Charges Definition and 1000 Threads

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric charge: positive and negative (commonly carried by protons and electrons respectively). Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. An object with an absence of net charge is referred to as neutral. Early knowledge of how charged substances interact is now called classical electrodynamics, and is still accurate for problems that do not require consideration of quantum effects.
Electric charge is a conserved property; the net charge of an isolated system, the amount of positive charge minus the amount of negative charge, cannot change. Electric charge is carried by subatomic particles. In ordinary matter, negative charge is carried by electrons, and positive charge is carried by the protons in the nuclei of atoms. If there are more electrons than protons in a piece of matter, it will have a negative charge, if there are fewer it will have a positive charge, and if there are equal numbers it will be neutral. Charge is quantized; it comes in integer multiples of individual small units called the elementary charge, e, about 1.602×10−19 coulombs, which is the smallest charge which can exist freely (particles called quarks have smaller charges, multiples of 1/3e, but they are only found in combination, and always combine to form particles with integer charge). The proton has a charge of +e, and the electron has a charge of −e.
Electric charges produce electric fields. A moving charge also produces a magnetic field. The interaction of electric charges with an electromagnetic field (combination of electric and magnetic fields) is the source of the electromagnetic (or Lorentz) force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in physics. The study of photon-mediated interactions among charged particles is called quantum electrodynamics.The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb (C) named after French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. In electrical engineering it is also common to use the ampere-hour (Ah). In physics and chemistry it is common to use the elementary charge (e as a unit). Chemistry also uses the Faraday constant as the charge on a mole of electrons. The lowercase symbol q often denotes charge.

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  1. E

    Is Electron Possession a Misleading Concept for Formal Charges?

    This isn't a specific question, but more a case of trying to mitigate any potential confusion which might arise in the future. When drawing out curly arrows for mechanisms, and the like, I'm used to thinking about which electrons "belong" to certain atoms (in a book-keeping sense) in order to...
  2. C

    Surface Charges on a Coaxial Cable

    To find ##\sigma_b## I can use a Gaussian surface of a cylinder of length ##L## and radius ##c>r>b##. Since that is inside of the outer conductor, I know the electric field is zero, so I have from Gauss' Law, $$0=2 \pi L\left(b\sigma_b+a\sigma\right)$$ and easily solve for ##\sigma_b##. For...
  3. A

    Current: the speed of charges vs the number of charges past a point

    Current is determined as the amount of charge moving past a certain point of reference (like the point in a wire with current meter clamps around it) in 1 second. This got me thinking , so in a classical resistive load situation with Ohm's law there would be two ways to increase the amount of...
  4. Universeer

    Lorentz force between two moving charges

    Two charges are moving mutually perpendicular to each other in space with constant velocities. The moment one charge crosses over the line of path of second charge the force on 1st charge (located just behind the 2nd charge moving away from it) appear to be zero (Magnetic field due to 2nd...
  5. S

    Electric field due to two positive charges

    I am having trouble solving the following problem. I am given two positive charges on the x axis: I know that the electric field strength at point P is ##E=150 \frac{V}{m}##, ##d=1.8m## and ##a=2.5m##. I want to find the charge of ##Q##. As far as I know, the electric field on the y-axis...
  6. S

    Find the charge of a mass hanging from a pendulum in an electric field

    Hi, so I was able to solve this problem by just equating the forces (Tension, mg, and EQ). But I thought I could also solve this problem with Conservation of Energy. However, I calculated it several times, and I never get the right answer this way. Doesn't the Electric Field do the work to put...
  7. M

    MHB Tracking Monthly Finance Charges for Overdue Invoices: A Spreadsheet Solution?

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  8. bob012345

    Infinite Number of Image Charges?

    Consider two opposing mirrors. If they are exactly parallel planes I think there is only a single image in each but if they are slightly angled there appears an "infinite" number of reflections. Similarly, suppose we have grounded conducting planes instead of mirrors with a charge in between...
  9. E

    I Attractive force of opposite charges by McIrvin

    I am reading the paper of McIrvin: In fourth picture, two opposite spikes of imaginary magnitude are drawn in momentum space. This is a photon propagator. Photon propagator in p space can be written as...
  10. H

    How to present the charges of quarks with the following Nc?

