I performed a cricket lab on three groups of crickets: fully fed, starved for 48 hrs, starved for 96 hours to see how these conditions would affect their carbon dioxide ouput..
The results attained were: 19 (Fed), 22 (48 hrs) and 17.5 (96 hrs) <--measured in μl/min of carbon dioxide
Last semester we extracted caffeine from tea with CH2Cl2 and we were told it's possible to do the same thing with liquid CO2. This is interesting but pretty hard to do since you need high pressure/low temp in order to get liquid CO2. My question is: would it be possible to use liquid nitrogen...
I watched a program on some public broadcast channel where a professor from a university detailed the possible ends of the earth.
One of them (from what I recall) had to do with lowering CO2 levels in the distant future. The lack of CO2 would eventually kill off all plant life.
I tried...
Hey. This probably seems like a bit of an odd question, but which do you suppose would weigh more? Blood with a somewhat average saturation or oxygen (like that which would be found in a healthy individual), or blood completely devoid of oxygen & saturated with carbon dioxide (as in if...
Which has the most CO2. The Earths Crust or the Earth's atmosphere. I know the atmosphere contains only .035%, but I can find any info on the amount of CO2 in the Earth's crust.
Part of Explorations today dealt with CO2 emissions and the melting southern ice shelf. I have a colleague who argues against placing controls on CO2 emissions because, since CO2 is a naturally occurring gas, there is no way that it can be justifiably called 'harmful'. Since it is 'natural'...
C2H5OH -> CO2
"Carbon is oxidized from an oxidation state of -2 in C2H5OH to +4 in CO2"
Don't the rules for oxidation states say that a monatomic ion is the same as its charge, therefore, C cannot be -2 because -4 (C) + 5 (H) + -1 (OH) yields 0 as a charge?