Charge Definition and 1000 Threads

Chargé is a commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France.
Chargé is a small town near Amboise. The Rock 'in Chargé festival has revitalized the village since 2006

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  1. B

    Redistribution of Pre-Charged Capacitors

    I first calculated the charge each capacitor has after its directly charged by the 36 V battery. ##Q_1 = C_1 * V = (2 \mu F) * 36 V = 72 \mu C## ##Q_2 = C_2 * V = (5 \mu F) * 36 V = 180 \mu C## ##Q_3 = C_3 * V = (7 \mu F) * 36 V = 252 \mu C## Then these capacitors connect in series, so I...
  2. S

    Find the linear charge density lambda and the radius of a charged semicircle

    Electric field for the semi-circle $$E = - \frac {πKλ} {2R} $$ In this case E is equals to 10 N/C Electric field for the straighten wire $$E = 2Kλ * ( 1 - \frac {2y} {\sqrt{4y^2 + L^2}})$$ In this case E is equals to 8 N/C What I'm searching is R, λ, and the length of the wire, so I think...
  3. willDavidson

    Electric field of a point charge

    I am trying to understand what a point charge is. Is it just an electron? Or is it just an idea?
  4. willDavidson

    Simulating the E-field distribution using the charge distribution

    Hello everyone, I am new to this site so I hope this is the right place to ask this. I understand simulating electric field intensity using electrostatics because E=V/d makes sense to me. I do not understand how to consider e-field intensity using charge distribution. When is charge...
  5. M

    Find the electric field intensity from an infinite line charge

    what I've done so far? -i've determined the vector between the point (4, 0, 0) and the point P. (4, 6, 8) - (4, 0, 0) (0, 6, 8) -The norm of this vector is the radial distance of the line to point P (the value of “ρ” in the formula) √(0^2 + 6^2 + 8^2) = 10 -> ρ = 10 -and its unit vector is...
  6. wcjy

    Electric field problem using Gauss' law: Point charge moving near a line charge

    F = qE ma = (2*10^-6) * (λ / (2pi*r*ε0) ) ma = (2*10^-6) * (4*10^-6 / (2pi*4*ε0) ) => I am not certain what to put for r ( But I sub in 4 because dist is 4) a = ( (2*10^-6) * (4*10^-6 / (2pi*4*ε0) ) )/ 0.1 a = 0.35950 v^2 = U^2 + 2 a s v = 0 u^2 = -2 a s => Can't sqrt negative so...
  7. A

    Charge on a particle above a seemingly infinite charge plane

    At first I take the uniformly distributed charge and then divide it by the area of the carpet to get the surface charge density σ -10E-6 C / 8m^2 = σ = -1.25E-6C/m^2 Then I divide the surface charge density by 2e0 to get the electric field strength caused by the infinite plane...
  8. qnach

    Jackson Classical Electrodynamics: page 35 expansion of charge

    Could anyone explain how did Jackson obtain the Taylor distribution of charge distribution at the end of section 1.7 (version 3)?
  9. E

    B How can an atom have a negative charge?

    I have a neutral charged atom. When I bring an electron to this atom what the force will hold this electron with neutral atom?
  10. R

    What do people mean when they say "Volts of charge"?

    Quote 1: "[He] accumulated an estimated 30,000 volts of static charge simply by walking around his home town in inadvisably large quantities of non-natural tailoring." Quote 2: "A man left a trail of scorched carpet and melted plastic after static on his clothes built up to a 40,000 volt...
  11. HelloCthulhu

    Charge Capacity of an Electrode Based On Its Material

    Recently I've been researching parallel plate capacitors and was wondering what effects the material had on the charge capacity of the plate. I found one source for measuring the capacity based on its material, but haven't seen any textbook evidence to support it yet. Any feedback on the...
  12. archaic

