Class Definition and 944 Threads

  1. B

    Explaining equation to stem class

    I am a volunteer teaching a STEM class once a week to a class of eight elementary students. From this page I use this equation for water flow out of a water rocket m = nozzle_area * discharge_coeficient * SQRT( 2 *...
  2. S

    What really are units? Why can we ignore them, like in class?

    All my life the approach has been as follows: In math class I learn the rules and almost always deal with purely numerical problems. In physics class I apply the things learned in math class but this time our quantities have units. Now, once the equation is well put and has dimensional...
  3. Charles Stark

    Would taking a chemistry class help with physics?

    Ah ha! So I was looking through the physics classes I will have to take and noticed a lot of topics dealing with atoms and the like. Would it benefit me to take the first installment of basic Chemistry? I don't want to take the lab portion just the lecture section if it would be a tremendous...
  4. 462chevelle

    Can Taking Fluid Mechanics Without Completing All Prerequisites Work?

    I was wondering if I could get you guys advice on something. My school only offers fluid mechanics every other Fall. This spring I'm taking physics 1, calc 2, and chem 2. In the fall I'll for sure be taking physics 2, and calc 3, I could take rigid body mechanics and experimental techniques, but...
  5. Charles Stark

    Class Schedule Opinions: Comparing Option I & II

    I honestly am split down the middle on which class schedule to choose for the upcoming semester. I feel like both would prepare me for grad school with option II a little bit more but both are equal in my eyes. Just wanted to get some opinions on what you might think. Option I: -Intro to Graph...
  6. A

    Math subject guidance -- prerequisites for a physics class

    ok. so here is the plan. there is a class i want to take. but before i can take that class i need/want to learn bunch of stuff. The classes has bunch of pre-requisite classes that i want to learn. I want to learn them efficiently(dont confuse this with me rushing, if it takes time, so be it but...
  7. Silicon Waffle

    C/C++ [C#][C++] BitArray class object

    I am learning both languages for coming certified exams :D I have a code line in C# like this byte[] resource=...; BitArray data=new BitArray(resource.ToArray()); I would like to do this in C++ (I am using dynamic_bitset of boost - don't know if this a bad choice) std::vector<unsigned...
  8. B

    MHB Can a Natural Number Satisfy n ≡ 1 (mod p) for All Primes in a Large Set?

    Let $\left\{ p_{1},p_{2},\dots,p_{h}\right\}$ a set of consecutive prime numbers. I want to show that, if $h$ is large enough, then doesn't exists a natural number $n$ such that $$n\equiv1\textrm{ mod }p_{i},\,\forall i=1,\dots,h.$$ I think is true but I have no idea how to prove it. Am I wrong?
  9. S

    Choose Math Class for Applied Physics: Vector & Tensor or Nonlinear Dynamics?

    Hello, for my degree I have to choose one of the two following classes. I am planning to pursue applied physics, specifically atomic, condensed matter or chemical physics. So, which should I take? 1) applied vector and tensor mathematics Introduction to vector and tensor mathematics with...
  10. ChrisVer

    More than 1 character for a conjugacy class

    Hi, I am trying to find the characters for the S_4 group, in the conjugacy class K= (..)(..) and the two 3 dimensional and one 2 dimensional representations of the group. I use the relation obtained from the classes' algebra, which after some steps becomes:: |K|^2 \chi^{\nu} (K) \chi^\nu (K) =...
  11. Math Amateur

    LaTeX Latex code for the class SE of short exact sequences in Mod_R

    I just uploaded a post on the class SE of short exact sequences in Mod_R ... and tried to use Latex Code to achieve the same fancy script for S and E as Paul E Bland used in his text "Rings and Their Modules" ... but seemingly did not achieve the right script for S (E seems OK, or at least...
  12. Breo

    What is the Unique Metric Tensor in this Line Element?

    Hello, this is the metric I am talking about: $$ ds^2= (dt - A_idx^i)^2 - a^2(t)\delta_{ij}dx^idx^j $$ I never see one like this. How the metric tensor matrix would be?
  13. M

    Terrible experience in first integration (lebesgue) class

    Hello. I am in an undergraduate math major in an introductory graduate class on integration theory and it has truly been an unpleasant experience. I feel the instructor(who is teaching it for the first time) is pretty much completely disconnected from the students in his assignments and...
  14. F

    Python Python code using Process class

    Homework Statement I have the following code (please see below). I want it to return [2,4,6,8,10] which is the function evaluated at the given list [1,2,3,4,5]. I want to do this using the process command. My problem is: print A returns [None, None, None, None, None] But I want it to return...
  15. T

    Surviving a classroom math class? (As opposed to an online one)

    I'm about to take my first classroom math course and am kind of nervous about it. I'm good enough at math but very slow, this is why I have typically done online maths till now. I could take a week to do something I didn't comprehend. What tips can you guys give someone who is not quite as fast...
  16. blintaro

    Prepping for first "Modern Physics" Class

    Hello people of the Physics Forums, this is going to be a bit of a long post, I apologize for that! I'm posting here to ask for some advice on how to prepare for my first sophomore-level modern physics class. I am feeling very nervous about this class because it is imperative I get top grades...
  17. skujesco2014

    Can Humor Help in Teaching Physics?

