillary tube to a manometer, where...
  3. J

    Year 12: Cambridge Physics Problem (Oscillatory Motion)

    A model of the carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule is constructed as shown in Fig. SM10.1 Two sliders A and C, each of mass M, represent the oxygen atoms and are connected by light springs, of force constant k, to a slider B of mass m, representing the carbon atom. All three sliders are placed on a...
  4. J

    Cambridge Physics Problems: Avogadro's Constant

    (i) Use this information to deduce a value for Avogadro constant. (ii) Draw up a table showing the numbers and distances from P of the sodium ions in positions similar to ion A, the chloride ions in positions similar to ion B and the sodium ions in positions similar to ion C. Hence find an...
  5. J

    Year 12: Cambridge Physics Problem

    I would appreciate if we could discuss the questions together. It's a very interesting question indeed. Question: The singly ionised hydrogen molecule H_2^+ can be regarded as an electron of charge -e moving in the field due to two protons, each of charge +e. The protons, which can be...
  6. H

    Uncertain about references for application to Cambridge part III (Math.tripos)

    Hello, I consider starting a master in theoretical physics in a little more than a year. Currently I'm halfway doing a bachelor in both (applied) physics and mathematics and so far it is going pretty good. I looked around a bit on the internet and came across the Cambridge website and read as...
  7. MathematicalPhysicist

    Programs PhD in Theoretical Cosmology at damtp cambridge.

    Besides having the best academic record and publications, what else can one do to improve his chances to be accepted to this prestige club? Just a dream... :-(
  8. J

    How Does Sand Falling Impact Balance in Physics?

    I am a CIE A Level student and the following question is of 1st year undergraduate level. A bag containing a mass M of sand is suspended from a hook on the arm of a balance at a height h above the balance pan. At a time t=0, the sand starts to pour from a hole at the bottom of the bagm...
  9. I

    MASt and subsequent MPhil at Cambridge?

    Hi! I am a Cambridge perspective student and I am going to start a MASt in Physics if I fulfil the requirements of the conditional offer I have received. I am not English, I have studied outside UK thus far. My aim is a PhD, but in UK I would not be funded unless exceptional circumstances...
  10. D

    Is Cambridge good for Mathematics/Physics

    Is Cambridge a good school for Mathematics or Physics undergraduate? (not that I'm sure I could get in...) If not, what other schools are suitable (I'm taking the GCE, and I might take the SAT later)?
  11. I

    Waiting for BoGS Decision at University of Cambridge

    Hi! I am an Italian Physics student, and I am currently waiting for the Board of Graduate Studies of University of Cambridge to confirm or reject the positive decisions made by departments and degree committee as far as my application for the part III of the Mathematical Tripos. It seems...
  12. I

    MASt in Physics or MASt in Mathematics at Cambridge: Which to Choose?

    Hi! I am an Italian students, and I have already received good answers in a old post of mine(UK master degree, requirements). I have decided to apply in the UK, and I have discoverd that at Cambridge there are 2 MASt suitable for Physicists. MASt in Physics, and MASt in Applied Mathematics...
  13. B

    Programs Cambridge master's degrees question

    Hello all! I am going to begin the last year of my Bachelor's course in physics in about a month and it's about time to start searching for some Master's degree opportunities. I decided I might just as well try my luck at Cambridge but the problem (one of the many problems actually :P) is that...
  14. C

    Programs PhD in Physics: Facts, Fees and Admittance to Cambridge

    How hard is it to get a PhD in Physics? Does it matter which University I do it at? How long does it take? Do I get paid? Is it harder depending on Universities? I want to do one at Cambridge, is that really difficult to do? Thanks! :)
  15. N

    Schools Imperial College or Cambridge for Nuclear Engineering?

    Hello everyone... After applying to the Universities and passing their interviews, I've been accepted to study at Imperial College and Cambridge. The subjects are nuclear engineering and nuclear energy. Now I'm trying to decide between the two and thought maybe I could get some of your...
  16. B

    Comparing Postgrad Programs in Mathematics: Cambridge vs. Other UK Universities

    Hello there. I'm currently applying to several Master's programs in mathematics around the UK (and also elsewhere in Europe). I'm interested in algebra or (algebraic) number theory, but I'm keeping my options open to explore more areas before I consider, and apply for, doctorate studies (which...
  17. T

    How I learn in cambridge university

    I am student in Algerian 3 secondary school I live in Algeria the next year I will go to university , and I want to learn in Cambridge university Can I !
  18. G

    Programs Cambridge Part III vs Perimeter Institute master program

    Hello! Suppose that your objective is to do a PhD in an american university, one of the top to be exactly. Imagine you have to opportunity to chose between Cambridge Part III and Perimeter Institute master program. Which master would be the best way to achieve the stated goal? What would be the...
  19. X

    Past Cambridge, conservation of energy problem.

