Circular motion Definition and 1000 Threads

In physics, circular motion is a movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation along a circular path. It can be uniform, with constant angular rate of rotation and constant speed, or non-uniform with a changing rate of rotation. The rotation around a fixed axis of a three-dimensional body involves circular motion of its parts. The equations of motion describe the movement of the center of mass of a body. In circular motion, the distance between the body and a fixed point on the surface remains the same.
Examples of circular motion include: an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth at a constant height, a ceiling fan's blades rotating around a hub, a stone which is tied to a rope and is being swung in circles, a car turning through a curve in a race track, an electron moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, and a gear turning inside a mechanism.
Since the object's velocity vector is constantly changing direction, the moving object is undergoing acceleration by a centripetal force in the direction of the center of rotation. Without this acceleration, the object would move in a straight line, according to Newton's laws of motion.

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  1. A

    SHM and Circular Motion Problem

    Q: During an earthquake, a skyscraper is designed to sway back and forth with simple harmonic motion with a period of 8 secs. The amplitude at the top floor of a particular earthquake is 70 cm. With respect to the simple harmonic motion of the top floor, calculate the following quantities: a)...
  2. Govind_Balaji

    Velocity of uniform circular motion

    Homework Statement The minute hand of a clock is 4cm long. Find the average velocity of the tip of the minute hand between 11.00 am to 11.30 am. (in m/s)Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 1.In the motion between 11 am to 11.30 am, \theta=180^o=\pi \text{radiaans}\\ radius=4cm\\...
  3. N

    Hooke's law and circular motion.

    Homework Statement In a zero gravity experiment a spring has a rest length of 1.0 metre. It is attached at each end to 1.0 kg masses. The combination is then set rotating about its centre of mass at 1.0 revolution per second. Each mass undergoes uniform circular motion with a radius of 70 cm...
  4. L

    KE constant in circular motion?

    I was just wondering how the kinetic energy in, for example, a car undergoing circular motion is constant. We know that it's constantly acceleration due to the constant change in velocity, but surely that means that in the KE equation (1/2mv^2) the velocity is constantly changing as well. This...
  5. A

    Forces on a car in circular motion

    I've been trying to work out the forces on a car in circular motion around a turn and I'm having trouble understanding what causes a friction force to be directed inward toward the center of the circle. I understand that on a straight path, the torque on the wheels causes them to push back...
  6. W

    How Does an Object Moving in a Circle at Constant Speed Accelerate?

    Homework Statement Acceleration is a vector representing the rate of change of velocity. An object moving in a circle at constant speed: A. accelerates without changing its velocity B. Has constant acceleration C. Changes speed but not velocity D. Changes velocity but not speed...
  7. C

    Uniform Circular Motion amusement park ride

    Hello everyone, I'm really stuck on this question. The diagram shows an amusement park ride which contains a carriage attached to a mechanical arm. This arm spins around full circle. The carriage has a mass of 300 kg and a maximum occupancy of 300 kg. The question asks: With its carriage...
  8. S

    Circular Motion Homework: Tension & Min. Speed

    Homework Statement A small ball of mass 0.50 kg is attached to a cord and perform uniform-speed circular motion of radius 2.0 m in a vertical plane. i) If the speed of the circular motion is 10m/s, determine the tension in the cord at the lowest point of the circular motion. ii)...
  9. P

    Circular Motion Help: Solving a Chemistry Lab Centrifuge Problem

    Homework Statement A chemistry lab centrifuge spins creating a circular trajectory for the solutes in the test tubes with a diameter of 20cm. If an acceleration of 10 times the Earth's gravitational acceleration is required, which of the following is a minimum frequency that must be...
  10. P

    Lost with exercise about circular motion

    Hi everyone, my physics final is coming in 3 days:cry: , and I really need to have an answer to this exercise , but I'm stuck ! I don't even understand the problem statement HELP ! A typical fastball is thrwon at approximately 90 mph and with a spin rate of 113 rpm (I don't understand what it...
  11. S

    How Fast Must Earth Spin for Equatorial Weight to Be One Fifth of Polar Weight?

