What is Classical: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western culture, generally considered to have begun in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the late 5th century CE and continuing to present day. Classical music refers to Western musical traditions considered to be apart from or a refinement of Western folk music or popular music traditions. The major periods are the medieval (500–1400), Renaissance (1400–1600), Baroque (1600–1750), Classical (1750–1820), Romantic (1800–1910), Modernist (1890–1975) and Postmodern era/Contemporary (1950–present) eras. These periods and their dates are all approximate generalizations and represent gradual stylistic shifts that varied in intensity and prominence throughout the Western world.
The term "classical music" did not appear until the early 19th century, in an attempt to distinctly canonize the period from Johann Sebastian Bach to Ludwig van Beethoven as a golden age. The earliest reference to "classical music" recorded by the Oxford English Dictionary is from about 1829.European art music is largely distinguished from many other non-European classical and some popular musical forms by its system of staff notation, in use since about the 11th century. Catholic monks developed the first forms of modern European musical notation in order to standardize liturgy throughout the worldwide Church. Western staff notation is used by composers to indicate to the performer the pitches and durations for a piece of music. It includes both sacred (religious) and secular music. In contrast to most popular styles that adopted the song (strophic) form or a derivation of this form, classical music has been noted for its development of highly sophisticated forms of instrumental music such as the symphony, concerto, fugue, sonata, and mixed vocal and instrumental styles such as opera, cantata, and mass.

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  1. A

    Expanding knowledge on the Classical Groups

    I need some material on the properties and relationships between classical groups. I was using Robert Gilmore's "Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Some of their Aplications", but it barely covers it (section 2.iv). Does someone know about a book or any lecture notes that could be used to...
  2. N

    What is the meaning of classical and quantum equations?

    Please teach me this: It is seem to me that the classical equation is an equation describing the relation between operators.But quantum equation describes the relation of expectation values of physical quantities.Then corresponding principle only implies the one-one coresponding between...
  3. E

    Cross Post from Classical Physics: Calculus in Impulse Momentum Theorem

    Hi, This is my first post. Sorry for the mistakes it certainly contains. I have two questions. First, is there a tutorial for using embedded LaTex? I found some general tutorials on LaTex, but I couldn't get some of the commands listed in that tutorial to work in the embedded LaTex code...
  4. G

    Transition: Classical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics

    Imagine that I have a system that is described classically by a given Hamiltonian which is a function of a given set of parameters q and their canonical conjugate momenta p=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}. Then, I will say that the quantum description of the same system is guided by setting...
  5. N

    Why Do Symmetry Breakings Differ with the Same Classical Lagrangian?

    Please teach me this: It seem to me that the classical Lagrangian is only ''the tip of the iceberg'' of full quantum Lagrangian which has some ''counterterms'' having ''classical parameters'' zero.With this ''counterterms'' of full Lagrangian,the vacuum expectation value of field(s) is...
  6. Q

    One Big problem with Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics

    Homework Statement You can find the problem in Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics 3rd edition. Chapter 10.19.I already calculated the transmission coefficients, but mine are fourth of those given by Jackson. I do not know why. My calculation is based on Problem 10.18. I use dipole moments...
  7. N

    Why the minima of potential of classical Lagrangian called ''vacuum expectation''?

    Please teach me this: Why the minima of potential of classical Lagrangian is called the ''vacuum expectation value of Phi(field function)''.Is it really a vacuum expectation value of field operator at the vacuum states(at this state,the potential part of classical Lagrangian equals zero)...
  8. P

    Commutator notation in classical field theory

    Homework Statement Could someone please explain what is meant by the term: \partial_{[ \mu}F_{\nu \rho ]} Homework Equations I have come across this in the context of Maxwells equations where F^{\mu \nu} is the field strength tensor and apparently: \partial_{[ \mu}F_{\nu \rho...
  9. J

