Coefficients Definition and 805 Threads

  1. E

    Aerodynamic coefficients of non slender cylindrical body

    hello, I am trying to calculate the location of the center of pressure for a non slender cylinder with a cone shapes nose. Referencing the internet and notes from a aerodynamics course, all the methods are for slender bodies. unfortunately, my body is not slender. I am reluctant to go to CFD...
  2. A

    Calculation of absorption coefficients of gases at moderate temperatures

    Hello chaps, I'm trying to calculate absorption coefficients of gases at moderate temperatures ie ranges in which diatomic gases (such as N2 orO2) are partially disassociated or ionised, therefore including molecular bands as well as continuum. Can anyone recommend some suitable reading...
  3. H

    Transmission line secondary coefficients

    Homework Statement A transmission line has the primary coefficients R= 2 ohm/m, L=8 nH/m, G= 0.5 mS/m and C= 0.23 pF/m. Determine the lines secondary coefficients Zo, α and β at a frequency of 1 GHz. Homework Equations ω= 2 π f See uploaded formulas document The Attempt at a Solution I'm not...
  4. M

    Shomate coefficients for n-octane

    Hello! I've been looking for coefficients to use with the Shomate equation for n-octane (C8H18), but I have been unable to find any. The NIST Webbook lists some gas phase thermochemistry data: but it omits the Shomate...
  5. W

    How Do You Calculate Total Spin Using Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients?

    Homework Statement [/B] Homework Equations–Gordan_coefficients I don't know how to calculate tensors though.. The Attempt at a Solution OK so how do I even proceed? All I know about Clebsch-Gordon coefficients is that you can use them to calculate...
  6. B

    Finding coefficients of superposition of states

    I have some troubles in finding coefficients of superposition of states. I have 2 particles, their spins are s1=3/2 and s2=1/2. At t=0, the system is described by |a(0)>=|3/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2> I have to find |a(t)>. I have thought to proceed in the following way: 1) use the basis |s, s_z>...
  7. Q

    MHB Finding unknown coefficients to give a unique solution in a linear system

    Hi can someone please explain how to do this question: Given two equations; x-ay= 1 ax-4y=b For which values of a does each system have a unique solution, and for which pairs of values (a,b) does each system have more than one solution? All help is greatly appreciated
  8. kostoglotov

    Trial solution, undetermined coefficients, 2nd order non-homogeneous equation

    Homework Statement Write a trial solution for the method of undetermined coefficients. Do not determine the coefficients. For: y'' + 2y' + 10y = x^2e^{-x}\cos{3x} There's a modification performed and I'm not 100% confident as to why. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The...
  9. B

    Analyzing the coefficients of the quadratic equation

    Is possible classify the quadric equation Axx + Bxy + Cyx + Dyy + Ex + Fy + G = 0 how straight, hyperbola, circle, ellipse, parabola, etc, in the same way that is did in the phase plan:
  10. kq6up

    Coefficients of a Superposition of State Vectors?

    Homework Statement (f) At t = 0, a particle of mass m trapped in an infinite square well of width L is in a superposition of the first excited state and the fifth excited state, ψs(x, 0) = A (3φ1(x) − 2iφ5(x)) , where the φn(x) are correctly-normalized energy eigenstates with energies En. Which...
  11. D

    Looking for extended coefficients of Antoine Equation

    Hi, As the thread topic suggests, I am looking for a database, or anything really, with lists of the extended Antoine Coefficients. Essentially but for D,E, and F. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
  12. Destroxia

    Undetermined Coefficients, Differential Equations

    Homework Statement y'' + y =3*sin(2t) +t*cos(2t) Okay, so I have found the complimentary solution, and the first partial solution as listed in my work below. My problem is the work on the second partial solution. I have got all the derivatives plugged into the differential equation, my...
  13. M

    MHB How can we find the coefficients?

