Class Definition and 942 Threads

  1. V

    Parametrization question for my Intro. to Higher Math Class

    Two objects A and B are traveling in opposite direction on a straight line. At t=0 A and B are at positions P(A)=(-40, -20) and P(B)=(190, 980), respectively. If additionally, their paths are parameterized by directions V(A)=(3,5) and V(B)=(-24, -40), respectively. Then, a) find the point...
  2. M

    Solving or approximating a special class of fourier transforms

    I have a large class of Fourier transform integrals that I would like to solve, approximate, or just get some insight into how they work. They take the form: \int exp(j*θ(x))exp(-j*ω*x)dx with the restriction that θ(x) is real. Now this general class is very hard, but perhaps someone...
  3. LTME

    Math pole (which class was the most difficult for you?)

    I am curious which math classes gave people the most trouble during their time in college. I am not looking for a "this class is harder than that class" kind of ruling as I know it differs from student to student and school to school. I am simply curious to see if there will be a pattern in the...
  4. R

    Factor principal ideals in a field with class number 2

    Homework Statement Let K be a number field. Let a be an irreducible element of K. Prove that if <a>(the ideal generated by a) is not a prime ideal, then it is a product of two prime ideals. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm actually quite clueless...:frown: I...
  5. M

    Need One More Class for Next Fall

    I am a rising senior Physics Major who needs one more class to meet the credit hour requirement to keep my scholarship. These are the class that fit into my schedule that my adviser told me to look at: Intro to Software Engineering - really just advanced C++, UML use, memory management, and...
  6. Whovian

    C/C++ Problem accessing members of a class in C++?

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; class B { public: int a,b; string c; B (int, int, string); B (); }; B::B (int d, int e, string f) { a = d; b = e; c = f; } B::B () { a = 0; b = 0; c = "Nothing"; } int main() { B Wibbly (1,2,"Wibbly"); B Wobbly (); cout <<...
  7. J

    The class indexed by real numbers is a set?

    Let \mathcal{S} = \{S_{i}:i \in \mathbb{R} \} where S_{i} is a set. Then \mathcal{S} is a set? Or, can this notation make sense in some way?
  8. F

    How do I calculate the class number? What is the class number simply?

    I'm doing the last part of iii) My lecturer has given a definition of the class number, abstract stuff and hasn't actually explained it in simple terms to get my head around. In particular in any example when it comes to calculating the class number h(K) she just goes 'Hence h(K) = 2'...
  9. F

    Focal Length problem for astronomy class

    Homework Statement A telescope has a focal ratio of f/7.5. You wish to use it with a spectrometer that requires an f/10 beam at its input. Compute the focal length of a 50mm diameter lens that, when inserted in the beam 150mm in front of the unmodified focal plane, produces the required beam...
  10. J

    Need Information about statics class offered online?

    URGENT need Information about statics class offered online?? I need to find a university or comm. college that will be offering statics online over the summer. If you have any ideas of schools i could call please list them. Thanks!
  11. S

    Struggling in Precalculus: How to Get Back on Track for a Successful Math Career

    I am sort of in an odd situation or at least I think it is odd. Right now I am currently dual enrolled in precalculus and trigonometry. Trig I don't feel is difficult but I am worried that is because my professor is too easy. In short, for trig I don't feel like I am being prepped in the way I...
  12. R

    Understanding Equivalence Classes: Even and Odd Numbers in Relation to 0 and 1

    Why in equivalence class of N of even number and odd number, the even number are taken as related to 0 and odd number are related as 1 i.e [0] and [1]. Instead of [0], even number can also be related to [2] or [4]? Or [2] or [4] could also be taken, as it is just an convention. Thanks.
  13. J

    How do you access a pointer of a class nested in another class

    Given the following: class pairList { private: int value1, value2; pairList *nextEntry pairList *reverseM(pairList *prev); public: pairList(int v1, int v2, pairList *next) : value1(v1), value2(v2), nextEntry(next) {} int getFirstValue() { return value1; } int...
  14. 1

    Where Can I Take Physics 4C in Summer in CA or Nearby States?

    Hello, I'm looking for a college that offers Physics 4C(or equivalent classes) in this coming summer in CA or nearby states. I did a lot of research, but i didn't find anyone offers it in summer. I have to take it before the fall semester starts. Here is the course description Has to be...
  15. C

    Comp Sci How Should I Implement the UserID and Password Generation in Java?

    Homework Statement This is my assignment: (Sorry, it's a little long) You are required to write a UserID Java class to be used when generating and storing the user id and password for a new user of a system. At a minimum, each UserID object should store a first name, last name, user id, and...
  16. D

    Rube Goldberg Machine for physics class in highschool any ideas?

    I need to build a rube goldberg machine for physics class and i am stuck on ideas. It must include circular motion, projectile motion, rolling motion, gravitational energy, kinetic energy, elastic enrgy, conservation of momentum, and electric or magnetic fields. It cannot be powered by more than...
  17. S

    Difference between class E and F amplifiers?

