Coefficient Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, a coefficient is a multiplicative factor in some term of a polynomial, a series, or any expression; it is usually a number, but may be any expression (including variables such as a, b and c). When variables appear in the coefficients, they are often called parameters, and must be clearly distinguished from those representing other variables in an expression.
For example,





{\displaystyle 2x^{2}-x+3}
, has the real coefficients 2, -1, and 3 respectively, and





{\displaystyle ax^{2}+bx+c}
, has coefficient parameters a, b, and c respectively assuming x is the variable of the equation.
The constant coefficient is the coefficient not attached to variables in an expression. For example, the constant coefficients of the expressions above are the real coefficient 3 and the parameter represented by c.
Similarly, the coefficient attached to the highest multiplicity of the variable in a polynomial is referred to as the leading coefficient. For example in the expressions above, the leading coefficients are 2 and the parameter represented by a.
The binomial coefficients occur in the expanded form of




{\displaystyle (x+y)^{n}}
, and are tabulated in Pascal's triangle.

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  1. P

    The temp. dependent Specific heat and expansion coefficient of Cobalt?

    Hey. I am writing my master thesis, and I really need to find the temperature dependent heat capacity and expansion coffient for Cobalt. I have tried searching the internet, whitout luck. Please, can anybody help me. It is really important!
  2. D

    Coefficient of friction of medium carbon steel

    i've been searching for the friction coefficient between medium carbon steels but can't find it, and also i see everywhere the yield stress of materials but i can't find the compressive stress of materials
  3. B3NR4Y

    Energy Conservation and Coefficient of Restitution

    Homework Statement A 1300-kg car is backing out of a parking space at 5.0 m/s . The unobservant driver of a 1700-kg pickup truck is coasting through the parking lot at a speed of 3.2 m/s and runs straight into the rear bumper of the car. (a). What is the change in internal energy of the...
  4. gcombina

    Normal Force and Coefficient of Kinetic Friction

    A 250-N force is directed horizontally as shown to push a 29-kg box up an inclined plane at a constant speed. Determine the magnitude of the normal force, FN, and the coefficient of kinetic friction, µk. So, I know I have to find the vertical and parallel forces Vertical: Fn and 250 sin of...
  5. L

    Why maxwell's 3rd equations has no coefficient?

    For the four Maxwell equations, only the third one (Faraday's Law) has a proportionality coefficient of -1, while rest have a magnetic constant or electric constant . It doesn't seem like the units of the third law are calibrated to eliminate the constant. So why is the coefficient equal to...
  6. A

    Friction force without coefficient of friction?

    I have a problem need to be solved here. Someone told me that the friction force must always have the friction coefficient. Is it right or wrong? and we can not calculate the friction force without friction coefficient because this force is only calculated by the coefficient and the Normal...
  7. P

    Coefficient of static friction experiment

    [b]1. Problem I am currently doing a home experiment about the coefficient of static friction. I've set up a ramp and am testing at which angle a tissue box begins to movie (with five different masses in it)... Although for every mass I use the angle seems to remain the same. The angle at...
  8. N

    How can I calculate the coefficient of torsional viscous damping?

    I have some data from an electric motor found here: However, it does not include information about the coefficient of torsional viscous damping which I need for a Simulink model. The units for torsional viscous damping are Nm.s/rad...
  9. K

    Determine Coefficient of Friction

    Homework Statement You are pushing a 53 kg crate at a constant velocity up a ramp onto a truck. The ramp makes an angle of 22 degrees with the horizontal. If your applied force is 373 N, what is the coefficient of friction between the crate and the ramp? Homework Equations μ =...
  10. J

    Finding coefficient of thermal expansion

    Homework Statement "see attachment" "q1" Homework Equations V=\frac{-A}{r}+\frac{B}{r^{10}} A=5*10^-30 B=8*10^-121 V=potential energy r=interatomic separation distance Coefficient of thermal expansion = \frac{change in L}{L*change in T} The Attempt at a Solution I have...
  11. M

    Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

    How can we calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient experimentally for a system?
  12. J

    Coefficient of friction calculation

    Need to know about coefficient of friction for my exam. This site shows coefficient of friction of various materials to materials. But no calculations are given. Can somebody help me on how to calculate the...
  13. F

    Coefficient of restitution problem?