    Hey! :o We have the initial value problem $$u'(t)=Au(t) \ \ , \ \ 0 \leq t \leq T \\ u(0)=u^0 \\ u \in \mathbb{R}^m$$ A is a $m \times m$ matrix The eigenvalues of $A$ are $\lambda_j$ and the corresponding eigenvectors are $\phi^{(j)}$. The general solution of initial value problem is...
  14. S

    Coefficients of wave function of a hybrid orbital

    Assuming the 2s and 2p wavefunctions are normalized, determine the coefficients in the hybrid orbital: Ψ(sp3) = aΨ(2s) + aΨ(2px) + aΨ(2py) + aΨ(2pz) (the other 3 hybrids have – signs for some of the coefficients. I have no clue where to start. I know this is a tetrahedral hybrid orbital but...
  15. H

    Friction and Couples: Understanding Coefficients

    Homework Statement Usually in any question will the magnitude of the couple(friction) be given or is it possible to find the couple from the co efficient of friction between the rotating object and the axis ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  16. P

    Prove the binomial coefficients are (-1)^n

    Homework Statement Show that the binomial coefficients ## \binom {-1}{n}=(-1)^n## Homework Equations ##\binom{n}{k}=\frac{n!}{(n-k)!k!} \\ ## The Attempt at a Solution ##-1!=(-1)\cdot 1! \\ -1!=-1 \\ -2!=(-1)^2 \cdot 2! \\ -n!=(-1)^n \cdot n!\\ \mbox{for n=0} \\...
  17. rude man

    Insights Misconceiving Mutual Inductance Coefficients - Comments

    rude man submitted a new PF Insights post Misconceiving Mutual Inductance Coefficients Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  18. AdityaDev

    Summation with binomial coefficients question

    Homework Statement ##\sum\limits_{r=0}^n\frac{1}{^nC_r}=a##. Then find the value of $$\sum\sum\limits_{0\le i<j\le n}(\frac{i}{^nC_i}+\frac{j}{^nC_j})$$ Homework Equations I have used two equations which I derived myself. This is the first one. The second one is: 3. The Attempt at a...
  19. S

    MHB Using the Method of Undetermined Coefficients to find a particular solution

    Note that the general solution to $y'' - y = 0$ is $y_h = C_1e^t + C_2e^{-t}$ In the following, use the Method of Undetermined Coefficients to find a particular solution. a)$y'' - y = t^2$ So here is what I have so far $y_p = At^2 + Bt + C$ $(y_p)'' = 2A$ Ive got $A = -1, B = 0 , C = 0$ so...
  20. N

    Interpreting Seidel Aberration coefficients

    I am trying to model a simple system, but the ray-tracing does not seem to be consistent with the analysis of the system in terms of Seidel aberration values. Here's the system layout: When the system contains only the Eye model and the OL lens, it can be referred from the Seidel diagram that...
  21. Primroses

    Why are invariant tensors also Clebsch-Gordan coefficients?

    On one hand, in reading Georgi's book in group theory, I comprehend the invariant tensor as a special "tensor", which is unchanged under the action of any generators. On the other hand, CG decomposition is to decompose the product of two irreps into different irreps. Now it is claimed that...
  22. I

    How was this equation simplified? (Fourier coefficients)

    Homework Statement Solution:[/B] Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution How did they get that solution for the Fourier coefficient? When I evaluate the integral I can only seem to get it to: (1/-jk2π)[2*exp(-jkπt)-exp(-jk2πt)-1]
  23. N

    Factoring equation with real coefficients

    Homework Statement Find the roots of z^4+4=0 and use that to factor the expression into quadratic factors with real coefficients. Homework Equations DeMoivre's formula. The Attempt at a Solution I have been able to identify they are \pm 1 \pm i but i have no idea how to factor the...
  24. J

    MHB Interpreting regression coefficients

    Hi Guys! I'm new here so I apologise if I'm posting in the wrong area but this looks right to me. So with my (very) limited knowledge of statistics I am trying to interpret my fixed effect regressions. My question is really simple to ensure that I correctly state what is going on with my...
  25. \Theta

    Finding the Fourier Coefficients for mechanics homework

    Homework Statement Find the Fourier Coefficients for the triangular wave equation shown in this picture: Homework Equations ##f(t)= a_0 + \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_{n}cos(n{\omega}t) + \sum_{n=1}^\infty b_{n}sin(n{\omega}t)## ##a_0 = \frac{1}{\tau}\int_{-\tau/2}^{\tau/2} f(t) \, dt## ## \omega =...
  26. Y

    Series with binomial coefficients

    Hi all, I have an apparently simple equation. I copy here its Mathematica code: Sum[(p/(1 - p))^s*(q/(1 - q))^s*Binomial[n, s]*(Binomial[m - 1, s]*(p*q*(m + n) + (2*m - 1)*(-p - q + 1))), {s, 0, n}] == Sum[(p/(1 - p))^s*(q/(1 - q))^s*Binomial[n, s]*((-(-p - q + 1))*Binomial[m - 2, s] +...
  27. M

    Coefficients on the p-adic expansions

    So a p-adic expansion of a rational number was presented to me as an analogue of a Laurent-series expansion and defined as: $$\sum\limits_{n=-{\infty}}^{\infty}a_np^n$$ Can you find the coefficients for these the same way you would for a Laurent series? I've not gotten to that part of this...
  28. T

    Cos^2+Sin^2 = 1 even with coefficients?