    I have already known the cross sections can be presented like this. σ(e+e- -> hadrons)∝ Σ eq^2 & σ(e+e- -> μ+μ- ) ∝ e^2, where eq is the charge of a certain quark(u, d, s, c or b) But I don't know the relationship between Nc and eq. (This is my first time to post a thread. I don't know how to...
  11. Hawkingo

    Why the work done is negative when bringing 2 opposite charges together?

    we know that if the applied force is in the direction of the displacement then work done is positive.But in case of bringing 2 opposite charges from infinite to a certain distance,the work done is negative even the force and the displacement of the charge is in the same direction. From...
  12. S

    Potential at the origin due to an infinite set of point charges

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  13. gibberingmouther

    Relative Motion of Charges Question

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  14. B

    AQA physics paper question: Where is the potential zero near these charges?

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  15. M

    Understanding Polyatomic Ion Charges and Number of Oxygen

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  16. K

    Energy density due to infinite uniform line charges

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  17. S

    Help with negative charges in an electric field.

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  18. Shohel chowdhury

    Cancellation of the electric field from opposite charges

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  19. Othman0111

    Charge Between two conductors & The Method of Image Charges

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  20. H

    The effect of an external substance on the electric force between two charges

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  21. B

    How to find distance between 2 charges, with no force given?

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  22. S

    Infinite number of identical charges r=a2^n

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  23. olgerm

    Moving charges in a moving frame of reference

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  24. K

    Find Velocity of Particle for System of Charges

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  25. S

    Correct statement about force between two charges

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  26. M

    Electric Fields from Linear Charges

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  27. J

    Coulomb's Law and 4 point charges

    A charge Q is placed at the centre of the square of side 2.90 cm, at the corners of which four identical charges q = 6.5 C are placed. Find the value of the charge Q so that the whole system is in equilibrium. Can someone help me figure out where I have went wrong, I began by finding the force...
  28. Lilian Chan

    What is the net force on the -1nC charge in this Coulomb's Law problem?

    Homework Statement link: What is the magnitude of this force? Homework Equations Coulomb's Law Trig equations The Attempt at a Solution (.05 m)xcos(60)=0.025m (the distance between the two known charges) F(between the two known...
  29. Silverhobbiest

    I Significant Physical/Chemical Change Found by Sign Reversal?

    We know that "plastic" and "glass" charges were arbitrarily assigned to be negative and positive respectively, and electrons and protons were given their charges based upon that assignment (According to Randall D. Knight in Physics for Scientists and Engineers). I am curious if any significant...
  30. T

    Three Charges Aligned on a Straight Wire

    Three charges are aligned along a straight wire as show. +C ?<--- -3/2 C --->? -C + q1 -3/2 q3 - q2 X----------------------------o-----------------------------X P(midpoint) |----------------------------...
  31. R

    Work Done on Charges by a Capacitor and an Inductor

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I believe that the inductor does negative work on the charges via the electric field (by way of induced EMF). I am unsure about how the capacitor would be doing positive work, though. Can anyone help steer...
  32. R

    Are all EM waves produced by accelerating charges?

    So, a static charge at rest produces an electric field, but no magnetic field. A charge moving with constant velocity produces both electric and magnetic fields. Why is it that accelerating charges are the source of all electromagnetic radiation? How would one go about showing this using...
  33. F

    Electromagnetic waves: Photons generated by two charges attracted to each other?

    Hello all, after thinking about properties of electromagnetic waves, especially concerning the electric field of them, I ran into some serious understanding problems: 1) photons are electromagnetic waves and vice versa and they convey electrical force. Let's now do a thought experiment: let's...
  34. G

    Net Electric field due to 3 charges

    Homework Statement There is a 3nC charge at (-3,0), -6nC at (0,2) and 5nC at (1,0). What is the electric field at the origin (0,0)? Homework Equations ##E = \frac{Q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}## The Attempt at a Solution i think its ##(\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0})(-\frac{14}{3} i - \frac{3}{2} j)##...
  35. YMMMA

    Magnetic force direction on a positive and negative charges

    Homework Statement The question askes about the path of the electron. I need to know if I am doing it correctly whether it was asked for a proton or an electron. Homework Equations F=QV⊥Bsinθ The Attempt at a Solution I answered it C. Because it is an electron, I used my left hand. My thumb...
  36. J

    MHB How Much Did Each Computer Cost Before Finance Charges?