    Discussion of A. Neumaier's claim that classical EM can violate Bell's theorem

    Discussion continued from this post on another thread... Bell's proof does not involve any notions of "particles" or "waves" whatsoever, it only involves observed experimental results combined with the idea that the theory generating them is local realistic. Again, do you agree or disagree...
  10. A. Neumaier

    Classical and Quantum Mechanics via Lie algebras

    I'd like to open a discussion thread for version 2 of the draft of my book ''Classical and Quantum Mechanics via Lie algebras'', available online at http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0810.1019 , and for the associated thermal interpretation of quantum mechanics, espoused in the book. The goal of the...
  11. Phrak

    Classical Field Theory without Force

    Classical Field Theory without Force Has anyone seen how this has been approached?
  12. M

    Can a classical model for electron satisfy requirements of quantum mechanics?

    I recently saw two connected articles in AIP Advances. The attempt is to generate a classical model for the particle electron which can satisfy requirements of the three modern theories: quantum mechanics, special relativity and electrodynamics. 1) Mathematical model I. Electron and quantum...
  13. Y

    How is Greenwood's Classical Dynamics?

    My friend recommend this book to me. Actually, I don't have enough time to read Goldstein. But this is book is not so thicker as Goldstein's. May I use this book as a substitution?
  14. R

    Classical Ideal Gas: Pathria's Insight on Non-Interacting Particles

    In the book of Pathria(p.16), he mentioned that If (i) the mutual interactions among particles are negligible and (ii) the wave packets of individual particles do not significantly overlap, then there does not exist any spatial correlations among the particles in the system composed of...
  15. N

    Help polishing off a Classical E&M HW question

    Homework Statement This isn't the whole homework problem but I need to show that (p dot gradient operator)E is equal to Gradient operator(p Dot E) Homework Equations P= Dipole Moment E= non constant electric field. The Attempt at a Solution Like I said this is the last part of...
  16. Y

    Math topics I need to study JD Jackson Classical Electrodynamics.

    I was told by a friend that I need to study Complex Analysis, Introduction to Analysis on top of PDE. My highest level of math is only PDE. I want to know what other math topics I need for self study in JD Jackson. I know people go to school will have instructor teaching the math in the...
  17. Physics Monkey

    Classical Limit in LQG: Has GR Been Shown?

    Hi everyone, I would like to ask a very simple and direct question: has the classical limit of any of the various loopy approaches to quantum gravity been shown to be GR? Perturbative fluctuations around flat space, for example? I've seen what appear to me to be conflicting claims on...
  18. M

    Regarding College Classical Mechanics and the mathematics therein

    I'll be attending college in a few months, and I would like to know what mathematics to study in order to understand my classical mechanics class. Could anyone help me? I've heard that I should know ODEs and PDEs but I didn't think such math was required. Is this true? And what should I be...
  19. D

    Classical and quantum physics.

    What could be a good example or textbook problem which could be solved using quantum physics and classical physics in order to see the difference? If you wan to explain the differences to a non-physics student, what would you do? (Don´t use the blackbody radiation problem).
  20. J

    Classical Mechanics Textbook: Beyond Algebra Required?

    Okay, I have this textbook about Classical Mechanics. It is NOT a high school textbook, it's like a college textbook, which requires beyond algebra. I also have calculus textbook, but I have not mastered multivariable calculus yet. If I do master this, will it help me finish Classical Mechanics...
  21. S

    Quantum from classical behavior in higher dimensions?

    Consider the following model. Put a lattice of N electrical nodes on a sphere. The lattice doesn't have to be perfectly regular. Each node is connected to others by copper wires that run through the interior of the sphere. The wires do not interfere with each other. In some initial state...
  22. maverick_starstrider

    Are Maxwell's Equations The Most Pivotal Postulate of Classical Physics?

    Every textbook I read seems to follow the same logic/derivation of physics: -Gauss' Law is observed experimentally, shows us there's this thing E -Biot-Savart's Law is observed experimentally, shows us there's this thing B -Ampere's Law (after fixed by Maxwell) observed experimentally, along...
  23. D

    Mathematical prerequisites for Classical Mechanics

    So, I am about to read Landau's and Lifschitz's textbook on Classical Mechanics. What kind of mathematics I should be already familiar with in order to completely understand the above mentioned material? Would real-variable calculus and linear algebra be sufficient for the task? Thanks for all...
  24. S

    Ontology of AdS/CFT classical on the bulk?