    The coefficient of restitution, e, of a ball hitting the floor is defined as the ratio of the speed of the ball after it rebounds from the impact to the speed of the ball right before it hits the floor. Derive a formula for the coefficient of restitution when a ball is released from an initial...
  14. gcombina

    Normal Force and Coefficient of kinetic friction (Quiz 4, q15)

    A 250-N force is directed horizontally as shown to push a 29-kg box up an inclined plane at a constant speed. Determine the magnitude of the normal force, FN, and the coefficient of kinetic friction, µk. FN µk (a) 330 N 0.31 (b) 310 N 0.33 (c) 250 N 0.27 (d) 290 N...
  15. Basimalasi

    What is the absorption coefficient of black-colored water?

    I saw this on Wikipedia Isnt it supposed to less than 1 ? maybe it has something to do with the unit ..why is it in m^-1?
  16. Y

    Coefficient of friction lies between 0.1 and 1.5

    My textbook says that the value of the coefficient of friction lies between 0.1 and 1.5. But I see no reason why it can't be 2,3,4,5 etc. One just needs to apply a force greater enough to move an object if the coefficient of friction has a greater value. What is the actual thing about it?
  17. Hardik Batra

    What is the effect of temperature on coefficient of friction?

    How Co-efficient of static friction depends upon temperature? What happens to the material when increase/decrease the temp. of a material ?
  18. K

    Coefficient of friction for the block to be in equlibrium

    Homework Statement a square box held with a person's fingers pushing downward one quarter of the way along the top of the box and with their thumb pushing side wards on the bottom of the side face of the box. Friction between the person's fingers and the box is obviously very important if...
  19. B

    What Are Lift and Drag Coefficients?

    Can someone please explain the lift coefficient and drag coefficient in simple terms? Thanks.
  20. M

    Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient Glass Tube

    Hi All, I would like to ask if what supplier's fabricate Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) glass tubing for Fiber Optics application. or What type of glass do we need in Low CTE? It will serve as the packaging for DWDM components. Hoping for your response. Thank you.
  21. P

    Finding Force Needed to Climb Wall: Friction Coefficient u & Angle @α

    Homework Statement A man standing in the corner of the wall tries to climb up by pushing against both the walls, if the friction coefficient between the wall and his elbow is 'u' , then find the minimum force from which the man must push against in order to climb up the wall, given that he...
  22. A

    Calculate the friction coefficient

    Homework Statement Benjamin (4 years, 18 kg incl sledding) is at the top of a hill run which has slope of 20 degrees to the horizontal and the length 15 m. Slope followed by a large horizontal surface. Benjamin embarks straight down the hill, gets speed and just when he reaches the...
  23. ShayanJ

    Calculation of reflection coefficient

    I've got a problem asking for the reflection coefficient of a system consisting of a ideal conductor covered with a thin layer of lossless dielectric. I just don't know what to do.How can I do it? Thanks
  24. S

    Need some help finding applied force & coefficient of static friction

    i am having some trouble figuring this out I can not figure out which formula to use i have tried Mass x G x Static Friction which resulted in 1 x 2 x 9.8 = 19.6
  25. Greg Bernhardt

    What is the coefficient of restitution

    Definition/Summary For a collision between two objects, the coefficient of restitution is the ratio of the relative speed after to the relative speed before the collision. The coefficient of restitution is a number between 0 (perfectly inelastic collision) and 1 (elastic collision)...
  26. A

    Binomial expansion, general coefficient

    Homework Statement Find the coefficient of x^n in the expansion of each of the following functions as a series of ascending powers of x. \frac{1}{(1+2x)(3-x)} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution (1+2x)^{-1} = 1 + (-1)2x + \frac{(-1)(-2)}{2!}(2x)^2 +...
  27. I