    Homework Statement What must be the period of rotation of the Earth on its axis so that a person at the equator will have a reading on the scale that is approximately one fifth as much as he would at the North Pole? (Given on the formula sheet) Radius of Earth = 6.37 x 10^6 m Homework...
  12. A

    Elastic collision, one object in circular motion

    Homework Statement A steel ball of mass m is fastened to a cord of length L and released when the cord is horizontal. At the bottom of the path, the ball strikes a hard plastic block of mass M = 4m at rest on a frictionless surface. The collision is elastic. Find the speed of the block...
  13. C

    Forces: mass on a string circular motion

    Hi, if I have a mass on a string and I swing it around my head at a constant speed, what is the resultant force on the mass (I'm looking for a qualitative rather than quantitive answer)? My inital thoughts were towards the centre of rotation, due to the tension on the string (and since the...
  14. D

    MHB Mechanics-Conical pendulum, circular motion

    A particle of 100 grams is attached by two strings of lengths 30cm and 50cm respectively to points A and B, where A is 30cm vertically below B. Find the range of angular velocities for which the particle can describe horizontal circles with both strings taut. Take g as 10m/s^2 Answer Show...
  15. E

    Acceleration in Circular Motion

    Could anyone help my with proving that the acceleration of an object that is moving with uniform circular motion is directed towards the centre of the circle and is of magnitude ω^2(r). Thanks
  16. A

    Transition from inertial to circular motion

    Suppose that we have a body that is moving at a straight line, inertially wrt to another frame. If it starts to move in a circular way after that, what can be said about the motions of its points. Do all points have to deccelrate to achieve the circular motion, but in a different manner, since...
  17. L

    Finding the tension of the string (vertical circular motion)

    Homework Statement A ball of mass 125g is attached to a string .900 meters long. It is then set into vertical circular motion with 38 RPM. What is the tension of the string at the top of the circle and at the bottom of the circle? Homework Equations ∑Fy = may = marad arad = v2/R =...
  18. A

    Uniform Circular Motion and Centripetal Force

    Hey guys, first post here! Hoping to get a little help. Homework Statement You are a traffic safety engineer in charge of determining safe speeds for roads. A particular banked curve has a radius of 11.0 meters and is banked at an angle of 8.00°. The coefficient of static friction between...
  19. I

    Different Situations Related To Circular Motion

    Hello, I was asked to make experiments related to circular motion. The experiments will engage on different situations related to circular motion that we need to explain such as: -Analyzing the forces and the acceleration of a ball that moving circularly in a squared glass compared to the same...
  20. P

    How Do You Calculate Sun's Gravitational Acceleration at an Asteroid's Orbit?

    Hi. I am a little stuck and I would appreciate some help. What is the acceleration due to gravity of the sun at the distance of 1.6 X 10^11 m? The asteroid revolves around the sun in 398 Earth days. 2. Homework Equations : F= (m*V^2)/r3. The Attempt at a Solution : First I found the...
  21. N

    Circular motion and energy of a massless spring

    Homework Statement A massless spring of constant k is fixed on the left side of a level track. A block of mass m is pressed against the spring and compresses it a distance d, as shown in the figure. The block (initially at rest) is then released and travels toward a circular...
  22. J

    Simultaneity in circular motion

    Hey guys based on the Einstein train thought experiment we can say that different inertial frames disagree on simultaneity. In that specific example, the train observer is moving towards one thunder, and away from the second and in his frame the thunder in front of him occurs first followed...
  23. R

    Time Dilation Between Fixed Point & Geostationary Orbit: SR & Circular Motion

    Sorry if this has been asked a lot before but I did try a quick search for this but could find a simple answer. If I am at a fixed point on the equator and a friend is in a space station in a geostationary orbit, and ignoring GR, will their be time dilation between us? Or can we be...
  24. Ookke

    A stationary photon for an observer in circular motion?

