What is Cartesian: Definition and 560 Discussions

In mathematics, specifically set theory, the Cartesian product of two sets A and B, denoted A × B, is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a is in A and b is in B. In terms of set-builder notation, that is







{\displaystyle A\times B=\{(a,b)\mid a\in A\ {\mbox{ and }}\ b\in B\}.}
A table can be created by taking the Cartesian product of a set of rows and a set of columns. If the Cartesian product rows × columns is taken, the cells of the table contain ordered pairs of the form (row value, column value).One can similarly define the Cartesian product of n sets, also known as an n-fold Cartesian product, which can be represented by an n-dimensional array, where each element is an n-tuple. An ordered pair is a 2-tuple or couple. More generally still, one can define the Cartesian product of an indexed family of sets.
The Cartesian product is named after René Descartes, whose formulation of analytic geometry gave rise to the concept, which is further generalized in terms of direct product.

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  1. DrGreg

    I Cartesian and polar terminology

    I have a scalar quantity ##V## (let's call it a voltage for concreteness) that is a function of angle ##\theta##. There are two obvious ways to plot it, as a Cartesian plot (see A above) or as a polar plot (see B). I can also express the polar plot in terms of Cartesian coordinates ##V_x = V \...
  2. Aleoa

    I From Geographical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates

    I have 2 points expressed in (latitude,longitude) and I want to calculate the angle with respect to the north pole. Since the two points are very near (like hundred of meters), is it possible to consider the two points in the carthesian system simply as: x=longitude y=latitude Then...
  3. E

    A Vec norm in polar coordinates differs from norm in Cartesian coordinates

    I am really confused about coordinate transformations right now, specifically, from cartesian to polar coordinates. A vector in cartesian coordinates is given by ##x=x^i \partial_i## with ##\partial_x, \partial_y \in T_p \mathcal{M}## of some manifold ##\mathcal{M}## and and ##x^i## being some...
  4. S

    I What's the difference between Euclidean & Cartesian space?

    What's the difference between Euclidean & Cartesian space?
  5. opus

    B Understanding Polar and Cartesian Graphs: Comparing Two Coordinate Systems

    Please see the attached image. To my understanding, there are two ways to graph a trigonometric function. One is in the Cartesian Coordinate Plane where we have the values (x,y). The other is in the Polar Coordinate system where we have the values (r,θ). In regards to the image that I've...
  6. pobro44

    Converting Coordinate Systems: Exploring the Force on a Semicircular Conductor

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known dana I was revisiting University physics textbook and came across this problem. We learned new coordinate systems in classical mechanics classes so I wanted to see if I can apply this to the problem of force on semicircular part of the...
  7. lc99

    Is there a trick to finding these 3D vectors in Cartesian coordinates?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I am having a bit of trouble visualizing the vectors for these type of problems. The angles they give are very ambiguous and so I am not sure why they are there. For the 45 degree angle, how do i know that this is used for finding...
  8. Physics345

    Finding a Vector in Cartesian form

    Homework Statement Find u→ in Cartesian form if u→ is a vector in the first quadrant, ∣u→∣=8 and the direction of u→ is 75° in standard position. Round each of the coordinates to one decimal place. Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution I'm certain this is correct, but some guy at...
  9. M

    Change integration limits for cylindrical to cartesian coord

    Homework Statement I want to change the integration limits of an integral in cylindrical to cartesian coordinates. For example the integral of function f(r) evaluated between b and R: ∫ f(r)dr for r=b and r=R (there is no angular dependence). For write de function in cartesian coordinates...
  10. K

    Cartesian Product and Bijection

    Homework Statement Given two sets of Cartesian product S=A1×A2...×An P=(A1×A2...×An-1)×An show that there exists bijection between the two sets. Homework Equations ∀a1,a2:a1∈A1, a2∈A2: A1×A2=(a1,a2) The Attempt at a Solution let f be a function that maps f: P → A1×A2...×An-1 where...
  11. S

    A Does a wavefunction in a cartesian system create a one-dimensional subspace?

    Hi, I have heard (or imagined) that a wavefunction, where Psi is on the y-axis and the positions x is naturally on the x-axis, is really a one-dimensional system in Physics (not in mathematics), because the signal or the oscillation of the wavefunction is not really a dimension, and only the...
  12. JTC

    I Coordinate systems vs. Euclidean space

    Good Morning I am having some trouble categorizing a few concepts (I made the one that is critical to this post to be BOLD) Remote parallelism: the ability to move coordinate systems and frames around in space. Euclidean Space Coordinate systems: Cartesian vs. cylindrical I am aware that if...
  13. Math Amateur

    MHB Cartesian Products and Families of Sets .... Searcoid, Section 1.2 .... ....