    Coefficient kinetic friction and kinetic friction

    Hi guys, i have some questions regarding Frictional Force that came up in a book. If the cube moves throgh a distance of 4.0m in 2.0s, find the kinetic friction and coefficient kinetic friction between the cube and the plane. ( coefficient of static friction force Us= 0.466, angle of incline=...
  28. L

    Drag Coefficient and Reynolds Number Related to free fall

    Homework Statement Hi, I am doing a theoretical investigation which will be compared to an experimental I'll do later. I am trying to calculate how much time will it take an object to fall a heigh H. the object is a 5x5x5 cm cube. I have the Reynolds number as this Re=3546*Velocity; and I...
  29. R

    Accumulated drag coefficient over an automotive

    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the accumulated drag curve shown in the figure below for the CFD simulation of external flow over an automobile. (It is written Vehicle Cd in the figure) It can be seen in several regions that the accumulated drag curve is dropping (ie., having a...
  30. R

    Accumulated drag coefficient for an automobile

    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the accumulated drag curve shown in the figure below for the CFD simulation of external flow over an automobile. (It is written Vehicle Cd in the figure) It can be seen in several regions that the accumulated drag curve is dropping (ie., having a...
  31. V

    Coefficient of performance triangle process thermodynamics

    Homework Statement An ideal gas adiabatic coefficient γ is submitted to the ABCA cycle of fig, where AB is a line segment.. a) Calculate the income. b) Show that it is smaller than the yield of a Carnot cycle operating between the same temperature extremes. this is my attempt...
  32. LaReina

    Question about Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient?

    Homework Statement The cross section of a wall is shown in the figure below. To reduce the heat flow, an air gap (still air) of 6cm is created between the brick wall layers of 14cm thick, each. The thermal conductivities of the brick wall and the still air are: Kair = 0.032 W/m.K and Kbrick =...
  33. Y

    Calculating Air Extinction Coefficient at 275 nm Wavelength

    I'm trying to calculate the extinction coefficient of air at 275 nm wavelength. Can someone help me do this? I can't seem to find enough variables in any equation I've been using to figure it out. Thank you
  34. J

    How to Derive the Joule Coefficient at Constant Internal Energy?

    Homework Statement Using basic thermodynamic relations, show that the Joule Coefficient is given by: Homework Equations {\left(\partial T \over \partial V \right)_U}=-{T^2 \over C _v}{\partial \over \partial T} \left(P \over T \right)_V The Attempt at a Solution I started with the cyclic...
  35. A

    Help understanding coefficient formula

    Hi, I am trying to understand an equation which I have come across for determining a coefficient based on the size of dimples on a golf ball : CD_Size = R1·(-3.125·(c/d)+0.25) In the description, it indicates that R1 indicates a weight ratio of CD_Size. Can anyone please explain what...
  36. R

    Moment Coefficient for a 3D Rotating Cylinder

    Hi, I'm looking for the Moment Coefficient (Cm) for a 3D Rotating Cylinder, this means, I there is a free stream of fluid and there is inmerse a cylinder rotating about its own axis , and also rotating about an axis parallel to the free stream. I found in the book of Peter Childs, called...
  37. K

    Friction coefficient of Mud and grass

    Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone knows of the friction coefficient of Mud? i am designing a device that gets pulled through fields of thick grass and mud. And i am wanting to know what the friction coefficient of Mud would be so i can calculate the maximum frictional force on the device...
  38. D

    Inverting the Coefficient Matrix: Solving Systems of Equations

    Solve the following system of equations using the inverse of the coefficient matrix, 2x + 4y = -9 -x - y = 2 My attempt- [2 4 [x = -9 -1 -1] y] = 2 |A| x b |A| = -2-4=-6 [x = 1/-6 [-1 -4 [-9 1/-6 [ 1 = 0.03 y] = 1...
  39. M

