Co2 Definition and 309 Threads

Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is an acidic colorless gas with a density about 53% higher than that of dry air. Carbon dioxide molecules consist of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It occurs naturally in Earth's atmosphere as a trace gas. The current concentration is about 0.04% (412 ppm) by volume, having risen from pre-industrial levels of 280 ppm. Natural sources include volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, and it is freed from carbonate rocks by dissolution in water and acids. Because carbon dioxide is soluble in water, it occurs naturally in groundwater, rivers and lakes, ice caps, glaciers and seawater. It is present in deposits of petroleum and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has a sharp and acidic odor and generates the taste of soda water in the mouth. However, at normally encountered concentrations it is odorless.As the source of available carbon in the carbon cycle, atmospheric carbon dioxide is the primary carbon source for life on Earth and its concentration in Earth's pre-industrial atmosphere since late in the Precambrian has been regulated by photosynthetic organisms and geological phenomena. Plants, algae and cyanobacteria use light energy to photosynthesize carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water, with oxygen produced as a waste product. CO2 is produced by all aerobic organisms when they metabolize organic compounds to produce energy by respiration. For instance, plants use it to produce carbohydrates in a process called photosynthesis. Since humans and animals depend on plants for food, photosynthesis, and therefore CO2, is necessary for the survival of life on earth.
It is returned to water via the gills of fish and to the air via the lungs of air-breathing land animals, including humans. Carbon dioxide is produced during the processes of decay of organic materials and the fermentation of sugars in bread, beer and wine making. It is produced by combustion of wood, peat and other organic materials and fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. It is an unwanted byproduct in many large scale oxidation processes, for example, in the production of acrylic acid (over 5 million tons/year).It is a versatile industrial material, used, for example, as an inert gas in welding and fire extinguishers, as a pressurizing gas in air guns and oil recovery, as a chemical feedstock and as a supercritical fluid solvent in decaffeination of coffee and supercritical drying. It is added to drinking water and carbonated beverages including beer and sparkling wine to add effervescence. The frozen solid form of CO2, known as dry ice is used as a refrigerant and as an abrasive in dry-ice blasting. It is a feedstock for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals.Carbon dioxide is the most significant long-lived greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution anthropogenic emissions – primarily from use of fossil fuels and deforestation – have rapidly increased its concentration in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Carbon dioxide also causes ocean acidification because it dissolves in water to form carbonic acid.

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  1. B

    Why is carbon dating not affected by atmospheric CO2 levels?

    When I read about carbon sinks and the production of CO2, I am puzzled by the trust we have in carbon dating. If I understand correctly, C14 is produced by cosmic rays and nitrogen and is considered a very steady process thus carbon dating is trusted. But if C14 is brought into biological...
  2. S

    Volume of CO2 from a Tank at 30psi

    First off, this is not a homework question nor assignment. I'm working on building a solar shower to mount on my car out of PVC, and don't feel like pumping large volumes of air with a bike pump. I'm looking at a portable air pump, or compressed gas in a tank with a regulator (and blow off...
  3. S

    Can Nitrogen Replace CO2 for First Ignition in LPG Systems?

    Hi In a new LPG-cylinder it helps 1. time lighting of gas if the cylinder is charged with CO2 instead of air prefilling of LPG. Will Nitrogen have same effect?
  4. J

    I Atmospheric CO2 and diurnal Asymmetry

    Something that has bothered me is that CO2 appears to have a much greater role after dark than in the daytime. I was wondering if this is because of a CO2 population inversion during the sunlight hours. I am thinking that Sunlight and daytime blue sky, excite atmospheric nitrogen, The nitrogen...
  5. BillTre

    Bioenergy Plantations to Drive Down CO2 Levels

    Since it seems unlikely (to me) that current approaches will very rapidly stop the increase in CO2 levels driving climate change, alternative approaches involving removing CO2 from the atmosphere are being explored. Here is a link to a Science mag news article about using plantations to do...
  6. F

    Set up the Lagrangian for a CO2 molecule

    Homework Statement The carbon dioxide molecule can be considered a linear molecule with a central carbon atom, bound to two oxygen atoms with a pair of identical springs in opposing directions. Study the longitudinal motion of the molecule. If three coordinates are used, one of the normal...
  7. R

    Can waste CO2 be used to turn generators?

