Coefficients Definition and 805 Threads

  1. R

    Calculating Sum of Binomial Coefficients in Terms of a and n

    Homework Statement If \sum^{n}_{r=0} \frac{1}{^{n}C_{r}} = a, then find the value of \sum^{n}_{r=0} \frac{r}{^{n}C_{r}} in terms of a and n.[/tex] The Attempt at a Solution I tried to write down the terms of both the series, but to no avail. i can't think of...
  2. R

    Binomial (Properties of Coefficients)

    Homework Statement \sum^{n}_{r=0} (2r+1) (^{n} C_{r})^{2} The Attempt at a Solution x(1+x^{2})^{n} If I differentiate this and put x=1; I will get the above series without the squares of the binomial coefficients.Will multiplying by (1+x)^{n} help now?
  3. V

    Diffusion coefficients of ions in water

    Please provide me Diffusion coefficients of following ions in water at different temparatures (25 deg celcius, 75, 125, 300 etc) 1. Fe2+ 2. H2O 3. Fe(OH)+ 4. Fe(OH)2(aq) 5. H+ 6. OH- 7. CO3-2 8. H2CO3 9. HCO3- 10. Na+ 11. Cl-...
  4. D

    Method of characteristics for linear PDE's (variable coefficients)

    I was going through an inroductory book on PDE's and at one point they proceed with little show of work. I have problem with equation -yu_x + xu_y = u . Characteristics for this equation are x_t = -y, y_t = x, u_t = u . So far it is clear, but now books states that solution of first...
  5. R

    Find Fourier Series Coefficients

    [b]1. Find Fourier Series Coefficient for a signal. (alternanate sawtooth pulse from t= -3 to 3 amplitude 1 on positivwe side and-1 on negative side. 3 pulse on positive side. 3 pulse on negative side. pulse width is 1.) as given in attachment file. [b]2. Compute the Fourier series...
  6. S

    PDE with functions for coefficients: f_v g_u + f_u g_v = 0

    I know the solution of f_v g_u - f_u g_v = 0 where f and g are functions of (u,v) and the subscripts _u and _v denote partial derivatives. The equation can be viewed as a PDE for the unknown g with coefficients given by the partial derivatives of the known f. The equation sets the...
  7. Y

    Polynomial equations whose coefficients are all matrices (was I shouldnot )

    polynomial equations whose coefficients are all matrices (was "I shouldnot") << post edited by berkeman to improve clarity >> That aside, I am looking for a free downloadable linear algebra book that will teach me about finding roots in polynomial equations whose coefficients are all...
  8. D

    Least-squares estimation of linear regression coefficients

    AFAIK, there are two basic type of linear regression: y=ax+b and y=a2 + bx + c But I have to do the same with the function y = asin(x)+bcos(x). Here is what I have done: We have: \begin{array}{l} \frac{{\partial L}}{{\partial a}} = 0 \frac{{\partial L}}{{\partial b}} = 0Continue...
  9. M

    Find the coefficients in the Fourier series

    Homework Statement The odd periodic function f(x) is defined by f(x) = -4-x for -4 <= x <= 0 and 4-x for 0 <= x <= 4 f(x + 8) = f(x) Sketch f(x) for -12 <= x <= 8 Find the coefficients in the Fourier series for the function defined by equation (1) and write out the series...
  10. S

    Partial sum of Fourier Coefficients

    Homework Statement f (x) = 0 -pi<x<0 x^2 0<x<pi Find the Fourier series and use it to show that (pi^2)/6=1+1/2^2+1/3^2+... Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I was able to find the Fourier series and my answer matched with the back of the...
  11. S

    Expressing Function Norm Using Fourier Coefficients

    Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to express the norm of a function in terms of Fourier coefficient. If so, how do you go through it if given a particular function. Thanks
  12. T

    The coefficients of a power series for natural log

    Homework Statement The function f(x) =ln(10 - x) is represented as a power series in the form f(x) = (sum from 0 to infinity) of c_{n}x^{n} Find the first few coefficients in the power series. The Attempt at a Solution I know how to find the coefficients in a normal looking...
  13. I