    What is the difference between E class and F class power amplifiers and what are their potential applications? Thanks
  18. Z

    C/C++ C++ how to compare two objects of the same class?

    Hi, noob question here, In C++, how can I return boolean comparison between two object pointers? ie. return True if the pointers point to same object. I've tried == but it doesn't work. Do I need to define a comparison method from within the class? If so what is the syntax for doing it? Thanks.
  19. D

    How Can I Prepare for a Challenging Analysis Class?

    In a semester or two i am going to take an analysis class that uses "principles of mathematical analysis" as its book and i am terrified since it seems like a really difficult book. i haven't had much experience with proofs outside of linear algebra and geometry, so in other words i don't have...
  20. L

    Advanced Mathematical Methods Class - Question about Utility

    My school is offering a advanced mathematical methods classes next semester, taught by a supposedly world-renowned professor. Everyone to whom I've spoken, students and faculty alike, says he's an amazing teacher who gives you a unique education. However, here is the course description: My...
  21. G

    Comp Sci Java Class Arrays: ArrayTest Method

    Homework Statement Create a Java class named ArrayTest with a method called arrayCombiner that creates three arrays of size 10. The first array should contain the values 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19. The second array should contain the values 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20...
  22. T

    Schools Why Choose Physics in High School?

    As a high school freshman, I need to decide what classes to take next year. I was required to take Biology this year, but since now...time to decide my future. :) The issue I'm having is I love physics. I've studied everything I can on my own (online stuff, mostly, my parents didn't really want...
  23. M

    Measuring Force on Class Project

    On my senior project, I've figured out everything I need to measure all the parameters I needed EXCEPT force. I know that I need to use strain gauges, and I've used them in my instruments class with Labview and a DAQ. While I'm still using Labview, I'm now using an Arduino so things are a little...
  24. D

    Missed my class and don't know how to even begin.

    Homework Statement a 100kg bicycle and rider initially move at 16 m/s up a 15 degree hill. The rider slams on the brakes and skids to rest. The coefficient of friction is (0.8, 0.7) Homework Equations I have a few but nothing to do with a coefficient of friction. The last ones given to...
  25. Square1

    Distances between planes (intro lin alg class)

    Homework Statement Im working currently with vectors. The question asks for the distance between two planes given by the two following equations: x + y -2z = 0 3x + 3y -6z = 1 Homework Equations I know the planes, H1, and H2 are parallel, so I can pick any random point on either...
  26. C

    Struggling in Calculus 1: Should I Drop the Class?

    I am really struggling with my Calculus 1 class. I have a book and everything for it I do all the problems from the book including the homework that the teacher provides us. I find the homeworks very hard and I have no clue how to solve some of them. The thing is when I took a placement test I...
  27. F

    How to prepare for graduate school in mathematics?

    Hi, I am a sophomore and I recently dropped Graduate Complex Analysis. I was just missing something. The solutions to the questions on the problem set were not capable of being formed by me. This being said, I am wondering if it is still possible for me to attend graduate school for...
  28. F

    Equivalence relation and equivalence class

    i have two relations given to me which are both defined on the integers Z by relation 1: x~y if 3x^2 -y^2 is divisibale by 2 and relation 2: x~y if 3x^2 -y^2 ≥0 I have used three properties to figure out that relation 1 is eqivalence relation as it stands for all three properties i.e...
  29. K

    Design an Egg Drop Capsule for Physics Class

    Hi, we are doing an egg drop contest in my Physics class and I was hoping to get some ideas for the best capsule possible. Here are the rules: - No pre constructed containers (cans, boxes, bottles, glass, uncut plastic bags, egg containers etc) -capsule dimensions must not exceed 6 inches in...
  30. X

    Schools Freshmen withdrawing from junior level E@M class. What would grad school think?

    So let's keep it hypothetical here. Let's say a freshmen is taking intro level E@M and Junior level Griffths E@M at the same time. The student is doing this because in high school he took calc based E@M and believes he can relearn any gaps. The student is getting As in his intro level class but...
  31. N

    I'm doing horrible at my physics class Want some lecturing

    I know is very stupid to say this now, but I have no other places to turn to. My parents won't be happy about this, and me either, but from the bottom of my heart I believe this might be better off for me. I have been wasting my time on stuff that I shouldn't be messing with when I was...
  32. M

    Currently my class it calculating volumes of solids by rotating them

    Currently my class it calculating volumes of solids by rotating them about some axis, say for instance the function f(x) = x^2 bounded by s = { (x,y) | 0≤x≤1 , 0≤y≤1} and rotating it about the y - axis. I understand the general look of the graph on paper but I can't visualize the actual solid...
  33. C

    Should I Drop Mathematical Physics Class?