    Homework Statement http://www-teach.phy.cam.ac.uk/dms/dms_getFile.php?node=5735 problem B8, the one with the with finding h>11(R-a)/4 Homework Equations (1/2)mv^2=mgh ac=(v^2/R) w=V/R (1/2)mv^2+(1/2)Iw^2 The Attempt at a Solution At the top of the circle, the velocity squared is GR. And...
  20. R

    Cambridge Part III: American Math Undergrad Seeking Advice

    Hi everyone, I'm an American math undergrad, hoping to eventually become a professor. I was accepted to the Cambridge Part III course, and it looks like it would be fun in terms of the wide selection of classes and meeting other math students. However, I'm a little uncertain of my...
  21. P

    How hard is it to be accepted for the Cambridge part 3 math tripos?

    Once i finish my undergrad in Australia, how hard would it be to take the masters course at cambridge, the mathematics part 3 tripos? Furthermore, how hard would it be to graduate with distinction? This is of course assuming i am good enough at math and physics to graduate first at my...
  22. S

    Admissions Applying to Cambridge DAMTP or Part III Math?

    I am now considering applying to Cambridge for a PhD in theoretical physics. My background is basically: rank 5% in one of the top 3 universities in China (it seems it's hard for Chinese student to get a phd in theoretical physics?), above average GRE and TOEFL scores, and have been doing...
  23. L

    Schools What would be the best college at Cambridge to study engineering?

    I'm new here, so firstly hey everyone. I'm an english 6th form student looking to study engineering at Cambridge. If anyone has knowledge about the easiest colleges to get into, the ones with the best teaching, highest proportion of "easy offers" etc, that would be really helpful Thanks
  24. P

    Courses Best UK Statistics Course: Oxford or Cambridge

    Hello everyone, I'm currently deciding where I should study next year, and I would appreciate any advice you could give. I am a Canadian citizen, and I just finished my bachelors with a physics/statistics double major. My long term goal is to research machine learning, either in a faculty...
  25. T

    Testing Preparing for Cambridge STEP: Advice for Irish Students

    I'm probably going to apply to Mathematics, or maybe Mathematics and Physics, in Cambridge this October. I'm not asking for your opinions on Cambridge or the course or anything, I just have to ask this. I am an Irish Secondary school student, and I am worried about the STEP exam required...
  26. rhody

    Hawking to leave Cambridge in protest over budget cuts, heading to Perimeter

    Score one for Perimeter, it would be great if Hawking Radiation is confirmed so he could receive a Nobel and be recognized before his health fails him. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1254945/Stephen-Hawking-plans-leave-Britain-Government-cuts-science.html"
  27. T

    Question about Cambridge and whatnot

    Hello, I'm a secondary (high) school student in Ireland and I'd just like some of your advice on regards to some questions I have about universities and things. I'm in 5th Year now, which means I'll be taking my Leaving Certificate (Final Exams) in 2011, the subjects I'm taking and my...
  28. H

    Schools Applying to Cambridge university

    hello. I'm thinking about continuing my studies at Cambridge University after i obtain bachelor degree equivalent, and i have few questions about that university. How good you have to be, to get to Cambridge? high level of understand of knowledge lectured during bachelor studies, being...
  29. J

    Math exchange student in Cambridge

    I've recently found out that my university has an exchange program set up with the U of Cambridge. I am interested in pursuing math in graduate school. I've finished the standard lower-level coursework in math (Cal I-III, Diff eq, and Linear Algebra), plus Analysis I (analysis on the real line)...
  30. F

    Cambridge scientists figure out way to make 60yr lightbulb cheaply

    very cool. i wonder if there's a catch: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/4375077/Scientists-invent-2-energy-saving-lightbulb-that-last-for-60-years.html
  31. N

    Need Practice in Various Physics Topics? Check Out These Cambridge Worksheets!

    If your looking for some practice in Vect. Calc., Numerical Methods, Dynamics, E&M, Fluids, etc. this is fantastic http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/examples/" . For worksheets on Gravity, String Theory, Classical Scattering, Quantum Fluids, etc check...
  32. R

    Cambridge interview tomorrow Help and Advice needed.

    Ok, so I'm kinda freaking out about my two physics interviews tomorrow morning. I know most of the details on how they work though, so I should be able to calm myself in time for the interviews. If you guys could give me any advice, specifically physics or maths advice, that would be really...
  33. H

    Half of Cambridge students cheat. Still a Top 10 university?