    Calculating clebsch gordan coefficients

    Homework Statement A particle of spin 1 and a particle of spin 2 are at rest in a configuration such that the total spin is three and its z component = 1. If you measured the z component of the ang mom of the spin 2 particle, what values might you get and what probabilities for each...
  14. D

    Finite Differences & Leading Coefficients Relation

    Homework Statement Determine the relation that exists between the nth finite difference and the leading coefficient. Homework Equations ... I'm not too sure how to html it up properly, but the numbers/"n"s following the "a"s are meant to be sub-script: f(x) = anx^n + an-1x^n-1 + ... + a2x^2 +...
  15. A

    How to figure in cascading coefficients of friction?

    I have a system that has several different sections which different coefficients of friction. Most rolling. The mechanics go in this order: motor, gearbox, pulleys & wire rope, and rollers that align a vertical door in a track. So I'm going to say my lubricated metal gearbox is ~0.01. My...
  16. B

    Undetermined coefficients help

    Hi, new here, I am looking for some help on this homework problem. pretty sure you need to separate yp into 2 parts? anyways, use method of undetermined coeff. to solve y" + y = x*cos(x) - cos(x) thanks.
  17. H

    (Methods)Parameters v Undetermined Coefficients

    [SOLVED] (Methods)Parameters v Undetermined Coefficients Can anyone tell me why I would use one technique over the other? It seems as though undetermined Coef. is much easier to do but I suppose that comes with limitations?
  18. S

    How are Clebsch-Gordan coefficients derived for the Delta(1232) particle?

    Homework Statement My textbook takes a look at the \Delta(1232) particle It says that \left|\pi p;\frac{3}{2},\frac{3}{2}\right>=\left|\pi;1,1\right>|N;\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right> where N stands for a nucleon and pi could be any of the three flavours of pion. They then go on by applying...
  19. M

    How Do Vander Waals Coefficients Influence the Critical Temperature of a Gas?

    Calculate critical temp. for a gas obeying vander waal eqn of state . Give a = .00874 atm (cm)^6 & b = .0023 (cm)^3 for 1 (cm)^3 of gas at STP . unit of a is N (m)^4 (mol)^-2 , how do i get this mol term ? (cm)^6 = (10)^-12 (m)^6 , pressure at STP is 1 atm = 1.013*(10)^5 N/m(sqr) ...
  20. S

    Diff Eq. - swapped coefficients help

    Homework Statement In an L-R-C circuit, L = 1, R = 2, C = 0.25, E(t) = 50 cos(t) Find the steady state solution Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution L \frac {di(t)}{dt} + R \frac {dq(t)}{dt} + \frac {q}{C} = 50cos(t) \frac {di(t)}{dt} + 2 \frac {dq(t)}{dt} + 4q...
  21. S

    Finding coefficients on a solved diff. equation

    Homework Statement Find the steady state solution: In an L-R-C circuit - L = 1, R = 2, C = 0.25, E(t) = 50cos(t) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution L \frac {di(t)}{dt} + R \frac {dq(t)}{dt} + \frac {q}{C} = 0 \frac {dq^2(t)}{dt^2} + 2 \frac {dq(t)}{dt} + \frac...
  22. B

    Is the Kinetic Friction Coefficient Consistent Across Different Modes of Motion?

    Hello, Here is my question: should the kinetic friction coefficient Fk be the same when the object with mass m is pulled with a constant velocity as the kinetic friction coefficient with the same mass m when it was pushed and released. The measurements in the second case were taken from the...
  23. T

    Solving for the Coefficients of a Polynomial with Given Roots?

    Homework Statement What should the coefficients a,b,c of the polinom P(x)=x^3+ax^2+bx+c be, so his roots x_1+x_2=x_3 ? Homework Equations P(x)=a_n(x-c_1)(x-c_2)...(x-c_n_-_1)(x-c_n) c_1+c_2+...+c_n= -\frac{a_n_-_1}{a_n} c_1c_2+c_2c_3+...+c_n_-_1c_n= \frac{a_n_-_2}{a_n}...
  24. D

    Calculating Damping Coefficient for Spring Mass System | Prototype Home Kit

    Hello. I'm designing a simple prototype home kit for visualising the effects of vibration on various systems. In this case i have a simple spring mass system in compression that will have responses measured by varying initial displacements. As it stands the system will be unforced, and...
  25. A

    Are drag coefficients negative?

