What is Color: Definition and 503 Discussions

Color (North American English), or colour (Commonwealth English), is the characteristic of visual perception described through color categories, with names such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple. This perception of color derives from the stimulation of photoreceptor cells (in particular cone cells in the human eye and other vertebrate eyes) by electromagnetic radiation (in the visible spectrum in the case of humans). Color categories and physical specifications of color are associated with objects through the wavelengths of the light that is reflected from them and their intensities. This reflection is governed by the object's physical properties such as light absorption, emission spectra, etc.
By defining a color space, colors can be identified numerically by coordinates, which in 1931 were also named in global agreement with internationally agreed color names like mentioned above (red, orange, etc.) by the International Commission on Illumination. The RGB color space for instance is a color space corresponding to human trichromacy and to the three cone cell types that respond to three bands of light: long wavelengths, peaking near 564–580 nm (red); medium-wavelength, peaking near 534–545 nm (green); and short-wavelength light, near 420–440 nm (blue). There may also be more than three color dimensions in other color spaces, such as in the CMYK color model, wherein one of the dimensions relates to a color's colorfulness).
The photo-receptivity of the "eyes" of other species also varies considerably from that of humans and so results in correspondingly different color perceptions that cannot readily be compared to one another. Honey bees and bumblebees have trichromatic color vision sensitive to ultraviolet but insensitive to red. Papilio butterflies possess six types of photoreceptors and may have pentachromatic vision. The most complex color vision system in the animal kingdom has been found in stomatopods (such as the mantis shrimp) with up to 12 spectral receptor types thought to work as multiple dichromatic units.The science of color is sometimes called chromatics, colorimetry, or simply color science. It includes the study of the perception of color by the human eye and brain, the origin of color in materials, color theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (that is, what is commonly referred to simply as light).

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  1. M

    B Color Confinement in Dense Regions?

    Is the phenomenon of color confinement thought to persist in spatial regions of extreme density, such as the cores and regions surrounding massive stars during supernova, the accretion disks around active galactic nuclei, neutron stars, magnetars, and dense regions of space shortly after the big...
  2. chwala

    What is the color of chromium Cr##^{3+}##?

    kindly clarify on the color of chromium ##cr^{3+}##. Is it green or grey-green? There is a conflict in my textbook i.e Roger Norris IGCSE Chemistry and the cie syllabus content 2019. regards,
  3. berkeman

    Having trouble updating Button color in Tcl/Tk -- UPDATE: Figured it Out

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  4. BillTre

    A Different View of Color Vision Development

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  6. F

    I Quark flavor and color independent?

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  7. Ryan Walsh

    Question about metallic ions and a molecule

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  8. S

    Details of color video vs monochrome

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  9. E

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  10. Jackie1

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  11. M

    Mathematica Manipulating a Surface and Color Contours

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  12. A

    Python How to get pixel value from a color map?

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  13. prashantakerkar

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  14. FactChecker

    B Lightning Flash Intensity & Color Shift for Moving Train Observers

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  15. nivamani Rajbongshi

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  16. R

    Difference between color / temperature?

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  17. V

    B Planck's Law, Color & Sun: Can We See It Greener?

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  18. J

    How to calculate color temperature?

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  19. W

    How to treat quark color pairs mathematically

    I am trying to work through a problem in the textbook "Particle Physics in a Nutshell." However, I am realizing how little I actually understand about working through problems involving quark color pairs. Given in the problem is the meson color singlet 1/\sqrt{3}(r\bar{r}+g\bar{g}+b\bar{b})...
  20. P

    I How is color added to Hubble images?

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  21. M

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  22. R

    Composition of Light: Questions & Answers

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  23. X

    Does anyone know how to measure the color of a Post-It note?