    Hi, all. I want to become a Physics professor in the US. For a few years now I've been a TA in an american university and I've had to teach a few lectures to a large audience in a big lecture hall. However, american students learn differently. For moments, I feel like a performer in this...
  18. A

    Building a Speaker with a Class AB Amplifier

    Hello, For a school project I need to build a simple but working speaker. I am currently stuck on explaining how the signal amplifier works. Here is a schematic of an AB amplifier from Wikipedia. I have add a positive and negative sign indicating the connection of the battery. It contains 2...
  19. C

    Staying Awake & Interested in Math Analysis Class

    Since this is about my analysis class, I think this is the right place to put this. So, I'm a couple weeks into my class in Mathematical Analysis, and the whole class is a cure for insomnia, and I don't even have insomnia. The textbook my professor assigned looks like they liked baby Rudin, but...
  20. S

    Class 1 Lever Experiment: Wrong results

    Hey guys, I really need help with this, I do not understand what I did wrong in this experiment. I had a 30 cm ruler as a beam and some weights of 50 grams, 5 grams and 25 grams. I had a fulcrum which was 17 cm high. As you can see I only have measurements in 50, 5 and 25 grams. So I cut out...
  21. Z

    Should I just drop my physics class?

    Trying to keep this as short as possible, I'd like to be an engineer, and I'm currently taking an algebra-based physics course. It's not a class I need for my major (of course, I will need calc-based), but I've already passed the drop deadline, so I'll receive a "W" on my transcript. It's been...
  22. D

    Dynamics class w/o kinematics equations?

    Homework Statement My problem is I don't understand what my professor wants us to do instead. He says that we don't need to memorize any equations, namely the equations of motion, and that everything can be solved with basic principles and integration. The problem is, I have no idea how to...
  23. N

    Need help on logic problem for Biology class

    Homework Statement Hey guys, so I have been trying for the longest time to find the pattern in a hard-level logic problem with no success. I was wondering if someone on here could take a look at the problem and come up with the correct pattern. The variables involved in the problem are the...
  24. kyphysics

    Does Anyone Else Learn Better On Own and Hate Class?

    This is strictly for math (but feel free to throw in other subjects if you like). Does anyone else really dislike math lectures and attending class? Do you get more enjoyment and/or productivity out of learning on your own (reading the book, working problems, etc.)? I know there are...
  25. B

    Anyone Ever Taken an Online Math Class?

    My school offers online courses and I'm considering taking one for Precalculus (to brush up on my skills before taking Calc.). My question is whether or not taking an online course for math of all subjects would be detrimental in anyway. I'm not even sure how it's structured (still awaiting...
  26. F

    Programs Taken an intro level class, should I change my major?

    Hi all, So far, I have taken two, non-calc based intro level Physics classes (101 and 102). I really enjoyed the material covered in both classes. For once, I actually enjoyed working through problem sets and I found myself researching topics outside of the classroom. I am seriously considering...
  27. F

    Instantiating NumberFormat Class

    I've imported java.util, java.text and placed the following method under an appropriate class. I'm unable to pinpoint why compiler can't instantiate the type NumberFormat in my method's second line public static void tailorFormat(String name, double value, Locale loc){...
  28. Z

    Which Upper Division Math Class Should I Take as a Physics Major?

    Here is my situation, I am a physics major who is also minoring in math. I have already taken Calc1-3 and Diff EQ as well as an intro to linear algebra course. I am scheduled to take a vector analysis course this Fall. The reason for my choice of linear algebra and vector analysis is because...
  29. S

    Choose First: Theoretical Mechanics I or Methods of Theoretical Physics?

    So, I have to choose between these two, on which to take first. Here are descriptions:
  30. Mogarrr

    Schools 1st semester grad school class choices

    Hi there, fellow physics forums members & guests. I'm starting the 1st semester of grad school, and I'm faced with a tough choice between two different classes. I could take Intermediate Analysis 1 or Applied Linear Algebra. The only course I've taken involving proofs is Discrete Math...
  31. E

    Programs My major is engineering, but i was placed in a remedial math class

    hello, so I'm am currently about to attend CC this coming fall semester and my major is engineering. However, when i took the placement test i scored into intermediate algebra, which is a remedial class. I feel hopeless. I really want to become an engineer, but i fear that I'm not math-savvy...
  32. E

    First Time w/ Bachelor's Level Class Load Question

    Hello PhysicsForums Community! I have several questions regarding some possible class load schedules for this Fall 2014 term at the University of North Florida (UNF) for a double major in Physics and Mathematics. First, here is a little background about me: I am 19 years old and have...
  33. R

    What Makes Accelerated Trig Courses So Difficult?

    I will try to be as objective as possible and not inflate my post with excuses. I am currently taking a college trig course, and I am doing badly--this might turn into a rant, so be forewarned. I am going to a CC where I have been doing well. My goal is to transfer to an UC and major in physics...
  34. N

    Can I Get a Good Masters Degree After 3rd Class Honours Degree?