    Let's imagine a rocket orbiting the earth. The rocket could be any real rocket with moderate speed, so that relativistic effects are not significant, and also rocket does not experice notable centrifugal or other acceleration (so the rockets reference frame would appear almost inertial). A...
  25. P

    Uniform circular motion and angular momentum?

    Homework Statement A sphere on top of a table is attached to a rope which goes through a hole in the table and is attached to a bucket at the other end. The sphere moves in a uniform circular motion with radius R. Water is then added to the bucket and the radius for the sphere's circular...
  26. J

    Circular motion question - finding rpm

    Homework Statement A 0.60 kg sphere rotates around a vertical shaft supported by two strings, as shown. If the tension in the upper string is 18 N. Calculate the tension in the lower string? the rotation rate (in rev/min) of the system? Homework Equations v=2(pi)r/T Fr= mv^2/r ω =...
  27. G

    Centripetal acceleration and circular motion

    My question is about the centripetal acceleration formula |a| = ω^2*r. If we keep the angular speed constant then why does increasing the radius increase the centripetal acceleration? I don't find this intuitive because the velocity vector is being turned by the same amount each second, if ω is...
  28. G

    Circular Motion: Proof for Non-Uniform Circular Motion Acceleration

    I have seen the derivation of the centripetal acceleration formula a=v^2/r by saying r= rcosθi+isinθj=rcosωti+rsinωtj and differentiating twice. Since ω is constant we get a=-ω^{2}r. I've started looking at non-uniform circular motion where there is also the tangential acceleration vector...
  29. N

    Two Circular Motion Questions. Pendulums

    Homework Statement Got my first physics assignment and I've been able to work out (I think) all of them except these two. 1. A conical pendulum has length 1.5m and rotates at 4ms^-1. What is its angle to the vertical? 2. A mass moves in a vertical circle attached to a fixed point by a...
  30. C

    Three charges q, uniform circular motion

    Homework Statement Two spheres have a charge of q a stationary sphere between them has a charge of -q. The 2 positive spheres move like conical pendulums at a constant velocity of 12.0m/s in uniform circular motion. What is the magnitude of charge q? Homework Equations Electric Force...
  31. G

    Centrifuge Problem (Circular Motion)

    Homework Statement A Centrifuge rotates at 12000rpm. What is this in radians per second? If the radius of this centrifuge is 150mm, what is the centripetal acceleration? Homework Equations v2 / r v = rω a = rω2 The Attempt at a Solution First I converted the 12000rpm...
  32. S

    High school Circular Motion Help?

    Homework Statement Part 1 You are traveling to Jupiter's moons:Ganymede and Callisto. You have to land on the slower moon before trying to accelerate to the faster moon. Which moon will you land on first? What must your velocity be in order to "catch up"(accelerate) to the faster moon? Part 2...
  33. A

    Nonuniform circular motion question

    I'm thinking about this: what happens if a nonuniform circular motion goes on for a long time? centripetal acceleration=tangential speed^2/r. If there is an existent tangential acceleration: tangential speed increases. So, centripetal acceleration must also increase. Therefore, after a...
  34. N

    Non-uniform circular motion vectors

    Δv/v = Δr/r what is the v and r denominator? I know they both refers to velocity and acceleration respectively but exactly which vector? Base on geometric interpretation, →vector 1 + Δv = →vector 2. v is a magnitude but exactly which magnitude are we referring to? Also it states that the...
  35. H

    Circular Motion of a car around a curve

    Homework Statement A car rounds a banked curve as discussed in Example 6.4 and shown in Figure 6.5.The radius of curvature of the road is R,the banking angle is θ,and the coefficient of static friction is μs. Determine the range of speeds the car can have without slipping up or down the...
  36. H

    Circular Motion while learning to drive

    Homework Statement While learning to drive,you are in a 1200 kg car moving at 20.0m/s across a large,vacant,level parking lot.Suddenly you realize you are heading straight toward the brick sidewall of a large supermarket and are in danger of running into it.The pavement can exert a maximum...
  37. H

    Circular Motion: Why Centripetal Accel Negative in i Dir & Positive in j Dir?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Why the centripetal acceleration is negative in i direction and positive in j direction?
  38. H

    Circular Motion Homework: Solving Part (B) & Understanding Centripetal Force

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have found the solution to part(B) But I don't understand why the centripetal force is equal to the weight of the vehicle when the speed of the vehicle is maximum.
  39. T

    How Does Speed Influence Complete Revolutions in Circular Motion?

