Cambridge Definition and 103 Threads

  1. G

    Schools Anyone want to study Physics at Oxford or Cambridge Universities (UK)?

    I guess the title of the thread sums up what I'm asking. Anyone wanting to study Physics at Oxford or Cambridge? :smile:
  2. marcus

    Can we transpose the Cambridge Handbook into natural units?

    I am interested in a system of natural units that I see used more and more frequently in Quantum Gravity research papers so I like to try using them. the units are like conventional Planck except |8piG| = 1 I want to see if there is anything in the Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas...
  3. P

    Preparing for Cambridge Engineering Interview - Aleks from Sweden

    I'm currently preparing for my Cambridge interview (in approximately 3 weeks). I am from Sweden, which I don't know if it will be beneficial or whatever, doesn't matter. I've read up on many interview scenarios adn suggestions and it seems like I should prepare, not for questions, but increase...