    Is it true in AdS/CFT the ontology on the boundary is quantum (whatever that may be), and the ontology in the bulk is classical? If that were true it would be a new "interpretation" of quantum mechanics.
  25. M

    Stress Tensor in Classical Field Theory

    Hi, I have a problem in classical field theory. I have a Lagrangian density \mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\partial_\lambda \phi \partial^\lambda \phi + \frac{1}{3}\sigma\phi^3 . Upon solving the Euler-Lagrange equation for this density, I get an equation of motion for my scalar field \phi (x), where...
  26. G

    Landau & Lifschitz, Classical Theory of Fields

    Landau & Lifschitz, "Classical Theory of Fields" The above titled book is useful in many regards, but occasionally I find what I think are errors in the text. I have the Third Revised English edition (1971). On p. 231, for example, an unnumbered equation E = J e. I have omitted the...
  27. U

    Good book for Classical Physics II?

    Hey, I am starting this course very shortly, and I always found that the books the professor recommended, I couldn't quite understand. So these are my syllables: Electrostatics: electric charge and field, Coulomb law, Gauss law; potential; energy; conductors; Poisson and Laplace equations and...
  28. 2

    Complex formulation of classical mechanics

    Looking at a path of system state (x(t),v(t)) as a vector, the Lagrangian strangely is a scalar function of pairs of coordinates of the vector. If, on the other hand, the complete state of a system was captured in a single complex number x+iv, a complex analogue of the Lagrangian would simply...
  29. J

    Classical and Quantum Probabilities as Truth Values

    http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.2213 Classical and Quantum Probabilities as Truth Values Authors: Andreas Doering, Chris J. Isham (Submitted on 10 Feb 2011) Abstract: We show how probabilities can be treated as truth values in suitable sheaf topoi. The scheme developed in this paper is very...
  30. A

    What is the difference between Mechanics and Classical Mechanics?

    Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but at Georgia Tech, many engineering majors take a class in mechanics (required) and classical mechanics (not required, but it's an option). I just finished mechanics in my high school AP Physics class (which should be similar in content to a college...
  31. wolram

    Exploring Classical Dance & Hip Swinging Moves

    Like classical dancing or getting down and swinging thoughts hips.
  32. L

    No simple map between classical and quantum

    In Sean Carroll's GR book I found the following statement: there is no simple map between classical and quantum theories, - there are classical theories with no quantum counterpart - classical theories with multiple quantum versions - quantum theories without any classical analogue Could...
  33. S

    Potentials in classical electromagnetism

    Can anyone please explain the concepts of scalar and vector potential and how they can be used to derive the wave equation for light? References are welcome. Thanks in advance for any help!
  34. K

    Why Do Electrons Emit EM Waves and Lose Energy in Classical Orbits?

    why according to classical, electron circuling around the nucleus will emit EM wave and lose energy and collapse? I know electron undergoes circular acceleration, but why emit EM wave?
  35. T

    Critically damped oscillator: Classical mechanics help

    Homework Statement A critically damped oscillator with natural frequency \omega starts out at position x_0>0. What is the maximum initial speed (directed towards the origin) it can have and not cross the origin? Homework Equations For the case of critical damping...
  36. R

    Find Books for Classical Physics Beginners

    Hi everyone , can you find some books for classical physics for begginers pls ? thnx
  37. snoopies622

    How Does Reference Frame Affect Kinetic Energy Calculations?