    If waste CO2 is collected through a pipe from a power plant can it be used to turn a generator by increasing its pressure with a funnel? See diagram: I have been wondering whether this is possible as I feel it could be very useful in the energy industry.
  8. A

    Agres, introduction & ice sheet modeling issue

    I always had an interest in science. At SUNYA, I took a lot of science, and did modeling for Jay Forrester's Club of Rome Report. My junior thesis was based on that work, and my advisors laughed at it, so I decided that I did not want a degree from SUNYA. My second choice university did not...
  9. J

    Could UV lasers be used to split CO2 and H2O?

    I was wondering whether intense UV light, tuned to the correct wavelength, could be used to split carbon dioxide and water molecules as a first step towards synthesizing liquid fuels.
  10. C

    B Can a Subsea Lifting Bag With CO2 Rise to the Surface?

    This may sounds like a stupid question but... If you were to use a subsea lifting bag filled with O2 it would rise to the surface. Would the same happen with CO2? I assume the density of CO2 is different so the amount required would be more or less than O2, but it is still less dense than...
  11. W

    I Bernouilli effect in CO2 fire extinguishers

    My CO2 extinguisher has a restriction placed at the point in the gas horn where the CO2 enters it. Why would anyone want to reduce the gas pressure here and speed the gas up when the pressure in the CO2 reservoir is pretty high to begin with and could generate a stream that moves fast enough...
  12. ORF

    Zoology -- How a mosquito's CO2 detection system works?

    Hello How mosquito CO2 detection system works? I found that the detection is made by npa neurons, but nothing is said about how the detection occurs (so, CO2 enters the neuron, and what happen next?) Thank you...
  13. julianfer5

    Automotive Aerodynamics help -- small scale car powered by a CO2 cartridge

    I am currently engineering my v2 version of my f1 in schools car, it is a small scale car powered by a CO2 cartridge designed to go down a 25m track, my current version does 25m in under 1.4s, however, I would like to shave off another 0.3-0.2s I believe my main issues are the bearings (only...
  14. Sveral

    I Can resonance be used to split a molecule of CO2?

    Hello, interested, if the posibility of splitting atoms by using resonance is possible, if so, wheather or not I can use it for something else, thanks in advance.
  15. J

    Can CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere sublimate into a solid?

    CO2 becomes a solid at -78.5 C or -109.3 F. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was on Antarctica at -89.2 C or -128.6 F. So is it possible for CO2 to literally freeze out of Earth's atmosphere under certain conditions? If not then why not?
  16. DrFreeman

    Calculating CO2 expansion time and generated suction

    I need help with figuring out how to devise an equation that I'm going to plug into an algorithm for my software. These are the components: CO2 cartridge pressure regulator output should be around 200 psi. Tank #1 has a volume of 800 mL, pressure is around 15 psi. There are no valves between...
  17. akashpandey

    B Why Does Mercury Enter Water in Andrews' CO2 Experiment?

    Why mercury go inside the water in andrews experiment. Because as we know density of mercury is greater than water so why mercury go inside the water in andrews experiment on co2.
  18. J

    I How do I determine the proper ratio of CO2 and N for my tank?

    I wish to fill a 60 cf tank with both CO2 and N at a 25% - 75% ratio. I have been told by my supplier that if I can tell them the "Recipe" for my size tank that they could make this happen for me. What I need to know is the amount of liquid CO2 (measured in pounds) that would be placed into...
  19. L

    Separating CO2 from natural gas

    I have been given an assignment to use a specified distillation column to separate out propene from a gas. The gas consists of propene, propane, ethane and CO2. Separating out the propane has been straight forward, but ethane and especially CO2 are giving me a hard time. To make matters worse, I...
  20. Twigg

    I Why Don't CO2 Lasers Operate at 2400cm^-1?

    Hi all, When you look at the IR absorbance spectrum of dry air, there's a big peak at ~ 2400cm^-1 due to vibrational transitions in CO2. But CO2 lasers always operate in the region between 9um and 11um, which is about 1000cm^-1 by my math. What are the practical criteria that make the ~1000um...
  21. J

    Is CO2 + H2O > CH2O, O2 Possible?

    The reason I am asking this question is because photosynthesis allows for it. Is it possible that in the tropopause that the Joule-Thomson throttling process allows for CO2 and H2O to collide or have another interaction that allows for the...
  22. S

    CO2 Air Gun: Can JB Weld Withstand the Pressure?

