closure Definition and 171 Threads

  1. V

    Finding i(t) Across R3 & R2 After Switch Closure at t=0

    Homework Statement The switch in the circuit has been closed for a long time before opening at t = 0 a. Find i(t) across R3 for t>0. b. Find i(t) across R2 for t>0. I have attached the circuit. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The only thing I know for this problem...
  2. L

    The closure of a connected set is connected

    Homework Statement Let X be a topological space. Let A be a connected subset of X, show that the closure of A is connected. Note: Unlike regular method, my professor wants me to prove this using an alternative route. Homework Equations a) A discrete valued map, d: X -> D, is a map...
  3. S

    Prove alpha=sup(S) is equivalent to alpha belongs to S closure

    Given that alpha is an upper bound of a given set S of real numbers, prove that the following two conditions are equivalent: a) We have alpha=sup(S) b) We have alpha belongs to S closure I'm trying to prove this using two steps. Step one being: assume a is true, then prove b is true...
  4. S

    Finding the set of interior points, the closure, and an example

    Suppose that S=[0,1)U(1,2) a) What is the set of interior points of S? I thought it was (0,2) b) Given that U is the set of interior points of S, evaluate U closure. I thought that U closure=[0,2] c) Give an example of a set S of real numbers such that if U is the set of...
  5. B

    An interesting problem (closure, limit points)

    I've been working on this problem and would like some help or any hints. Give an example of a nonempty set A subset of R such that A = br(A) = Lim(A) = Cl(A), where br(A) denotes the boundary points of A, Lim(A) denotes the limit points of A and Cl(A) denotes the closure of A. I've tried...
  6. B

    Rectangle question and closure of the interior?

    The question says: Show that if Q = [a1,b1]x...x[an,bn] is a rectangle, the Q equals the closure of Int Q. The definition of closure that I have is Cl(A) = int(A) U bd(A). So I'd like to show that Cl(int(Q)) = int(int(Q)) U bd(int(Q)). But this just seems to be obvious to me which just makes...
  7. F

    Closure of the Rational Numbers (Using Standard Topology)

    Prove that Cl(Q) = R in the standard topology I'm really stuck on this problem, seeing as we haven't covered limit points yet in the text and are not able to use them for this proof. Can anybody provide me with help needed for this proof? Many thanks.
  8. M

    Closure of Sets Proof Homework | Equations & Solution Attempt

    Homework Statement See attachment Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure how I should approach this first off. I have tried this 3 ways but I always decide they don't work. Click on the other attachment to see my work, It's only the first part of the first...
  9. M

    Analysis: the closure of a set is closed?

    Homework Statement Prove or disprove the following statement: The closure of a set S is closed. Homework Equations Definition of closure: set T is the closure of set S means that T is the union of S and the set of limit points of S. Definition of a closed set: set S is...
  10. radou

    Closure of a countable subset of the reals

    Homework Statement Let A = {ln(1 + q^2) : q is rational}. One needs to find Cl(A) in R with its euclidean topology. The Attempt at a Solution So, the set A is a countable subset of [0, +∞>. The closure is, by definition, the intersection of all closed sets containing A. So, Cl(A) would be...
  11. C

    Proving Closure of A in Topological Space X

    Homework Statement Let X be a topological space. If A is a subset of X, the the boundary of A is closure(A) intersect closure(X-A). a. prove that interior(A) and boundary(A) are disjoint and that closure(A)=interior(A) union boundary(A) b. prove that U is open iff Boundary(U)=closure(U)-U...
  12. radou

    Finding the Interior and Closure of Sets in a Topological Space

    I'm not sure about my answers, any help is highly appreciated. Let (N, U) be a topological space, where N is the set of natural numbers (without 0), and U = {0} U {Oi, i is from N}, where Oi = {i, i+1, i+2, ...} and {0} is the empty set. One has to find the interior (Int) and closure (Cl) of...
  13. L

    What is \mathbb{C}(x) and why is it not algebraically closed?

