closure Definition and 171 Threads

  1. mnb96

    Question on conjugation closure of subgroups

    Hello, I consider the groups of rotations R=SO(2) and the group T of translations on the 2D Cartesian plane. Let's define Ω as the group Ω=RT. Thus Ω is essentially SE(2), the special Euclidean group. It is known that R and T are respectively 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional Lie groups...
  2. A

    The closure of an open set A, strictly bigger than A itself?

    Hi there! Is the following true? Suppose A is an open set and not closed. Cl(A) is closed and contains A, hence it contains at least one point not in A. If A is both open and closed it obviously does not hold.
  3. marcus

    Algebra closure in LQC(eff.) w. 1/V and holonomy corrections Anomaly-free perturbations with inverse-volume and holonomy corrections in Loop Quantum Cosmology Thomas Cailleteau, Linda Linsefors, Aurelien Barrau (Submitted on 19 Jul 2013) This article addresses the issue of the closure of the algebra of constraints for...
  4. E

    Easy-to-compute posteriors / closure under noisy sampling

    I have a question on (I think?) Bayesian statistics. Consider the following situation: -P is a class of probability measures on some subset A of the real line -q is a probability measure on some subset B of the real line -f is a function on AxB -My prior distribution on the random...
  5. Advent

    MHB Closure of a Subgroup of GL(2,C)

    Let GL(2;\mathbb{C}) be the complex 2x2 invertible matrices group. Let a be an irrational number and G be the following subgroup G=\Big\{ \begin{pmatrix}e^{it} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{iat} \end{pmatrix} \Big| t \in \mathbb{R} \Big\} I have to show that the closure of the set G is\bar{G}=\Big\{...
  6. P

    MHB Integral closure in finite extension fields

    Let $K=\mathbb{Q}[\omega]$ where $\omega^2+\omega+1=0$ and let $R$ be the polynomial ring $K[x]$. Let $L$ be the field $K(x)[y]$ where $y$ satisfies $y^3=1+x^2$.Which is the integral closure of $R$ in $L$, why?
  7. P

    MHB Integral closure of rational polynomial ring

    Consider the ring $\mathbb{Q}[X]$ of polynomials in $X$ with coefficients in the field of rational numbers. Consider the quotient field $\mathbb{Q}(X)$ and let $K$ be the finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}(X)$ given by $K:=\mathbb{Q}(X)[Y]$, where $Y^2-X=0$.Let $O_{K}$ be the integral closure of...
  8. B

    How does the diameter of a closure relate to isolated points in Rudin's book?

    In Rudin we read ##diam \ \bar{S} = diam \ S##. And the ##2ε## trick is very clear. However I see how would this would work for an accumulation point of ##S## but what about an Isolated point of ##S## that is miles away from the set.
  9. D

    Prove that the closure of a bounded set is bounded.

    Homework Statement Prove that if S is a bounded subset of ℝ^n, then the closure of S is bounded. Homework Equations Definitions of bounded, closure, open balls, etc. The Attempt at a Solution See attached pdf.
  10. B

    Are Topological and Algebraic Closures Related?

    In topology, when we say a set is closed, it means it contains all of its limit points In Algebra closure of S under * is defined as if a, b are in S then a*b is in S. Are these notations similar in any way?
  11. Rasalhague

    Difference of closures is subset of closure of difference

    I can't find the source of this statement now, but I've been trying to prove that \overline{A}\setminus\overline{B} \subseteq \overline{A\setminus B}. Now x\in\overline{A}\setminus\overline{B} means x is in every closed superset of A but there exists a closed superset of B that doesn't...
  12. P

    Proof that closure of a space equals another space.

    Homework Statement Define: - c0 = {(xn)n \in \ell\infty : limn → \infty xn = 0} - l0 = {(xn)n \in \ell\infty : \exists N \in the natural numbers, (xn)n = 0, n \geq N}Problem: Prove that \overline{\ell}0= c0 in \ell\infty Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I want to find the...
  13. mnb96

    Question on conjugate closure of subgroups

    Hello, Let's have a group G and two subgroups A<G and B<G such that the intersection of A and B is trivial. I consider the subgroup \left\langle A^B \right\rangle which is called conjugate closure of A with respect to B, and it is the subgroup generated by the set: A^B=\{ b^{-1}ab \;|\; a\in...
  14. R

    Basic topology - Limit points and closure

    This isn't really hw, just me being confused over some examples. I have 'learned' the basic definitions of neighborhood, limit point, closed, and closure but have some trouble accepting the following examples. 1. For Q in R, Q is not closed. The set of all limit points of Q is R, so its...
  15. K

    Seeking closure/ help moving forward

    First a little background. I'm about to start my third year of college as a physics major. I don't really date much (only one girl briefly in high school). This is mostly because I'm pretty shy and find it hard to approach women out of the blue. I've also been told I'm decently attractive, but...
  16. T

    Showing that the Closure of a Connected set

    Showing that the Closure of a Connected set... Show that the Closure of a Connected set is connected. Attempt: Assume that the closure of a conncted set S is disconnected. ==> S = U \cup V is a disconnection of S. (bold for closure) ==> (S\capU) \cup (S\capV) is a disconnection of...
  17. D

    Proving Closure of a Simple Set

    Homework Statement How do I show that a simple set is closed? Ex: the set of points defined by the parabola y=x^2 The Attempt at a Solution Well, a set is closed iff it contains all of its limit points. So, I want to show that this is true for the given set. I'm not exactly sure...
  18. A

    Is the Proof for Cl(S ∪ T) ⊆ Cl(S) ∪ Cl(T) Correct in Topology?