    Jim bought a desktop computer and a laptop computer. Before finance charges, the laptop cost \$150 more than the desktop. He paid for the computers using two different financing plans. For the desktop the interest rate was 7% per year, and for the laptop it was 5.5% per year. The total finance...
  37. Abhimessi10

    Motion of a charged particle in magnetic field

    Homework Statement A particle of charge -q and mass m enterd magnetic field B at A with speed v1 at an angle alpha and leaves the field at C with v2 at angle beta.Then, a)alpha=beta b)v1=v2 c)particle remains in the field for time t=(2m(pi-alpha))/qB d)All of these Please see image below...
  38. cookiemnstr510510

    Dipole vector associated with charges

    Homework Statement Problem attached in Dipole.JpgHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am fine with Part A of the problem. I am just trying to understand what part B is asking. Are they asking what is the magnitude and direction of the dipole vector associated with charges q1 and q1 at...
  39. Jonathan1218

    B Do single moving charges create magnetic fields, why?

    The reason this is in relativity is ( please correct if wrong )that magnetic fields are effects created by static electricity through length contractions. If a line of electrons move pass a parallel line of positive charges and a charged observer is outside this it would see electrons being...
  40. isukatphysics69

    Rank charges in spheres (Physics 2)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations None (conceptual) The Attempt at a Solution My logic here is this, Sphere 3 has a net positive charge so it is repelling the positives in sphere 2 and attracting the negatives in sphere 2. This means that D has negative charge and C has positive charge...
  41. P

    Free surface charges on concentric cylinders

    Homework Statement Consider an infinitely long cylindrical rod with radius a carrying a uniform charge density ##\rho##. The rod is surrounded by a co-axial cylindrical metal-sheet with radius b that is connected to ground. The volume between the sheet and the rod is filled with a dielectric...
  42. starstruck_

    Infinite chain of alternating charges (+/-)

    Homework Statement A crystal is a periodic lattice of positively and negatively charged ions. (a) Consider an infinite one-dimensional crystal of alternating charges +q and −q, separated by distance d...
  43. Zahid Iftikhar

    Electric Potential midway between a pair of equal opposite charges

    Hi I need help to understand how electric potential could be zero at the center of two equal but opposite charges. It seems, there is a no field free region anywhere inside the space between the charges. If I move a test charge from negative to positive charge or otherwise, there seems to be no...
  44. CDL

    Point Charges on a Polygon with another Charge in the Middle

    Homework Statement Suppose we have a regular n-gon with identical charges at each vertex. What force would a charge ##Q## at the centre feel? What would the force on the charge ##Q## be if one of the charges at the vertices were removed? [/B]Homework Equations Principle of Superposition, the...
  45. A

    Finding Equilibrium in Electric Fields of Two Charges

    Homework Statement An electric field is created by an uniform linear charge with a linear charge density is 40 nC/m. Find the potential difference between the two points, one of which is situated 5 cm from the line charge and the second at 10cm. Two charges, q and -3q, are situated at a...
  46. ubergewehr273

    Problem in electrostatics: E-field near 2 point charges

    Homework Statement Refer the image. Homework Equations kq1q2/r^2 = F Potential energy = kq1q1/r The Attempt at a Solution Obviously since both charges are unequal in magnitude option a is incorrect. Calculating field at large distance r, E = kq1/r^2 - kq2/r^2 = kq2/r^2 Also potential energy...
  47. H

    Find the minimum distance between 2 particles

    Homework Statement A point particle of mass m and charge q(>0) approaches to a point particle Q(>0) at a fixed position. When the distance between the two particles is L, the speed of the moving particle is v. The permittivity of the vacuum is denoted as Epsilon0. Find the minimum distance...
  48. C

    I The weak force as an attractive force

    Hi all, how much merit does this answer have on Quora? There also an identical answer on Physics Stack Exchange so it'd be nice to confirm or deny the validity of these. Thanks!