    I have a problem that works out to this s, but with a coefficient, what do I do with it from this point?
  29. M

    Electron Clebsch-Gordon coefficients

    Homework Statement The state of an electron is, |Psi> =a|l =2, m=0> ⊗ |up> + Psi =a|l =2, m=1> ⊗ |down>, a and b are constants with |a|2 + |b|2 = 1 choose a and b such that |Psi> is an eigenstate of the following operators: L2, S2, J2 and Jz. The attempt at a solution I am really not sure...
  30. ElijahRockers

    Fourier series coefficients: proof by induction

    Homework Statement Given f = a0 + sum(ancos(nx) + bnsin(nx)) and f' = a0' + sum(an'cos(nx) + bn'sin(nx)) The sums are over all positive integers up to n. show that a0' = 0, an' = nbn, bn' = -nan Then prove a similar formula for the coefficients of f(k) using induction. Homework EquationsThe...
  31. C

    Method of undetermined coefficients

    Hi all, I have a quick question. I was taught this, but wasn't explained to at all why it is the case. So let's say I have a differential equation with constant coefficients i.e. y'' - 4y' + 4y = e^2x And the general solution to its associated homogeneous equation is Ae^2x + Bxe^2x [A &...
  32. N

    Coefficients in wave function for potential step

    Edit: I forgot to add the picture, and I'm having trouble adding it from Tapatalk. I'll add it soon. I'm trying to understand the derivation in my textbook of the wave function for a potential step. The derivation reaches the step shown in the attached photo, which I am fine with. However, the...
  33. moriheru

    Fourier coefficients in string theory

    If a function f'(u) has Fourier coefficients anμ and bnμ, by integration one can make new coefficients Anμ ,Bnμ which include constants of integration. My question how can I verify that : Anμcos nτ + Bnμ sin nτ= -i/2 ((Bnμ) -Anμi) einτ- (Bnμ-iAnμ) e-inτ I assume this is the complex form of...
  34. anemone

    MHB Challenge for Polynomial with Complex Coefficients

    Let $ax^2+bx+c$ be a quadratic polynomial with complex coefficients such that $a$ and $b$ are non-zero. Prove that the roots of this quadratic polynomial lie in the region $|x|\le\left|\dfrac{b}{a}\right|+\left|\dfrac{c}{b}\right|$.
  35. T

    MHB How to calculate binomial (n choose k) coefficients when exponent is negative?

    I'm using Pascal's (n choose k) method for calculating the coefficients of the terms of a binomial expansion. However, if the exponent is a negative integer, how can one use this method, seeing as factorials for negative integers are undefined. For example, how could one determine the...
  36. F

    Ballistic Coefficients vs Drag Coefficients

    So, I'm currently writing a mathematical analysis of a bullet with a muzzle velocity of 790 m/s. I have found that the standard equation for drag force... Fd = 1/2 * ρ * v2 * Cd * A does not work because the drag coefficient for a bullet (.295) does not account for supersonic speeds. What I...
  37. D

    High order differential equations: undetermined coefficients

    Homework Statement If the method of undetermined coefficients is used to find a particular solution yp (t) to the differential equation y'''-y'=te^(-t)+2cos(t) should have the form: ?Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution LHS r^3-r=0 roots= 0, 1 y_c(t)=c_1e^tRHS te^(-t)+2cos(t)...
  38. D

    2nd order differential equation: undetermined coefficients

    Homework Statement y''-y=t-4e^(-t)Homework Equations method of undetermined coefficients The Attempt at a Solution solving for characteristic equation first y''-y=0 r^2-1=0 c_1e^(-t)+c_2e^(t) RHS particular solution t-4e^(-t) y_p(t)= At+B+Ce^(-t) y_pt'(t)=A-Ce^(-t) y_p''(t)=Ce^(-t)...
  39. R