    Homework Statement Find an equation describing a body in free-fall in air. This is not really homework. I'm in a differential equations class write now, and I have fun finding real world applications for such things. Homework Equations m\frac{d^{2}y}{dt^{2}} = B\frac{dy}{dt}-mg The Attempt...
  26. 1

    Interpreting the values of slope and intercept coefficients using the CLRM

    Hello there, I'm given the following population regression equation: PRICE(i) = β(0) + β(1)SQFT(i) + u(i) where the things in brackets are subscripts and SQFT represents the square footage. A sample of houses is then given with their cooresponding prices and square footage. I have solved...
  27. B

    Fourier Coefficients & Integrals: An Analysis

    Homework Statement 1. f is a function defined on the interval -a<x<a and has Fourier coefficients an=0 bn=1/n^(1/2) what can you say about the integral from -a to a of f^2(x)dx? 2. Show that as n goes to infinity the Fourier sine coefficients of the function f(x)=1/x -pi<x<pi tend to a...
  28. B

    Undetermined coefficients + initial value problem

    Homework Statement Find solution for y'' + y' -2y = 2x with initial values of y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1 Homework Equations I have found yc = c1*exp(-2x) + c2*exp(x), but finding yp is what I'm having trouble with... AND THEN I'm not so sure how to go about the initial value. The Attempt at...
  29. S

    Particular solution / undetermined coefficients

    Homework Statement tyʺ+yʹ=4t Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The problem that I am having with this problem is I've never been shown how to calculate the particular solution when there is an unknown (t) on the left hand side of the equation. If the problem were...
  30. P

    Solution: Prove Sum of Fourier Coefficients of a C2π Function is Finite

    [SOLVED] Fourier coefficients Homework Statement For f \in C^{2\pi}\cap C^1[-\pi,\pi] , I have to show that \sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}|c_n(f)| < \infty where c_n(f) is the Fourier coefficient of f; c_n(f) = (f, e_n) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} f(t)e^{-int}\,dt f \in...
  31. S

    Undetermined coefficients vs. Variation of Parameters

    Greetings, Regarding the two procedures: undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, can both procedures be used interchangeably - meaning they both solve (non-homogeneous linear equations)? Does one method work better in certain situations, if so which method is preferred when...
  32. R

    How to Determine Expansion Coefficients for a Wavepacket in a Periodic Box?

    I'm trying to get my head around the idea of expansion coefficients when describing a wavefunction as \Psi(\textbf{r}, t) = \sum a_{n}(t)\psi_{n}(\textbf{r}) As I understand it, the expansion coefficients are the a_{n} s which include a time dependence and also dictate the probability of...
  33. C

    Coefficients of static friction

    Can anyone tell me the coefficients of static friction for these material combinations? Or does anyone know where I might be able to find them. human skin - steel human skin - aluminum human skin - wood Thanks
  34. J

    Method of Undetermined Coefficients

    I am looking for the form of a solution for a second order ODE with right hand side: x (sin x + 2) I'm thinking the form would be (Ax + B) sin(x) + (Cx + D) cos(x) + Ex + F. Does this seem correct? Thanks for any help or suggestions!
  35. A

    Recursion relation for C-G coefficients

    From J.J. Zakurai page no.222-225: We know that Clebsch-Gordan coefficients vanish unless m=m1+m2. Then, (1) why is that the terms in recursion relation doesn't vanish? since m1+m2=m+1 or m1+m2=m-1 in eqn.(3.7.49). (2) why is again in the example shown in eqn.(3.7.54), m1+m2=m? I...
  36. R

    Discovering Coefficients of f(x)=5xarctan(3x) Power Series

    Homework Statement The function f(x)=5xarctan(3x) is represented as a power series. Find the first few coefficients in the power series. Homework Equations The power series is represented in the form sum(Cn*x^n) The Attempt at a Solution I've attempted to write the function as an...
  37. S

    Distance of functions and fourier coefficients

    There are two functions f(t) and g(t); t is the independent variable. The distance between the two functions will be given by [1/2pi integral{f(t)-g(t)}^2 dt]^1/2 between -pi and +pi. Apparently, this distance also is the Fourier coefficient of each term in the Fourier expansion of a...
  38. M

    CKM Matrix Coefficients: Same for All Interactions?