    Why is it that \mathbb{C}(x) (\mathbb{C} adjoined with x) is not algebraically closed? Here x is an indeterminate. My first question is what does the field extension \mathbb{C}(x) even mean? If E is a field extension of F, and a is an transcendental element of E over F, then the notation...
  14. E

    Closure of a one-parameter subgroup

    I'm reading about a theorem that has as an assumption that the closure of some one-parameter subgroup is a torus. Could someone provide an example of a case where the closure of a one-parameter subgroup is of dimension greater than 1? Thanks.
  15. SixNein

    History Cognitive Closure: Understanding Human History and Wrongdoings

    Over the last few weeks, I have been participating in a few discussions with tea party members. Although we never came to any agreements (Apparently, I'm a liberal communist Nazi freedom-hating socialist), there was an interesting trend to our discussions. In any discussion of sufficient...
  16. F

    Closure of { (x,sin(1/x) : 0<x<=1 }?

    Homework Statement What is the closure of F = { (x,sin(1/x) : 0<x<=1 }? Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution F is a squiggly line in R2. For every point in F (every point on the squiggly line) an open ball about that point will contain point both in F and in the...
  17. K

    Closure & Closed Sets in metric space

    Definition: Let F be a subset of a metric space X. F is called closed if whenever is a sequence in F which converges to a E X, then a E F. (i.e. F contains all limits of sequences in F) The closure of F is the set of all limits of sequences in F. Claim 1: F is contained in the clousre of F...
  18. K

    Interior, Closure, Complement of sets

    Homework Statement Let (X,d) be a metric space and E is a subset of X. Prove that (c means complement, E bar means the closure of E) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Let (X,d) be a metric space and B(r,x) is the open ball of radius r about x. Definition: Let F be...
  19. M

    Real Analysis: Interior, Closure and Boundary

    Homework Statement Let W\subset S \subset \mathbb{R}^n. Show that the following are equivalent: (i) W is relatively closed in S, (ii) W = \bar{W}\cap S and (iii) (\partial W)\cap S \subset W. Homework Equations The only thing we have to work with is the definitions of open and closed sets...
  20. J

    Closure of an abelian subgroup

    Ok, this is a really easy question, so I apologise in advance. Let A be an abelian subgroup of a topological group. I want to show that cl(A) is also. Now I've shown that cl(A) is a subgroup, that is fairly easy. So I just need to show it is abelian. For a metric space, it is easy...
  21. D

    Transitive Closure of Relations on S: Solutions

    Homework Statement Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4}. For each of the following relationson S give its transitive closure. (a) {(1, 1), (3, 4)} (b) {(1, 2), (4, 4), (2, 1), (4, 3), (2, 3)} (c) {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 1)} (d) {(1, 3), (3, 2), (2, 4), (4, 1)} Homework Equations N/A...
  22. G

    Boundary and closure relationship

    Dear all, How can I show that: The boundary of a set S is equal to the intersection of the closure and the closure of the complement of S ? Thanks a lot in advance
  23. J

    Determine if the space is a subspace testing both closure axioms

    Homework Statement determine if the space is a subspace testing both closure axioms. in R^2 the set of vectors (a,b) where ab=0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i just used the sum and product which are the closure axioms. But at the end how do you tell if the...
  24. P

    Closure of f(A): Is it a Closed Set?

    Given that f is a function from R(=real Nos) to R continuous on R AND ,A any subset of R,IS THE closure of f(A) ,a closed set??
  25. D

    What Is the Difference Between a Closed Set and a Complete Set in Topology?