    I am reading Micheal Searcoid's book: "Elements of Abstract Analysis" ... ... I am currently focused on understanding Chapter 1: Sets ... and in particular Section 1.2 Relations and Functions ... I need some help in fully understanding some remarks by Searcoid in his sub-section on products...
  14. S

    Cylindrical Vector Field Equation Convsersion to Cartesian

    Homework Statement I have been given a changing magnetic field in cylindrical coordinates. The equation is: \begin{equation} B(r,\phi,z) = - \frac {B_1} {2} r \hat{r} + (B_0 + B_1z)\hat{z} \end{equation} I need to be able to find the magnetic field as a function of x, y, and z. Homework...
  15. S

    What is the Cartesian sign convention for microscope and telescope distances?

    Homework Statement Cartesian sign convetion for microscope,compound microscope and telescope. Homework Equations distances in the direction of incident ray are negative and thsoe along it are positive. all distances are measured from pole of lens or mirror. The Attempt at a Solution 1.FOR...
  16. K

    Cartesian unit vectors in terms of cylindrical vectors

    How do I express ex,ey,ez in terms er,eθ,eZ? r=(x^2+y^2)^1/2,θ=arctan(y/x),Z=z A(r,θ,z) ∂A/∂x=x/(x^2+y^2)^1/2er+(-y)/(x^2+y^2)eθ=cosθer-(sinθ/r)eθ ex=(∂A/∂x)/|∂A/∂x| I should get ex as cosθer-sinθeθ, but I don't get ex correctly. am i doing this wrong?
  17. M

    MHB Cartesian equation of the tangent plane

    Hey! :o A differentiable function $f(x,y,z)$ has $\nabla f (x_0, y_0, z_0) \neq (0,0,0)$ and zero instant rate of change from $(x_0, y_0, z_0)$ in the direction $\left( \frac{2}{3},-\frac{1}{3},-\frac{2}{3}\right)$. Which could be the cartesian equation of the tangent plane of the level surface...
  18. S

    Cartesian to curvilinear coordinate transformations

    Homework Statement Is there a more intuitive way of thinking or calculating the transformation between coordinates of a field or any given vector? The E&M book I'm using right now likes to use the vector field ## \vec F\ = \frac {\vec x} {r^3} ## where r is the magnitude of ## \vec x...
  19. JTC

    A Understanding Metric Tensor Calculations for Different Coordinate Systems

    Good Day, Another fundamentally simple question... if I go here; http://www-hep.physics.uiowa.edu/~vincent/courses/29273/metric.pdf I see how to calculate the metric tensor. The process is totally clear to me. My question involves LANGUAGE and the ORIGIN LANGUAGE: Does one say "one...
  20. akkex

    MHB Change from cartesian coordinates to cylindrical and spherical

    Hello, I have 6 equations in Cartesian coordinates a) change to cylindrical coordinates b) change to spherical coordinate This book show me the answers but i don't find it If anyone can help me i will appreciate so much! Thanks for your time1) z = 2...
  21. W

    Calculus Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors by Bourne and Kendall

    I have to do a teaching assistant job on a multivariable calculus class, I have to survey books that can be useful as resources. Has anyone used this book by Bourne and Kendall? I noticed that the treatment of vector analysis seems good and the chapter on Cartesian tensors seem to be a good...
  22. maistral

    A 2D Cartesian Laplace equation with a single point diffusion

    Hi. I have this problem in trying to solve this PDE analytically. The PDE is represented by this diagram: Basically this is solving the Laplace equation with those insulated boundaries except it has that point diffusing its value across the plane. I know how to solve the Laplace equation...
  23. C

    I Can sets contain coordinates of points and be used in Cartesian product?

    Hi guys, I would like to ask if a set can contain coordinates of points, for example A={[1,3];[4,5];[4,7]} and if we can do Cartesian product of such sets, for example A={[1,3];[4,5]}, B={[7,8];[4,2]} A×B={[1,3][7,8];[1,3][4,2];[4,5][7,8];[4,5][4,2]} (is it correct to write it like that?). I am...
  24. L

    A Relation between Vector Norms in Cylindrical and Cartesian Coordinates

    Relations between vectors in cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate systems are given by \vec{e}_{\rho}=\cos \varphi \vec{e}_x+\sin \varphi \vec{e}_y \vec{e}_{\varphi}=-\sin \varphi \vec{e}_x+\cos \varphi \vec{e}_y \vec{e}_z=\vec{e}_z We can write this in form \begin{bmatrix}...
  25. frostysh

    Hyperbola and the Line in the Cartesian coords.

