Characteristic Definition and 307 Threads

  1. Z

    Characteristic function of an exponential distribution

    I need to calculate the characteristic function of an exponential distribution: \phi _X \left( t \right) = \int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {e^{itX} \lambda e^{ - \lambda x} dx} = \int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {\lambda e^{\left( {it - \lambda } \right)x} dx} I have arrived at the...
  2. Z

    Characteristic function (Probability)

    How can I show that if \phi(t) is a characteristic function for some distribution, then |\phi(t)|^2 is also a characteristic function?
  3. C

    Minimal and characteristic polynomial

    Find the characteristic and minimal polynomials of A=[[0,1,1][1,0,1][1,1,0]] (3x3 matrix) So when I work out my characteristic polynomial I went det(xI-A)= det[[x,1,1][1,x,1][1,1,x]] = x(x^2-1)-1(x-1)+1(1-x) = x^3-3x+2 = (x+2)(x-1)^2 It's...
  4. P

    Atomic Derivation of the characteristic impedance of the vacuum

    Can anyone here use Bohr's analysis of the hydrogen atom, to compute the characteristic impedance of the vacuum? And if not, then how would the Bohr model need to be modified, in order to obtain Z0? Characteristic impedance of the vacuum = Z_0 = 376.730 313 461 ohms CODATA value...
  5. N

    Do Particles Behave Like Cars on the Road?

    hello guys, does particles have behave like cars on the road?
  6. M

    Double start - characteristic frequencies of the light

    How can an astronomer recognize a double star from the characteristic frequencies of the light that reaches him from its member stars? I have looked and looked in my textbook but I cannot come up with the answer to this one. Thank you! mmfoley
  7. M

    Double Star characteristic frequencies of light

    How can an astronomer recognize a double star from the characteristic frequencies of the light that reaches him from its member stars? I have looked and looked in my textbook but I cannot come up with the answer to this one. Thank you! mmfoley