    Hello Everyone, first of all my apologies, may be my question is too stupid for a forum on Topology and Geometry, but it's something I was thinking about for a while without getting an answer : What's the actual difference between a Close set and a Complete set? I mean : from an algebraic...
  26. I

    Transitive closure of a relation

    Homework Statement Let R be a relation and define the following sequence R^0 = R R^{i+1} = R^i \cup \{(s,u) \vert \exists t, (s,t) \in R^i, (t,u) \in R^i \} And R^{+} = \bigcup_{i} R_i Prove that R^{+} is the transitive closure. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  27. I

    Prove Reflexive Closure of R on S

    Homework Statement Suppose R is a relation on S, and define R' = R \cup \{(s,s) \vert s \in S. Prove that R' is the reflexive closure. Homework Equations The reflexive closure of R is the smallest reflexive relation R' that contains R. That is, if there is another R'' that contains R...
  28. I

    Binary operations, subsets and closure

    Homework Statement 1) Let S be a set and p: SxS->S be a binary operation. If T is a subset of S, then T is closed under p if p: TxT->T. As an example let S = integers and T be even Integers, and p be ordinary addition. Under which operations +,-,*,/ is the set Q closed? Under which...
  29. H

    Constructible sets contain a dense open subset of their closure

    I recently came across the following remark in a book: "Notice that a constructible set contains a dense open subset of its closure." Now this doesn't seem at all obvious to me. Let us recall the definitions first. A locally closed set is the intersection of a closed and an open set. A...
  30. P

    Are These Set Closure and Interior Properties True or False?

    Homework Statement 6) Prove or give a counter-example of the following statements (i) (interiorA)(closure) intersect interior(A(closure)): (ii) interior(A(closure)) intersect (interiorA(closure)): (iii) interior(A union B) = interiorA union interiorB: (iv) interior(A intersect B) =...
  31. J

    Prove or Disprove: Closure of Int(X)=X

    Prove or disprove Closure of the Interior of a closed set X is equal to X so clos(intX)=X I think it is true, but i don't know how to prove it I thought that clos(int(X))=int(X)+bdy(int(X))=X thanks, julia
  32. M

    Transcendental over an algebraic closure of F in E

    Homework Statement Let E be an extension field of a field F. Given \alpha\in E, show that, if \alpha\notin F_E, then \alpha is transcendental over F_E. Homework Equations F_E denotes the algebraic closure of F in its extension field E. The Attempt at a Solution First, I assumed \alpha...
  33. U

    Topology question; derived pts and closure

    Homework Statement If A is a discrete subset of the reals, prove that A'=cl_x A \backslash A is a closed set. Homework Equations A' = the derived set of A x is a derived pt of A if U \cap (A \backslash \{x\}) \neq \emptyset for every open U such that x is in U. Thrm1. A...
  34. U

    What are the differences between derived and closure points in sets?

    Homework Statement I am looking for examples of sets that have derived pts that are different from closure pts because I am trying to understand them better. Also, if you can , please try to bring the word "base" into this. I do not understand quite fully a base. I know the definition and...
  35. E

    Need Help Understanding Closure Rule

    hey Im having problem about closure rule can anyone explain the closure rule? why does it gives one mads
  36. P

    Every interior point of 'the closure of S' is in Int S?

    Homework Statement Let S be a set in R^n, is it true that every interior point of 'the closure of S' is in Int S? Justify. 2. Relevant theorem S^int = {x belongs to S: B(r,x) belongs to S for some r>0} The closure of S is the union of S and all its bdary points. The Attempt at...
  37. W

    What is the Interior of the Closure of a Set in Rn?

    Let S be a set in Rn, is it true that every interior point in the closure of S is in the interior of S? Justify. ie. int(closure(S)) a subset of int(S) It seems to me that it would be true...if you could say that the interior of the closure of S is the interior of S unioned with the...
  38. M

    What Is the Closure of Modules Theorem in Several Complex Variables?

    can anyone give me a precise statement of the "closure of modules" theorem in several complex variables? it says something like: a criterion for the germ of a function to belong to the stalk of an ideal at a point, is that the function can be uniformly approximated on neighborhoods of that point...
  39. B