    Homework Statement We have the hyperbola, the focal stuff of which is on the Abscissa axis. $$x^2 - 2y^2 = 4 $$, and we have a line $$3x - 4y = 2$$, and we need to understand if this two crazy stuff will intersect, or be tangent, or nothing like the previous one. Homework Equations I don't...
  26. ytht100

    How to Calculate the Partial Derivative of a Vector in Spherical Coordinates?

    I have the following equations: \left\{ \begin{array}{l} x = \sin \theta \cos \varphi \\ y = \sin \theta \cos \varphi \\ z = \cos \theta \end{array} \right. Assume \vec r = (x,y,z), which is a 1*3 vector. Obviously, x, y, and z are related to each other. Now I want to calculate \frac{{\partial...
  27. B

    Cartesian Vector Form - Door with 2 Chains

    Homework Statement [/B] The door is held open by the means of 2 chains. If the tension in AB and CD is Fa = 300 N and Fc = 250 N, respectively, express each of these in Cartesian Vector Form Homework Equations Sin / cos / tan The Attempt at a Solution The angle of FA at B is...
  28. F

    Conversion vectors in cylindrical to cartesian coordinates

    Homework Statement It's just an example in the textbook. A vector in cylindrical coordinates. A=arAr+aΦAΦ+azAz to be expressed in cartesian coordinates. Start with the Ax component: Ax=A⋅ax=Arar⋅ax+AΦaΦ⋅ax ar⋅ax=cosΦ aΦ⋅ax=-sinΦ Ax=ArcosΦ - AΦsinΦ Looking at a figure of the unit vectors I...
  29. The black vegetable

    Cartesian Coordinates and Cross Product of Vectors for Magnetic Field Direction?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution the answer given is the same but without the negative sign, I don't understand because the crossproduct of unit vectors when using a Cartesian coordinates of the directions given by the right-hand rule? Is the positive z...
  30. davidge

    I Riemann tensor in 3d Cartesian coordinates

    Suppose we wish to use Cartesian coordinates for points on the surface of a sphere. Then all derivatives of the metric would vanish and so the Riemann curvature tensor would vanish. But it would give us a wrong result, namely that the space is not curved. So it means that if we want to get...
  31. Eclair_de_XII

    How to relate complex multiplication to Cartesian products?

    Homework Statement "ℝ×ℝ and ℂ are very similar in many ways. How do you realize ℂ as a Cartesian product of two sets? Consider how complex numbers are multiplied; by grouping real and imaginary parts, show how the pattern of complex multiplication can be used to define multiplication in ℝ×ℝ...
  32. U

    Polar to cartesian using e(theta) and e(r)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations NONE The Attempt at a Solution I'm trying to understand why the unit vector in the y direction is that formula. I get that e(theta) and e(r) are unit vectors used with polar coordinates that define direction and are perpendicular to each other always...
  33. F

    MHB Cartesian product and symmetric difference

    Let A,B,C be three sets . Prove Ax(BΔC)= (AxB) Δ (AxC) I tried to start with this : Let p be an arbitrary element of Ax(BΔC) then p=(x,y) such that x ∈ A and y ∈ (BΔC) x ∈ A and (y∈ B\C or y∈ C\B) (x ∈ A and y ∈ B\C) or (x ∈ A and y ∈ C\B) But I don't know how to continue or if I should even...
  34. toforfiltum

    Evaluating Cartesian integral in polar coordinates

    Homework Statement Transform given integral in Cartesian coordinates to one in polar coordinates and evaluate polar integral. ##\int_{0}^3 \int_{0}^x \frac {dydx}{\sqrt(x^2+y^2)}## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I drew out the region in the ##xy## plane and I know that ##0 \leq...
  35. Bendelson

    B Convert y=x^2-1 & y=1-x^2 to Polar Functions?

    Can y=x^2-1 or y=1-x^2 be converted to polar functions? I was attempting it and kept running into problems. If it's not possible, why not?
  36. nysnacc

    Rewrite Cartesian in Cylindrical form

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Cartesian to Cylindrial The Attempt at a Solution What I was doing is that, I changed the limits of z, and the function.
  37. C

    I How to Calculate Longitude and Latitude Speed from Cartesian Values?

