What is Color: Definition and 503 Discussions

Color (North American English), or colour (Commonwealth English), is the characteristic of visual perception described through color categories, with names such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple. This perception of color derives from the stimulation of photoreceptor cells (in particular cone cells in the human eye and other vertebrate eyes) by electromagnetic radiation (in the visible spectrum in the case of humans). Color categories and physical specifications of color are associated with objects through the wavelengths of the light that is reflected from them and their intensities. This reflection is governed by the object's physical properties such as light absorption, emission spectra, etc.
By defining a color space, colors can be identified numerically by coordinates, which in 1931 were also named in global agreement with internationally agreed color names like mentioned above (red, orange, etc.) by the International Commission on Illumination. The RGB color space for instance is a color space corresponding to human trichromacy and to the three cone cell types that respond to three bands of light: long wavelengths, peaking near 564–580 nm (red); medium-wavelength, peaking near 534–545 nm (green); and short-wavelength light, near 420–440 nm (blue). There may also be more than three color dimensions in other color spaces, such as in the CMYK color model, wherein one of the dimensions relates to a color's colorfulness).
The photo-receptivity of the "eyes" of other species also varies considerably from that of humans and so results in correspondingly different color perceptions that cannot readily be compared to one another. Honey bees and bumblebees have trichromatic color vision sensitive to ultraviolet but insensitive to red. Papilio butterflies possess six types of photoreceptors and may have pentachromatic vision. The most complex color vision system in the animal kingdom has been found in stomatopods (such as the mantis shrimp) with up to 12 spectral receptor types thought to work as multiple dichromatic units.The science of color is sometimes called chromatics, colorimetry, or simply color science. It includes the study of the perception of color by the human eye and brain, the origin of color in materials, color theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (that is, what is commonly referred to simply as light).

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  1. A

    B What Color Are Asteroids? Classification and Composition Explained

    Hi all, This is such a simple question that seems that it is very hard to find an answer to. What color are the asteroids (or major groups of asteroids)? I'm not talking about spectral colors, but actual colors I would see of the rocks that make up the asteroids if they were here on Earth. I...
  2. martinbandung

    Mixing Light Colors: Is There a Theory?

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  3. kelvin490

    MATLAB How to make 2D plot of points with different colors?

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  4. W

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  7. J

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  8. J

    B Explaining the Color Variations of Main Sequence Stars

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  9. Remixex

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  10. A

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  11. pixel

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  12. Artlav

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  13. C

    B Are colors in astro photos 'real'?

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  14. Ontophobe

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  15. F

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  16. W

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  17. A

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  18. F

    Blue Fluorescence and blue color

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  19. kelvin490

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  20. A

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  22. Stella.Physics

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  23. baxishta

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  24. kelvin490

    MATLAB How to use a suitable color bar?

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  25. Anand Sivaram

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  26. M

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  27. A

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    It is a matter of fact that the perception of the yellow color occurs when the red and green sensitive-cones in human eyes are stimulated. I am interested to know whether this perception of the yellow color at the level of the brain happens instantaneously once the relevant parts of the brain...
  28. Anithadhruvbud

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  29. L

    How does a banana change the color of light?

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  30. B

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  31. H

    Light's Color Change in Different Media

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  32. SlowThinker

    Color of light in the Light Clock

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  33. Sterling Lutes

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  34. Demystifier

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  35. K

    Why orange color is visible with blue LED?

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  36. A

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  37. S

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  38. A

    Can some bright spark help me? Colour of Light vs Time

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  39. Jarvis323

    Optimal Color Mapping for Electric Field Visualization?

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  40. wolram

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  41. BiGyElLoWhAt

    On a scale of 1 to String, how speculative is this?

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  42. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Exploring Electric and Color Charge: What Do We Know?

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  43. T

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  44. A

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  45. E

    Color Kinematics Duality and Asymptotic Safety

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  46. Safinaz

    Color factors of color -- octet scalars

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  47. Safinaz

    Understanding Color Factors in Feynman Diagrams

    Hi there, In paper as : http://authors.library.caltech.edu/8947/1/GREprd07.pdf I don't understand the colour factor associated with two gluons and single octet scalar as the first Feynman diagram in fig. 3 ? In eq. 27, this colour factor is given by ## (d^{abc})^2 ## .. so, how did this come...
  48. EvilScientist

    Can You Pass the Online Color Vision Test?

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  49. N

    Can Color Singlets Be Formed for Baryons and Mesons?

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  50. A

    Calculate Heat Produced by 12V 50W Halogen Lamp

    hello there, i hope you can help me.. i have a halogen lamp 12V 50watt, in this lamp datasheet, i read there is 1200 cd (MAX). is there any way to know how much the heat that lamp produces? without i testing using thermometer ..