    Homework Statement Cl(S \cup T)= Cl(S) \cup Cl(T)Homework Equations I'm using the fact that the closure of a set is equal to itself union its limit points.The Attempt at a Solution I am just having trouble with showing Cl(S \cup T) \subset Cl(S) \cup Cl(T). I can prove this one way, but I...
  19. U

    Closure of relations betweens sets

    Hi all! I am searching for an algorithm (most likely already present in the literature) that could solve the following problem: Instance: Properties of sets of elements and relations between sets of elements Question: Find the closure of the properties and relations Possible properties...
  20. T

    MHB Well-Definedness and C^Infinity Closure of Convolutions

    Hello, Let me first just say, I posted this thread on - but I read a post by Plato somewhere or another recommending here instead, since apparently the other site had some bad customer service issues... (: I want to prove that if given two functions f and g (f is assumed...
  21. L

    Need help with a proof on closure

    Hi, my instructor left this as an exercise, but I got confused in the second part. Could you please help me? cl(A\capB)\subseteqcl A \cap cl B But the reverse is not true. Prove this and give a counterexample on the reverse statement. My attempt: If x\in A\capB, then x\in cl(A\capB) x\in A...
  22. B

    Clopen Sets: Closure = Interior?

    For a subset which is both closed and open (clopen) does its closure equal its interior?
  23. B

    Is a Space Connected if Its Closure Is Connected?

    If the closure of a space C is connected, is C connected?
  24. Fredrik

    Proving Union/Intersection/Difference Closure of Sigma-Algebras

    Homework Statement I want to know if the definition of σ-algebra stated below implies that every σ-algebra is closed under unions, intersections and differences (of only two members). If I assume that one of those three statements is true, I can prove the others, but I don't see how to prove...
  25. P

    Multiplicative closure for subring test?

    Everything about the subring test is straightforward from the subgroup test, but the multiplicative operation of the subring, S, of ring, R, needs to be closed wrt multiplication, *. How do you prove S is closed wrt * if the only assumption about * is associativity and distributivity over...
  26. M

    Is a Function Continuous If It Maps Closure to Closure in Metric Spaces?

    Hi, can anyone help me ? Given Topological Spaces (metric spaces) (X, d1) and (Y,d2), show that a function f: X -> Y is continuous if and only if f(cl of A) is a subset of cl of f(A) for all A subset X1. How can i proof this ? Thank you!
  27. G

    Interior points of the closure of A

    Is it true? " Set of interior points of the closure of A equals the set of interior points of A. "
  28. C

    Proof: if A is subset of B then closure of A is subset of closure of B

    I'm thinking proof by contradiction but I can't seem to get anywhere.
  29. A

    How do I prove the closure and the boundary of a concrete example?

    Homework Statement Let X = R2 with the Euclidean metric and let S = {(x1, x2) : x1^2+x2^2 <1}.Prove that Closure of S ={(x1,x2):x1^2+x2^2<= 1} and that the Boundary of S= { (x1, x2) : x1^2 +x2 ^2=1 } . Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I was able to prove all my...
  30. M

    Proving closure and boundary points

    Homework Statement Let S = {(x,y): x^{2}+y^{2}<1}. Prove that \overline{S} is (that formula for the unit circle) \leq 1 and the boundary to be x^{2}+y^{2}=1. Homework Equations Boundary of S is denoted as the intersection of the closure of S and the closure of S complement. p \epsilon...
  31. T

    Discrete Math: Symmetric Closure & Numerical Analysis

    Discrete Mathematics -- Symmetric Closure Math help in Numerical Analysis, Systems of I can't seem to find the way to approach this problem. Because it has symbols I don't know how to type here, I have attached an image here instead. Please help me if you can. Any input would be greatly...
  32. A

    Question about sets and its closure.