    Potential due to a rod with a nonuniform charge density

    I'm not sure I understand why I need to use ##d##.. Maybe they want me to have the potential be zero at ##A##? In any case, I have found$$V(B)=\alpha k\int_0^L\frac{x}{\sqrt{b^2+\left(x-\frac{L}{2}\right)^2}}dx+C=\frac{\alpha...
  13. Hiero

    Magnetic field of a point charge moving uniformly

    Everywhere I look online I see the formula for the magnetic field of a uniformly moving charge is, $$\frac{\mu_0 q \vec v \times \vec r}{4\pi r^3}$$ but when I calculate it by transforming the electrostatic field (taking the motion along x) I get, $$\frac{\gamma \mu_0 q \vec v \times \vec...
  14. R

    Electric Field Between two Parallel Conducting Plates of Equal Charge

    Attached is the subsection of the book I am referring to. The previous section states that the electric field magnitude at any point set up by a charged nonconducting infinite sheet (with uniform charge distribution) is ##E = \frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}##. Then we move onto the attached...
  15. archaic

    Finding net charge on a sphere's surface

    The electric field caused by the surface distribution on a point ##a## meters far from it is$$E(a)=\frac{kQ}{(R+a)^2}$$from which I get$$Q=\frac{(R+a)^2E(a)}{k}=\frac{(R)^2E(0)}{k}=\frac{(0.705)^2\times867}{8.99\times10^9}\approx4.79\times10^{-8}$$and I take its negative because the direction of...
  16. cwill53

    Force on a charge at the tip of a hollow, charged cone

    This is the diagram I drew for my calculations: I wanted to see if my work for part (a) makes sense. If there is a variable ##l## that runs along the slant of total length ##L##, a ring around the cone can have an infinitesimal thickness ##dl##. By Coulomb's law, $$\vec{F}=\frac{1}{4\pi...
  17. madafo3435

    How Is the Electric Field Difference Across a Charged Surface Determined?

    I understand that this difference is valid for E = 0 and E2 = σ / Ɛ0, but Purcell covers a more general case, and I don't see how this difference is fulfilled in other cases. I appreciate the help you can give me.
  18. Tony Hau

    Solve Bound Charge Question: Griffith's Book Example

    This is an example of Griffith's book on bound charge, and the following is the solution to this example. We choose the z-axis to conincide with the direction of polarization. By $$\sigma_b \equiv \mathbf P \cdot \hat {\mathbf n} $$ and $$\rho_b \equiv - \nabla \cdot \mathbf P$$ we can...
  19. B

    Charging 18650 Batteries for Safe Setup and Usage

    Hello Friends, Please help me to setup 5 [18650] Li-Ion battery of 11.1 volt I describe everything in image. Please check attach file Thanks in Advance
  20. Tony Hau

    The potential of a sphere with opposite hemisphere charge densities

    Here is what the solution says: As usual, quote the general potential formula: $$V(r,\theta)=\sum_{l=0}^{\infty}(A_lr^l+\frac{B_l}{r^{l+1}})P_l(cos\theta)$$ The potential outside the sphere is: $$V(r,{\theta})=\sum_{l=0}^{\infty}\frac{B_l}{r^{l+1}}P_l(cos\theta)$$, which makes sense to me...
  21. cwill53

    Electric Field and Continuous Charge Distribution

    I sort of understand the meaning of this integral, but I don't know how to evaluate it. I have never evaluated a volume integral. It would be very helpful if someone could explain in other words what this integral means and give an example evaluating it. This is from Purcell's Electricity and...
  22. T

    Can the charge conservation law be derived from Maxwell equations?