    I am trying to make a CO2 air gun and was wondering if jb weld can hold the pressure from the 12g CO2 cartridge in this set up with a CO2 bike pump connected to a valve that can wothstand the pressure
  23. S

    Determining Adsorption of CO2 with Microporous Polymer

    Hello, I am trying to come up with a easy method of determining amount of gas, in this case CO2 adsorbed onto a solid adsorbent. The adsorbent i am going to use is microporous polymer (MP). So, if it has to be as simple as it can be, I think I should measure change in weight. At this point I am...
  24. J

    CO2 sublimation in a closed container

    A coworker posed a thought experiment; if you sealed a sample of frozen CO2 in an uncompressable container of identical volume and allowed it to warm to room temperature, how could it melt/evaporate, since there would be no room for the gas to expand My guess is that it would sublimate to a...
  25. C

    What is the Internal Energy of 158 moles of CO2

    Homework Statement A gas bottle contains exactly 158 moles of carbon dioxide CO2. Find the change in the internal energy of this much CO2 when it is cooled from 36C down to exactly 25C at a constant pressure of 1 atm. The gas can be treated as an ideal gas with γ=1.289. The gas constant reads...
  26. UMath1

    Why Don't Intermolecular Forces Play a Significant Role in CO2 Molecules?

    I understand that due to the geometry of the CO2 molecule it ends up have no net dipole moment. But why doesn't the central carbon atom experience intermolecular forces from the oxygen atoms of other CO2 molecules. What I mean is why can't CO2 form an arrangement where the dipole forces still...
  27. uri segal

    How to Calculate CO2 Saturation Levels in Saline Water?

    i am studying a system of dissolved CO2. it is in oversaturation, and NOT in equilibrium. but i don't know how to express its saturation level. all i know is the molar fraction of CO2 that escapes after reaching equilibrium. how can i calculate that?
  28. Sky Burns

    How to calculate time when given distance, mass, and power

    Homework Statement I need to calculate the time that it takes for a drag car that is powered by an 8 gram CO₂ cartridge to go across a certain distance. My wooden drag car is 100 grams. It will be traveling a distance of 50 feet. Homework Equations Force= mass x acceleration Power= work /...
  29. mertzi

    2CuO + C -> Something else than 2Cu + CO2

    Hello! I really hope I get my post right this time because if not the rules are really hard to understand. 1. Homework Statement We did a lab the other day where copper(II)oxide reacts with carbon (charcoal powder) when adding heat from a bunsen burner. Our experiment was a success but I'm...
  30. T

    Why don't we just block off the exhaust pipe to prevent CO2

    If you were to put a cap on your exhaust pipe your emissions will reduce thus you would solve the whole paranoia of climate shenanigans.
  31. ptownbro

    Calculate mass of NaHCO3 when losing CO2 in experiement

    We have a homework problem that we are not sure is right. Need some help. Homework Statement The class ran an experiment where they were given 1.99 grams of NaHCO3 and 10.13 grams of HCl to create NaCl, H2O, and CO2. Before starting the experiment, what they were given weighed 12.12 grams...
  32. S

    Can planting trees really reduce CO2 in atmosphere?

    From mycology books and articles, I read that most land plants (> 80 percent) on Earth live in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. In this symbiosis, plants provide glucose to fungi and fungi provide water and nutrients to the plants. Without fungi, plants cannot harvest nutrients in sufficient...
  33. Fooality

    Does combustion have to produce gaseous CO2?

    I'm not a chemist, but I'm interested in it. What I am trying to understand is why its so hard to get energy from fossil fuels without being able to sequester the carbon released in some kind of liquid form. I understand how piston engines use the expansion of gases (through combustion) to work...
  34. Alastair McD

    Can stimulated emissions from CO2 be absorbed?

    When an excited molecule absorbs a photon two coherent photons are emitted. If one of these photons is absorbed by a second molecule, since the emission was coherent then that molecule will absorb the second photon too. If the second molecule was in the ground state then it will become excited...
  35. Jonski

    Energy Intensity of black coal

    Homework Statement Brown coal, energy content 16 MJ/kg, carbon content 65% by weight, burning in a 30% efficient steam power plant. Homework Equations What is the emissions intensity (kg CO2 emitted/kWh delivered) ? Compare this to Hazelwood which is 1.53 tCO2/Mwh 3. The Attempt at a Solution...
  36. K

    HC & CO2 in Coolant: Detect Head Gasket Leaks?