    I was wondering, is S a subset of S-bar its closure? For example, if p belongs to S, does p belong to S-bar too? Does it go the other way, S-bar is a subset of S? If it is true that S is a subset of S-bar does this automatically mean that S is closed? Thanks
  33. J

    Closure relations of a language

    Hi, I'm having a little trouble understand the idea of closure as so many places seem to describe it differently. I'm working on an example problem that states "L* is the closure of language L under which relations?" From what I gather, for a language to be closed over a relation, it means...
  34. S

    Proof concerning a transitive closure

    Homework Statement Suppose R is a relation on A and let S be the transitive closure of R. Prove that Dom(S) = Dom(R) and Ran(S) = Ran(R). *Dom() signifies the domain of the specified relation. Ran() signifies the range of the specified relation.* Homework Equations Let M = {T...
  35. N

    Confused about definition of algebraic closure

    Hello, After a theorem stating that the product, sum, etc of two elements of a field extension that are algebraic over the original field are also algebraic, my course states the following result (translated into english): but later in my course it defines "the algebraic closure of F" as...
  36. D

    Polyethylene Plug Style Needle Closure Autosampler Shell Vial

    I have a question about product. It is an autosampler shell vial with a polyethylene plug style needle closure. Does anyone know whether the plug on this vial will be resealable? In other words, will it be able to withstand multiple...
  37. Y

    Does Adding the Boundary of a Set A Affect Its Distance Metric?

    Homework Statement show that \rho(x,A)=\rho(x,\bar{A}), where \rho is a distance metric Homework Equations \rho(x,A)=glb\left\{\rho(x,\alpha),\alpha \in A \right\} \bar{A} is the closure of A \partial A, the boundary of an arbitrary set A is the difference between its closure and its interior...
  38. C

    Distance between two sets equals distance between the closure of the sets

    My problem is as follows: If we define d(A,B) = inf{ d(x,y) : x in A and y in B }, show that d(clos(A),clos(B)) = d(A,B), where clos(A) is the closure of A My attempt at a solution was this: Since A is a subset of the closure of A, then d(A,B) must be less than or equal to the distance...
  39. R

    How to relate P(F) with P(F') where F' is F's closure (P(F)\neq 0)

    As title: How do you relate P(F) with P(F') where F' is F's closure. Conditions: P(F)\neq 0 and F non-empty. My thought is P(F)=P(F'). Is this true?
  40. M

    Outer area of S = outer area of S closure, analysis

    Homework Statement Show that the outer area of S = outer area of the closure of S Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't really understand 100% the difference between the set S and the closure of S. I know the closure is S \cup \partialS (the boundary of S), but...
  41. T

    Prove that the closure of Q is equal to R

    Homework Statement As the title states, the problem asks to prove that the closure of the set of rational numbers is equal to the set of real numbers. The problem includes the standard definition of the rationals as {p/q | q ≠ 0, p,q ∈ Z} and also states that the closure of a set X ⊂ R is...
  42. W

    Proving Closure of X/Y in Normed Spaces

    Hi there, Could you please help me in how to prove the following : If Y is a closed linear subspace of a normed space X, then if X is complete ==> X/Y is complete. Cheers, W.
  43. J

    Is the Graph of a Continuous Function Closed in R^2?

    The graph of a continuous funtions (R -> R) is the subset G:={(x, f(x) | x element of R} is a subset of R^2. Prove that if f is continuous, then G is closed in R^2 (with euclidean metric). I know that continuity preserves limits, so xn -> x in X means f(xn-> y in Y. and for all A element...
  44. J

    Proof of a relationship between interior and closure

    A^closure = X\(X\A)^interior I am REALLY bad at proofs. I never know where to start. I only have the definitions of closure and interior. I feel like they threw us in the deep end I've written like 3pages, but mostly just pictures. interior: a is an element of A^int iff there exists r>0...
  45. D

    Confused with closure and interior

    Greetings all, I'm looking at some examples in the Topology: Pure and Applied text. Looking at example 2.1 Consider A=[0,1) as a subset of R with the standard topology. Then Aint=(0,1) and Aclos=[0,1]. Can someone explain to me why the union of all open sets in A is that...
  46. Fredrik

    What is the Closure of a Proper Ideal in a Unital Banach Algebra?

    Homework Statement Prove that the closure of a proper ideal in a unital Banach algebra is a proper ideal. Homework Equations The hint is to use the result of the previous exercise: If I is an ideal in a unital normed algebra A, and I≠{0}, we have I=A \Leftrightarrow I contains 1...
  47. L

    Closure, Compactness, and Completeness

    Homework Statement The set S = [0,1] U {3} Homework Equations I need to say whether it is closed, open, compact, complete or connected. If it is not compact, give an example why. Same thing for completeness. If its not connected, state why not. The Attempt at a Solution I think it...
  48. L

    Interior, Closure, Boundary and Cluster Points of a Set

    Homework Statement Find the closure, interior, boundary and limit points of the set [0,1) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think that the closure is [0,1]. I believe the interior is (0,1) and the boundary are the points 0 and 1. I think the limit point may also be...
  49. Q

    Energy conservation problem (need closure)

    Homework Statement the small mass m sliding without friction along the looped track is to remain on the track at all times, even at the very top of the loop of radius r. a) calculate, in terms of the given quantities, the min. release height h. if actual release height is 2h, calculate...
  50. B

    Computing Integral Closure of Rings - Brian's Query

    Hello, is anybody here, who can explain to me how to compute the integral closure of a ring (in another ring)? Example: What is the integral closure of Z in Q(sqrt(2)) ? Thank you! Bye, Brian