    From Maxwell's equations \partial_\nu F^{\mu\nu}=J^{\mu}, one can derive charge conservation. The derivation is 0\equiv \partial_\mu \partial_\nu F^{\mu\nu}= \partial_\mu J^{\mu} { \Rightarrow}\partial_\mu J^{\mu}=0. However, a circular reasoning exists in it. For the sake of better...
  23. mcastillo356

    Calculate ##\vec{E}## of a single charge at a certain distance from it

    Really don't know if this is wright. Here it goes. Thanks in advance: ##\vec{E}=K\cdot{q}\cdot{\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{r_1^4}+\dfrac{1}{r_2^4}}}\cdot{\left(\dfrac{r_1}{\sqrt{r_1^2+r_2^2}}\hat{i}+\dfrac{r_2}{\sqrt{r_1^2+r_2^2}}\hat{j}\right)}##...
  24. J

    I Equivalence principle: an electric charge and a coil

    The near-range magnetic field ##\vec{B}## of a point charge ##q## at distance ##\vec{r}##, moving at a non-relativistic velocity ##\vec{v}##, is given by $$\vec{B}=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_0c^2}\frac{\vec{v}\times\hat{r}}{r^2}.$$ Faraday's law of induction for the induced EMF ##V_c## in a coil...
  25. F

    Trying to better understand the physics of electrical earth ground

    I'm trying to better understand the physics of how Earth ground works. In circuit analysis and other electronic courses they usually present a conceptual picture like below where the Earth is viewed as a path that completes a circuit? In this conceptual view, the current travels on the...
  26. J

    Point-like charge between grounded plates: Induced charges

    I don't understand why moving charge doesn't affect the magnitude of induced charge. Could someone explain why it is possible? Thanks in advance.
  27. Kaushik

    Does potential drop when a charge flows through a wire w/ 0 resistance?

    Let us connect a battery of potential difference V to a wire. There is no resistance. Nothing! Now the battery creates some potential difference and the charges in the conducting wire move due to the Electric field created in the conductor by the battery. So, as the charge moves, its potential...
  28. M

    Electric Field of Point Charge at y=r and an Infinitely Long Cylinder

    Let point charge q be at y=r. Let there be an infinite conducting plane along the x-axis and z-axis that is neutrally charged. In this case, the method of mirror charges can be used. The plane is replaced by a point charge -q at y=-r. The electric field for y > 0 is the same in both cases...
  29. Tony Hau

    Relationship between radial distance and charge density of a capacitor

    So this is a question from my lab report on capacitance. The aim of the experiment is to find out the relationship between surface charge density and radial distance from the centre of the plate capacitor. And in this experiment I have recorded 5 sets of data, namely r=0, V=4, r=1, V=3.5, r=2...
  30. G

    Confusion on the distribution of charge

    The charges are q1,q2 & q. P,Q,O1,O2 refer to positions only. This is a conducting sphere with cavities containing charges. I'm interested in knowing how the charge should be distributed in the sphere. I know the charges induced on the charges of the sphere should be equal and opposite to the...
  31. L

    Magnetic field of a rotating disk with a non-uniform volume charge

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a problem introduced during my classical electrodynamics course. I am not 100% sure, but I think I've solved up to problems (a) and (b) as...
  32. D

    Replacing a discrete charge density with a continuous one

    Hello, it's been a while since I've done any proper electrostatics, but I have a problem where I have a bunch of discrete point charges within some volume V bounded by a surface S. I am wondering if it is possible to replace the discrete charge density in my volume V by some continuous surface...
  33. F

    Charge rearrangement on conducting spheres

    Hi, I think this problem is solved in exactly as a similar problem where the two spheres are very far apart and connected by a very long thin conducting wire. I'm trying to explain this in words, since LaTeX does not seem to work any more (for some reason LaTeX syntax is not replaced by maths in...
  34. F

    Visualizing the charge distribution in COMSOL

    How to visualize charge distributions in COMSOL, like showing + or - charges on a surface or a bulk in postprocessing?
  35. Luke Tan

    Charge Inside a Cavity in a Conductor

    Let us say we have a cavity inside a conductor. We then sprinkle some charge with density ##\rho(x,y,z)## inside this surface. We have two equations for the electric field $$\nabla\times\mathbf{E}=0$$ $$\nabla\cdot\mathbf{E}=\frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}$$ We also have the boundary conditions...
  36. DaveC426913