    Are the coefficients of the CKM matrix the same for all interactions? If yes, why does the CP violation occur only in very specific interactions and not in all of then? If no, why does the coupling between family quarks interaction dependent? Thanks
  39. P

    How do coefficients of capacitance relate to charging by induction?

    I have a question about coefficients of capacitance.. Specifically I'm reviewing the treatment on the subject in Chap 3.6 in Purcell's classic book on E&M. He starts out by considering a system of four conductors (actually 3 main conductors, and an "infinte" boundary condition surrounding...
  40. R

    Expansion/Compressibility Coefficients: Carnahan & Starling Model

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Using the Carnahan and Starling equation, estimate the coefficient of volumetric expansion, α, and the coefficient of compressibility, β, defined as α ≡ 1/V * (δV/δT) [holding P constant] and β ≡ -1/V * (δV/δP) [holding T constant] (I've used δ...
  41. O

    Constraints on metric coefficients in General Relativity (GR)

    My understanding is that in GR the way in which the components of the metric tensor can vary from location to location in spacetime is determined or constrained by a number of factors: (1) the choice of coordinates (a mathematical constraint); (2) the distribution of mass/energy (a physical...
  42. S

    Give the ranks of both the matrix of coefficients and the augmented

    Hey! I was looking at some problems since I have a mid term tomorrow and don't get how to do this one perhaps someone can help! I don't know if I am doing this right but i went backwards and found the vector equation to look...
  43. H

    Diverse Ion effect and Activity coefficients problem

    The question: How many grams of Ba(IO3)2 can be dissolved in 700mL of a 0.100M KIO3 solution at 25C? use activity coefficients for this. (Ksp of Ba(IO3)2 =1.57E-9) my answer: I used this equation: Ksp = (concentration) * (activity coefficient) well i found out that my ionic strength...
  44. M

    Undetermined coefficients to find general solution to system

    Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with a problem here. The question is: Use the Method of undetermined coefficients to Find the general solution to th system: dx/dt = y + e^t dy/dt = -2x + 3y + 1 I've got the homogenous solution fine, however I'm having a bit of difficulty with the...
  45. C

    Help with universal theorem of coefficients for homology

    *note before reading: pretend that the superscripts are really subscripts, for some reason , Latex is making the subscripts into superscripts* I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the universal coefficient theorem for homology correctly. Let's say I have a Homology group H(X;Z). This is a...
  46. E

    Virial coefficients of the ideal gas equation.

    Homework Statement Even at low density, real gases don't quite obey the ideal gas law. A systematic way to account for deviations from ideal behavior is the virial expansion. Just working with the first order virial expansion we have: PV=nRT(1 + B(T)/(V/n)) B(T) is a virial coefficient. A...
  47. M

    Coefficients of kinetic friction, help PLEASE

    Here is the problem: A hockey puck is hit on a frozen lake and starts moving with a speed of 13.0 m/s. Five seconds later, its speed is 5.20 m/s. (a) What is its average acceleration? I used the kinematic equation V=Vo+at to find the accerlation which came out to be -1.56 m/s^2...
  48. V

    Getting Stuck on Bends Coefficients - Math Equation Help Needed

    hi, I've been searching around the site and found it pretty useful but I'm having a pretty tough time with a few questions i have its pretty much the same as This but the coefficient values are different, the problem I'm having is with the coefficients for the bends, could someone please...
  49. D

    Fourier Coefficients: A_n & B_n Explained

    A function f(t) can be represented by the expansion f(t) = \frac{1}{2}A_{0} + A_{1}cos(\omega t) + A_{2}cos(2 \omega t) + A_{3}cos(3 \omega t) + ... B_{1}sin(\omega t) + B_{2}sin(2 \omega t) + B_{3}sin(3 \omega t) + ... Do the constants A_{n} and B_{n} the same thing as the real and...