    Dear Forum: I am a senior chemistry major that has the typical science/engineering background in math - 2 quarters of single variable calculus, 2 quarters of multivariable calculus and vector analysis, 1 quarter of linear algebra and 1 quarter of differential equations. I am currently...
  34. P

    Additional Text for Optics Class

    Hello. I am currently taking Physical Optics and I do not particular like the textbook I am using and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on study tools (books or websites) to help me with what we are learning. The class is of the undergraduate level, and the book we are using...
  35. R

    Grade 660 Class A,B,C Fastener Rusted.

    ASTM A 453 grade 660,class A,B,C and D fastener rusted in our system and now I am looking for reason why this material rusted by looking properties and High temp fasteners this is the best fastener to use as per knowledge to high strength and high temp application.We used 316SS washer with this...
  36. D

    Deciding whether to audit, take the class, or take pass/fail

    Hey guys, I'm a sophomore thinking about adding into a complex analysis class. The thing is, I'm not sure whether the class would require concepts from Real Analysis (which I haven't taken) or not. The professor didn't list analysis as a prereq but from a conceptual standpoint speaks of the...
  37. L

    Need advice for retaking a class

    hello guys! This semester I was ruthlessly gutted in my Differential Equations class and it has been stressing me severely. I shamefully made a D in the class... I know this is my fault, but at the same time I feel as though the professor teaching it had much to do with it also. He was...
  38. T

    What pre-calculus needed for this calculus class?

    This quarter, I will take the course "Calculus for social sciences." Here's the description: "Introduction to differential and integral calculus with applications to modeling in the biological sciences," and "study of differential and integral calculus with differential and integral calculus...
  39. D

    Are Online Calculus-Based Electronics 1 Classes Accepted at Lamar University?

    I recently found out that I didn't pass my Electronics 1 class. I missed the grade letter of a C by 3 points. I have heard that their is online Electronics 1 class online. I go to Lamar University and I was wondering if there are any online Electronics 1 class that is calculus based that can be...
  40. S

    Class equation and a group of order pq

    Homework Statement Use the class equation to show that greup G of order pq, with p and q prime, has an element of order p. Homework Equations |G| = \sum |C(x)| (class equation) Z = center of the group G = {z\inG: zy = yz for all y in G} |G| = |Z(x)||C(x)| (counting formula) The...
  41. K

    How to calculate the Euler class of a sphere bundle?

    I have read the section about sphere bundle in Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology,but I still don't understand the Euler class very clear.I don't know how to calculate it for a sphere bundle,for example the sphere bundle of S^2. And I can't work out the exercise at the end of the...
  42. T

    Make Constructor for Standard Class

    How can I make a constructor for a standard class that accepts my class? For example, I have a class x and I want to make it possible to C++-style cast it to a string (ie "string(x)" rather than "(string)x"); how do I do that/what does the constructor function declaration look like?
  43. C

    Designing Class A Amplifier with 12V Power Supply

    Homework Statement Designing a Class A amplifier for project with high voltage gain and high efficency or at least as high as we can get. It has to have a 12V power supply. We have the design but the when we add the power supply that converts the 120v ac to 12v dc our output voltage goes...
  44. P

    Does this function belong to an interesting class of functions?

    Hello and thanks for your consideration, I'd like some insight into the function f(\phi) = \frac {1 - \phi}{\phi - 1} Does this apply to any known modeling situations? Is it recognized as belonging to a more general class of functions that may have interesting or unique characteristics? Or...
  45. A

    Would someone explain the class equation and its corrolaries for me?

    I've read about the class equation on Herstein's abstract algebra but haven't understood it well. Would someone here explain the class equation to me and give a short proof for it and then tell me where it can be used?
  46. T

    Stirling engine survey for high school engineering class

    I am making a CNC machined stirling engine for high school my engineering class. Before I can get started I need people to fill out this survey to help me decide which design to go with. Thanks! Stirling Info
  47. P

    Egg Drop Experiment Physics CLass

    My physics class is doing the popular egg drop experiment. We may only use wooden strips no larger than a 1/4" by 1/4" in cross section (ex: toothpicks, popsicle sticks). We may not use bamboo as it is a grass not a wood. We can only use glue, cement, superglue, or hot glue to hold it...
  48. C

    Designing a Class A Amplifier for Good Speakers, Inc.

    [b]1. Homework Statement EE3350 Electronics I Term Project "Power Amplifier Design" Objective: You will be designing a proper power amplifier for Good Speakers, Inc. The company will accept only two designs. One of them is Class A amplifier and the other one will be a Class B amplifier...
  49. M

    What do Discrete Mathematical Structures and Elementary Linear Algebra cover?

    1. Discrete mathematical structures 2. elementary linear algebra I was interested in taking these two classes but I'm not sure what they are about...? can some one give me a brief explanation ?
  50. K

    The Euler class of the unit tangent bundle to S^2

    This is an example from Bott and Tu 's book DFAT(page 125).The example is in the image.I don't understand why can we get the local degree of the section s by constructing an vector field by parallel translation and calculate the rotating number of it.And why the local degree is 2? Could...