    Newton's Shell Theorem and charge

    I've been discussing Newton's Shell Theorem re: gravity with someone, and thought of the analogy to charge. 1. I think the net effect on a negative charge inside a hollow sphere of positive charge will be zero. i.e. No net attraction. Yes? 2. But what would happen to the magnetic field if the...
  37. Flaming Physicist

    Electric force between two equal parallel rings of charge

    The problem is symmetric around the z axis, thus the force must be in the z direction only. I tried dividing both rings into differential elements, then integrating through the upper ring to get the z component of the total force on the upper ring due to a differential element of the lower ring...
  38. iochoa2016

    Understanding Electrical Potential Energy of a charge distribution

    I quite understand the fact the EPE (Electrical Potential Energy) of a system of two charges are U = k*qQ/r, Q is fix. however when it comes to three charges i get lost. because my reasoning is : if q1 is fix then the EPE of the system when q2 is brought is U2 = k*q1*q2/r12, when q3 is brought...
  39. Y

    Electric potential:Potential difference of test charge

    Electric potential energy at initial: Ee=kq1q2/r =(9 ×10 ^9×1.5×10^-6×(-5)×10^-6)/0.1 =-0.675J Electric potential energy at the closer point: Ee=kq1q2/r =(9 ×10^9×1.5×10^-6×(-5)×10^-6)/0.05 =-1.35J Δv=ΔEe/q =(-1.35+0.675)/1.5×10^-6 =4.5×10^5V or: Initial position...
  40. P

    I Difficult Series Battery Problem

    Modern batteries use double-sided anode and cathodes for greater energy density. Series wiring of batteries is typically accomplished by connecting the anode of one cell to the cathode of another. However, can series be accomplished by stacking double-sided anode and cathode alternatingly with...
  41. NTL2009

    Safe to charge a Lithium Battery with a Voltage Limit?

    All the references I find refer to safely charging lithium cells by a method like this: The next page shows the effects on capacity of charging to less than the 4.2 V terminal cell voltage. For example, charging to 4.0 V still provides 73% of the capacity...
  42. F

    Image charge of source charge in spherical cavity

    All are used to finding the image charge induced by a source charge outside a conducting sphere. The solution is supposed to also work for the case where the source charge is inside the conducting sphere, in which case the sphere is now a conducting cavity. But the solution suggests the image...
  43. mcastillo356

    Question about the quotient of the charge and mass of an electron

    hello Witch of these are certain sentences? a-\dfrac{e}{m_e}>\dfrac{H^{-}}{m_{H^{-}}}\cdot{1000} b-\dfrac{e}{m_e}>\dfrac{H^{+}}{m_{H^{+}}}\cdot{1000} The first accurate measurement of e/m was made by english physicist J.J. Thomson in 1897, who demostrated that the quotient charge-mass of the...
  44. M

    Work done by pushing a proton into the sphere with non-uniform charge

    I have already calculated full charge inside the sphere: e = ∫ρ dV = 2πBr^2 And I know that electric potential on the edge of the sphere is: U = e/ 4πεr The idea is that I calculate work by the change of electric potential energy, but to do that, I have to calculate electric potential energy in...
  45. A

    Inductance and Charge Redistribution

    I tried applying loop law but I am not really sure we don't really have a closed loop here. I guess they're testing some concept here that I'm not very good at (Why do i keep coming back to mutual inductance for some reason:|) Any help will be appreciated:)
  46. G

    Understanding Capacitor Equations and Time Constants

    Well i don't you to solve the question for me but I want you to clarify the concepts pertaining to this question. My question is how do I write a equation for the circuit since the there is same charge on one of the capacitors. While writing the equation should i put the voltage across the...
  47. B

    Max surface charge of a conductive plate

    1. Can I use the surface charge equation: $$Q = \frac{Vk\epsilon_0A}{d}$$ Where V = Voltage, k = dielectric constant, ϵ0 = permittivity of free space , A = Area of plate and d = distance between plates. For a conductive plate within an electric field? My thinking is that if the plate is...