    Homework Statement A smooth circular wire of radius a is fixed with its plane vertical. A small ring threaded on the wire is projected with speed u from the lowest point of the circle. Taking gravitational acceleration to be the constant g, calculate the potential energy and the kinetic energy...
  40. S

    Time dilation and uniform circular motion

    Hi, I've taken a course in SR and studied GR on my own, but I do not know how to solve problems of this type. This is just purely for fun, not homework related at all. A particle of mass m is moving on a circle of radius R at constant linear velocity v = .8c. If the particle makes N...
  41. S

    Did i rearrange this equation correctly? (circular motion)

    dHomework Statement A bucket 2.00kg is whirled in a vertical circle of a radius 1.10m. At the lowest point of its motion the tension in the rope supporting the bucket is 25.0 N a) find the speed of the bucket b) how fast must the bucket move at the top of the circle so that the rope does not go...
  42. S

    Acceleration question (circular motion)

    Homework Statement will the acceleration of a car be the same when the car travels around a sharp curve at a constant 60 km/h as when it travels around a gentle curve at the same speed? Explain. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution No the acceleration will not be the same...
  43. Ascendant78

    Gravity and uniform circular motion involving a loop?

    Homework Statement A 0.27 kg toy car is held at rest against a 1796 N/m spring compressed a distance of 8cm. When released, the car travels a distance of 112cm along a flat surface before reaching a 0.30m high loop. The friction coefficient of the flat surface and the toy car is (0.4...
  44. I

    Solving for Normal Force in Vertical Circular Motion Problem

    Homework Statement A 76-kg pilot at an air show performs a loop de loop with his plane. At the bottom of the 52-m radius loop, the plane is moving at 48 m/s. Determine the normal force acting upon the pilot. Homework Equations (ƩF)R = maR = m(v2/r) The Attempt at a Solution I...
  45. I

    Circular Motion - Banked Curve

    Homework Statement Designing an on ramp for the 401 the engineer wants cars to be able to make the turn with a radius of 50 m while traveling 40km/hr in conditions with no friction. What angle must he bank the curve at to make this possible? Homework Equations FR = (m)(aR) FR = (m)(v2)/(r)The...
  46. R

    Uniform circular motion and tension of a string

    Homework Statement a 0.60 kg sphere rotates around a vertical shaft supported by 2 strings, as shown. if the tension in upper string is 18N calculate. a) tension in lower string? b) rotation rate (in rev/min) of the system. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  47. applestrudle

    X = Asin(wt + angle) and circular motion diagram?

    This is the type of diagram I'm talking about...
  48. P

    How does gravity affect the velocity of a pendulum in circular motion?

    If a ball weighing 0.2 kg is fastened at the end of a 1.5m string and is released from the horizontal position, what will the velocity be when the pendulum is at the bottom of the circle. So I was wondering if I could use energy conservation for this question because that would make it a lot...
  49. N

    Is Angular Velocity Calculated Differently in Circular Motion?

    Homework Statement Hello PF:smile:, i have a serious problem on circular motion. My textbook says that angular velocity =linear velocity /radius While the my another book specialized in physics says that angular velocity=vertical component of velocity/radius. I am not understanding if both...
  50. B

    Interpreting a banked circular motion question

    Hello, I think I know how to do this question, but i'd really like to check that I'm interpreting what the question means correctly. Homework Statement The drawing shows a baggage carousel at the airport. Your suitcase has not slid all the way down the slope and is going around at a...