    I just thought of this. I think I know the answer to it now, but it took me a little bit of thinking. Maybe someone who teaches high school physics might find it useful. - - - - - I have a battery-powered toy car. I turn it on and it accelerates from speed 0 to speed 1. (I'm leaving...
  38. Z

    Classical Mechanics - Drag Force

    Homework Statement Suppose a block sliding on a slippery horizontal surface experiences a drag force F=-cv3/2 where c is a positive constant. At time t=0, the block is at position x=0 with initial positive velocity. Find the velocity and position as a function of time. Derive an expression for...
  39. mnb96

    Limits of classical views of the atomic structure

    Hello, this might be a trivial question for many of you. I would like to know what are the simplest phenomena/experiments, if any, (and perhaps the first historically) that contradict the assumption that subatomic particles like electrons, protons, neutrons..., can be thought of as "small...
  40. A

    Electrical Breakdown/Avalanche of Air Classical Mechanics Collision Theory

    Homework Statement Electrical breakdown (e.g, lightning) is caused by an avalanche process. If a free electron gains enough energy between collisions to ionize the neutral molecules when they collide with them, then those two electrons will gain enough energy between collisions to ionize the...
  41. 1

    Music What Should I Listen to After Mozart's Symphony #40?

    After taking an intersession music appreciation course, I have a new interest in music from the classical era. Mozart's Symphony #40 in G minor is the best sound I've ever heard - period. Anyone have any recommendations for other things I should check out? I hear it's great to have in the...
  42. P

    HELP Boltzmann law in terms of classical physics?

    The Stefan-Boltzmann law is as follows: The energy radiated by a black body radiater per second per unit area is directly proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature. Equation: I = σT^4 Is it possible to explain this law by means of classical physics only? If so...
  43. P

    Should I take QM 1 before completing Classical Mechanics?

    I just transferred to Georgia Tech from Georgia State and I'm registering for classes. I ave taken Intro Phys 1 and 2, and intro to modern physics. I have math up to DE. I will be taking Classical Mechanics this semester, and am wondering if it is a good idea to take QM before completing the...
  44. A

    Classical Mechanics: Fictitious Forces: Centrifugal, Coriolis, Transverse, etc.

    Homework Statement Figure is attached. In an amusement park ride called the hammer a large beam rotates in a ver- tical plane about a central pivot (see figure). Cages are attached to the end of the beam; these rotate independently. The riders are strapped to the walls of the cages. The...
  45. facenian

    Classical statistical mechanics question

    Hello. I read this assertion in a book: if we take at an initial time t_0 a constant density distribution \rho(p,q,t_0) in phase space, then this implies that \rho wil remain independent of time for all t>t_0 because by Liouville's theorem \frac{\partial\rho}{\partial...
  46. M

    First-Order Principles of Classical Mechanics

    My Physics teacher yesterday said something that gave me pause. He was talking about the necessity of clearly understanding the first-order principles of the science we study. Last semester I took Classical Mechanics (part 1 of the Introduction to Calculus-Based Physics at my college) with a...
  47. S

    Exploring the Connection: Quantum & Classical Path Integrals

    What is the relationship between the quantum mechanical path integral and classical mechanics path integral?
  48. K

    What is the friction force required for a wheel to roll without slipping?

    A cord is wrapped around the inner drum of a wheel and pulled horizontally with a force of 200N. The wheel has a mass of 50 kg and a radius of gyration of 0.07 m. Let ms = 0.20 and mk = 0.15. (a) Determine the friction force, F at the wheel ground contact point assuming that the wheel rolls...
  49. F

    Classical Mechanics (Lagrangian)

    Homework Statement A ball is sitting on a frictionless seesaw with no inclination at the beginning, and a constant angular velocity \phi. Find the position of the ball as a function of timeHomework Equations L=T-V, T=(m\dot{}x2+m\dot{}y2)/2, V=mgyThe Attempt at a Solution The first problem I...
  50. T

    What Constitutes Circular Motion in Classical Dynamics?

    Hi, I'm doing this Classical Dynamics section II question which can be found here (http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/undergrad/pastpapers/2008/Part_2/list_II.pdf ) on page 27. I have done most of the question but am unsure about the last part. Specifically using Hamilton's equations to show there's...