    Expansion coefficients of a wave packet

    Homework Statement What are the expansion coefficients of a wavepacket \Psi (x) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{L}}sin \frac{\pi x}{L} in the basis Ψn(x) of a particle in a periodic box of size L? Homework Equations \Psi (r,t) = {\sum_{n}^{}} a_{n}(t) \Psi _{n}(r) The Attempt at a Solution \left \langle...
  40. C

    Solving an ODE with variable coefficients

    Homework Statement Solve the following: [/B] y'' = c2 / (x2 + c1*x) * y c1, c2 are constants, x is variableHomework Equations As above The Attempt at a Solution I have used the method of Frobenius and regular power series and obtained an infinite series on top of an infinite series, which is...
  41. T

    Heat Transfer question, estimation of coefficients

    Hi, I've recently been given a series of questions on heat transfer to do and have done most of them with general ease, but this one question I've been stuck on for ages and i can't seem to figure out: "A double pipe heat exchanger is made up from a length of 25mm i.d. steel pipe of 2.5mm...
  42. DavideGenoa

    Identical Fourier coefficients of continuous ##f,\varphi\Rightarrow f=\varphi##

    Hi, friends! Let ##f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{C}## be an periodic function and let its derivative be Lebesgue square-integrable ##f'\in L^2[a,b]##. I have read a proof (p. 413 here) by Kolmogorov and Fomin of the fact that its Fourier series uniformly converges to a...
  43. C

    Systems of Differential Eq (Undetermined Coefficients)

    Hello guys, I need help solving this problem. Find the particular solution using method of undetermined coefficients: X'=AX + F(t) A= [4 ,1/3] <-- 1st row [9 , 6] <-- 2nd row F(t) = [-e^t,e^t] The complementary function is Xc=c1[1,3]e^(3t) + c2[1,9]e^(7t) Any help would be...
  44. M

    Simplifying Integrals with Coefficients

    For the question attached in the file, how exactly does one go about finding a solution? Problem 28 says that if n does not equal m, then ## \int_{-1} ^{1} {P_n}{P_m} = 0 ## With that statement, I've tried treating this as a Taylor series (centred at 0, arbitrarily) and then trying to find a...
  45. K

    What is my guess for a polynomial solution with a negative highest power?

    Hi there, I know that when I am to guess a solution to to a polynomial for g(t) that I guess Ax^n + Bx^n-1... when the highest power of the polynomial is n but what is my guess supposed to be if the power of n is negative? ex. y'' + 4y' + 4y = t^-2*e^(-2t) so far my guess is, A*e^(-2t)(B*?...)
  46. P

    Frictional Forces -- Skier trying 2 different skis on a gentle slope

    1. A magazine reports that a new type of plastic ski is even more water repellent and that, on a gentle 203-m slope in the Alps, a skier reduced his time from 61 to 42 s with the new skis. Assuming a 3.0 degree slope, compute the coefficient of kinetic friction for each case. I am having...
  47. S

    Determining maximum coefficients of friction

    Homework Statement A block of weight 20 N (m = 2 kg) sits on an plane inclined at 37°. g = 10 m/s2 (for simplicity). a) Calculate the value of the weight components. b) Calculate the acceleration assuming no friction. c) Calculate the acceleration assuming μk = 0.125. d) What value of μk is...
  48. _N3WTON_

    Method of Undetermined Coefficients

    Homework Statement Find the general solution by finding the homogeneous solution and a particular solution. y'' + 4y' = x Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution First, I found the corresponding solution to the homogeneous differential equation: y'' + 4y' = 0 r^{2} + 4r = 0 r_1 = 0...
  49. N

    Rolling Friction of Bicycle Tires

    Homework Statement Two bicycle tires are set rolling with the same initial speed of 3.30m/s along a long, straight road, and the distance each travels before its speed is reduced by half is measured. One tire is inflated to a pressure of 40 psi and goes a distance of 17.3m ; the other is at 105...
  50. P

    Exploring Equilibrium Constants & Kinetics: A Closer Look

    Consider the following generic equilibrium: aM + bN ⇌ cO + dP An equilibrium constant, K, can be defined as: $$K = \frac{[O]^c [P]^d}{[M]^a [N]^b}$$ But couldn't we also define another equilibrium constant similarly with coefficients that are in the same ratio as our original equation? For...