  34. K

    Testing A level Cambridge Exams this October

    hey guys i am sitting for the A level Cambridge Exams this October and November. Could someone tell me what are the most probable outcomes in physics or what types of questions should i revise to secure a good grade in physics.
  35. N

    Engineering at Cambridge University: Information & Advice

    Hello ! I come from Poland and a I think seriously about studying at Camgridge in 2 years (2010/2011. Now I collect information . As I `s written in a title - I am interested in engineering. Engineering like that : http://www.cam.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/courses/engineering/index.html I...
  36. O

    Programs Cambridge DAMTP PhD: Learn More About the Program & Postdoc Prospects

    I'm interested in theoretical particle and mathematical physics. The grad schools that I'm considering applying for are all in the U.S. - but it has come to my attention recently that Cambridge DAMTP might be a very good program to apply to given my interests. I was wondering whether anybody...
  37. G

    Info on Faculty of Mathematics website for Cambridge

    I was reading on their undergrad http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/undergrad/" and it seemed to imply that it was 3 years to obtain a BA, and that it was another 3 years to obtain an MA in Maths. Firstly that's confusing because I thought it was one year at Cambridge for an MA (well I don't actually...
  38. marcus

    Approaches to Quantum Gravity (now in Cambridge Press catalog)

    the publication date for the book is given as May 2009 http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521860451 the list of contributors is C. Rovelli, G ‘t Hooft, R. Sorkin, J. Stachel, N. Savvidou, L. Crane, O. Dreyer, R. Percacci, F. Markopoulou, G. Horowitz, J. Polchinski, T...
  39. A

    CASM part III cambridge/ Imperial RQF /Durham EPP

    hello i am currently doing my masters in astronomy from a UK university..i didnt apply for any phds this year for i felt i didnt have the right kind of knowledge..so i thought another masters would do me good (am interested in cosmology) now i have three offers (am an international student...
  40. P

    Courses Cambridge Maths & Physics: Advice on Tripos & Courses

    I wonder if anyone here has experiences with the mathematical tripos/natural sciences tripos at Cambridge. I'm currently holding an offer for Maths there (conditional on STEP) and opting to do maths with physics, and if I get in I MAY transfer to do physics in the natural sciences tripos in the...
  41. K

    Which University Is Best for Physics Undergrad: Harvard, Cambridge, or Oxford?

    Hi all, I'm a student from NZ, considering studying Physics for my Undergraduate course overseas, beginning September 2009. I know very little about the relative advantages and disadvantages of these three universities, and was hoping someone could provide a bit of general advice. I know...
  42. K

    Cambridge Gce A Level Past Papers z

    Cambridge Gce A Level Past Papers! Help Plzz! can someone please tell me where i can get CAMBRIDGE GCE A LEVEL PAST PAPERS please help me thankyou!
  43. E

    Can You Apply To Both Cambridge & Oxford In The Same Year?

    Really random question. Why can't you apply to both Cambridge and Oxford in the same year? Aren't they two different schools? Who decided this and for what reason? How do they stop you?
  44. K

    Is Cambridge Worth the £90K Tuition Fee?

    Is Cambridge worth £90K?? Hi, I'm a student from Leeds and I am holding an offer to study NatSci at Cambridge University and I was going to specialize in physics. The problem is, that although I've been thru an English High School (an inner city state crap one at that) and 6th Form, I'm...
  45. MathematicalPhysicist

    Question about casm programme in cambridge, uk.

    i want to know, is the restriction on choosing nine lecture courses obligatory? i mean if you want to take more than the nine, is it possible, or very unlikely
  46. T

    Difficutties in Cambridge A-level

    I now having problems with subject physics and chemistry ! I'm from M'sia . I 'd need advice how do I spend my time on my studies so that I have efficient time for studies . Strategy studies advice too... I always get really low grades for these two subjects...Pls help me...
  47. marcus

    Cambridge Noncommutative Geometry workshop in September

    http://www.Newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/NCG/ncgw02l.html Alejandro Rivero is listed. Maybe arivero will report to this forum some of what is discussed! I see also that Laurent Freidel will be there.the subtitle, besides "NGC and Physics", is Fundamental Structure of Space and Time it would be...
  48. B

    Which to accept, oxford or cambridge?

    Hi, I have two Phd offers from Oxford and Cambridge and I need to make my decision by thursday... I want to do a post doc in the US so international reputation is of most importance...any thoughts? Thanks
  49. B

    Programs Any tips for a successful PhD interview at Cambridge?

    Hi, I applied for a phd and have an interview next week on the 10th. To say I'm nervous would be a huge understatement as the last time I had an interview there for undergrad admissions it didn't go so well. My research interests are solid state quantum computing so I'll be interview by...
  50. marcus

    Oriti's new book Cambridge (2006) Towards Quantum Gravity

    Oriti's new book! Cambridge (2006) "Towards Quantum Gravity" Daniele Oriti is a really nice young person as well as being on the frontline of QG research. He is at Cambridge His PhD thesis contained ground-breaking quotations from Homer Simpson and Groucho Marx. the important thing is that he...