    Hi, I want some information regarding HC and CO2 in Coolant (Car cooling system). As you know when the sealing (head gasket) between water jacket and combustion chamber fails, the engine smoke will enter cooling system which contains HC and CO2. I know that CO2 makes coolant acidic and...
  37. R

    CO2 laser recirculation compressors and coolers

    Does anyone know what the best recirculation compressors are for a high power CO2 laser. I would like a small foot print low flow positive displacement compressor (rotary vane or diaphragm maybe?) that is not an expensive noisy monstrosity for maybe a $100 or so. Also does anyone know of a...
  38. D

    Liquid CO2 Volume\Weight Measurment in Cylinder

    Hello, I have been working on a personal project involving the transfer of liquid CO2. I want to figure out a way to measure the transfer of liquid CO2 from one cylinder (supply cylinder) to another (receiving cylinder) and get an exact measurement of how much CO2 was transferred into the...
  39. B

    Confused - Pressure in a canister?

    A manufacturer quotes a standard CO2 canister contains 16g of CO2 at a volume of 20cm^3. So I need to calculate the pressure in the canister... Using ideal gas law P = nRT/V n = 0.364mol (16 of co2) R = 8.314 J/Kmol (universal gas constant) T = 294k (gas is at room temp 21 deg C) V = 20cm3...
  40. Jimster41

    Atmospheric CO2 removal technologies?

    Are there any legitimate candidates for technologies that might provide inverse leverage over atmospheric CO2 levels? Super trees, Algae towers, I don't know, anything at all? I'm just asking about atmospheric control technologies, not about climate change per-se. of course the wiki has some...
  41. Kior

    Why has CO2 decreased in the history of the Earth?

    I noticed that the Co2 is actually decreasing in the Eon time. My guess is lush vegetations or forests began to grow which absorbed the Co2 by photosynthesis? Would anyone give me any clue?
  42. Kior

    Why is there a seasonal cycle of CO2?

    I am preparing my AOSS class next semester, and I found it is interesting that there is a seasonal cycle of CO2. I looked for some information on the Internet, and this seems to do with the plants. They awake in the spring and summer, absorbing a lot of CO2 by photosynthesis and die in the...
  43. Gunny

    Is there a portable CO2 generation system for off-grid use?

    Does anyone know of a portable CO2 generation system capable of producing between 100-150 CFM 24/7/365? This system will be used off grid, and needs to be powered by either biofuel or electricity. Thank you. <<Moderator note: Manual signature message removed.>>
  44. T

    How to create electricity by pumping CO2 through water?

    I am currently working on a project for school where we need to create an alternative source of energy for a country. My country is Italy and I thought of the idea of utilizing the CO2 emissions from the fermentation in wine making processes. I know you can use CO2 emissions to create more...
  45. N

    How Many Liters of CO2 Does Eating a Giant Gummy Bear Produce?

    Homework Statement (problem won't be word for word, because much of the info. is to throw people off); This large gummy bear, which contains 51 servings and each serving contains 29 grams of carbs. Assuming all the carbs are glucose, how many liters of CO2 would eating this gummy bear cause...
  46. C

    Calculating Flow Rate for CO2 Cylinders System

    Hello guys, I need to calculate the flow rate for the following system. 2 lines of CO2 cyclinders at 60 bar. Each line (1/2'') goes to a 1/2'' PSV valve. Downstream the 2 PSV the line are collected together into 1'' pipe. The two PSV are identical and as per datasheet they have the following...
  47. Scott Davies

    Why are there no pneumatic cylinders for CO2 PSI?

    I have only found pneumatic cylinders for pressures up to 450 PSI. Why do they not make them for higher pressures?
  48. Suraj M

    Making Liquid CO2: Is It Possible?

    Is it possible to make or produce liquid CO₂? I faintly recollect reading something about liquid CO₂ if yes then how exactly??
  49. G

    CO2 forms from water and antacid tablet

    Homework Statement For a chemistry lab, we're trying to find the amount of CaCO3 in an antacid table by measuring the change in pressure due to the reaction of CaCO3 with HCl to produce CO2. This question in the lab report is confusing me to no end... Let’s say the % concentrations of CaCO3...
  50. N

    Calculating CO2 Rotational Constant | J=0,1,2,3,4,5 Excited State Analysis

    Hey! I have a problem. The problem is simple: calculate CO2 rotational constant. I have values for J (ground state and excited state), with those grades I have to calculate rotational constant. I know that for J=0,2,4.. it is just in ground state and for J=1,3, is excited state. But how do...