    Hello i finished with a 3rd class honours degree in physics from one of the universities of london..I don't want to excuse myself..but since the start of the second term i had some health and mental problems which affected a lot my performance during the term and the examination period...I took...
  35. W

    Mapping Class Group of Contractible Spaces

    Hi all, Isn't the mapping class group of a contractible space trivial (or, if we consider isotopy, {+/-Id})? Since every map from a contractible space is (homotopically)trivial.
  36. A

    Extra Credit Question for my class, I don't think I did it correctly.

    1. Vehicle A and Vehicle B are moving in opposite directions on the NJTP. Vehicle A is heading south toward atlantic city while vehicle B is heading north towards Hoboken. In situation 1 and 2 described below, at t = 0s both vehicles are at a distance of separation of 400m and are moving...
  37. K

    Histogram of unequal class width

    for the class 100-199, the f (number of household) is 20, but in the histogram, the frequency is divided by 2 which 20/2 = 10 , but how can it show that in the class 100-199 , the total frequency of 100-199 is 10 ? when i look at the histogram, i would directly think that there are f=10 in the...
  38. S

    Fourth Class Levers: Uncovering the Mystery

    I'll assume that we all know of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Levers. Years ago I saw a brief remark in a magazine that I was browsing at the supermarket. It said that there was an obscure "4th Class Lever"—essentially what you get with a whip where the relative lengths of the Lever Arms are...
  39. J

    Java Using a JavaScript Function as a Class

    I figured out what the bug in my code is, but now I need to figure out how to best remedy it. Here's my function: function snake(C, C_h, C_w) { /* NOTE TO SELF: C is a Raphel object. Can't find a method to return the height and...
  40. J

    Helped someone do well in a class

    My friend's roommate is always so stressed out over school. He spends a ridiculous amount of time studying and always struggles to do well in his classes. It really bothers him. He asked me for advice a couple weeks ago, so we talked about it. We talked about his study habits and I found out...
  41. G

    Backyard class 2 pole zip lines

    Looking to build a zip line with 4% decline for the kids with: Class 2 50' CCA syp Class II telephone poles sunk 6.5ft. 3/8" cable 7x19 Galzanized cable for guy wire and zip line. 1st zip: 100ft Starting at 26ft on a 6' hill->Ending at 22ft 2nd zip: 120ft Starting at 22ft -> Ending at...
  42. J

    What do you think about my class choice for next semester?

    I registered for Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Design I, and Vibrations in Mechanical design. I'm not sure if this is going to be too rough or not. Vibrations is an elective and I think it is important. Another option would be FEA. I'm in thermodynamics now and I enjoy it. I'm...
  43. T

    Which type of class really is harder?

    My college offers both online and offline math classes. I'm to the point now, where the math classes offered online are fewer, I need I believe up to calculus. I like the setup of online because I work like most people, and it gives me a week to complete homework and tests, rather than 2 days...
  44. K

    What math class should I take next?

    My school is on a quarter system so the calc series is divided into 4 quarters. I'm currently in my 3rd quarter of calculus which covers: This may sound like a dumb question but, should I take the 4th quarter of calculus next called "Vector Analysis"? Is this Calc III? It covers: Or should...
  45. M

    Physics topic to write about for a mathematics class?

    So, I am currently in an Advanced Calculus class (ie. elementary analysis of calculus). Our end project is to write a 5-6 page paper on a topic of our choice and relate it back to the class. A lot of the other students are economics majors so they are picking economic topics. I'm a physics...
  46. J

    C/C++ C++: Creating a class for a stopwatch

    Today I wanted to use my Windows phone to time myself doing a workout. After realizing that my phone doesn't have a stopwatch, I thought, "Oh, I'll make one." I've never made a Windows phone app before, but Microsoft has some documentation that should guide me later...
  47. L

    I - ly - trouble with calculus class

    I need help -- urgently -- trouble with calculus class heyy everyone, I actually have a problem regarding calculus 1, I study engineering and its my first year I actually have always did reaally well in math in olevels but when I came to cal one don't know what happened basically ! I got a C...
  48. A

    C/C++ How to Improve the Design of a Linked List Class in C++?

    I decided to make a library for some common data structures and I'm facing some design problems. I wanted to implement linked list using classes in c++. Here is the sample class:- class Linked_List { private: int key; Linked_List* next; public: Linked_List(int key)...
  49. kq6up

    Quantum Superconducting Circuits Class?

    I am wondering if this class is senior undergrad level or graduate level. Here is a published PPT from the lectures of this class. The material is fascinating. I understand it enough to be intrigued, but I cannot unpack it all. Thanks, Chris Maness
  50. P

    Calculating voltage class ab power amp

    Hello, I am working on a lab for school and I am having a problem. I am attempting to build a compensated class b power amplifier. I understand the common emitter configuration (to boost voltage) and the class b push pull amplifier stage (to boost current). I understand that diodes in the...