    Hi, I have a little doubt. I have, referred to the Sun, the cartesian positions and velocities of an asteroid (in x, y and z coordinates - 6 values). I can easely calculate the polar coordinates (longitude and latitude - along with distance). My doubt is: how do I calculate the longitude and...
  38. R

    Solving Cartesian Vectors in Mechanics: Expressing Force F(AB) in Cartesian Form

    Homework Statement Express force F(AB) in cartesian vector form[/B] Mastering engineering.com says to check my signs but I don't an see an issue. Please help! 2. Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution A(0, -.75, 3) B(2cos40, 2sin40, 0) C(2,-1, 0) r(AB)= 1.53i +2.04j-3k...
  39. R

    Expressing force in cartesian vector form

    Homework Statement Express F1 and F2 in cartesian vector form Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I feel fairly confident in my work for F2 but F1 not so much. Especially the j component of F1. I assume my F(1x) component runs from the z axis to the tip of F1 and my F(1k) component...
  40. A

    Conversion of a vector from cylindrical to cartesian

    (mentor note: thread moved from general to here hence no template) Hi, I need some help with converting this cylindrical vector: $$\vec A = \vec a_r(3*cos(\phi)-\vec a_{\phi}*2r+\vec a_z5$$ into the cartesian: I have found these: where $$A_x =3cos^2(\phi)+2sin(\phi)*r\\...
  41. R

    Force Resultant Along x' Axis: Find F & Theta

    Homework Statement Three forces act on the bracket, the resultant force is directed along the x' axis and has a magnitude of 9.8kN. Determine the magnitude of F. Determine the direction theta of F. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I'm really not sure how I am doing with. Any...
  42. J

    MHB Polar Equation to Cartesian Coordinates

    I am trying to convert this polar equation to Cartesian coordinates. r = 8 cos theta I type the equation into wolfram alpha and it gives me a graph, but no Cartesian points. If somebody could help me find the cartesian points, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
  43. S

    I First drawing of a Cartesian Graph?

    OK, so a LONG time ago I believe I saw a small drawing by Newton which represented the first true drawing of a Cartesian graph with an x and y-axis and "O" at the origin. Now (that I'm old and can't remember what I had for breakfast) I'd like to find it but can't remember where it was. Any help...
  44. Stollaxel Stoll

    B Velocity transformation from spherical to cartesian coords

    I cant't figure out how to transform ##\dot{r}##, ##\dot{\theta}##, ##\dot{\phi}## in spherical coordinates to ##\dot{x}##, ##\dot{y}##, ##\dot{z}## in cartesian coordinates (the dot is Newton's notation for the first time-derivative which is the angular velocity and velocity). I have no...
  45. JulienB

    Angular momentum in cartesian coordinates (Lagrangian)

    Homework Statement Hi everybody! I would like to discuss with you a problem that I am wondering if I understand it correctly: Find expressions for the cartesian components and for the magnitude of the angular momentum of a particle in cylindrical coordinates ##(r,\varphi,z)##. Homework...
  46. W

    MHB Which Z Value Should Be Used for Camera Motion?

    Hi all, i am having a problem with question 3, as its not clear if i should use the Z value for the camera as 15 or 25 m or... Could you suggest me. Cheers The goal of this project is to obtain some understanding of the camera’s motion in space. Also, based on the camera’s motion, we will...
  47. Math Amateur

    MHB Tensor Products of Modules and Free Abelian Groups based on Cartesian Product

    I am reading Donald S. Passmore's book "A Course in Ring Theory" ... I am currently focussed on Chapter 9 Tensor Products ... ... I need help in order to get a full understanding of the free abelian group involved in the construction of the tensor product ... ... The text by Passmore...
  48. 5

    I Vectors Cartesian equations and normals

    I am having trouble finding the Cartesian equation of the line k which passes through Y(0,1,0) and is normal to -3x-2y+2z=0 this is what I tried to do but not sure if it is the correct method normal direction (-3,-2,2) -3x-2y+2z=d sub in (0,1,0) to -3x-2y+2z=d d=-2 -3x-2y+2z=-2 is...
  49. D

    A How can I tell Gaussian to read coordinates as Cartesian?

    Hello, I have been I am trying to optimize a molecule (crowded) with the chemical formula C60H52O18P4S4W2. The problem arises after 2 days, which means that the initial geometry was not a problem. " GradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGradGrad Berny optimization...
  50. R

    A Radially distributed Cartesian coordinates

    Ok, so randomizing three random variables, X, Y and Z, each from a standard normal distribution, then plotting these in an ordinary cartesian coordinate system gets me a spherically symmetric cloud of points. Now I want to create this cloud having the same probability distribution but by using...