    Serial correlation coefficient (random data)

    I have a byte array of length 16384 bytes obtained from There is a random number sequence test program available from that, when run on my byte array, returns the following: Entropy = 7.989469 bits per byte. Optimum compression would reduce...
  40. K

    Colision with a wall/platform and coefficient of restitution

    1. A ball is launched against a solid wall with straight trajectory and a velocity of Vo. It hits the wall on a 3ft height and it falls on the ground at a 2ft distance (by the left of the wall). Then, an elastic platform is positioned on the exact height of the collision of the ball, and it is...
  41. S

    Question on Mass transfer coefficient (Sc Number)

    Homework Statement What is the mass transfer coefficient for natural convection from rock salt (assume flow is over a horizontal cylinder (salt crystal) of length 2cm, diameter 0.5cm). Given: Temperature = 24degrees Density of salt 2165kg/m^3 Density of mixture when salt...
  42. 1

    What is the Best Approach for Solving a Fourier Coefficient Problem in MATLAB?

    Hi all, I have a problem in evaluating Fourier coefficient. I have an array of numbers (which is a magnetic field) taken on a circle of radius 8mm and I want to know the harmonics of this field. I have written a code in matlab, I have used some in built function in MATLAB and mathcad, but...
  43. B

    Taylor Series coefficient of x^n

    Homework Statement Find the Taylor series for 0.5x^2[e^x-e^(-x)] around x=0. What is the coefficient of x^n? Homework Equations e^x=∑x^n/n! The Attempt at a Solution I understand how to find the Taylor series for this equation (it being ∑[x^(2n+3)/n!]; x^3+x^5+x^7/2!+...) through...
  44. R

    How to Calculate Thermal Expansion Coefficient Without Overall Density?

    I need a question answered. If given the density of 2 materials in a composite, the fibres & the matrix, but not the over all density of the composite, how can one go about finding the thermal expansion coefficient, alpha of the composite? I have Youngs modulus, density of each individual...
  45. Y

    Coefficient of kinetic friction forces

    Homework Statement Find the applied force for a object if the coefficient of kinetic friction equals 0.30 and the acceleration equals 5m/s^2. The applied force makes a 40 degree angle with the horizontal. The mass of the object is 10kg. Homework Equations Fnet=ma The Attempt at a...
  46. gfd43tg

    Damping Coefficient and Resonant Frequency of a 2nd order circuit

    Hello, I am having major confusion for how to find the damping coefficient, α, and the resonance frequency, ωo, for a second order circuit, in general. I know that there are tables for standard circuits like a series RLC and parallel RLC giving those values, but I am certain that I need to know...
  47. J

    Coefficient of static friction of a sliding block

    Homework Statement block is placed on a ramp at an angle of 39.4 and height of the ramp is 1.610m and the mass of the block is 8.54kg if coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.111 and the coefficient of static friction is 0.173 what is the speed of the block at the bottom of the ramp. if it...
  48. C

    Temperature Coefficient of Resistance of Two Wires in Series

    Homework Statement Two wires A and B are connected in series at 0oC and resistance of B is 3.5 times that of A. The resistance temperature coefficient of A is 0.04% and that of the combination is 0.1%. Find the resistance temperature coefficient of B. Homework Equations Rt=R0(1+α0t)...
  49. C

    Variable coefficient 2nd order DE

    Homework Statement This an example from Boyce+DiPrima's text on ODEs. Original problem is to solve 2t2y''+3ty'-y=0, given that y1=1/t is a solution. But I'm stuck at the part where I'm to solve 2tv''-v'=0, v being the second unknown solution. The Attempt at a Solution In the text...
  50. C

    Finding coefficient of kinetic friction

    Homework Statement A 100 N force directed 37° below the horizontal is applied to a 30 kg object on a horizontal surface. If the magnitude of the acceleration of the object is 1.3 m/s2, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) between the object and the surface? Homework Equations...