    Sketching the closure of a set

    Homework Statement Sketch the closure of the set:Re(1/z)=< 1/2[ b]2. Homework Equations [/b] The Attempt at a Solution Re(1/z)=Re(1/(x+iy) Re(1/(x+iy))=< 1/2. Not really sure how to sketch 1/2 on a complex plane. Maybe 1/2 can be written in a complex form: 1/2= (1/2)+(0)*i=1/2 and...
  40. S

    Exploring the Conditions for Group Closure in Infinite Sets

    Let G be a finite nonempty set with an operation * such that: 1. G is closed under *. 2. * is associative. 3. Given with a*b=a*c, then b=c 4. Given with b*a=c*a, then b=c Give an example to show that under the conditions above, G is no longer a group if G is an infinite set?
  41. M

    Hints for finding a Galois closure

    Homework Statement Find the Galois closure of the field \mathbb{Q}(\alpha) over \mathbb{Q}, where \alpha = \sqrt{1 + \sqrt{2}}. Homework Equations Um...the Galois closure of E over F, where E is a finite separable extension is a Galois extension of F containing E which is minimal...
  42. K

    Proof of closure under addition and multiplication in a field

    Homework Statement Does anyone know a generic way of showing that a field is closed under multiplication and addition? Please, thanks Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Just need to prove that a+b and ab are in the field that each element a and b are from. Any ideas??
  43. R

    2 Questions, regarding closure

    1. Show that if a, b \in \textbf{Q}, then ab and a + b are elements of \textbf{Q} as well. 2. Show that if a \in \textbf{Q} and t \in \textbf{Q}, then a + t \in \textbf{I} and at \in \textbg{I} as long as a \neq 0. I'm just a little shady on showing these properties, so if someone could...
  44. M

    Closure of A is the smallest closed set containing A

    Ok, the proof looks simple since by defintion Cl A = intersection of all closed sets containing A. And textbooks give a quick proof that we all understand, but I have a question: Don't we first have to prove that a smallest closed set containing A exists in the first place? I'm trying to...
  45. J

    Limit in closure, topology stuff

    Let A\subset X be a subset of some topological space. If x\in\overline{A}\backslash A, does there exist a sequence x_n\in A so that x_n\to x? In fact I already believe, that such sequence does not exist in general, but I'm just making sure. Is there any standard counter examples? I haven't seen...
  46. E

    Metric Space: Closure of B(x,1/2) Examined

    [SOLVED] metric space Homework Statement If x and y are two points in a metric space and d(x,y) = 1, is it always true that the closure of B(x,1/2) does not contain y? In general, is closure( B(x,r)) = \{z | r \geq d(x,z)\} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  47. S

    What Are the Interior, Boundary, Closure, and Accumulation Points of These Sets?

    a. 1/n + 1/m : m and n are both in N b. x in irrational #s : x ≤ root 2 ∪ N c. the straight line L through 2points a and b in R^n. for part c. i got: intA= empty ; bdA=clA=accA=L Is this correct? how about part a and part b...i am so confused...
  48. R

    Prove that the closure is the following set.

    Homework Statement Suppose (X,d) is a metric space. For a point in X and a non empty set S (as a subset of X), define d(p,S) = inf({(d(p,x):x belongs to S}). Prove that the closure of S is equal to the set {p belongs to S : d(p,S) =0} Homework Equations Closure of S = S U S' , where S'...
  49. P

    Find the Closure of these subsets

    Homework Statement X=R real numbers, U in T, the topology <=> U is a subset of R and for each s in U there is a t>s such that [s,t) is a subset of U where [s,t) = {x in R; s<=x<t} Find the closure of each of the subsets of X: (a,b), [a,b), (a,b], [a,b] The Attempt at a Solution I don't...
  50. B

    Are Algebraic Closures of a Field Isomorphic?

    given a field F and two algebraic closures of F, are those two the isomorphic? and why doesn't this show that C and A (algebraic numbers) arent isomorphic?