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  24. J

    I Question about subtractive color mixing

    Hello, When reading a bit about substractive color mixing, a question came up. I understood that when mixing Cyan, Magenta and Yellow paint, you would get black because all these 3 colors that get reflected by each corresponding paint are absorbed by the other paint in the mix, leaving no...
  25. V

    Mathematica Color by Wavelength in Wolfram Mathematica: Easy Guide & Tips

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  26. V

    Where does the gene for green color come from?

    I was studying evolution and speciation and an example was given in my textbook. It said that there is a species of red beetles and through variation a green beetle is formed and then is naturally selected as red beetles are easily seen by crows and green are not. My question is where does the...
  27. nmsurobert

    I Star spectra and star color relation

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  28. S

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  29. nmsurobert

    I Why is the Sun Yellow/Orange and Not White?

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  30. R

    I Processes that determine the color of fire

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  31. E

    I Solar cooker pots -- Does their color matter?

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  32. Const@ntine

    Barrier of Diffraction: Different Wavelengths, Same Color?

    Hey there! We started Lab III last week, but things are a bit... strange. See, those exercises were written back in the early 1900s,and so they ask us to read from a book that was published around 1890 or so. Naturally, the library has only one copy, and it's open for 2hours per week, so it's...
  33. S

    What causes color change in powders during XRD testing?

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  34. Spinnor

    I Electric and Color charge in String Theory

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  35. Daniel Petka

    Can violet lasers trick our eyes into seeing white?

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  36. J

    Optics: What is the color of the object as seen from under water?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] Since wavelength of light reduces on entering water , then the wavelength of light entering the eyes of diver is less than the wavelength of green light . Out of the given options , option B) i.e blue color is the only one...
  37. kelvin490

    MATLAB Matlab -- how to make a smooth contour plot?

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  38. N

    Bulbs that only emit long IR (>1200nm) or 1000K color temp.

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  39. Graeme M

    Exploring the Nature of Light and Color

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  40. Chatterton

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  41. DaTario

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  42. B

    Mechanism behind solution color change due to pH change

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  43. P

    I Color Theory Equations: Additive Color Mixing & Analytical Luminosity

    Hey guys I figured out something new about color theory in additive color mixing. So, the primary colors in additive color mixing are R, G, and B (Red, Green, and Blue). The secondary colors are C, M, Y (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow). Using basic knowledge we know that R + G = Y R + B = M G + B = C...

    B Electron Color & Wavelengths: Why Dependency?

    I have read that color of light perceived by us depend on its wavelength since light is wave and also electron has wave like character that means electron has wavelength .Does that mean that electron has a color associated with it . I think its not but why .also I'm not able to understand...
  45. L

    Why Do Fe(II) Complexes Exhibit Unexpected Colors?

    There is something that I am not understanding about the visible colors of coordination complexes. I did a lab where I prepared [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2 from FeBr2. Fe(NH2trz)3 was a violet color and FeBr2 was red. My understanding of colors in coordination complexes is that reds are high energy...
  46. E

    Why does magnesium carbonate have no flame color?

    I've read that magnesium traditionally has a bright white flame. When I performed a flame test on magnesium carbonate in lab, there was no color change to the flame. Why is this?
  47. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Java Problem with Java Color (setBackground(Color))

    Everywhere I read, I see I want this.getContentPane.setBackground(Color); This doesn't work for me. It didn't on the last project either, and I just let it slide thinking I'd figure it out. Now here I am, same problem. Any help would be appreciated. Notes: You might get some "errors". Just...
  48. E

    Difference in hues between eyes

    Recently I have become curious of a difference between then colors I see with my left and right eye. After reading a bit about people with a similar experience I have found a pattern, almost every story I have read it seems that the right eye sees deeper colors such as red better and the left...
  49. Eric Putney

    I Can a (uuu) baryon exist? If so, why wouldn't protons decay

    Is this some sort of issue with color or another quantity that needs to be conserved?
  50. Tom MS

    B Color Dependence of Angular Resolution

    Since, under rayleigh's criterion, the angular resolution is dependent on the wavelength of light, wouldn't blue light be more sharply focused by our eyes?